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The university town of Freiburg, Germany has a well-deserved reputation as the European capital of environmentalism and sustainable architecture and urban design. The city is perhaps best known for the development of two model sustainable... more
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      ArchitecturePhotovoltaicsRenewable EnergyParticipatory Design
This article describes three cases of placemaking workshops conducted by the author in three different countries: Ukraine, Tunisia, and Poland, and against different cultural and political backgrounds. In each case, the application of... more
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      Political ScienceUrban PlanningUrbanismGreen urbanism (Architecture)
Access to site-based energy resources is a pre-requisite for natural lighting, solar heating, and natural ventilation in buildings. This paper describes design methods and proposals developed for the City of Chattanooga, Tennessee, USA,... more
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      ArchitectureSustainable DevelopmentUrban PlanningSustainable Building Design
+44 Establishing the value of urban green infrastructure is becoming an increasing important component of investments in urban greening. Across the developed and the developing world the ways in which we develop and interact with the... more
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      ArchitectureGreen InfrastructureUrban PlanningUrbanism
Cities need to become independent from finite resources, among which fossil fuels. There is great potential to save energy is many cities, however the generation of power is insufficient due to the limited space as a result of urban... more
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      Renewable EnergySustainable DevelopmentUrban PlanningSustainable Urban Environments
In response to rapidly changing urban conditions and planning systems that cannot reconcile speculative development with social needs, other types of urban allotments are emerging which differ from the conventional forms of the past. A... more
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      Green urbanism (Architecture)Sustainable ArchitectureUrban AgricultureUrban Allotments
When planned coherently, urban green spaces have the potential to provide cities with a range of unique ecosystem services that support ecosystem and human health. This paper draws on existing green space planning literature to argue that... more
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      Environmental EducationEcosystem ServicesUrban ForestryUrban Planning
This is the only Italian/English English/Italian technical dictionary for Architecture, Construction, Interior design, Real Estate.
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      ArchitectureInterior DesignGreen urbanism (Architecture)Interior Design (Architecture)
This brief article is intended as a point of departure rather than as a thematic itinerary of the ‘Whose Streets?’ series yet to come. It opens by thinking about what it means to live through the jarring collapse of public life in the... more
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      Spatial AnalysisUrban PlanningUrban StudiesGreen urbanism (Architecture)
Our team was asked by the Chattanooga Downtown Planning and Design Studio to study how the downtown plan could be environmentally sound. We were charged with articulating the issues, framing the problems, looking for larger integrative... more
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      Green InfrastructureUrban PlanningSustainable UrbanismSustainable Urban Environments
This paper aims to approximate the amenity values of parks inside malls and evaluate their sustainability, approaching it from the contingent property valuation angle, using hedonic price modeling. Through a case study of restaurants... more
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      Environment and natural resources conservationGreen urbanism (Architecture)Sustainable DesignGreen Architecture and Environmental Design
The main purpose of this research is to study, observe and explore possible aspects of green infrastructure in Dhaka while suggesting certain planning proposal to improve in certain areas. The study is done as a way to understand and... more
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      Urban PlanningGreen urbanism (Architecture)Urban And Regional PlanningGreen Infrastructure Planning
This research examines the 21st century’s future urban planning theories and in this context future housing projects and housing models. In the beginning of the 20th century, İstanbul city first planned by the French planner Henri Prost... more
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      Ecological DesignHousingGreen urbanism (Architecture)Green architecture
AUTORZY OPRACOWANIA: Andrzej Greinert (red.), r. 1, 2, 3.1, 3.2, 3.4, 3.5, 4.1-4.3; Monika Edyta Drozdek (red.), r. 1, 2, 3.1, 3.2, 3.4, 3.5, 4.1-4.3; Anna Bazan-Krzywoszańska, r. 5; Michał Ćwiąkała, r. 4.10; Krzysztof Lisowski, r. 3.3;... more
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      Green urbanism (Architecture)Green AreasUrban Planning, Green Infrastructure, Ecosystem IntegrityUrban green spaces
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      Sustainable Urban EnvironmentsGreen urbanism (Architecture)Sustainable ArchitectureGreen Architecture and Environmental Design
In this study, a passive rainwater harvesting system was designed. The system is planned to be installed on the roof of the building of Engineering Faculty of Yalova University. The meteorological rain data of Yalova province was analysed... more
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      Green urbanism (Architecture)Rainwater HarvestingGreen architectureRainfall-Runoff modelling
Vertical farming is the urban farming of fruits, vegetables, and grains, inside a building in a city or urban centre, in which floors are designed to accommodate certain crops. These heights will acts as the future farms land and as... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyFuture StudiesInformation TechnologyEconomics
Th is paper summarizes a number of major Th ird World low-income housing literature and theory from the 1950s to the turn of the 21st century. Th en, this paper explores an observed emerging trend in the transformation process of a Manila... more
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      MicroeconomicsArchitectureCorporate Social ResponsibilityCommunity Engagement & Participation
From the mere presence of plants to window views of nearby nature, contact with nature in the workplace has been associated with increased productivity and creativity, as well as positive emotional and physical health outcomes.... more
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      PsychologyArchitectureEnvironmental PsychologyRestorative Environments
To address the call for developing passive climate resilience strategies, the project examines the influence and effectiveness of utilising vertical greening for reducing space-conditioning loads of urban buildings and surrounding... more
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      ArchitectureGreen urbanism (Architecture)Environmental MonitoringGreen architecture
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      Green InfrastructureSustainable UrbanismGreen urbanism (Architecture)Sustainable Architecture
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      Architectural EngineeringArchitectureLandscape ArchitectureEnvironmental Planning and Design
In 1998, alumni of Yale University organized the symposium “Rethinking Designs of the 60s” to discuss the legacy of architecture's engagement with social issues. My essay reopens the question of this legacy by focusing on the work of... more
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      ArchitectureEnvironmental StudiesSustainable UrbanismArchitectural History
In 2014, approximately 100,000 lots lie ‘‘vacant’’ in Detroit after decades of industrial decline, white flight, and poverty. Planners and government officials have proposed to repurpose Detroit’s highest vacancy neighborhoods, deemed to... more
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      Urban PlanningGentrificationGreen urbanism (Architecture)Settler Colonial Studies
Recognizing the interdependence between the natural habitat and its inhabitants the restorative agenda seeks to identify and restore the diminishing balances, resuscitating the lost harmony of humans with natural systems through... more
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      Environmental ScienceDevelopment StudiesDesignResearch Methodology
Hızlı kentleşmenin, sanayileşmenin yıkıcılığına karşı, doğayla uyumlu alternatif yaşam modelleri arayışı eko-köy kavramını ortaya çıkarmıştır. Ekolojik köy, insan eylemlerinin doğaya zarar vermeden sağlıklı bir ortam yaratarak sürekli... more
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      DesignArchitectureLandscape ArchitectureEcology
A technical report of green Urbanism concept for Neighborhood design of Oda-Cocoa board Akure North
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      Green urbanism (Architecture)Green Urbanism
This study briefly examines the theoretical and practical landscape of prominent Eco-Villages, Eco-Districts, and Eco-Cities throughout the world. It presents a concise summary of the principles behind successful application projects... more
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      Environmental ScienceDevelopment StudiesDesignSocial Sciences
Green infrastructure offers a contemporary approach to the conceptualisation and management of landscape resources. It has developed rapidly in the UK, Europe and North America due to the opportunities it provides meeting the ecological,... more
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      Landscape EcologyUrban ForestryGreen InfrastructureUrban Planning
At the core of this study lies the recognition that the current human civilization is facing a multitude of concurrent environmental challenges converging from many directions. Deteriorating condition of the Earth's rehabilitative... more
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      Landscape EcologyEnvironmental ScienceMaterials ScienceDevelopment Studies
At the turn of the 19th to 20th century many Asian countries as well as Bangladesh have experienced high economic growth accompanied by rapid urbanization. This growth affect peoples' aesthetic sense and it influence the environment of... more
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      Spatial AnalysisArchitectureUrban PlanningComputer Aided Design
Maintaining well-functioning natural environments under increasing human population and consumption is a critical urban design consideration as we seek to reconcile anthropogenic activities and the functions of natural systems. According... more
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      Development StudiesSocial SciencesInternational DevelopmentRenewable Energy
Sustainable urban design offers a dynamic, creative and collaborative process strengthened by a number of different disciplines in order to generate ecologically responsive and environmentally responsible transformations in urbanized... more
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      DesignArchitectureClimate ChangeSustainable Transportation
Green infrastructure enhancements are widely supported to address urban heat-related risks. The challenge of implementing enhancements in dense cities has necessitated the development of surface greening, with vertical living walls having... more
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      Green InfrastructureCase Study ResearchCase StudiesGreen urbanism (Architecture)
In response to the need to mitigate urban heat risks, green infrastructure enhancements have been widely advocated in recent times. To meet the challenges of implementing enhancements in dense cities, surface greening approaches such as... more
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      ArchitectureGreen InfrastructureGreen urbanism (Architecture)Green architecture
It has long been documented that cities have their own climate and are typically warmer than the surrounding countryside. This phenomenon described as the urban heat island (UHI) effect, results from the inadvertent modification of urban... more
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      Green InfrastructureUrban PlanningGreen urbanism (Architecture)Urban Design
Perilaku Green, yang ramah lingkungan, sudah merupakan kuwajiban kita semua saat ini, bukan lagi suatu interes atau penekanan dalam melakukan suatu pekerjaan. Untuk pengembangan kawasan hijau, Di Indonesia saat ini GBCI (Green Building... more
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    • Green urbanism (Architecture)
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      Landscape ArchitectureLandscape HistoryArchitectural HistoryGreen urbanism (Architecture)
on a social level, green roofs can transform the roof into a delightful communal space for residents.
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      Green urbanism (Architecture)Green architectureUrban DesignGreen Roofs and Green Walls
This study briefly explores the global landscape of Transit-Oriented Developments and presents a concise summary of the principles behind successful TOD projects worldwide. The research explores various definitions for Transit-Oriented... more
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      Development EconomicsDevelopment StudiesClimate ChangeSustainable Transportation
Much of the original tropical rainforests in Singapore have been lost due to deforestation, and later urbanization, whereas manmade greenery on the other hand has flourished under a national ‘garden city’ agenda. There is a question of... more
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      SingaporeGreen urbanism (Architecture)Urban EcologyGreen Roofs and Green Walls
The paper investigates a theme that, in the first half of the twentieth century, was the subject of an important debate: the relationship between the urban green system and the monuments. An interest, probably, derived from the... more
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      Green urbanism (Architecture)Urban RuinsGarden HistoryJohn Ruskin
Reviewed the concept of green infrastructure (GI) and five cases of GI-like application in Japan; proposed four general landscape planning and design guidelines of GI from a landscape ecology perspective; and made recommendations of four... more
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      Landscape EcologyLandscape ArchitectureEcological DesignGreen Infrastructure
It is vitally relevant and important that all planning, design, construction, and operation of human environments are conducted in ways to facilitate solutions for environmental issues. Some of the most pressing concerns that need to be... more
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      Development StudiesDesignArchitectureClimate Change
This study is an exploration of the essential characteristics of New Urban communities and how its residents may value these characteristics. Specifically, the purpose of this research is to identify through the literature the essential... more
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      Public AdministrationUrban PlanningUrban StudiesGreen urbanism (Architecture)
In Europe, in the last twenty years, green areas have become essential element both metropolitan then municipal planning. One example is the well-known Green Infrastructure Plan in London (Coppola 2016) but many plans have multiplied in... more
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      Urban ForestryGreen InfrastructureUrban PlanningGreen urbanism (Architecture)
Zero waste concepts pursue people to do active process in the waste management by applying the principle of 3R: Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. It supports the objective of sustainable design to meet social and economic needs through... more
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      Green urbanism (Architecture)Zero waste development planning
Arid region housing in Australia is generally inadequately designed, southern, temperate-climate, suburban housing with little concession to the harsh climate. Bare desert soils are subject to high temperatures. Plants can be used to... more
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      Arid environmentsGreen urbanism (Architecture)Green architectureLandscape Urbanism
This paper will discuss the interdependent and mutual relationship among some important concepts in the field of urbanism. More specifically will be explored how (roadway) infrastructure and forestry can be combined to affect urban life.
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      Urban ForestryUrbanismGreen urbanism (Architecture)Urban Planning, Green Infrastructure, Ecosystem Integrity
Human developments impose a multitude of adverse effects on natural environment. Beyond principles of sustainability, restorative urban and architectural design strategies should aim to reverse the impacts of these developments by... more
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      Electrical EngineeringMechanical EngineeringCivil EngineeringLandscape Ecology