Professional Writing
Recent papers in Professional Writing
There is a disconnect between how writing is taught in the academy and how it is performed in the professions. This can make for a very difficult transition from college to the workplace (National Association of Colleges and Employers,... more
In this study, we examined 11 workplaces to determine how they handle termination documentation, an empirically unexplored area in technical communication and rhetoric. We found that the use of termination documentation is context... more
This narrative on pedagogy presents language as a tool for resistance and rhetoric as a means for interrupting social oppressions. In particular, I draw attention to one approach I have used in the Professional Writing classroom to teach... more
Certains droits réservés © Nadège Broustau et Yanick Farmer Sous licence Creative Commons (by-nc-nd).
ENGL 4000 is an interactive experience of learning to communicate clearly and efficiently with business professionals in ways that will allow you to understand important issues that will affect your life and career. This course works on... more
redELE revista electrónica de didáctica / español lengua extranjera NÚMERO 21 Gómez de Enterría, Josefa y Rodríguez del Bosque, Ignacio (Eds.) (2010). El español lengua de comunicación en las organizaciones empresariales. Cizur Menor... more
Kenya’s agricultural production process is plagued by low agricultural mechanization, coupled with the drudgery of manual production and manual post-harvest operations. This has led to low agricultural productivity below the country’s... more
Design thinking is a process for identifying solutions to problems in certain contexts. The better one understands contextual factors affecting use and interaction, the more effectively one can use design thinking to address issues at the... more
Despite what you may have heard, we’re not reading and writing less, but more. A lot more. Given all the ways we communicate with one another, whether via email, texting, social media, or the good old memo, business recognizes that one of... more
Drawing on data collected at the economics newsdesk of De Standaard, a quality newspaper in Belgium, this book examines the situated practices of print journalists in their roles as knowledge mediators and creators. How do reporters make... more
Sur quels principes fondamentaux les rédacteurs professionnels fondent-ils leur jugement dans l’action? À partir des réponses de cinq rédacteurs1 à un questionnaire conçu par deux didacticiennes de l’écriture professionnelle, cet... more
The objective of this special issue is to provide communication designers with an overview of ideas to consider, approaches to try, and resources to use when developing materials for users from other cultures. To this end, the entries in... more
A personal pronoun takes the place of a person or people. Just like other pronouns, personal pronouns are used to avoid repetition. This reduces the clumsiness and enhances readability of the sentence.
Cette recherche évalue comment des étudiants en communication professionnelle peuvent composer un texte argumentatif en faisant abstraction de leurs convictions personnelles. L’analyse des arguments produits montre que l’accent est mis... more
En este trabajo nos proponemos reflexionar sobre la valiosa capacidad textualizadora que presenta un conjunto de expresiones conectivas que, dada su composición morfológica, tienen la doble posibilidad sintáctica de introducir tanto una... more
El estudiante puede buscar una página del sector primario, secundario o tercia,rio. Los sectores pueden ser variados: siderurgia, industria naval, transportes, industria textil, informática, comunicación, publicidad, productos agrícolas,... more
This collection provides an overview of different legal aspects that technical communicators might encounter when creating materials or sharing information in international environments. Through addressing topics ranging from privacy... more
Operating within and for a segment of rhetoric and writing studies researchers and practitioners devoted to student engagement with local publics, this article articulates an approach to fostering student rhetorical engagement through... more
This article provides background on Social Network Analysis (SNA). SNA is an innovative research paradigm that focuses on the importance of social networks. The article begins by giving background on the development of SNA and different... more
This essay explores the unstudied practice of collaboration with spouses, colleagues, and others that characterizes much anthropological research and writing. The article suggests several factors -- from writing style to gender bias to... more
Understanding the linguistic and rhetorical patterns of an academic discipline strengthens students' abilities to write in professional settings. Data-driven learning and corpus-linguistic methods can increase this understanding and... more
Nous nous proposons ici d’approfondir la distinction entre écriture heuristique et écriture communicationnelle et professionnelle, d’une part, et d’examiner, d’autre part, les fondements de la didactique des écrits professionnels. Dans... more
Usability is about context. If you know where someone performs a process, you can develop materials for that setting. The idea is conforming content to context makes that content easy to use. Today’s global economy complicates this... more
En språkvetenskaplig studie av kommunikation vid ett svenskt storföretag With a summary: Second language speakers at work. A sociolinguistic study of communication in a major Swedish company 2010 Akademisk avhandling som för avläggande av... more
Judul tulisan ini mungkin terkesan mengada-ada. Menulis kok disamakan dengan mengaum dan menyebarkan wangi. Tulisan ini memang bukan makalah ilmiah. Jadi, sebagai penulis, saya merasa sah-sah saja memilih judul yang tidak lazim.
To improve the embedded recommendations from the consultants' detailed reports. The discourse and its enhancement
En las páginas que siguen, reproducimos sucintamente los contenidos y actividades que se trabajaron en el taller del mismo título en el seno de las Jornadas de modernización del discurso jurídico español. El objetivo del taller era... more
In times of public health crises, effective information on how to perform daily activities can be central to the stability of local communities. Technical communicators can make important contributions to these situations by developing... more
Course description: Learn how to use the art of persuasion to get what you want (and where you want to be) in the business world. Emphasis on professional writing (memos, letters, e-mails, reports) and oral presentations.
Understanding the linguistic and rhetorical patterns of an academic discipline strengthens students' abilities to write in professional settings. Data-driven learning and corpus-linguistic methods can increase this understanding and... more