Talent management (Human Resource Management)
Recent papers in Talent management (Human Resource Management)
Tax vs IA, mergering functions for the future profile
Anormal Psikoloji kitabı, ruhsal bozukluklar alanında çalışan tüm profesyoneller, psikiyatristler, klinik psikologlar, psikologlar, psikolojik danışmanlar, hekimler, sosyal hizmet uzmanları, psikiyatri hemşireleri ve bu alanlarda öğrenci... more
Many talent management programmes are unaffordable and destined to fail. Talented people can be costly to recruit and difficult to manage and retain. Fortunes are spent on expensive people who are not engaged, effectively used, or... more
In more and more competitive and changing world, comprehend the understanding of internal and external environments of an organisation becomes more important than ever before. To have a fruitful and realistic strategic plan, the... more
A survey of more than 4,700 executives conducted by The Boston Consulting Group and World Federation of Personnel Management Associations showed that executives consider talent management as the most important human resource challenge.... more
Jelen cikk célja egy, a menedzsment és marketing elmélete és gyakorlata terén viszonylag fiatal, az elméleti irodalomban Ambler és Barrow által az 1990-es években megalkotott, és először 1996-ban publikált employer brand, illetve employer... more
Abstract Professional service firms face particular human capital challenges. This study reflects on the distinctive characteristics of professional service firms through the concepts of knowledge intensity, low capital intensity and... more
This paper is an integration of paradox theory and the paradoxical lens into strengths regulation as an alternative way to enable optimal performance. Various conceptualizations around strengths, talents, and traits are discussed to... more
The human resource (HR) domain contains various types of privacy-sensitive textual data, such as e-mail correspondence and performance appraisal. Doing research on these documents brings several challenges, one of them anonymisation. In... more
Since a group of McKinsey consultants coined the phrase the War for Talent in 1997 (Michaels, Handfield-Jones, & Axelrod, 2001; Axelrod, Handfield-Jones, & Michaels, 2002), the topic of talent management has received a... more
The purpose of this research was to analyze organizational performance improvement strategies in the Center for Testing the Implementation of New Fisheries Products (BBP2HP). The research was conducted using AHP (Analytical Hierarchy... more
The purpose of this research was to analyze organizational performance improvement strategies in the Center for Testing the Implementation of New Fisheries Products (BBP2HP). The research was conducted using AHP (Analytical Hierarchy... more
Perkembangan teknologi digital telah menghantarkan kita pada perubahan eksponensial pada dalam segala hal, termasuk dalam hal pengelolaan orang-orang di dalam organisasi. Setidaknya ada empat kategori orang dalam organisasi, yaitu:... more
Employee's value proposition alludes to making a harmony between employee's occupation fulfillment and execution of the employee in work culture. Employee's Value Proposition can be utilized as an effective instrument of... more
Article on Money as a motivator
Using objective measures of investor protections in 170 countries, I establish that the level of investor protection matters for cross-country differences in GDP growth: countries with stronger protections tend to grow faster than those... more
The research aimed to identify the impact of talent management strategies on enhancement of competitive advantage in Bahrain Post. To achieve this, descriptive and analytical methods were used to answer the research questions and to test... more
In this paper, I briefly explain some of the most significant validity types; face validity, construct validity and content validity.
The use of arts-based method as a medium of instruction is epistemologically consistent with a constructivist didactic design. It assists in eliciting individual interpretation of a phenomenon, sense-making, emotional discovery and... more
"Elinizdeki bu kitap, sosyal psikolojinin konularını en geniş kapsamıyla ele almakta, klasikleşmiş deneysel ve saha araştırmalarını en güncel bilimsel çalışmalarla harmanlamaktadır. Bu bakımdan, akademisyen ve öğrencilerin... more
Similar to its sisters, the Fourth Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0) has sparked varying sentiments and views regarding the ethicality and effectiveness of employing Artificial intelligence (AI) tools in Human Resource Management (HRM)... more
Organizations have to wake up to the reality of environmental sustainability. Green management initiatives were started in the 1990’s.To minimize ecological footprints or the carbon footprints, it is imperative for organizations to... more
Comprehensive look at the talent assessment space. Includes market valuation and growth, vendor classification system, and future trends
This study aimed to study the drivers of employee turnover within the context of companies that already use tools to control access to systems and/or use of the internet. Based on previous research and through new research prepared by the... more
Today’s organizations are struggling with the problem of employee turnover more than ever. Various strategies have been propounded to retain the employees in the organizations. But there is no single strategy that can be applied... more
ABSTRACK Talent management is one of the human resource management strategies to try to optimally the decline in company performance with the employee talent development process through searching, engaging, selecting, training,... more
Management development practices involve the use of both formal and informal approaches. Discussing with examples, these formal and informal approaches practiced in an organisation.
This paper talks about the new age talent management strategies used by the social networking organizations for introducing and enhancing improved talent management strategies. These organizations believe in creating a cascading effect on... more
Human Resource Management is a purposeful system with several subsystems where individuals and activities are organized to achieve certain predetermined goals through division of labor and coordination of activities. People are one of the... more
Abstract In this paper, one of the ‘new’ buzzwords in Human Resource Development (HRD) field in the last decade is presented and discussed. It is observed that in fact one of the versions of talent management (TM) which is the most... more
Deficiency in students' academic performance has become an issue of concern in the academic environment as the performance of these students suffer in relations to effective timing and lack of timely completion of school works and poor... more
Anreize für Mitarbeiter gezielt und wirtschaftlich einsetzen. Wann wem welche Incentives? Whitepaper. München: Edenred 2015.
The startup environment along with the boom of e-commerce, has given rise to a rush for hiring highly skilled technical talent in the market. The market is now filled with a certain pool of candidates who want to cash in on the buzz, a... more
How do you get Talent? How do you keep Talent? Thinking about Talent • Dave Ulrich’s Talent Formula • Increase Talent Attraction and Mitigate Talent Loss Attracting and Retaining Talent • Finding, Developing and Retaining... more
The study analyses the challenges of talent management in Non Governmental Organisations (NGOs) in developing countries showing the link between level of talent management and employee commitment or engagement. Sixty employees from the... more
Human resource management (HRM, or simply HR) is a function in organizations designed to maximize employee performance in service of their employer's strategic objectives. (HRM in changing organizational contexts, 2009). HR is primarily... more
Business world began to realize that humans have such a place above other production factors; even more the most important value. In such an environment where changes occur so fast and competition increase, companies having broader... more