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A partire da un’allusione alla celebre affermazione paolina «per me il vivere è Cristo » (Fil 1, 21), riconoscibile nell’orazione post communionem della Messa Votiva di San Paolo Apostolo del Messale Romano e di quello Ambrosiano... more
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      New TestamentChristologyApostle Paul and the Pauline LettersDoctrine of Justification
“Paul’s ‘Announcement of Results:’ A Look at Phil 3:7-8.” Peace Monthly, September 2009, 9-10. [Chinese]
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      Apostle Paul and the Pauline LettersBiblical ExegesisChinesePhilippians
This commentary demonstrates that the Gospel of Mark is a result of a consistent, strictly sequential, hypertextual reworking of the contents of three of Paul’s letters: Galatians, First Corinthians and Philippians. Consequently, it shows... more
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      Apostle Paul and the Pauline LettersGospel of MarkHypertextualityGalatians
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      Early ChristianityNew Testament Textual CriticismNew testament exegesisNew Testament Studies
An analysis of Paul's statement in Philippians 3:6 that he was blameless "with respect to righteousness in the law."
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      New TestamentFaithApostle Paul and the Pauline LettersDoctrine of Justification
Work out your salvation as God works in.
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      Pauline LiteratureApostle Paul and the Pauline LettersPauline TheologyPauline studies
Author: Tyler Allred Publisher: CBE International There are at least two practical applications for churches today that could come out of this reading. First, while many commentators promote the idea of Euodia and Syntyche being... more
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      TheologyNew TestamentBiblical StudiesBiblical Theology
Sažetak Kroz cijeli Novi zavjet nalazimo poticaje da oponašamo ili slijedimo primjer Krista, Pavla, pa čak i nekih drugih pobožnih ljudi. U Poslanici Filipljanima nalazimo taj poticaj da oponašamo, pripojen Pavlovoj teologiji progresivnog... more
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      ChristianityNew TestamentBibleKnowledge
Colección: Spal Monografías Arqueología Núm.: XLIII Reservados todos los derechos. Ni la totalidad ni parte de este libro puede reproducirse o trasmitirse por ningún procedimiento electrónico o mecánico, incluyendo fotocopia, grabación... more
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      Pauline LiteratureMetaphorApostle Paul and the Pauline LettersAgonism
Introduction, methodology
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      Discourse AnalysisNew TestamentBiblical StudiesApplied Linguistics
Mark Keown’s contribution on Philippians in the Evangelical Exegetical Commentary (EEC) is one of the most detailed commentaries published on this Pauline Letter. This two-volume exegetical commentary can take its place alongside recent... more
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      New TestamentBiblical StudiesApostle Paul and the Pauline LettersPhilippians
In Chapter 2, Paul gives us a powerful, even poetic declaration of the eternal divine nature of Yeshua and his place as one with the One God of Israel. Many scholars understand that a full acceptance of Yeshua’s divine nature and union... more
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      Early Judaism (2nd Temple, Greco-Roman)Early ChristianityApostle Paul and the Pauline LettersPauline Theology
Published in JSPL 5.1, Summer 2015, this paper argues that Phil 1:19-26 may be explained by Paul having an escape plan dependent on how his trial in Rome goes. This hypothesis satisfies his genuine concern for potential death and his... more
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    • Philippians
Throughout the New Testament, we find exhortations to imitate or follow in the steps of Christ, Paul and even some other godly people. In the Epistle to the Philippians, we find this exhortation to imitate incorporated into a Pauline... more
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      BibleKnowledgeNew Testament TheologyThe Christ Hymn in Philippians
writings. All these ways of handling Paul's use of the term indicate the continued undue influence of "canonicity" (particularly "canonical Paul"), of later Christian rhetoric on the interpretation of early texts, and of an ongoing... more
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      New Testament and Christian OriginsApostle Paul and the Pauline LettersAncient Greek RhetoricSoldiers
Julien Ogereau's monograph is based on a doctoral dissertation submitted to the Department of Ancient History at Macquarie University, which he completed under the supervision of L. L. Welborn, Professor of New Testament and Early... more
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      Apostle Paul and the Pauline LettersPhilippians
Introduction to a special issue of JSNT: "Paul and the Praetorium"
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      Apostle Paul and the Pauline LettersPhilippiansPraetoriumFamilia Caesaris
In this essay I examine the contrast of kenodoxian ("empty glory") and Christ"s ekenosen ("emptying himself") to show that in humility Christ emptied himself of glory in order to accomplish the will of the Father-and thereby attaining the... more
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      Systematic TheologyTrinityAncient GreekBiblical Greek
Andreas Köstenberger and his colleagues once noted that “The literature on Philippians 2:5-11 has become virtually unmanageable.” Indeed, scholars have written whole books on single terms in the passage such as the word, μορφη (form) to... more
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      New TestamentApostle Paul and the Pauline LettersPhilippians
This is a popular article published electronically in a fuller form. I decided to put it up on since someone will inevitably not like it and disagree with it. Angry trolls have already gathered to tell me how much they know... more
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      Pauline LiteraturePneumatologyTheological exegesisPauline Theology
This paper offers a new typological reading of this hymn, contrary to that of Dunn and Wright, and a philological study of harpagmos arguing against the position of Hoover and in favour of Moule's analysis.
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      Pauline LiteratureApostle Paul and the Pauline LettersTrinity (Theology)Pauline Theology
“But you will receive power when the Ruach HaKodesh comes upon you; you will be my witnesses both in Yerushalayim and in all Y’hudah and Shomron, indeed to the ends of the earth!”” (Acts 1:8, CJB) With these words, the mission to... more
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      New TestamentEarly ChristianityPauline LiteratureSecond Temple Judaism
This paper deals with exegetical issues concerning the well-known kenosis passage in Philippians. It covers textual variants and other textual issues, includes exegetical commentary, as well as a basic homiletical outline built in to the... more
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      KenosisThe Christ Hymn in PhilippiansPhilippiansHypostatic Union
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      Greek LiteraturePapyrologyGreek LanguageNew Testament
This paper (recently given at the Biblical Research Seminar at the University of St Andrews) proposes a new approach to the problem of the identity of the name God gives to the exalted Christ in Phil 2:9. All the currently advocated... more
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      ChristologyApostle Paul and the Pauline LettersThe Christ Hymn in PhilippiansChristology of New Testament
In 2018, I came across a copy of R. P. Martin’s Carmen Christi (1967 edition) in a second-hand bookshop that had been in C. F. D. Moule’s personal library, a gift to him from the author; it had his extensive marginal comments in pencil... more
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      Pauline LiteratureChristologyApostle Paul and the Pauline LettersPauline Theology
ABSTRACT The current dissertation is devoted to the study of one particular passage from Paul's letter to Philippians 3:18-20. In it Paul warns the believers at Philippi to distance themselves from those whom he calls "the enemies of the... more
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      New TestamentPhilippians
Penggunaan studi linguistik dalam penafsiran teks-teks Perjanjian Baru (PB) masih sedikit. Hal ini dinyatakan oleh Mark Edwar Taylor di dalam disertasinya pada tahun 2001. Taylor menuliskan bahwa, The entry of text-linguistics into... more
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      Discourse AnalysisNew TestamentComputer NetworksThe Christ Hymn in Philippians
Paul employed exalted theology such as that of the Carmen Christi to motivate recipients of his epistles to comply with ethical parenesis specific to their circumstances. This study proposes resolutions for exegetical difficulties in the... more
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      New TestamentPauline LiteratureApostle Paul and the Pauline LettersPauline Theology
As many have now seen, Phil 2:6–11 (along with 3:20–11) is a traditional hymnic piece that uses Greco-Roman language for divine rulers to express a kind of “imperial Christology.” Whilst the second half (vv. 9–11) cites biblical prophecy... more
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      ChristologyIncarnation of ChristThe Christ Hymn in PhilippiansChristology of New Testament
In his letter to the Philippians, Paul sounds a number of themes and employs a variety of techniques that would have been familiar to Stoics and others within his Greco-Roman audience. Simply understanding the socio-religious background... more
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      Critical TheoryReligionChristianityPsychology
In het christelijke gesprek over genezing wordt regelmatig naar de zieke medewerkers van Paulus verwezen. Epafroditus is de dood nabij (Fil. 2:27), Timotheüs kampt met maagproblemen (1 Tim. 5:23) en Trofimus blijft ziek achter (2 Tim.... more
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The examples constituted a social institution for the societies of the Greco-Roman world, which developed particularly through the Rhetoric, as the examples were one of the strong arguments of the rhetor. Through these the social... more
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      HermeneuticsApostle Paul and the Pauline LettersNew testament exegesisApostle Paul
RESUMEN El presente artículo expone el sentido del himno cristológico de Filipenses 2,6-11 de Pablo, analizando primero el texto en sí mismo, su sentido propio, su género literario y las fuentes usadas por el autor, y finalmente el... more
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A paper discussing Paul's understanding of social relations based on Philippians 2:5-11. It explores how Christ's example shapes social relationships in Philippians and the Pauline Epistles. Contemporary readers are challenged to live... more
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      New TestamentApostle Paul and the Pauline LettersThe Christ Hymn in PhilippiansPhilippians
The historical debate concerning the translation, "For me to live is Christ, to die is gain." Calvin suggested the traditional translation may be wrong, and his colleague Beza offered a syntactical rationale. For 200 years many accepted... more
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      John CalvinPhilippiansWolfgang MusculusTheodore Beza
No extant text gives so vivid a glimpse into the experience of an ancient prisoner as Paul’s letter to the Philippians. As a letter from prison, however, it is not what one would expect. For although it is true that Paul, like some other... more
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      History Of EmotionsRoman provincial administrationApostle Paul and the Pauline LettersRoman social history
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      Theological HermeneuticsPhilippiansHistory of Reception of Biblical Texts
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      Ancient HistoryNew TestamentEarly ChristianityBiblical Studies
This article deals with the founding of Graeco-Roman assosciations and the founding of the Philippian ekklesia by the apostle Paul. The following inscriptions are more thourougly analysed: the association of Šamūmānu (1200 BCE; CAT 3.9),... more
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      Greek EpigraphyVoluntary AssociationsApostle Paul and the Pauline LettersApostle Paul
This paper explores the early Christian reception of σπένδομαι as a metaphor for dying in Phil 2,17 and 2 Tim 4,6. Virtually all early Christian interpreters apply the passages to the death of Paul, and to death in general. Second- and... more
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      PatristicsEarly ChristianityMartyrdomPhilippians
A short summary of the purpose, structure, and content of Philippians including the chart on Philippians from the author's published work, Visual Outline Charts of the New Testament (B&H Academic Digital, 2016).
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      New Testament StudiesPhilippiansBible Exposition
This article builds on recent criticism of form-critical approaches to so-called hymnic material in Pauls’ letters in an effort to reset the default interpretive stance with respect to Phil 2:6–11 and Col 1:15–20. Beginning with a review... more
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      New TestamentEarly ChristianityNew Testament and Christian OriginsApostle Paul and the Pauline Letters
La metáfora de la esclavitud en Flp 2,7 y 1 Co 9,19 * Nadie es voluntariamente esclavo (dou/ loj ekw. n ouv dei, j: FILÓN, Prob. 6.36) Ninguna esclavitud es más repugnante que la voluntaria (nulla servitus turpior est quam voluntaria:... more
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      SlaveryHistory of SlaveryMetaphorDeuteronomistic History
Paul's imprisonment epistle in Philippians 1:12-30 serves as a missive of hope to the followers of Christ in the area of Philippi. In this passage, we have a lens into Paul's determinative will and renewed commitment to the gospel's... more
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      TheodicyApostle Paul and the Pauline LettersNew Testament TheologyPauline Epistles
My paper, "Living and Dying Well in the First Century CE: A Comparative Analysis Between Philippians and Egyptian Sources" was selected for presentation in the European Assoc. of Biblical Studies (EABS) Comparative Methodologies Unit of... more
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionComparative ReligionComparative LiteratureTheology
This article argues that Paul inserts oppositional references into his letter to the Philippians in order to provide an antithetical identity to that of the proposed eschatological identity he is seeking to bolster within the Philippian... more
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      New TestamentBiblical StudiesPauline LiteratureApostle Paul and the Pauline Letters
Renumbers into 650 verses, in 26 chapter sub-divisions. Hints that the Philippians were carrying the ark of the covenant (also the ark of testimony) during the generation of Clement, AD 64-99. A text from the first years of the... more
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      GnosticismPhilippiansGospel of PhilipClement of Rome
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    • Philippians