Stingless Bees
Recent papers in Stingless Bees
A B S T R A C T Major hydroelectric dams are among key emergent agents of habitat loss and fragmentation in lowland tropical forests. Orchid bees (Apidae, Euglossini) are one of the most important groups of specialized pollinators of... more
Butterflies, bees, parasites
Most people are familiar with honey bees and bumblebees, but look closely and there are smaller furry bees moving from flower to flower. Zeljko Serdar from ... more
Different physical factors (electric and electromagnetic fields, magnetic field, gravity, and light) can negatively affect activities of honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) either inside or outside the hives, possibly causing damage to bee... more
Bees, with their ability to make sweet tasting honey, have been highly valued across many human cultures spanning thousands of years. In relation to western husbandry techniques, honeybees (Apidae) have been domesticated by humans to... more
In this study, we propose an easy approach by combining the Fourier transform infrared and attenuated total reflectance (FTIR-ATR) spectroscopy together with chemometrics analysis for rapid detection and accurate quantification of five... more
Each honey is unique on the basis of chemistry, quantity and combination of the various components that attributes towards its quality. The control and characterization of quality are of great importance and interest in apiculture.... more
Plano de Negócios desenvolvido como parte de disciplina da FATEC São Sebastião. Projeto doado às Prefeituras de São Sebastião e Ilhabela. SEGURANÇA ALIMENTAR, GERAÇÃO DE RENDA.
Cláudia Inês Da Silva, Jefferson Nunez Radaeski, Mariana Nicolisi Arena, Soraia Giradi Bauermann, Atlas of pollen and plants used by bees. Consultoria inteligente en Servicios Interssistemicos, Rio Claro, 250 p. (ISBN 978-65-86372-01-4).
Cláudia Inês Da Silva, Jefferson Nunez Radaeski, Mariana Nicolisi Arena, Soraia Giradi Bauermann, Atlas of pollen and plants used by bees. Consultoria inteligente en Servicios Interssistemicos, Rio Claro, 250 p. (ISBN 978-65-86372-01-4).
The geographic location of Colombia and its mega-biodiversity have been identified as advantages for meliponiculture. This study analyzed pot-honey samples from different genera native from different regions of Colombia. The number of... more
Stingless beekeeping (meliponiculture) is a unique eco-friendly agro-practice with the potential for environmental amelioration and income generation. Meliponiculture would be ideal for generation of supplementary income to resource-poor... more
Honey bee, Apis mellifera L., is considered as an essential organism to the agricultural sector due to its role in pollination and alleviation of poverty in rural areas. Many pests attack honey bee colonies causing severe damages and... more
RESUMEN. Se presenta información sobre el género Plebeia Schwarz, 1938 con el propósito de facilitar el reconocimiento de las 12 especies conocidas para México. Las Plebeia de México están separadas en grupos de especies, como el formado... more
A grande riqueza de abelhas está atrelada à grande diversidade de plantas com flores, que possuem certas atratividades para garantir a visita às flores, e consequente polinização. No Rio Grande do Sul, estudos sobre a fauna de abelhas e a... more
chan vera aldasoro sotelo / análisis de la meliponicultura en tabasco 289 estudios de cultura maya liii: 289-326 (2019) Retomando saberes contemporáneos. Un análisis del panorama actual de la meliponicultura en Tabasco Reconsidering... more
Honey has a plethora of researches that related to its use in many disease conditions along with its recognition as a complete food for improving general health among humans irrespective of their age group. Literature so far highlights... more
Cláudia Inês Da Silva, Jefferson Nunez Radaeski, Mariana Nicolisi Arena, Soraia Giradi Bauermann, Atlas of pollen and plants used by bees. Consultoria inteligente en Servicios Interssistemicos, Rio Claro, 250 p. (ISBN 978-65-86372-01-4).
The infestation of Pyemotes sp. on T. iridipennis colonies was investigated under experimental conditions. These parasitic mites were found in intersegments of the queen bee and also found on pupal brood cells. The infested colony becomes... more
Three species of stingless bees were collected from Borneo. The species were Geniotrigona lacteifasciata (4 samples), Tetragonula melanocephala (2 samples) and Tetragonula sirindhornae (4 samples). Several features such as the morphology... more
In India honey bees like Apis cerana and Apis mellifera are reared for commercial purpose. The other bees like rock bee (Apis dorsata), little bee (Apis florea) and dammer bee (Trigona sp) are not domesticated because of their... more
Resumen Se aportan nuevos registros a la fauna de abejas sin aguijón (tribu Meliponini) para los estados de Oaxaca y Chiapas. Para ello, se hicieron muestreos intensivos de estas abejas, con lo cual se reunieron registros de distribución,... more
Se evalúa cómo los conocimientos locales aportan información sobre la riqueza de abejas sin aguijón en el Bosque Atlántico del Alto Paraná, Norte de Misiones, Argentina. Para ello se compara la información relevada en el presente... more
Il miele di api senza pungiglione non è ancora considerato miele dalla normativa internazionale, ma è diffuso in tanti paesi del mondo, affonda in una cultura antica e produce una sorprendente diversità di aromi. E' in corso uno sforzo... more
– Melipona stingless bee species of Central America and Mexico are important ecologically, culturally, and economically as pollinators and as a source of food and medicine. Despite their importance, however, information on their... more
First results of botanical characterization of honeys produced by Tetragonisca angustula (Apidae, Meliponinae) in Los Naranjos, Salta, Argentina. The melissopalynological analysis was performed on ten honeys samples of Tetragonisca... more
The uses of wild bees products and plants in the traditional medicine of the province of Misiones, Argentina, was studied; particularly regarding bee species and therapeutic uses of honey-based concoctions. In this paper, 412 different... more
Over the past decades, both wild and domesticated insect pollinators are in dramatic decline, which puts at stake the existence of species, ecosystem resilience and global food security. Globally, 87 of major food crops depend on animal... more
Trichotrigona camargoiana sp. nov. from Candeias do Jamari, Rondônia, Brazil is described and illustrated, along with nesting and behavior, as the second species of the rare and unusual genus Trichotrigona Camargo & Moure, 1983. The new... more
This research was carried out to evaluate the performance of stingless bees' colonies, Tetragonisca angustula Latreille, 1811 (Hymenoptera, Meliponinae), in Maringá region in the south of Brazil. Twenty colonies were settled in the... more
Terry Houston has studied the native bees for more than 50 years and has now shared his skills and knowledge in this magnificent guide to the fauna of Australia. An overview of bee biology in 22 chapters makes up the first of the book’s... more
Se ofrece un panorama de la diversidad, la historia natural y la conservación de las abejas de Costa Rica, las cuales se destacan por mantener una relación simbiótica con las flores y por preservar el planeta. AUTORES: Jorge Arturo Lobo... more
The manner in which Indigenous communities in remote northern Aus-tralia interact with local species of honeybees is described as a multifaceted situation. The main language communities discussed in this paper include Kune, Rem-barrnga,... more
A cultural, intellectual and material history of beeswax in Italy in Early modern
In this study, we record for the first time the genus Notocyrtus (Heteroptera, Reduviidae) from Argentina based on three species: Notocyrtus dorsalis (Gray), Notocyrtus dispersus Carvalho & Costa, and Notocyrtus foveatus Stål. We also... more