History of Canada
Recent papers in History of Canada
The continued preservation of bison is one of Parks Canada’s greatest success stories. Canadian parks have been actively involved in protecting bison for over 100 years. While much has been written about the history of bison and... more
"Early colonial economies in North America and Australia were commonly based on a combination of the importation of goods and a system of local production which included subsistence agriculture and hunting. Before 1850 the Australian... more
NATIVE MESSENGERS OF GOD IN CANADA?: A TEST CASE FOR BAHA’I UNIVERSALISM (1996) *** Christopher Buck, “Native Messengers of God in Canada?: A Test Case for Baha’i Universalism.” Baha’i Studies Review 6 (1996): 97–133. *** Award... more
When Samuel de Champlain founded the colony of Quebec in 1608, he established elaborate gardens where he sowed French seeds he had brought with him and experimented with indigenous plants that he found in nearby fields and forests.... more
1) Why did you choose to come to Canada? Tell about the conditions before coming and what attracted you here. "Because Canada is an experiment - think about this, English and French couldn’t defeat each other and so made a nation... more
Kanada je zemí, s níž Čechy pojí osudy tisíců emigrantů a jejíž obyvatelé se dodnes hrdě hlásí k ideálu otevřené, multikulturní společnosti. Tato kniha seznamuje čtenáře s dějinami země, v nichž se promítají problémy soužití několika... more
Why is it that Chief Joseph Brant, one of the key indigenous North American leaders, is fondly remembered in Canada, but largely forgotten or dismissed in the United States? How did his strong Anglican heritage shape his leadership? How... more
This is the Introduction to R.W. Sandwell, ed., Powering Up Canada: Fuel, Power and Energy Since 1600 (Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2016) that provides an overview of the history of energy in Canada. The edited... more
Energy and environmental diplomacy factors were a major, though often unrecognized, part of Canada-United States relations prior to the Cold War. Hydroelectricity was the most important of these factors, particularly power exported from... more
In early April 2016, Attawapiskat First Nation declared a state of emergency when 11 young people tried to kill themselves in one day alone. The response from the state was to send in crisis workers. As I write, occupations and protests... more
Roman Shukhevych conducted his first political assassination in 1926 at age 19. In 1934, he was jailed for his role in killing Poland’s Interior Minister. By 1940, he was attending a Nazi military intelligence (Abwehr) academy in... more
Helmcken Falls is a 141 m (463 ft) waterfall on the Murtle River within Wells Gray Provincial Park in British Columbia, Canada. The protection of Helmcken Falls was one of the reasons for the creation of Wells Gray Provincial Park in... more
The article presents the Prime Minister Mackenzie King’s personal convictions and philosophy referring to Canadian relations with Britain and with Europe in general. It attempts to explain the reasons of Mackenzie King’s anti-Imperial and... more
Cet article s'intéresse aux enfants de Nicolas Lebel, ce pionnier de Nouvelle-France né près de Rouen vers 1633. Le nombre de Québécois actuels qui descendent de ce Normand est estimé à près de deux millions. On découvre toutefois qu'au... more
In Canada, 1967 meant more than than it did elsewhere. Not only was it the summer of love, it was the year a country came to love itself. Celebrating its Centennial, the nation had a new flag, a booming economy, and Montreal hosted an... more
На ранних этапах колонизации североамериканского континента взаимоотношения европейских переселенцев и коренных жителей Нового света развивались в рамках двух основных моделей. Первая из них может быть условно названа английской,... more
Through six intensive and semi-structured interviews, this research paper examines the role social support networks may or may not have played in facilitating the resettlement experiences of Chinese-Vietnamese refugees living in Canada... more
A questão das Primeiras Nações (First Nations) na história canadense constitui um traço de narrativa essencial. Em toda extensão territorial do país há uma profusão complexa e profunda de culturas, línguas e representações do que... more
From the early decades of the 17th century until 1701, the Great Lakes region and its vicinity were riven by wars their peoples largely for control of trade with European powers but also, in the case of the Haudenosaunee (Five Nations... more
Throughout the Cold War, Canada’s Department of External Affairs wielded the CBC’s International Service (CBC-IS)1 as a propaganda weapon in what it called "political warfare." The CBC-IS (aka "The Voice of Canada") was, Liberal Foreign... more
Summary of the book "Frederick Jackson Turner’s Frontier Thesis:
A Comparative Approach and Ukrainian context" published in Ukrainian, 2016
A Comparative Approach and Ukrainian context" published in Ukrainian, 2016
С момента окончания Семилетней войны Квебек находился в особом положении среди колоний Британской Северной Америки. Поселенцы долины реки св. Лаврентия, ревностно хранившие собственные культурно-исторические традиции, считали себя... more
This article examines the role of late twentieth-century transnational migrants to Canada in transforming Scarborough into a culinary hub with global and Asian resonances-a place where dense affective, sensory, social, cultural, and... more
"ABSTRACT: This paper examines the theoretical and historical principles that shaped the development of Canadian communication studies. The analysis focuses on the University of Toronto as a historical site for the conception and... more
A new book on the stories of inventiveness and hope as well as of oppression and despair experienced by hundreds of thousands of Italians emigrated to Toronto. "After World War II, hundreds of thousands of Italians emigrated to... more
On trouvera ici la préface de l'ouvrage faite par Michel Vergé-Franceschi
Projet de mémoires graphiques, visant à synthétiser en moins de 300 mots mes projets de recherche financés par le Conseil de recherche en sciences humaines du Canada (maîtrise et doctorat), présenté dans le cadre du concours pancanadien... more
Une triangulation réussie sur une matriarche d'Acadie, Marie Christine AUBOIS, a permis l'établissement de sa signature ADNmt. Des tests génétiques ont identifié son haplogroupe A2i (A2-C64T) par séquençage complet des mitochondries,... more
A complete lesson plan covering the various "groups" of Indigenous peoples throughout Canada, colonization, residential schools and truth and reconciliation.
В последней трети XIX в. Канада представляла собой уникальное явление как в британской, так и в общемировой колониальной практике. В 70-е годы XIX в. среди общественно-политических кругов Канады широко распространилось убеждение, что... more
When launching their careers in journalism, both Michael Chomiak and Chrystia Freeland faced major conflicts of interest. Although neither were objective about Ukrainian nationalism, this did not harm their prospects.... more
Queers living in the urban centre of Toronto have a strong history of resistance and deviant practices that skirt social norms in presenting and disseminating queer knowledge and art. These practices include the self-publication of zines,... more
This paper presents a chronological history of the criminal law convictions relating to Canada's Indian residential schools. This paper relies on extensive quotations from the report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission; adjusted by... more
REVISED MAY 2023 The Hon. Donald Gunn was born a Braehour Gunn of Caithness, part of a significant Gunn family. His father William was brother to Donald Gunn the sennachy of Braehour and Brawlbin. Due to various Clan Gunn Chief lines... more
Dieser Artikel wurde erstmals veröffentlicht in: Neugebauer, Vivien (Hrsg.) (2018): Einwanderungsland Deutschland. Gesetz, Praxis und gesellschaftliches Selbstverständnis, Loccumer Protokoll, Band 73/16, Rehburg-Loccum: Evangelische... more
Introductory article to a special issue of West Coast Line on Art and Anti-Colonialism; the issue consists mostly of transcripts from events held during the Anti-Colonial Art Contest at Simon Fraser University between November 2004 and... more
Abstract: The French history of St. Louis begins with P(a)in-Cour(t), a colonial outpost subordinate to Quebec City. The memory of this first name lived on while its rationale became a challenge and left scholars with unconvincing... more
A history of deportation in Canada from the early years of Acadian forced relocation to modern-day rendition. Topics covered include: Acadian forced removal, deportations from War of1812, Nineteenth century extradition to the U.S.,... more
National liberation revolution in Canada ought to be viewed as a pinnacle of independence movement in British North America provinces. The article reveals political, economic and social backgrounds of the revolution, points out the... more
The Canadian government persists in funding Ukrainian ethnonationalist groups and their cultural centres. These centres are the location of ritualistic commemorations, portraits, statues and other symbolic means used to glorify fascist... more
It is interesting that the story of how Joseph Smith became a founder of Smith's Cove includes an agreement being made by him with the father of a Patriot soldier, Joseph Potter, Jr. When Joseph Smith arrived in the area in 1783 with... more
The article uses the diplomatic efforts of John Brant and Robert Kerr to negotiate land claims with the Colonial Office in 1822 on behalf of the Grand River Six Nations, while presenting themselves (however problematically) as Mohawk... more
Głoszenie Ewangelii na rozległych kanadyjskich „Terytoriach Północno-Zachodnich”, wpisało się mocno w historię Zgromadzenia Misjonarzy Oblatów Maryi Niepokalanej. Na początku XIX w. ten ogromny teren był zaludniony jedynie przez... more