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Hély M., Pudal R., Simonet M., 2014, « Autre économie », autre démocratie sociale ? Sur les relations entre syndicats patronaux de l'économie sociale et solidaire et champ politique », dans Coopérer, négocier, s’affronter. Les... more
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      Travail Emploi Relations professionnellesEconomie sociale et solidaireSocial DialoguePatronato
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsIndustrial RelationsActivation And WorkfareLabour market policy
This article, inspired by the recent restructuring of social dialogue in Poland, reflects on the role played by neo-corporatist institutions in the country, with specific reference to their capacity to influence (or not) the approach,... more
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      SociologyEconomic SociologyIndustrial RelationsRegional and Local Governance
Il est des livres en sciences sociales qui sont remarquables : non seulement ils nous apportent avec élégance et précision de nouvelles connaissances, mais ils transforment aussi notre regard sur l'objet étudié. Tel est le cas de... more
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      International RelationsHistorical SociologyInternational organizationsRepresentation Theory
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsGender StudiesSocial PolicyWomen's Studies
The social dialogue is a distinctive feature of the economic and social European model. Between the two sides of industry (labor and management) there have been exchanges, consultations, negotiations and agreements socially achieved. One... more
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      Corporate Social ResponsibilitySocial DialogueQuality of Employment
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsSocial PolicyEmployment RelationsHuman Resource Management
Ο γενικός σκοπός της παρούσας έκδοσης είναι να εξετάσει το βαθμό στον οποίο οι θεσμικοί κοινωνικοί εταίροι και, ειδικότερα, οι φορείς εκπροσώπησης εργοδοτών και εργαζομένων (συνομοσπονδίες, ομοσπονδίες, σωματεία, συνδικάτα, εργατικά... more
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      Lifelong LearningVocational EducationGreeceVocational Training
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      GovernanceDeliberationSocial DialoguePublic Policy
The purpose of this study is to assess the methodologies and practices that are used to set minimum wages and the indicators that need to be taken into account, with the aim of informing the process and dialogue between stakeholders in... more
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    • Social Dialogue
Ο γενικός σκοπός της εισήγησης είναι να συζητηθεί ο βαθμός στον οποίο οι κοινωνικοί εταίροι (συνομοσπονδίες, σωματεία, συνδικάτα, επαγγελματικοί σύνδεσμοι, επιμελητήρια, κρατικοί οργανισμοί και φορείς και υφιστάμενες δομές) συμμετείχαν... more
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      QualityVocational EducationGreeceVocational Training
de l'exclusion sociale qui a marqué l'ère taylorienne en passant par les expériences du dialogue social tripartite et en arrivant au dialogue virtuel via les TIC. tels sont les principaux enseignements tirées dans cet article traitant les... more
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      Human Resource ManagementSocial DialogueCorporate Social Performance
Οι πολιτικές που επιχειρούν να συνδέσουν την εκπαίδευση και την κατάρτιση με την οικονομία και την απασχόληση αποτελούν διαχρονικά βασικό αντικείμενο κοινωνικής, οικονομικής και πολιτικής ανάλυσης. Σήμερα όμως συμβαίνει κάτι περισσότερο:... more
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      EducationLifelong LearningEducation PolicyWork and Labour
This thesis critically investigated the role that Tripartite Negotiating Forum (TNF) social dialogue has played in influencing socio-economic development in Zimbabwe since its establishment in 1998. The thesis studied the outturn of the... more
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      Labour LawIndustrial and LAbour relationsCorporatismPublic Policy and Socio-Economic Development in Developing Countries
Zimbabwe has been facing multiple crises: job crisis, currency instability, rising inflation, fuel shortages, widespread labour unrest, increasing poverty against a backdrop of a shrinking economy. Given these problems, there have been... more
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsCollective Bargaining (Industrial And Labor Relations)Social Contract TheoryIndustrial Relations
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsCollective Bargaining (Industrial And Labor Relations)Industrial RelationsEmployment Relations
The main aim of this research paper is to analyze whether the current trade union movement has a capacity to genuinely represent the short- and long-term interests of its membership in the privatized companies in Serbia. The paper seeks... more
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      InfluenceParticipationPrivatizationCollective Bargaining
China has continued to strengthen its economic ties with Zambia with aid, debt relief, academic scholarships, training and the provision of specialists. However, there is another dimension to this relationship between China and Zambia... more
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      Work and LabourLabour and Employment RelationsSocial DialogueChinese Investments in Africa
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsTrade unionsCorporatismSocial Dialogue
Demokracja deliberatywna, mimo, iż często podejmowana w naukach społecznych jako model teoretyczny, nie cieszy się równie dużą popularnością w praktyce. Model stworzony przez J. Rawlsa i J. Habermasa ma zarówno swoich przeciwników jak i... more
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      LiberalismAustraliaDeliberative DemocracyDemocracy
Nous étudions « l’union sacrée » des syndicats de salariés, du patronat, de l’Etat et du Conseil Régional en région Lorraine à l’occasion de la crise économique mondiale de 2008. Ces acteurs ont décidé à l’unanimité d’une action de... more
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      RegionalisationFormation ProfessionnelleSocial DialogueCritical Junctures
Kapitel 4.1 aus: „Sie repräsentieren uns nicht.“ Soziale Bewegungen und Krisen der Demokratie in Spanien, Dissertation am Fachbereich Gesellschaftswisssenschaften und Philosophie der Philipps-Universität Marburg. Eine gekürzte Fassung der... more
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsEuropean UnionSpainTrade unions
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      Social DialogueEndüstri İLişkileri
This paper aims to analyse the establishment of tripartite social dialogue practices at national level in the Republic of Georgia. The introduction of such practice is the result of European Union’s political pressures, International... more
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      European UnionLabour StudiesGeorgiaSocial Dialogue
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsGender StudiesSocial PolicyWomen's Studies
The essays here, by trade unionists and academics from around the world, explore the state of labour in Brazil, China, Nepal, South Africa, Turkey, North America and Europe. The authors offer a rich range of short-term strategies and... more
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      EconomicsGlobalizationEmployment RelationsGovernance
Bu çalışmada işyerine sosyal diyalog konusu sosyal tarafların bakış açıları çerçevesinde incelenmiştir. Bu amaçla yorumsamacı metot çerçevesinde derinlemesine mülakat tekniği kullanılmıştır. Derinlemesine mülakat yapılan işçi ve işveren... more
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      Industrial RelationsSocial partnershipsTrade UnionSocial Dialogue
Vocational Education and Training (VET) in Greece needs reforms that are related to accessibility and connection with the labour market as well as the recognition of professional qualifications in order for horizontal and vertical... more
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      EducationVocational EducationSocial Dialogue
Worldwide, and also within the European Union, there is a strong debate on the conditions for a creative social dialogue in organizations. The problem-solving potential of this formal dialogue between employer and employee representatives... more
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsCooperationSocial Dialogue
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsGender StudiesSocial PolicyWomen's Studies
On August 16, 2012, a protracted strike at a platinum mine in Marikana culminated in the killing of 34 mineworkers by local security forces. Some viewed this tragedy through the lens of South Africa's apartheid past, recalling such events... more
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsCollective Bargaining (Industrial And Labor Relations)International And Comparative LaborIndustrial Relations
يمكن اختصار التعريف بملتقى أسبار بأنه مجموعة على تطبيق وأتساب WhatsApp Group تضم اكاديميين ومثقفين ومستشارين ومسؤولين من مختلف التخصصات العلمية، والمسارات المهنية، والخبرات والتجارب العملية. يشتركون في اهتمامهم بالشأن العام بكل محاوره... more
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      Social MediaSaudi ArabiaKingdom of Saudi ArabiaSocial Dialogue
Οι πολιτικές που επιχειρούν να συνδέσουν την εκπαίδευση και την κατάρτιση με την οικονομία και την απασχόληση αποτελούν διαχρονικά βασικό αντικείμενο κοινωνικής, οικονομικής και πολιτικής ανάλυσης. Σήμερα όμως συμβαίνει κάτι περισσότερο:... more
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      Vocational EducationAdult learningEmployability SkillsTechnical and Vocational Education
Bu çalışma ile Türkiye’de “Çalışma Hayatında Sosyal Diyaloğun Geliştirilmesi Projesi” kapsamında 2018 yılında gerçekleştirilmiş olan araştırmanın sonuçları sunulmaktadır. Araştırmanın amacı, kamuoyunun, çalışan kesimin ve çalışma... more
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsLabor unionsLabor MovementsPolitical Economy of Turkey
Report on Ethiopian industrial relations and social dialogue, with a particular focus on the apparel/textile sector. New Conversations Project; Sustainable Labor Practices in Global Supply Chains; The Strategic Partnership for Garment... more
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsCollective Bargaining (Industrial And Labor Relations)Ethiopian StudiesTrade unionism
The International Labour Office welcomes such applications. Libraries, institutions and other users registered with a reproduction rights organization may make copies in accordance with the licences issued to them for this purpose. Visit... more
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      GlobalizationEmployment RelationsGovernanceHuman Resource Management
As a tripartite institutional mechanism for the institutionalization of relations between labor and capital, social dialogue has an important place in the European Social Model. Since the 1990s, Turkey has been in the quest for accession... more
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      European UnionTurkeySocial Dialogue
Praca ta stanowi pierwsze kompleksowe opracowanie problematyki naczelnych zasad zbiorowego prawa pracy. Głównym celem tego opracowania, stanowiącego głos w dyskusji nad koncepcją, katalogiem i funkcjami naczelnych zasad zbiorowego prawa... more
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      Collective Bargaining (Industrial And Labor Relations)Collective BargainingFreedom of AssociationSocial Dialogue
The paper argues that a lack of the positive impact of European and national policy measures aimed at strengthening social dialogue in CEE countries, particularly, social dialogue institution building via political interventions, and the... more
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      Varieties of CapitalismCollective BargainingSocial DialogueComparative Analysis In Competitiveness
The aim of the study is to analyse the existing mechanisms of social dialogue in the field of labour migration in Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine and ways to improve them, from the perspective of trade union organizations of countries... more
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      Labour migrationSocial Dialogue
A new report by Jane Lethbridge, Ian Greer, Lefteris Kretsos, Charles Umney, and Geoff White has been published by the European Foundation for the Improvement of Working and Living Conditions (EUROFOUND). In ‘Industrial relations in... more
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsInternational And Comparative LaborPublic AdministrationIndustrial Relations
The book “Towards a just transition: coal, cars and the world of work “presents two faces of a just transition towards a net-zero carbon economy by drawing lessons from two carbon-intensive sectors: coal-based energy generation and the... more
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      Sociology of WorkClimate JusticeTrade unionsSociology of Environment
Social dialogue between government, employers’ and workers’ organizations is a powerful tool for correcting labour market imbalances and promoting jobs-rich economic recovery. During and since the economic and financial crisis which... more
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsIndustrial RelationsEmployment RelationsPolitical Science
WP6 focuses on European barriers to economic equality between countries and people and the various forms of non-institutional and institutional struggles for justice in Europe. D6.2 dealt with official discourses and non-institutional... more
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      Social JusticeEuropean Union PoliticsCollective BargainingComparative labour policies and labour relations
Σκοπός του άρθρου είναι η διερεύνηση των πρόσφατων τάσεων στις διαδικασίες του διαλόγου των κοινωνικών εταίρων σε θέματα δια βίου μάθησης (ΔΒΜ). Ειδικότερα, εξετάζονται η νομιμότητα των συμφερόντων των επαγγελματικών οργανώσεων για... more
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      Lifelong learning and adult educationSocial Dialogue
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      Industrial RelationsSocial Dialogue
Les sciences du travail constituent un champ disciplinaire hétérogène, en constante évolution. Ces dernières décennies, en particulier, le travail a été soumis à de nouvelles contraintes, tantôt productives, institutionnelles,... more
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      Political EconomyPublic ManagementIndustrial RelationsHuman Resource Management
Case studies of three unions under Federasi SERBUK (FNV Mondiaal Netherland, 2018)
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      Industrial RelationsLabor StudiesSocial Dialogue
In this report authors makes analysis of policy documents in social partnership and trade unions in Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia.
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      Trade unionsSocial DialogueCross-Sector Social Partnerships
The EU-Central America Association Agreement was signed in June 2012 and its trade pillar has been provisionally in force since December 2013. This evaluation assesses specifically the implementation of the trade and sustainable... more
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      Latin American StudiesDevelopment EconomicsPolitical EconomyInternational Trade