Papers by Rogerio Silvestre
Acarina 26 (2): 167–174, 2018
A new species, Petalomium barrosbattestiae sp.n. (Acari: Neopygmephoridae), associated with Traum... more A new species, Petalomium barrosbattestiae sp.n. (Acari: Neopygmephoridae), associated with Traumatomutilla rubroguttata (Hymenoptera: Mutillidae) from Brazil, is described. Some new host records of Trochometridium tribulatum Cross, 1965 are reported, including the first record of this species in Brazil. The association between mites of the genus Petalomium and velvet ants is reported for the first time.
We register for first time the occurrence of Epipompilus tucumanus Evans, 1967 in Brazil, and rec... more We register for first time the occurrence of Epipompilus tucumanus Evans, 1967 in Brazil, and record the spider Ariadna boliviana Simon, 1907 as its host. The observations were made in the National Park of Chapada dos Guimarães, Mato Grosso, Brazil. The prey carriage mechanism is described for first time for this genus, and we provide a video showing this behavior.
A checklist composed of 105 species of parasitic Hymenoptera, which includes the non-aculeate Apo... more A checklist composed of 105 species of parasitic Hymenoptera, which includes the non-aculeate Apocrita, recorded in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul (MS), Brazil, is presented. A new list, containing 153 genera obtained in recent surveys is also presented; out of these 131 are new records. The major knowledge gaps for these organisms in the State and the prospects for future studies for these organisms are discussed.
Spheciformes Wasps (Hymenoptera, Apoidea) from Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. Here we present a spec... more Spheciformes Wasps (Hymenoptera, Apoidea) from Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. Here we present a species list of spheciformes wasps of the families Ampulicidae, Sphecidae and Crabronidae, registered in west and southwest of the Mato Grosso do Sul state, Brazil. The surveys were conducted in 22 sampling points, with emphasis on Serra da Bodoquena region, covering the biomes: Cerrado, Atlantic Forest and Chaco. We recorded 506 individuals distributed in 47 genera and 109 species. Trypoxylon Latreille was the most diverse genus with 155 individuals collected and 12 morphospecies, being the only genus sampled in all methodologies. Eremnophila binodis (Fabricius, 1798) was the most abundant species recorded from these wasps with 35 individuals collected. This list adds 83 new records to this wasp's distribution in the state, expanding to 139 species of wasps spheciformes known to the state.

Checklist of wasp (Hymenoptera, Vespidae) from Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. This is a preliminary ... more Checklist of wasp (Hymenoptera, Vespidae) from Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. This is a preliminary survey of wasps (Vespidae) conducted in a representative points of the biomes from Mato Grosso do Sul: Pantanal, Chaco, Cerrado and Atlantic Forest, covering periods of sampling between 2006 to 2011, being the fi rst eff ort to quantify the Vespidae fauna for this State. The samples were concentrated primarily in areas with good conservation status, as Parque Nacional da Serra da Bodoquena, Reserva Particular do Patrimônio Natural Eng. Eliezer Batista (RPPNEEB), Maciço do Urucum, riparian forests of the rivers Aporé and Sucuriú, Atlantic Forest fragments of Dourados municipality and Brazilian Chaco. The sampling techniques employed were: active search, with entomological nets and Malaise and Möerick traps. The methods were not standardized for the locations. In total 105 species in 35 genera of Vespidae were recorded for Mato Grosso do Sul. The genera with high richness were: Omicron and Zethus, with 10 species each one. Among the solitary wasps, Pachodynerus guadulpensis was the most abundant, with 32 individuals. To the social wasps Agelaia multipicta, Polybia ignobilis, and Polybia (gr. occidentalis) sp. were the most abundant. Trimeria rubra (Masarinae) was sampled for the fi rst time in Mato Grosso do Sul State. The knowledge status of biodiversity is fundamental for future strategies of management's plans, resulting in the selection of priority areas for conservation.
Checklist of bees (Hymenoptera, Apidae sensu lato) from Mato Grosso do Sul state, Brazil. In this... more Checklist of bees (Hymenoptera, Apidae sensu lato) from Mato Grosso do Sul state, Brazil. In this paper a current list of the bee species from Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil is presented and available in the online database of collections and reported in the literature, besides own collections held in diff erent localities in the state, encompassing diff erent vegetation types. The total number of bee species recorded for Mato Grosso do Sul, including morphospecies, is 386 species, distributed in 107 genera and fi ve subfamilies. The most diverse subfamily is Apinae, followed by Megachilinae, Halictinae, Colletinae and Andreninae. We added new distribution records of 97 species of bees to Mato Grosso do Sul.
The Thread-waisted Wasp, Ammophila hevans Menke, 2004, is reported from the Brazilian Cerrado, co... more The Thread-waisted Wasp, Ammophila hevans Menke, 2004, is reported from the Brazilian Cerrado, collected in a transitional area between Savannah and Semidecidual Forest formations in Dourados municipality , Mato Grosso Sul state, Brazil. The species is illustrated for the first time, and a distribution map is provided.
Entre as formigas, as poneromorfas certamente possuem as espécies que mais chamam a atenção dos p... more Entre as formigas, as poneromorfas certamente possuem as espécies que mais chamam a atenção dos pesquisadores, em razão da sua diversidade em ambientes nativos das regiões tropicais, mas também, principalmente, em razão das características morfológicas e comportamentais menos derivadas (" mais primitivas ") que elas possuem em comum, fazendo com que esses animais estejam entre os organismos sociais mais estimulantes intelectualmente a estudar.

Resumo Silva GS, Demétrio MF, da Silva PSD, Silvestre R. 2015. Estratégias de competição entre es... more Resumo Silva GS, Demétrio MF, da Silva PSD, Silvestre R. 2015. Estratégias de competição entre espécies de formigas em um fragmento de vegetação de caatinga, Bahia, Brasil. Entomotropica 30(22): 218-223. O presente estudo descreve os padrões de competição entre as formigas epigéicas mais frequentes na Floresta Nacional Contendas do Sincorá, Bahia (vegetação de caatinga arbustiva). Foram dispostas 31 iscas de sardinha a intervalos de 30 m, durante 100 min. Registrou-se 87 interações, média de três espécies por isca. Dinoponera quadriceps foi a mais freqüente (42,5 %), apresentou o maior tempo médio de descoberta do recurso (38 min) e maior distância entre ninho e isca (15,2 m). Dorymyrmex pr. pyramicus foi a mais rápida (3 cm/s), enquanto Pheidole obscurithorax foi a mais lenta (0,29 cm/s). Estes resultados sugerem que as diferentes estratégias adotadas no forrageamento podem estar influenciando diretamente na coexistência das espécies e, conseqüentemente, norteando os padrões de dominância. Abstract Silva GS, Demétrio MF, da Silva PSD, Silvestre R. 2015. Estratégias de competição entre espécies de formigas em um fragmento de vegetação de caatinga. Bahia. Brasil. Entomotropica 30(22): 218-223. The present study describes the competition patterns among the most frequent epigeic ants in the Floresta Nacional Contendas do Sincorá, Bahia (shrubby 'caatinga' vegetation). Thirty-one sardine baits were disposed for 100 min at intervals of 30 m. We registered 87 interactions of ants, a mean of 3 ant species per bait. Dinoponera quadriceps was the most frequent (42.5 %), presented the higher mean time for discovering the baits (38 minutes) and the largest distances between nest and bait (15.2 m). Dorymyrmex pr. pyramicus was the fastest (3 cm/s), whereas Pheidole obscurithorax was the slowest (0.29 cm/s). These results suggest that the different strategies adopted by these ants during foraging may be directly affecting species coexistence and, thus, guiding dominance patterns.
Ciência Rural, 2014
Formigas como bioindicadores da qualidade do solo em sistema intergrado lavoura-pecuária.

This paper describes habitat and geographic correlates of ant diversity in Serra da Bodoquena, a ... more This paper describes habitat and geographic correlates of ant diversity in Serra da Bodoquena, a poorly surveyed region of centralwestern Brazil. We discuss leaf-litter ant diversity on a regional scale, with emphasis on the contribution of each of the processes that form the evolutionary basis of contemporary beta diversity. The diversity of leaf-litter ants was assessed from a series of 262 Winkler samples conducted in two microbasins within a deciduous forest domain. A total of 170 litter-dwelling ant species in 45 genera and 11 subfamilies was identified. The data showed that the study areas exhibited different arrangements of ant fauna, with a high turnover in species composition between sites, indicating high beta diversity. Our analysis suggests that the biogeographic history of this tropical dry forest in the centre of South America could explain ant assemblage structure more than competitive dominance. The co-occurrence analysis showed that species co-occur less often than expected by chance in only two of the localities, suggesting that, for most of the species, co-occurrences are random. The assessment of the structure of the diversity of litter-dwelling ants is the first step in understanding the beta diversity patterns in this region of great biogeographic importance.
An unusual approach about richness and rarity of leaf-litter ant species is presented here from a... more An unusual approach about richness and rarity of leaf-litter ant species is presented here from a dry forest reminiscent in Pantanal province (Chacoan subregion) suggesting the boundaries that defining local and regional scales for this particular ant community. We analysed the frequency of distribution of 170 ant species collected on 262 Winkler's samples along Serra da Bodoquena National Park, Mato Grosso do Sul state, Brazil and described some ecological mechanisms that made the species richness estimates be highly influenced by species with low frequencies of records in an extent regional of a pristine dry forest. Bayesian inference was conducted to provide if the probability of latitudinal gradient was correlated with the species richness to define alpha diversity.
The nest of Minixi suffusum offers a rare form of mimicry: bird dropping masquerading of the nest... more The nest of Minixi suffusum offers a rare form of mimicry: bird dropping masquerading of the nest by the potter wasp was recorded in mid-western Brazil, in the municipality of Dourados MS. Nesting biology of M. suffusum and the material involved in the action of the camouflage were observed. Eleven nests were sampled, with a total of 38 cells. Use of uric acid for staining the cell was evident in all nests. The way that the wasp stains the cells was observed. Substrate nest site, seasonality, larvae biology, sex ratio, prey and parasitoids of M. suffusum were reported. Nest camouflage may be related to defense against natural enemies.
Plagiolabra von Schulthess has only two recognized
species and both were only recorded previously... more Plagiolabra von Schulthess has only two recognized
species and both were only recorded previously from Argen-
tina and Paraguay. The two species of the genus were collected
in Brazil for the first time, indicating that the biota of Mato
Grosso do Sul has elements of the Chacoan province, thus
indicating the importance for conservation of this area which
is the only representative of the Chaco biome in Brazil.

The highly diverse Hymenoptera fauna in Neotropical forests has been the focus of many studies in... more The highly diverse Hymenoptera fauna in Neotropical forests has been the focus of many studies investigating the structure of ecological communities, particularly in the last ten years. Studies on the biogeography and diversity of Hymenoptera, as well as the processes affecting their maintenance, can be of great interest for planning effective conservation of the biota on a regional scale. Such studies can also contribute to producing new ecological and taxonomic data, particularly in areas where no previous records exist for the group, as in the case of dry forests located in the middle of South America.
In this context we present the first systematic inventory of Hymenoptera made in the pristine dry forests of midwestern Brazil. The study was conducted over eight years, in two regions; Bodoquena Mountain Range and Brazilian Chaco. These locations are set in a large open area in a diagonal formation of South America, the so-called "Pleistocenic Arc", extending from the Caatinga in northeastern Brazil to the Chaco in Argentina, where the contact areas occur between the Pantanal, Cerrado, Chaco, and Atlantic Forest. We investigated the distribution patterns from each Hymenoptera group and described the faunistic structure. An expressive number of rare and endemic species was detected, and high beta diversity was revealed for all Hymenoptera groups along the dry forest fragments. All groups studied showed a similar species abundance distribution profile, denoting a model that follows a truncated lognormal pattern. In order to identify species richness, the most diverse taxon in a regional spectrum of the dry forests analyzed was Formicidae with 294 species and morphospecies records, followed by Apidae (150), Pompilidae (103), Vespidae (79), Crabronidae (74), Mutillidae (21), Sphecidae (20), Tiphiidae (15), Scoliidae (6), and Rhopalossomatide (1). In total, 763 species were identified and morphospecies in 236 genera in ten families. Despite the biogeographical relationships of the vegetation, evolutionary effects of environmental formations and anthropogenic current impacts may be reflected in the structure of the whole Hymenoptera community on dry forests from mid-western Brazil. This region is considered of very high biological importance, being extremely diverse, and it urgently needs to be reflected as a hotspot.
ABSTRACT. Five new associations of parasitoids in potter wasps (Vespidae, Eumeninae). New associa... more ABSTRACT. Five new associations of parasitoids in potter wasps (Vespidae, Eumeninae). New associations of host and parasitoids
involving potter wasps: Toxophora leucon and Pleurochrysis sp. were found parasitizing Cyphomenes anisitsii, Chrysis sp.
(gr. intricans) was found parasitizing Minixi suffusum, Plega beardi was found parasitizing Montezumia pelagica sepulchralis
and Macrosiagon sp. was found parasitizing Pachodynerus nasidens.
KEYWORDS. Bombyliidae; Chrysididae; host wasps; Mantispidae; Rhipiphoridae.
Papers by Rogerio Silvestre
species and both were only recorded previously from Argen-
tina and Paraguay. The two species of the genus were collected
in Brazil for the first time, indicating that the biota of Mato
Grosso do Sul has elements of the Chacoan province, thus
indicating the importance for conservation of this area which
is the only representative of the Chaco biome in Brazil.
In this context we present the first systematic inventory of Hymenoptera made in the pristine dry forests of midwestern Brazil. The study was conducted over eight years, in two regions; Bodoquena Mountain Range and Brazilian Chaco. These locations are set in a large open area in a diagonal formation of South America, the so-called "Pleistocenic Arc", extending from the Caatinga in northeastern Brazil to the Chaco in Argentina, where the contact areas occur between the Pantanal, Cerrado, Chaco, and Atlantic Forest. We investigated the distribution patterns from each Hymenoptera group and described the faunistic structure. An expressive number of rare and endemic species was detected, and high beta diversity was revealed for all Hymenoptera groups along the dry forest fragments. All groups studied showed a similar species abundance distribution profile, denoting a model that follows a truncated lognormal pattern. In order to identify species richness, the most diverse taxon in a regional spectrum of the dry forests analyzed was Formicidae with 294 species and morphospecies records, followed by Apidae (150), Pompilidae (103), Vespidae (79), Crabronidae (74), Mutillidae (21), Sphecidae (20), Tiphiidae (15), Scoliidae (6), and Rhopalossomatide (1). In total, 763 species were identified and morphospecies in 236 genera in ten families. Despite the biogeographical relationships of the vegetation, evolutionary effects of environmental formations and anthropogenic current impacts may be reflected in the structure of the whole Hymenoptera community on dry forests from mid-western Brazil. This region is considered of very high biological importance, being extremely diverse, and it urgently needs to be reflected as a hotspot.
involving potter wasps: Toxophora leucon and Pleurochrysis sp. were found parasitizing Cyphomenes anisitsii, Chrysis sp.
(gr. intricans) was found parasitizing Minixi suffusum, Plega beardi was found parasitizing Montezumia pelagica sepulchralis
and Macrosiagon sp. was found parasitizing Pachodynerus nasidens.
KEYWORDS. Bombyliidae; Chrysididae; host wasps; Mantispidae; Rhipiphoridae.
species and both were only recorded previously from Argen-
tina and Paraguay. The two species of the genus were collected
in Brazil for the first time, indicating that the biota of Mato
Grosso do Sul has elements of the Chacoan province, thus
indicating the importance for conservation of this area which
is the only representative of the Chaco biome in Brazil.
In this context we present the first systematic inventory of Hymenoptera made in the pristine dry forests of midwestern Brazil. The study was conducted over eight years, in two regions; Bodoquena Mountain Range and Brazilian Chaco. These locations are set in a large open area in a diagonal formation of South America, the so-called "Pleistocenic Arc", extending from the Caatinga in northeastern Brazil to the Chaco in Argentina, where the contact areas occur between the Pantanal, Cerrado, Chaco, and Atlantic Forest. We investigated the distribution patterns from each Hymenoptera group and described the faunistic structure. An expressive number of rare and endemic species was detected, and high beta diversity was revealed for all Hymenoptera groups along the dry forest fragments. All groups studied showed a similar species abundance distribution profile, denoting a model that follows a truncated lognormal pattern. In order to identify species richness, the most diverse taxon in a regional spectrum of the dry forests analyzed was Formicidae with 294 species and morphospecies records, followed by Apidae (150), Pompilidae (103), Vespidae (79), Crabronidae (74), Mutillidae (21), Sphecidae (20), Tiphiidae (15), Scoliidae (6), and Rhopalossomatide (1). In total, 763 species were identified and morphospecies in 236 genera in ten families. Despite the biogeographical relationships of the vegetation, evolutionary effects of environmental formations and anthropogenic current impacts may be reflected in the structure of the whole Hymenoptera community on dry forests from mid-western Brazil. This region is considered of very high biological importance, being extremely diverse, and it urgently needs to be reflected as a hotspot.
involving potter wasps: Toxophora leucon and Pleurochrysis sp. were found parasitizing Cyphomenes anisitsii, Chrysis sp.
(gr. intricans) was found parasitizing Minixi suffusum, Plega beardi was found parasitizing Montezumia pelagica sepulchralis
and Macrosiagon sp. was found parasitizing Pachodynerus nasidens.
KEYWORDS. Bombyliidae; Chrysididae; host wasps; Mantispidae; Rhipiphoridae.