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Tafsir Al Mishbah Jilid 11 Dr. M. Quraish Shihab
Musholla Nurul Hidayah Randukenceng Krajan Tuban. 62381
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      TafsirSufi TafsirMetode TafsirQuran and Tafsir Studies
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      Quranic StudiesTafsirSufi TafsirQuranic Exegesis
Bu çalışmamızda tarihte iz bırakan en önemli 4 müfessiri seçtik. İlgili müfessirlerin en önemli 6 görüşüne yer verdik. В этом исследовании мы выбрали 4 самых важных комментатора, оставивших свой след в истории. Мы включили 6 наиболее... more
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      TafsirSufi TafsirQURANIC TAFSEERHistory of Tafsir
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      ReligionIslamic LawPhilosophyPhilosophy Of Religion
Tafsir al-Azhar adalah hasil karya terbesar dari ulama ternama yaitu Prof. Dr. HAMKA. Dalam penyusunan Tafsir al Azhar Buya HAMKA menggunakan metode tahlili (analitis) tafsir Al-Qur’an dengan Al-Qur’an tafsir Al-Qur’an dengan hadits... more
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      TafsirSufi TafsirKajian Tafsir Al-QuranHistory of Tafsir
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      Qur'anic StudiesQuranic StudiesIslamic StudiesIslam
Tafsir Al Mishbah Jilid 15 Dr. M. Quraish Shihab
Musholla Nurul Hidayah Randukenceng Krajan Tuban. 62381
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      TafsirSufi TafsirKajian Tafsir Al-QuranProposal Tafsir Hadis
Dengan mencermati secara utuh, menurut hemat penulis, buku ini lebih tepat dikategorikan sebagai pengantar sebuah tafsir, karena memang belum masuk pada surat Al-Fatihah. Lebih dari setengah isi buku ini berbicara mengenai isti>‘a>dhah... more
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      Quranic StudiesSufismTafsirSufi Tafsir
The tradition of Sufism in Islam was still debated by the scholars. They argue that source reference of sufism is the notion of emanation of Neo-Platonism. There is other opinion that the main source of Sufi teachings is riyâdah and... more
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      SufismSufi Tafsir
Tafsir Al-Mishbah Jilid 08 -Quraish Shihab- uploaded by Wirlilik Gundoyo
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      Sufi TafsirKajian Tafsir Al-QuranTafsir IndonesiaQuran and Tafsir Studies
KH Bisri Mustofa Tafsir Al Ibriz Juz 3 Jawa Pegon Pesantren. K.H. Bisri Mustafa. Salah seorang ulama kenamaan asal Rembang yang sekaligus juga merupakan ahli tafsir di tanah Nusantara. Beliau ayahanda dari K.H.Mustafa Bisri. Nama Bisri... more
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      TafsirSufi TafsirKajian Tafsir Al-QuranTafsir Indonesia
Öz: İslam'ın şiârı/sembolü olan ibadetlerden birisi de kuşkusuz Ramazan orucudur. Ramazan orucunun farziyetini bildiren Bakara sûresi 183/184/185. âyetleri müfessirler tarafından genel olarak İslam hukuku disiplini çerçevesinde tefsir... more
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      Social SciencesQuranic StudiesIslamic StudiesSufism
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      ReligionAbrahamic ReligionsGnosticismComparative Religion
Terjemahan Bahasa Melayu sepuluh surat daripada Maktubat Imam Rabbani Mujaddid Alf Tsani Syaikh Ahmad Faruqi Sirhindi Quddisa Sirruhu beserta Tafshilan syarah bagi setiap surat.
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      SufismPersianate SufismNorth African SufismIndian Sufism
Updated version posted on June 1, 2024. Posted with permission of author and publisher, Kalimát Press. Thesis topic originally recommended by Todd Lawson. Scanned by Duane Troxel. Proofread by Jonah Winters and Lynn Jaluvka, with... more
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      ReligionNew Religious MovementsComparative ReligionHistory
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      ReligionBuddhismNative American ReligionsComparative Religion
This paper seeks to explore the wide range of interpretations resulting from the ḥurūf al-muqaṭṭaʿa or ‘the disconnected letters’ of the Qur'an. Typically considered a paradigmatic case of the mutashābih in the Qur'an, exegetes have... more
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      Qur'anic StudiesQuranic StudiesTafsirSufi Tafsir
The Risāla al-Miʿrājiyya is a Sufi commentary on the Qurʾānic verse "He governs the command from heaven to earth; then it ascends unto Him in a day whose measure is a thousand years of your counting" (Q 32:5). It sheds light on... more
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      Arabic PoetryMetaphysics of TimeQuranic StudiesIslamic Studies
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      Study of ReligionsQuranic StudiesIslamic StudiesSufism
How did the classical Muslim commentaries on the Quran understand the verses referring to human love for Allah and for other humans? This article is the second part of a longer article comparing the language of love in the New Testament... more
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      Comparative ReligionIslamic LawEthicsTheology
Abstract: Tafsir expresses the activity of explaining the verses of the Qur’an in general terms. In the field of tafsir the explanations that are usually made by the sufis (ishari tafsir) has been targeted for intense objections... more
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      Quranic StudiesTafsirSufi TafsirQuranic Exegesis
KH Bisri Mustofa Tafsir Al Ibriz Juz 7 Jawa Pegon Pesantren. K.H. Bisri Mustafa. Salah seorang ulama kenamaan asal Rembang yang sekaligus juga merupakan ahli tafsir di tanah Nusantara. Beliau ayahanda dari K.H.Mustafa Bisri. Nama Bisri... more
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      TafsirSufi TafsirKajian Tafsir Al-QuranTafsir Indonesia
KH Bisri Mustofa Tafsir Al Ibriz Juz 9 Jawa Pegon Pesantren. K.H. Bisri Mustafa. Salah seorang ulama kenamaan asal Rembang yang sekaligus juga merupakan ahli tafsir di tanah Nusantara. Beliau ayahanda dari K.H.Mustafa Bisri. Nama Bisri... more
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      TafsirSufi TafsirKajian Tafsir Al-QuranTafsir Indonesia
Christopher Buck, “Bahāʾīs.” Encyclopaedia of the Qurʾān: Supplement. Ed. Jane McAuliffe. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill. (Published December 1, 2016.) Having arisen out of Islamic historical context and milieu, the Bahāʾī religion has... more
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      Discourse AnalysisReligionBaháiNew Religious Movements
KH Bisri Mustofa Tafsir Al Ibriz Juz 8 Jawa Pegon Pesantren. K.H. Bisri Mustafa. Salah seorang ulama kenamaan asal Rembang yang sekaligus juga merupakan ahli tafsir di tanah Nusantara. Beliau ayahanda dari K.H.Mustafa Bisri. Nama Bisri... more
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      TafsirSufi TafsirKajian Tafsir Al-QuranTafsir Indonesia
Core principles of Ibn Barrajan's interpretive approach to the Qur'an.
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      Quranic StudiesSufismAl-AndalusMaghreb studies
This paper will look at the Sufi interpretations of Sūrat al-fātiḣa found in the early mystical Qur'an commentary known as the Ḣ aqā'iq al-tafsīr by the well known Sufi, Abū c Abd al-Raḣmān al-Sulamī (d. 1021). The Sufi tafsīr of this... more
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      ReligionMetaphysicsPhilosophy Of ReligionTheology
أحمد ده ده بن لطف الله المولوي هو أحد أشهر رؤساء المنجمين الذين تقلدوا هذا المنصب بالبلاط العثماني حيث جمع بين هذه الوظيفة السلطانية وبين مولويته التي شب عليها منذ نعومة أظافره وترقى في مدارجها إلى حين تقلده مشيخة المولوي خانه (التكية... more
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      Islamic EducationQuranic StudiesIslamic StudiesMedieval Islamic History
In the history of tafsir development, there is a certain moment where there are some interactions between the Qur'an and the Sufis. Epistemologically, Sufis have a peculiar characteristic in looking at the Qur'an. The Sufis thaught that... more
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      SufismSufi TafsirQURANIC TAFSEER
Martin Tran Nguyen, Sufi Master and Qur’an Scholar: Abū’l-Qāsim al-Qushayrī and the Latā’if al-Ishārāt, Oxford: Oxford University Press in association with the Institute of Ismaili Studies Qur’anic Studies Series, 2012. 303 pages, in... more
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      Iranian StudiesIslamic PhilosophyQur'anic StudiesIslamic Studies
Sebuah Maktub terjemahan bahasa Melayu daripada Maktubat Imam Rabbani Mujaddid Alf Tsani Syaikh Ahmad Faruqi Sirhindi Naqsyabandi Quddisa Sirruhu
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      SufismPersianate SufismNorth African SufismIndian Sufism
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      MetaphysicsMedieval PhilosophyIranian StudiesIslamic Philosophy
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      Islamic LawArabic LiteraturePostcolonial StudiesQur'anic Studies
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      Quranic StudiesIslamic StudiesSufismContemporary Sufism
This paper is a comprehensive study of sufi epistemology through interpretations of natural phenomena. The study of the triagle causality relationship between God, humans, and nature can be a binocular for studying the sufistic... more
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      Sufi TafsirEsotericismFenomenology Studies
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      ReligionIntellectual HistoryTheologyIranian Studies
This article presents a study of ta'wīl promulgated by two prominent Sufis, namely Abū H{ āmid al-Ghazālī and Ibn 'Arabī. Although both use the ta'wīl method of explaining the Qur'anic verses, they are different in terms of "the school"... more
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      SufismTranslation and InterpretationSufi Tafsir
Moojan Momen, Review of: Christopher Buck, Symbol and Secret: Qur’an Commentary in Baha’u’llah’s Kitab-i Iqan. Los Angeles: Kalimat Press, 1995. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society (Third Series) 7.2 (July 1997): 290–291. EXCERPTS... more
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      ReligionAbrahamic ReligionsNew Religious MovementsComparative Religion
Wahy phenomenon has a very fundamental importance and role in the general perception of Islam and in wahy product, the Qur'ān. Since wahy is the source of the Qur’ānic text, we can say that primarily it is a phenomenon related to... more
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      Sufi TafsirQuran and Tafsir Studies
International Conference May 5_7, 2022, Lausanne, Université de Lausanne
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      Quranic StudiesSufismSufi TafsirEsoterism
The thesis explores on the Sufis of twelfth to thirteenth centuries Andalusia and how the beliefs and ideas during that time influenced the spirit and material culture of the geographical area. During the times of the Almohad... more
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      AestheticsArt HistoryArchitectureArt Theory
Makalede Nakşibend tarikatının büyük temsilcisi Yakub Çerhî’yin Tefsir-i Çerhî adlı tasavvufî tefsiri kaleme alınmış, tefsir kaynakları, tefsir metotları, eserin içeriğini oluşturan konular incelenmiştir. Eserin XVI.yüzyılda Orta Asya... more
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      Manuscript StudiesSufi TafsirTefsirсуфийская литература
This article tries to enlighten and analyze the concept of ta'wil of Ibn 'Arabi on the verses of the Holy Qur-an. In order to understand the Holy Qur-an, Sufis used a method the-so-called Ta'wil.Ta'wil Sufis for in the name of the Holy... more
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      EpistemologySufismSufi TafsirSufisme
The Evaluation and critical edition of Molla Hüsrev’s Risâle fî Esrâri’l-Fâtihâ Abstract: Molla Husrev was a highly respected, humble scholar and a person of great moral character who lived during the reign of Sultan Murad the Second and... more
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      Islamic StudiesTafsirSufi TafsirMolla Husrev
The oldest copy of mystical tafsir attributed to Imam Jafar al-Sadıq is Ireland/ Chester Beatty-5253 copy (10. AH century). Dur review shows that: Turkey Suleymaniye/ Nafiz Paşa-65 copy is being copied on the basis the Chester Beatty... more
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      Manuscript StudiesTafsirSufi TafsirArabic Manuscripts
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      Quranic StudiesSufismTafsirSufi Tafsir
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      AestheticsMedieval TheologyMedieval IslamTheological Aesthetics
"Sufi Master and Qur’an Scholar: Abū’l-Qāsim al-Qushayrī and the Laṭāʾif al-ishārāt is the first extensive Western language treatment of the mystical Qur’an commentary composed by the 11th century Sufi and theologian Abū al-Qāsim... more
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      Kalam (Islamic Theology)Qur'anic StudiesQuranic StudiesSufism
This article aims to examine the Ṣūfī interpretation of the story of the prophet Jesus in the Qurʾān. The fate of Jesus, who came to the world in a miraculous way, resulted in a similar way. The fact that the verses in the Qur'an that... more
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      SufismTafsirSufi TafsirJesus
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      PhilosophyContemporary SpiritualityPilgrimageIslamic Contemporary Studies