Sociology of International Relations
Recent papers in Sociology of International Relations
ABSTRACT (does not appear in published version): Much has been written in the past two decades about the sociological and geographic dimensions of knowledge and power in the IR discipline — research funding patterns, social networks,... more
Ориентализм Послесловие к изданию 1995 года I «Ориентализм» был завершен в конце 1977-го и опубликован годом позже. Эта книга являлась и до сих пор является единственной, которую я написал на одном дыхании,начиная с предварительного... more
This essay offers an overview of Behavioralism in Political Science and International Relations, first by situating Behavioralism within its academic and socio-political context as an American school of thought, then by exploring... more
La lutte contre le terrorisme est une préoccupation contemporaine des diplomaties, alors que sa définition internationale demeure introuvable. Dans une approche organisationnelle, les hauts fonctionnaires du ministère français des... more
Concepts are a key feature of academic research and international politics. Despite the fact that interpreting, classifying and communicating the world through concepts has far-reaching social and political consequences, their various... more
This MA-level course aims to introduce students to the recent "global turn" in International Relations (IR).
The idea that there are biases, blind spots or exclusionary if not oppressive forces in the very way scientific endeavour is organised still appears to be a rather strange idea. It runs counter to the ingrained idea that science is... more
In his presidential address to the International Studies Association, Amitav Acharya (2014, 1) observed that despite the fact that " IR schools, departments, institutes, and conventions have mushroomed around the world.. .the discipline... more
This article provides a state-of-the-art of ‘Reflexive studies on IR’, namely the research literature that has recently questioned the identity, traditional narratives, and conditions of knowledge production in the academic field of... more
Reflexive investigations into the International Relations (IR) discipline proliferate, and empower scholars to ever more critically engage the analytical, geo-cultural, and political lenses through which world politics is explained. Yet,... more
Artykuł odsłania wielowymiarowe i nieoczywiste związki między nauką o stosunkach międzynarodowych a socjologią. Celem jest udowodnienie, że nauka ta twórczo przyswoiła wiele pomysłów teoretycznych, metodologicznych i empirycznych z... more
Іванов Олег, кандидат соціологічних наук, доктор філософії (PhD) у галузі масових комунікацій, незалежний дослідник. Чинники геополітичних орієнтацій населення України як складові національної ідентичності Серед українських соціологів та... more
Since the 1980s, International Relations (IR) scholars have emphasised the ‘geoepistemological’ dynamics underpinning the global structuration of discipline diversity. By focusing mainly on the study of ‘American’ and ‘non-Western’ IR,... more
This paper offers a side view on the question of knowledge production and expertise on conflict. What we intend to do here is to focus on the construction of a particular rule concerning an agent operating in conflict situations (i.e.... more
El debate contemporáneo de las relaciones internacionales propone que los Estados nacionales pierden en el siglo XXI su capacidad de mantener la vigencia del monopolio de la violencia legítima y de la guerra. Sin embargo, el uso de la... more
State-building under the aegis of international administrations has faced various hurdles and obstacles in Kosovo and Timor-Leste—fail- ures that came to full light in March 2004 in Kosovo and in May 2006 in Timor-Leste. However, the... more
The aim of this contribution consists in analyzing the “terrorism” through the academic and political struggles about the paradigm of the “new terrorism” since the events of 9/11. Thanks to the exploration of the real difference between... more
Concepts are a key feature of academic research and international politics. Despite the fact that interpreting, classifying and communicating the world through concepts has far-reaching social and political consequences, their various... more
The instrumentalization of religion-especially Islam by Azerbaijan in foreign relations-in the nonreligious Nagorno Karabakh conflict could further deepen the differences among the parties in the conflict and in the region, and make a... more
The political crisis and subsequent civil conflict within Ukraine has raised a number of important questions in Europe. The idea that security is a problem dealt with in and around the EU has had to be rethinked. Also the growing power of... more
"The voice of the Third World,” Jean-Paul Sartre famously rejoiced in his preface to Frantz Fanon’s 1961 book The Wretched of the Earth, “has finally been articulated and can no longer be ignored.” Back in the 1960s and 1970s, progressive... more
IR has become increasingly reflexive recently. Not only have interpretative epistemologies been introduced into the field. The discipline’s own foundational myths, its intellectual premises and purposes, its transnational scholarly... more
In his 1998 article The Sociology of a Not So International Discipline, Ole Wæver suggested to assess the development and organization of the International Relations (IR) discipline through a three-tier comparative sociological research... more
Major international events contribute to guiding IR scholarship's interests, yet it remains surprisingly unexplored how transformative political events affect international relations as an academic field. This article focuses on the... more
En Amérique latine comme dans le reste du monde, les organisations régionales et sous-régionales se sont récemment multipliées. Les chercheurs s’intéressent principalement à la variété des régionalismes ou à leur nature changeante... more
Diplomatic schools are instructive cases of how the production and dissemination of ‘international knowledge’ is conditioned by institutional factors. With their vocational focus, diplomatic academies are first and foremost sites for... more
Introduction au Dossier "Circulation des savoirs et champs transnationaux", n°59, Critique internationale, 2013.
One of the most well-known articles published on how representative international relations (IR) is in including global perspectives was written by Ole Waever. His argument in a 1998 article entitled "The Sociology of a Not So... more
Illustrations of the SAGE Handbook book chapter w/ Tom Biersteker.
Cet article traite de l’évolution contemporaine des discours sur la guerre et de leur poids dans la construction d’une réalité acceptable et acceptée. A travers le cas des compagnies de sécurité privée, il analyse les transformations des... more
This paper offers a renewed viewpoint on the study of private security. Indeed, if the topic has been widely researched these last ten years, the client’s perspective in this constitution of a market for private security has been... more
This book provides an alternative approach to regionalism in neglected parts of the world. Taking stock of several decades of conceptualization, the author provides a political sociology approach of regionalisms fed by recent... more
The growing sociology of IR literature systematically investigates the discipline’s organization and inner structuring. Making the academic field cognizant of its own institutional and intellectual configurations, the literature today... more
ORGANISER LE MERCENARIAT PAR LE MARCHÉ ? Traditionnellement pensé comme étant du ressort des États et du droit, le contrôle de la violence privée s’avère depuis 2010 prendre les formes d’un mécanisme de soft law dans la mesure où les... more
Celem artykułu jest opisanie wybranych skutków rewolucji informacyjnej w obszarze rozwoju społecznego i bezpieczeństwa ludzkiego. Są to pojęcia rozłączne, choć blisko ze sobą powiązane, co będzie uwypuklane w niniejszym artykule: pojęcie... more
Багато дослідників нових демократій, що з'явилися упродовж останніх п'ятнадцяти років, наголошували на важливості сильного і активного громадянського суспільства для консолідації демократії. Зокрема, коли йдеться про посткомуністичні... more
What are the drivers of disciplinary change and intellectual innovation? How can they be described? Frameworks from the philosophy of science tend to dominate the discussion in IR and other social sciences. Neither Kuhnian paradigm... more
The article discusses how the Russian Federation, in the context of ‘anti-Western’ approach and the multipolar world order’ seeking, wants to position Turkey. Looking from the Russian Federation to Turkey, Turkey’s relations with... more
At the ISA Annual Convention in New Orleans I heard numerous scholars draw on the sociology of IR literature's insights in order to call for the creation of 'national IR schools', i.e. new and exclusively locally defined approaches to... more
The article discusses how the Russian Federation, in the context of ‘anti-Western’ approach and the multipolar world order’ seeking, wants to position Turkey. Looking from the Russian Federation to Turkey, Turkey’s relations with... more
This paper is analysing one of the most dynamic fields of EU studies, the Economic Studies, which is, in the same time, a classic and a permanently new and changeable domain, offering a comprehensive coverage of European economic... more