The Praetorian Guard
Recent papers in The Praetorian Guard
В настоящей статье был рассмотрен статус и деятельность преторианской гвардии от убийства Домициана в 96 г. и до возвращения Траяна в Рим в 98 г. Префекты претория участвовали в заговоре против Домициана. Мятеж преторианцев осенью 97 г.... more
Статья посвящена участию императорских подразделений в войнах II в. н. э. С конца I в. н. э. телохранители императора стали играть все большую роль во внешних войнах, которые вела Римская империя. В походах Домициана 80-х годов I в. н. э.... more
Quali istituzioni politiche hanno accompagnato - e in parte determinato - la straordinaria vicenda storica di Roma antica? Cosa conosciamo del loro funzionamento e della loro evoluzione? Quali sono stati i principali interrogativi della... more
Publius Helvius Pertinax (126-193 CE) was Roman emperor in the early months of 193, following the murder of Commodus. While feted by the senatorial order, he struggled to win the loyalty of other political constituencies within the Roman... more
In Roman history, the Praetorian Guard is often described as a seditious and selfish force, one that often killed the very men they were sworn to protect. Edward Gibbon noted that the guard was a symptom and cause of the decline of Rome,... more
The article presented herein is a translation of an article published in “Klio. Journal of Polish and World History” 2012, vol. 20, pp. 3–44, therefore it does not include the literature published later (apart from references to new... more
The historiographical sources about the relationship between Antoni- nus and the Praetorian Guard are not too lacking and not too far from the events narrated. Actually, as always happens proceeding with the research, it is possible to... more
Roma. En la residencia palatina, el soberano del más grande imperio occidental ni siquiera se permite pasear por sus jardines sin ser vigilado. El poder genera ambición por ocuparlo, y no había mayor poder en la Antigüedad que el... more
A lo largo de sus tres siglos de historia en la época imperial romana, la función principal de la Guardia Pretoriana fue la protección de la figura del emperador allí donde este se encontrara, ya fuera actuando permanentemente como su... more
L’étude de l’intégration des soldats originaires de Gallia Belgica au sein de l’Vrbs est abordée sur base des ressources épigraphiques. L’article propose l’édition, la traduction française et l’analyse des inscriptions des six soldats... more
The Roman army between the Alps and the Adriatic Recenzenta / Reviewed by Mitja Guštin, Irena Lazar Tehnična ureditev / Technical Editors Primož Pavlin, Mateja Belak Oblikovanje ovitka / Front cover design Tamara Korošec Priprava... more
The Praetorians of popular imagination were the brutal self-serving ‘power behind the throne’ in ancient Rome, ruthlessly efficient in supporting their emperor, but quick to change their allegiance. Their status as a highly-paid corps... more
This paper is concerned principally with two questions: first, the numerical strength of the praetorian cohorts in the second and third centuries and, second, the length of service for guardsmen in the third century. The first question... more
F ROM the moment of its first publication in 19031 the career inscription of C. Velius Rufus has been the subject of a great deal of attention and scholarly debate.2 Why this should have been so is clear enough: the text records the... more
The article describes the military and civil functions performed in Italy by the soldiers of the praetorian fleet of Ravenna in addition to the praetorian and urban cohorts. During the early empire both seamen and praetorians were... more
Artykuł został poświęcony emblematowi gwardii pretoriańskiej.
В статье рассматривается проблема использования преторианцами так называемого псевдо-аттического шлема в I – II вв. В результате анализа изобразительных источников и археологических свидетельств нами был сделан вывод о том, что... more
Lo studio si propone di analizzare la presenza e il ruolo di soldati e veterani delle milizie urbane nelle società di Pannonia, Mesia e Dacia. L'indagine verrà condotta principalmente sulle epigrafi di pretoriani, urbaniciani ed equites... more
Documento che si propone di indagare i più importanti incarichi della prefettura del pretorio tra la fine del II e la prima metà del III secolo. Questo lavoro nasce come estensione e revisione del paragrafo IV.II – I compiti della... more
Training and discipline are the most important aspects of military life and the keys to the success of any army, ancient or contemporary. This paper aims to provide a better understanding of the processes that took place within Castra... more
El artículo analiza el desarrollo de la figura del Prefecto del Pretorio, que desde sus comienzos fue una de las más importantes dentro de las instituciones de estado romanas, pero que con la llegada de los cambios políticos después de la... more
Alcuni riferimenti presenti nelle fonti antiche mostrano come in particolari occasioni di servizio i pretoriani non indossassero la veste militare ma la toga civile. Tuttavia, i moderni studiosi non sono sempre concordi per quanto... more
Гражданская война 68–69 гг., вошедшая в историографию как «год четырех императоров», показала, по выражению Тацита, «imperii arcano» – принцепсом можно было стать не только в Риме. Если на первом этапе междоусобицы основной силой была... more
Among the many symbols and representations of imperial power in ancient Rome, the presence of armed guards is an obviously striking element, both visually and symbolically. In contrast to aspects such as their organisation or political... more
The presence of hispani soldiers in the ranks of Praetorian cohorts has scarcely been studied. In this work, we have attempted to present a general idea of what the soldiers from Hispania who served in praetorium were like. To do this we... more
En la primera parte nos visita el historiador y arqueólogo Arturo Sanchez Sanz para halarnos del grupo de élite del ejército romano: Los Pretorianos.
The career of the praetorian prefect Plautianus might initially appear to form a typical literary topos in which a meteoric rise precedes an ignominious downfall. Analysis of the limited literary evidence for the praefecti during the... more
В настоящей статье проанализировали методы и результаты рецепции преторианской гвардии в кинематографе. Для этой цели был отобран ряд фильмов жанра «пеплум», раскрывающий на экране историю Римской империи в I-IV вв. н.э. В результате... more
15-01-2018. Juan Ramón Ortega presenta el programa de historia de Radio Iznájar, Istopia Historia. Esta semana conocemos más profundamente a los pretorianos, el ejército romano de élite.
HR, 10000 Zagreb Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu Odsjek za arheologiju Ivana Lučića 3 U članku se obrađuju vojnici salonitanskoga podrijetla čija su imena zabilježena na epigrafskim spomenicima pronađenim u gradu Rimu i Saloni. Služili su u... more
In AD 205, the praetorian prefect Plautianus was murdered in the imperial palace. The ancient sources, Dio and Herodian, tell of a plot, though they offer different versions as to who was behind it and who the target. This article will... more
Si había una ciudad en la Antigüedad que albergaba todos los placeres, lujos y diversiones que la humanidad pudo crear hasta ese momento, sin duda era Roma. Como todas las grandes urbes tenía su lado oscuro, sin duda, pero para un soldado... more
Imperio romano. Dos palabras que evocan poder y leyenda como pocas, encarnadas en la figura del emperador. Pocos han atesorado una influencia tal en la historia de la humanidad y con ella, una envidia aun mayor si cabe. Los pretorianos... more
Мы попытались охарактеризовать кризис в Римской империи в конце 60-х гг. н.э., конкретизировав понятие «военный мятеж». Нами был проведен анализ процесса транзита власти в 68-69 гг. с точки зрения участия римской армии. Мы пришли к... more
In this article we have attempted to present a general idea of the use of a weapon that is not usually associated with Praetorian soldiers, showing how changes of the times forced these soldiers to adapt. To do this we have consulted... more
Arturo Sánchez Sanz, "Pretorianos. La Elite del Ejército Romano", Madrid, La Esfera de los Libros, 2017, 403 pp. [ISBN: 978-84-9164-171-1]
The career of the praetorian prefect Plautianus might initially appear to form a typical literary topos in which a meteoric rise to power precedes an ignominious downfall. Analysis of the limited literary evidence for the praefecti during... more
Данное исследование является попыткой реконструкции одного из транзитов власти в период гражданской войны 68-69 гг. В статье рассматривается деятельность командующего легионами в Верхней Германии Луция Вергиния Руфа во время восстания... more
De la nada, hasta la cúspide del poder. A día de hoy, las películas nos muestran a los pretorianos como unos guerreros de élite encargados de proteger a los grandes dignatarios de sus enemigos. Llevan razón a medias. O más bien se olvidan... more