Recent papers in Takfir
“Hariciliğin Modern Bir Görüntüsü Olarak Tekfircilik”,
[Ahmet Emin Dağ (haz.), İç Tehdit ve Riskler Işığında İslam Dünyasının Geleceği, İstanbul: İnsamer, 2016] içinde s. 13-46.
[Ahmet Emin Dağ (haz.), İç Tehdit ve Riskler Işığında İslam Dünyasının Geleceği, İstanbul: İnsamer, 2016] içinde s. 13-46.
Takfir in Islamic Thought, by Timani, Hussam S. Boulder, CO: Lexington Books. 124 pp. $85.00. ISBN: 9780739194256
With this work, Justyna Nedza presents the rst comprehensive analysis of the theologically charged legal practice of "declaring someone an unbeliever" (tak r) in militant Sala st thought. Her investigation zooms in on the role of tak r in... more
Faculté des sciences économiques, sociales, politiques et de communication (ESPO) Ecole des Sciences Politiques et Sociales (PSAD)
While the studies on al-Ghazālī’s thought are abundant, its unusual approach to the issue of khatm al-nubuwwa has not received the attention of researchers. Yet, in his Iqtiṣād, he seeks to answer this tricky issue: Is it possible to... more
The chapter offers a conceptualization of the Qāḍīzādeli movement through the prism of belief (īmān) vis-а-vis unbelief (kufr). In so doing, it first introduces the concept of takfīr, including some of its classical foundations relevant... more
In jüngster Zeit wird der Begriff «Salafismus» 1 sowohl in der akademischen Debatte als auch in den Medien verstärkt verwendet, um damit verschiedene zeitgenössische Manifestationen eines bestimmten puritanischen Islamverständnisses zu... more
A Booklet on a range of issues related to tawhid; its nullifiers; its categories; its conditions; its foundations; kufr bit-taghut; al-wala wal-bara; the subject of labels of the shari‘ah; Islam and shirk; the clear and hidden matters;... more
Comment un musulman perçoit-il son rapport au monde ? Peut-on, en tant que musulman, s’adapter et trouver une harmonie dans notre rapport à la configuration sociétale moderne, caractérisée par une sécularisation croissante et un... more
This study examines the intra-Salafī disputes in the 1990s over the legitimacy of present-day rulers in the Muslim world and their status as Muslims. While these issues are theological in their essence, they are intertwined with the... more
From the beginning of the first periods of Islamic theology, the concept of kufr is the most important amongst other terminology related to the judgement of murtakib al-kabīra (cardinal sinner) in this world and Hereafter. The purpose of... more
الإستراتيجية الأمريكية لتوظيف الحركات السلفية الجهادية
إتاحة. توجيه. ضبط
إتاحة. توجيه. ضبط
Bu tebliğ, I. Uluslararası Antalya Güvenlik Sempozyumu’nda (02-04 Aralık 2016, Belek, Antalya) sunulmuştur. Basılı olarak: [Radikalleşme Şiddet ve Terörizm, ed. Salih Zeki Haklı, Ankara, 2018] içinde, s.138-150. ÖZET: Başlığımızdaki "... more
This article seeks to identify the driving factors, features, and significance of the transformation of Salafism in contemporary Muslim societies, a development labeled ‘post-Salafism’. Throughout the 20th century, Salafism grew into a... more
Diyanet (Turkey's Directorate of Religious Affairs) under the chairmanship of Dr. Mehmet Görmez, published a report on Fethullah Gülen titled "Feton in His Own Words: Organized Abuse of Religion" in 2017. Then, on 8 December 2020 Dr.... more
Alright people hold your horses! I know you can already tell from the title that this is a highly controversial subject, but please bear with me for the moment… Tujuan dari artikel bukanlah untuk menebarkan fitnah ataupun mencemari... more
O recente livro, Acusações de descrença no Islã: uma perspectiva diacrônica do takfīr, nos traz uma reflexão sobre uma das práticas problematizadas ao longo da história da literatura acadêmica islâmica, o takfirismo. Declarar que alguém é... more
The usage of excommunication goes back to the early history of Islam for the extreme Kharijite sect declared for the first time all other Muslims who did not agree with them as apostates and killed them brutally in the 7th century. The... more
Présentation lors des XIXe Rencontres « Dīwān », 17, 18 et 19 mai 2016, Madrid (Espagne).
Öz Tekfir başlangıçta, Hz. Peygamberin vefatından sonra baş gösteren olayla-rın tetiklediği süreçte politik bir enstrüman olarak kullanılmıştır. Sonraları muarızları susturmadaki pratik faydası keşfedildiğinde, entelektüel dünyaya hâkim... more
بحث مقدم في مؤتمر "ظاهرة التكفير، الأسباب والعلاج"، المنعقد في المدينة المنورة، تحت رعاية جائزة الأمير نايف بن عبد العزيز بالتعاون مع جامعة الإمام محمد بن سعود الإسلامية، عام 1432هـ
The article sheds light on programs and measures against Islamist-extremist messages both by governmental and non-governmental institutions in Germany. The “German way” for the most part is characterized through its renouncement of... more
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
عشرون مقالاً عن الجماعات التكفيرية
Muḥammad b. ʿAbd al-Wahhāb embeds in his Mukhtaṣar sīrat al-rasūl the biography of Muḥammad in an overarching vision of history that begins with Adam and ends in the Mongol period. In this cyclical concept the promulgation of Islam is... more
HELSINGIN YLIOPISTO HELSINGFORS UNIVERSITET Tiedekunta/Osasto Fakultet/Sektion Teologinen tiedekunta Laitos Institution - TekijäFörfattare Malika-Aisha El Bardi Työn nimi Arbetets titel Jihadin käsite ja jihadistiset liikkeet. Länsimaisia... more
Résumé (Français) Responsable de Frères musulmans dans l’ordre des avocats égyptiens, Khirbâwî a croisé d’importantes personnalités intégristes et défendu plusieurs d’entre elles. Il livre dans deux ouvrages à succès, non traduits en... more
The last decade has marked social media’s influential role in challenging the established centers of knowledge at a global level. Particularly within oppressive political systems, the question arises whether democratised digital... more
Günümüzde Müslümanların yaşadığı siyasi ve ekonomik istikrarsızlığın nedenlerinden biri de dini ve itikadi bölünmelerdir. Hz. Peygamber’in vefatından kısa bir süre sonra başlayan ihtilaflar farklı fırka ve mezheplerin doğmasıyla... more