Relational Sociology
Recent papers in Relational Sociology
[Catalogue blurb:] More-than-Human Sociology is a call for a bolder, more creative sociology. In the book, Olli Pyyhtinen argues that to make sociology responsive to life in the 21st century we need a new sociological imagination, one... more
The purpose of this book is to propose a new way of looking at the family and family policy in the context of a society that is in the process of globalization. It aims above all at challenging the prevailing way in which family public... more
Social Morphogenesis is the first volume in a series of books, edited by Margaret Archer, that seeks to develop an explanatory framework that can account for how the rate of social change has 'speeded up' in the last three decades. The... more
A swathe of feminist literature underscores the importance of collective forms of agency in transforming the structures leading to gender injustice. But, specifically, what kind of agency is conducive to such transformation? Drawing on... more
This study presents a sociolinguistics of academic publishing in historical as well as in contemporary times. From the perspective of Swedish academia, it unites a wide range of scholarly knowledge, including perspectives from the... more
In social science discourse, the dichotomy between agency and structure tends to dominate debates pertaining to identity construction. When complex social facts are viewed through a simplistic prism of either individual activities or... more
In recent decades, the United States has witnessed profound changes in the sociocultural valuation of dogs, variously described as humanization, sentimentalization, or sacralization. A broad look at this “sacralization” of dogs in the... more
The shared life philosophy of the Vā or socio-spatial relations has been presented as social,. The Vā, simply defined as relational spaces or space-between, is theorized as a philosophy underpinning identity formation. It enables the... more
Il libro presenta la sociologia come scienza della società che cambia. Oggi più che mai, i rapidi cambiamenti sociali e culturali portati dalla globalizzazione segnano una transizione, unica nella storia, che richiede nuovi strumenti... more
681] 2 La originalidad de la tendencia en investigación antropológica denominada estructuralismo, puede decirse que descansa, paradójicamente, en el hecho que ha contribuido en gran medida a hacer desaparecer la originalidad ficticia... more
This chapter focuses on Pacific island ways of negotiating knowledge. It begins from the premise that the researcher as learner, seeking knowledge (data), needs to learn how to negotiate access to a particular knowledge base in various... more
The task of studying the impact of social class on physical and mental health involves, among other things, the use of a conceptual toolbox that defines what social class is, establishes how to measure it, and sets criteria that help... more
The entry begins with a definition of geography and with a description of what the discipline shares with the other social sciences and what makes it distinctive among them. Terminological clarifications are provided with regard to the... more
This scholarly series stands at the intersection of globalization and development studies, examining the social, political, and economic effects of these processes on the African continent. For advocates and critics alike, globalization... more
The New International Economic Order (NIEO) was a political campaign brought to the United Nations by the Group of 77 (G77) – the state elites from 120 countries of the Global South. The G77 sought to transcend what they saw as ongoing... more
Показаны современные версии заложенной Г. Зиммелем традиции считать предметом социологии взаимоотношения людей. Это - сетевая теория («реляционная социология») и теория «актор-сеть». Под воздействием «культурного поворота» в этих... more
Текст диссертационной работы, защищенной 3 марта 2015 года в диссертационном совете по социологии РГГУ. Работа нацелена на систематизацию теоретических идей и практических наработок сетевого подхода в социологии и определение его места и... more
S osiaaliturvaan liittyvät tuen muodot eivät ole valmiita. Tällä julkaisulla Diakonia-ammattikorkeakoulun tutkimus-, kehittämis-ja innovaatiotoiminta (TKI-toiminta) tuo esiin sosiaaliturvaan liittyvää kehittämistoimintaansa ja osallistuu... more
Corrupt exchanges are often brokered by a third party, but this phenomenon has not been satisfactorily explored by researchers of corruption. Literature on brokerage in general provides interesting models but they have not previously been... more
From networks to fields to figurations to discourses, relational ideas have become common in social science, and a distinct relational sociology has emerged over the past decade and a half. But so far, this paradigm shift has raised as... more
The art scene is a network of media and markets, institutions and actors - from artists to gallery owners and critics to speculators and sponsors. The book shows how fundamentally this international scene and its production, distribution... more
List of books published by Pierpaolo Donati in the years 1975-2022
Kaum ein Begriff wird in der soziologischen Theoriebildung derzeit so prominent und vielfältig diskutiert wie jener der Relationalität. Dabei kommt es nicht selten vor, dass auch etwas ganz Neues behauptet wird: ein "relational turn"... more
Charles Tilly is among the most influential American sociologists of the last century. For the first time, his pathbreaking work on a wide array of topics is available in one comprehensive reader. This manageable and readable volume... more
This paper offers an overview of relational sociology as developed by and around Harrison White. Relational sociology provides a substantial account of social networks, conceptualizing them as real social structures interwoven with... more
Modélisation de la relation humaine par quatre éléments :
* la rencontre
* la réciprocité
* la durée
* la mesure
* la rencontre
* la réciprocité
* la durée
* la mesure
A theorization of the aesthetics of populism with the help of Bourdieu and Elias. Key to the essay is Elias's (and Cas Wouters') concept of informalization, which I develop as a lens for understanding populism's tension between... more
A key tenet of Bourdieu's project is his rejection of what he refers to as "substantialist" approaches to social science which he identifies with positivistic formal methodologies. In place of this, Bourdieu makes a compelling case for... more
Soziale Beziehungen bilden einen der zentralen Untersuchungsgegenstände der Soziologie. Dennoch werden sie dort auf eine merkwürdig eingeschränkte Art und Weise behandelt. Ihre soziologische Erforschung leidet unter einem aktivistischen... more
pp. 183-204. In La cité interconnectée dans le monde gréco-romain Madalina Dana et Ivana Savalli-Lestrade. Ausonius Scripta Antiqua 118, Bordeaux. This essay uses theories from relational sociology, especially Eiko Ikegami’s work on... more
Full Text/Makaleye şu linkten ulaşabilirsiniz: Türkçesi ve Grafiklerin Renkli Hali İçin Rapor: ******* The Ottoman Empire’s vast territory held more than one thousand cities... more
This essay proposes to view networks as sociocultural structures. Following authors from Leopold von Wiese and Norbert Elias to Gary Alan Fine and Harrison White, networks are configurations of social relationships interwoven with... more
Over the past two decades sociology, including the sociology of family and personal life, has seen a ‘relational turn’ with a growing body of work seeking to explain the ‘social’ by taking social relations as the primary object of... more
One of the most profound social scientific questions pertains to social order – the stability, change, and functioning of human societies. Two prongs to this question inform the background to operationalising any institutional theory: how... more
This paper critically reviews the current status of the concept of distance in human geography in order to argue that recent experimentally-driven work in construal-level theory offers ample opportunities for recasting distance as a key... more
Il presente lavoro, dapprima attività di ricerca e in seguito divenuto Relazione di Laurea, si propone di portare alla luce il fenomeno sociale giapponese del Karoshi e di analizzarlo in maniera innovativa attraverso un approccio... more
The core argument in this paper is that all research schools and theoretical frameworks carry with them – and, importantly, also within them, as their inherent dimensions – particular ethical orientations (systems of values and ethical... more
How are masculinity and nationalism intertwined? This question has received scant theoretical attention, and existing theories tent to focus on their shared ideals and are embedded in a heteronormative, homophobic and patriarchal... more