Social Infrastructure
Recent papers in Social Infrastructure
The term Design and Construct (D&C) is a well-established description of a procurement method in which the roles and responsibilities of the various stakeholders are clearly defined. The advent of Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) bring... more
The authors present a research based in Spain and carried out between 2011 and 2014 on the social organizations and affective processes involved in social movements. Using extracts from narrative interviews, they explore how participants... more
This paper discusses on the proposal of participatory management of community assets through an asset management system based on GIS platform.
This brief article is intended as a point of departure rather than as a thematic itinerary of the ‘Whose Streets?’ series yet to come. It opens by thinking about what it means to live through the jarring collapse of public life in the... more
The urban sanitation is actively being addressed by the Central Government of India. The action is taking place though various provisions of Swachh Bharat Mission launched in the nation. The paper discusses about a study undertaken for... more
Designing and improving physical infrastructure to accommodate the outcomes of climate change and mitigate disasters can only be effective to a certain extent. The need to protect people physically can be achieved to a greater extent with... more
This study focuses on Social impacts of Chukha Hydro Power on its local community in Chukha, District of Bhutan. It explores the social impact of Chukha Hydropower on the local community in the post commissioned era and it will spell out... more
This paper was published in India Infrastructure Report 2006: Urban Infrastructure.
Rural Survey Documentation
In over fifty years since independence, India has a developed an extensive public delivery system for the provision of health care. This was preceded in 1946 by the Bhore Commission that recommended basic health services be provided for... more
Klinenberg, Eric. Palaces for the People: How Social Infrastructure Can Help Fight Inequality, Polarization, and the Decline of Civic Life. (New York, New York: Crown, 2018). 336 pp. $28. ISBN 978-1-5247-6116-5
Nous définissons l’ « enclave inclusive » comme un espace urbain enclos sur le plan morpho-topologique, mais programmé pour un public large, rendu accessible et hospitalier à une diversité d’usagers et apprêté, en particulier, à recevoir... more
Дипломная работа, Московский архитектурный институт, 2020 В основе нашего проекта мы поставили три основные проблемы: связь с городом, отсутствие инфраструктуры и неконтролируемый рост неформальных поселений. Мы предлагаем упорядочить... more
The article is discussed formation of green new cities structure and the planning sustainable social infrastructure in Big Baku region. The author pays special attention on necessity of the system, complex decision of tasks in the... more
The main goal of this paper is to develop a reflection on the usefulness that case studies can make to evaluative research. The focus of the analysis is the practical value that the theory can assume in the Case Study Research, when it is... more
The stock of social infrastructure plays a positive role in economic growth. The economic development of a nation mainly depends on the level of skills acquired by the workforce, physical capital, and productivity of both human/physical... more
After India gained its independence, despite of surplus welfare policies and schemes that targeted at the upliftment of rural areas, a polarized development was witnessed. The past record of development initiatives in terms of plans and... more
The long-term success of Australia’s rapidly growing outer-suburban communities depends to a large extent on the presence of social infrastructure such as schools, libraries, sporting facilities and community centres. This paper briefly... more
Abstract- There are observed inequalities in the provision and distribution of social infrastructure facilities in Ikwerre and Etche. The paper examined the availability of some social infrastructural facilities in this two local... more
Atkočiūnienė V., Aleksandravičius A., Kiaušienė I., Vaznonienė G., Pakeltienė R., Lukė R.
The occupation of the Cofinanzas Financial centre, better known as the Tower of David, has been praised as well as cri- ticised. Perhaps because beyond the illegality, the appropriation of a symbol of a time of inequality threatened... more
How do residents learn to navigate the topographies of everyday life in the city and on the margins of citizenship? An old question for research on cities, development and poverty, to be sure, but one that now has a new urgency and is the... more
There are observed inequalities in the provision and distribution of social infrastructure facilities in Ikwerre and Etche. The paper examined the availability of some social infrastructural facilities in this two local government of... more
Public-private partnership (hereinafter: PPP) is not developing according to expectations in Poland. In comparison to other European nations, the success rate of initiated proceedings is still very low. Between 2009 and the first quarter... more
Indonesia’s Five-Year Development Plan (1993/94–1998/99) recognized the need to address depletion of coastal fisheries resources and pervasive poverty and social disadvantage among coastal communities. The objectives of the Coastal... more
There are observed inequalities in the provision and distribution of social infrastructure facilities in Ikwerre and Etche. The paper examined the availability of some social infrastructural facilities in this two local government of... more
The paper extends the empirical and conceptual scope of Social Reproduction Theory by bringing it into dialogue with debates on financialization. We call for the need to document and theorize the “lived” dimension of the financialization... more
There are observed inequalities in the provision and distribution of social infrastructure facilities in Ikwerre and Etche. The paper examined the availability of some social infrastructural facilities in this two local government of... more
Abstract: In Etiopia, la transizione democratica è andata di pari passo con il decentramento amministrativo e con l’implementazione di strategie di mobilitazione di massa, già sperimentate dall’attuale élite al potere nella fase... more
The rise of digital music distribution has caused decreasing returns from CD and cassette sales in Burkina Faso and Ghana. In response to this decline in revenues, artists and their management have been trying to find ways to find other... more
As we argue in this chapter, context-specific and relational understandings of austerity and the complex policy mobilities (McCann and Ward, 2012) of New Public Management require critical attention to how processes play out in particular... more
Public libraries are more than information providers; they increasingly serve as key social infrastructures. Financial pressures, decreasing membership and digitalisation require libraries to reinvent themselves as primarily spaces of an... more
Notre époque nous met face à plusieurs défis importants, de l’augmentation des inégalités socioéconomiques aux changements climatiques en passant par la baisse de l’engagement civique et politique dans la plupart des démocraties libérales... more
The long-term success of Australia's rapidly growing outer-suburban communities depends to a large extent on the presence of social infrastructure such as schools, libraries, sporting facilities and community centres. This paper briefly... more
Answering the question: What do you understand by the notion of ‘perspectives’? And how does this understanding help you to think about and/or rethink the process of community engagement?
ABSTRACT. The rural social infrastructure should allow the formation of sustainable communities through the continued development of three-dimensional and inclusive community activities, allocation of resources, strengthening competencies... more
The study analyses the key parameters of the population of small rural settlements of the Zakarpatska Oblast amidst economic transformation. Small settlements are described by low population density, which in some rural settlements is... more
Indian ports along with the Shipping industry play a vital role and act as a corollary to the growth and development of the country's trade. With almost every organization striving towards modernization in terms of infrastructure... more
The planning fallacy is at play in projects when optimism bias and/or strategic misrepresentation are present. We examine the cost performance of approximately US$ 6.5 billion worth of social infrastructure projects that were procured in... more