Papers by Theodore Koutroukis

Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Jan 5, 2023
Purpose: In this study, we examine the role of the Adult Learning Professionals (ALP) and the ess... more Purpose: In this study, we examine the role of the Adult Learning Professionals (ALP) and the essential competences involved, doing an in-depth literature review. The study aims at detecting and categorizing required typical and essential ALP competences, defining the most important competence of each category and determining certain vital competences towards ALP professionaliazation. Methods: We chose a qualitative research methodology and collected data using semi-structured interview. We interviewed a group of 15 men and women, aged between 18 and 60, who had attended courses, either on an undergraduate or postgraduate level, at the Hellenic Open University. Results: The results showed that (a) ALPs most frequently referred typical competence is the knowledge of their topic and to possess the necessary knowledge, to satisfy their students' needs; (b) ALPs most important essential competence is their ability to empower students to develop and continue, building a strong relationship between them. Implications: The results express adult students' expectations for ALPs role and can be used by adult educators to improve their training practices. It can also serve as basis for further research in ALPs competences in Greece, and their perspectives towards professionalisation.

Merits, 2023
Aim of this paper was to assess secondary education teachers' burnout and in Thessaloniki area. M... more Aim of this paper was to assess secondary education teachers' burnout and in Thessaloniki area. More specifically, the teachers of humanities (THs) and the teachers of sciences (TSs) were examined. In these groups, a comparative approach of burnout was carried out. The sample consisted of 142 THs and 108 TSs. The Maslach & Jackson burnout measurement scale and the burnout sources questionnaire, as adapted by Mouzoura, were used to collect data. Based on the results of the survey, moderate burnout level was found to the teachers as a whole. It was also proved that between the 2 groups there was no difference in the degree of burnout. In addition, THs record lower rates of depersonalization than TSs. Thus, it seems that demographic characteristics, level of education, and type of school differentiate burnout levels. Moreover, both groups of teacher's specialties identified issues related to educational organization and administration as the most important cause of burnout. Individually, however, THs appear to be more exhausted emotionallydue to professional obligations that magnify the workload and time pressure-compared to TSs, who are particularly "affected" by the lack of material teaching resources. Moreover, this paper explores and records several dimensions of burnout faced by the participants in the survey, and reports certain recommendations that can practically influence their workplace .

Religions,, 2023
Since WW2, the countries of Western Europe gradually went towards an economic, social, and politi... more Since WW2, the countries of Western Europe gradually went towards an economic, social, and political integration. This was influenced by states, institutions, social partners, and churches. The Christian trade unions also contributed to that end. This contribution was the result of the interaction between the laborers' religion and they desire to act collectively. Those unions followed the social doctrines of the Catholic Church and/or Protestant Churches, while strongly disagreing with socialist or communist unions. During the Interwar period their members were subjected to the violent actions of the totalitarian governments in many European countries. Those governments eliminated Christian unions and in some cases persecuted their leaders. After the war, Christian unions embraced the "Peace project", advocating for European and global peace. They also cooperated with many political and social leaders during the formation of the EEC. Christian unions aimed at improving political systems in Western Europe, promoting freedom of religion and defending the Communist threat. In this article, we describe the ways in which the Catholic and Protestant labor unions tried to promote the political, economic and social cooperation in Europe. To this end we will examine their pertinent material and actions in the Old Continent. Finally, we will discuss the current challenges faced by the Christian unions and their stance towards neoliberal capitalism and globalization, these new developments in the long history of Christian Europe.
Ο Κόσμος της Εργασίας, 2022
Η ελληνική εμπειρία της μαζικής εισροής αλλοδαπών πληθυσμών υποχρεώνει τα εργατικά συνδικάτα να ε... more Η ελληνική εμπειρία της μαζικής εισροής αλλοδαπών πληθυσμών υποχρεώνει τα εργατικά συνδικάτα να επιλέξουν αν θα αντιμετωπίσουν τους ξένους εργάτες ως απειλή για τις θέσεις εργασίας τους ή ως δυνητικούς συμμάχους στο εγχείρημα βελτίωσης των όρων αμοιβής και εργασίας. Σκοπός της εργασίας είναι να διερευνήσει τη σχέση του ελληνικού συνδικαλιστικού κινήματος με τους αλλοδαπούς εργαζόμενους. Το πραγματολογικό υλικό που παρουσιάζεται προέρχεται από την αποτύπωση των απόψεων στελεχών μιας περιφερειακής συνδικαλιστικής οργάνωσης μετά από επιτόπια συλλογή σχετικών ερωτηματολογίων, που διενεργήθηκε κατά το διάστημα 2020-21. Τα αποτελέσματα της εμπειρικής διερεύνησης αποτυπώνουν τις επικρατούσες απόψεις στους κόλπους του συνδικαλιστικού κινήματος, αναφορικά με τη θέση των ξένων εργαζομένων στην ελληνική οικονομία και κοινωνία.

The purpose of this study is to provide an overview of institutional development of employee part... more The purpose of this study is to provide an overview of institutional development of employee participation in Europe and analyze European Works Councils (EWC) agreements in the pharmaceutical industry. Mergers and acquisitions in the pharmaceutical industry increased the number of EWC agreements. There are now 30 multinational pharmaceutical companies with an active EWC. The first part of the study explores the legal aspects of European Works Councils and the European institutional and regulatory framework for employee participation. The second part of the study analyzes the characteristics and scope of EWC agreements using 5 case studies from the pharmaceutical sector. The source used to identify the EWC agreements is the European Trade Union Institute database and the research method used is legal analysis of constitutional framework and qualitative analysis of the agreements. The EWC agreements in the pharmaceutical sector provide the opportunity for management and employees for information and consultation on transnational issues concerning the company structure, the economic and financial situation of the company, the status and trend of employment and substantial changes concerning the company. Although EWC directives provide the framework for information and consultation on transnational level the constant changes in the structures of pharmaceutical companies and the increasing rates of mergers and acquisitions in the pharmaceutical sector make it difficult for EWC's to effectively participate in decision-making and influence managerial decisions.

E-Journal of International and Comparative Labour Stu, 2022
This article elaborates on the concept of employment flexibility and its types, making a thorough... more This article elaborates on the concept of employment flexibility and its types, making a thorough reference to the stormy ‘reforms’ – the deregulations of the labour market and industrial relations – during the period of the economic crisis and Memoranda from 2010 to 2018 (end of memoranda), both in the public and private sectors in Greece. The most important effects of the economic crisis and of the austerity policies, as well as of the reforms in the labour market and the industrial relations in Greece include wage reductions, the drop of full-time employment and the take-over by part-time employment and the rapid expansion of flexible employment forms and contracts. Furthermore, overall employment has dropped, unemployment has increased, and social benefits as well as individual and collective rights have marked significant shrinkage.
East West Journal of Economics and Business, 2022
This paper aims to assess how Coronavirus has affected Labour-Management Relations and ordinary w... more This paper aims to assess how Coronavirus has affected Labour-Management Relations and ordinary work in Greek primary and secondary education. The relevant literature has been studied and evidence was collected by primary and secondary school principals. Τhe results have revealed that the higher proportion of the principals believe that the Pandemic has affected to a large degree: (i) their relationship with the teachers and (ii) teachers’ everyday work. Moreover, the conclusions report several indications on the emerging role of school principals during the health crisis and propose certain perspectives for future research.

Societies, 2022
This paper explores the directions of adaptation for socioeconomic organizations in the current g... more This paper explores the directions of adaptation for socioeconomic organizations in the current global crisis and restructuring. We carry out an integrative and critical review, presenting the main questions—and possible directions of response—concerning how the post-COVID-19 era, the fourth industrial revolution, and new globalization seem to affect contemporary labor relations. We focus on the different levels of their manifestation (macro, meso, and micro levels), emphasizing worsening inequality trends in the work environment and the resulting organizational readaptation that seems to be required nowadays. The restructured labor markets can benefit from the diffusion of institutional innovations based on integrated social partnership schemes at the macro–meso–micro levels. We emphasize organizational adaptation at the microlevel, as the innovation and change management mechanisms it enables, presupposes, and harnesses are imperative for exiting any crisis.

Societies, 2022
Employee participation is a broad notion that encompasses sets of practices that enable employees... more Employee participation is a broad notion that encompasses sets of practices that enable employees to participate in the decision-making process on issues affecting them leading to a committed workforce. According to the 2009/38/EC Directive, a European Workers’ Council (EWC) is established in all undertakings and all community-scale groups of undertakings for the purpose of informing and consulting employees. This study investigates the impact of employee participation on employees and organizations and more specifically the potential benefits and the added value of participation for employees and organizations, the potential costs and threats of employee participation and the added value of EWCs in multinational subsidiaries in the pharmaceutical industry in Greece. The data gathering was carried out through in-depth semi-structured interviews with management, HR executives, trade union representatives and EWC representatives using a semi-structured questionnaire based on the state-of-the-art literature review. Organizations participating in the study are subsidiaries of multinational companies with an active European Works Council in the pharmaceutical industry in Greece. Findings suggest that there are potential benefits of employee participation practices for the employees and added value for the pharmaceutical companies and provide a useful perspective for managers and researchers in the field of labor relations and human resource management.
Administrative Sciences, 2022
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY

European Scientific Journal, 2021
This study explores the impact of Covid-19 on labor relations and public labor relations policies... more This study explores the impact of Covid-19 on labor relations and public labor relations policies. Focus is given to the worldwide effects of the pandemic on employment, the impact of Covid-19 on the European labor landscape, the impact of the pandemic on the Greek labor context, and the main labor policies and measures adopted in Greece during Covid-19. The analysis of the effects of the pandemic on employment is based on published research material from ILO, Eurofound and the database of the Greek Ministry of Labor. The section concerning the impact of Covid-19 on the labor relations policies and the measures adopted in the Greek context is based on the analysis of the Greek institutional framework and the related legislative acts. The main employment policy responses to Covid-19 pandemic are ensuring workers' safety, maintaining adequate paid sick leave, upholding support for workers with caring needs, adapting job retention schemes, ensuring adequate income protection, expanding employment services and training and giving the young people the support they need. Planning and implementing effective labor policies is a demanding goal that requires cooperation and synergies among

Administrative Sciences, 2021
The purpose of this study was to examine the experiences of primary and secondary Greek school pr... more The purpose of this study was to examine the experiences of primary and secondary Greek school principals, regarding the management of their school units at the beginning of the school year 2020–2021, amid the COVID-19 pandemic. A qualitative study of 57 principals was undertaken, in order to explore the following questions: (a) What were the difficulties and obstacles that principals faced during the management of the school unit from the beginning of the school year? (b) What factors helped them to manage these difficulties? Written answers were analyzed using thematic analysis. Several key findings emerged, indicating that, in general, the principals had to respond to an unprecedented crisis context, under tremendous pressure, with limited resources. They faced a variety of difficulties, both on a personal level and in the context of their professional role. They also encountered difficulties above their role, which had to do with the general impact of the extended sanitary crisis on the emotional state and perceptions of the members of the school community. The results of the research have implications for the policy that is applied in schools in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Journal of Management and Strategy, 2020
Human resource management and continuing training are prerequisites for business innovation, espe... more Human resource management and continuing training are prerequisites for business innovation, especially when the fourth industrial revolution causes the rapid emergence of knowledge-intensive professions and the constraint of older ones. This article examines how human resources, in-business training, and educational needs are significant parts of entrepreneurial innovation and business development. We present field research that we conducted in the business ecosystem of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace, which is a less competitive region of Greece and Europe. After examining the region's economic profile, we continue with field research results in its retail sector. Our findings suggest that these businesses desire and search for more systematic actions towards training enhancement and human resource management upgrading. Thus, we propose a policy mechanism that could function as a-business clinic‖ for the region, including the diagnosis of needs and-therapeutic‖ intervention in terms of education and knowledge. This local development policy could create a growth spiral for the entire socioeconomic spatialized system.

HOBA Journal, 2020
A mass move of migrant populations has been taking place in Greece since 2015. That fact has fos... more A mass move of migrant populations has been taking place in Greece since 2015. That fact has fostered several changes in the Greek society as a whole. Especially in the national labour market, the foreign workforce could affect the labour supply and eventually, challenge the trade union attitude against its social integration. The aim of that paper is to evaluate the interaction
between the Greek Trade Unions and foreign workers and specifically the migrants’ perspective to join organised labour. Moreover, it assesses union activities to defend social rights of total working population regardless race, religion and nationality. Proper evidence has been collected from a questionnaire filled in by certain union officials. Several union officials’ views are recorded and certain factors, which affect migrants’ decision to join a union and their acceptance have been examined. The results showed a mosaic of current views that exist within the Greek unions regarding foreign workers. To sum up, it has been found that the values of trade unionism (i.e. worker cooperation and solidarity) are not given in the current social and economic circumstances.

The role of HR department in managing employee relations in multinational subsidiaries
Human Resource Management is a core enterprise function that is managing employees, the most valu... more Human Resource Management is a core enterprise function that is managing employees, the most valuable resource. Human Resource Management main areas include recruitment, selection, training and development, performance appraisal and compensation management. Employee Relations is an interdisciplinary field studying the relationship between employers and employees taking into consideration the role of state and the labor market. Human Resources Department plays a significant role in planning, developing, applying and reviewing strategies, practices and policies affecting employees. The aim of this paper is to analyze the literature review concerning the role of HR Department in managing employee relations and introduce the scientific research that will be conducted during the preparation of a PhD Thesis. The scientific research will explore issues related to employee involvement and participation practices and their impact on employees and Organizations.

Journal of Contemporary Education, Theory & Research, 2020
In this study, we examine the role of the Adult Learning Professionals (ALP) and the essential co... more In this study, we examine the role of the Adult Learning Professionals (ALP) and the essential competences involved, doing an in-depth literature review. The study aims at detecting and categorizing required typical and essential ALP competences, defining the most important competence of each category and determining certain vital competences towards ALP professionaliazation. Methods: We chose a qualitative research methodology and collected data using semi-structured interview. We interviewed a group of 15 men and women, aged between 18 and 60, who had attended courses, either on an undergraduate or postgraduate level, at the Hellenic Open University. Results: The results showed that (a) ALPs most frequently referred typical competence is the knowledge of their topic and to possess the necessary knowledge, to satisfy their students' needs; (b) ALPs most important essential competence is their ability to empower students to develop and continue, building a strong relationship between them. Implications: The results express adult students' expectations for ALPs role and can be used by adult educators to improve their training practices. It can also serve as basis for further research in ALPs competences in Greece, and their perspectives towards professionalisation.

International Journal of Economics, Business and Management Research, 2020
In an era of policy-driven systematic encouragement of local innovation processes, the concept of... more In an era of policy-driven systematic encouragement of local innovation processes, the concept of regional innovation systems has been arisen to produce, promote and cultivate the region's competitive advantage. The key reason for developing specific targeted policy measures within the regional innovation context is to focus on improving local business capacity, competitiveness and performance, including its business ecosystem. From this point of view, it is of crucial importance to promote interactions between different innovative actors who have good reasons to intersect, such as interactions between companies and universities or research institutes, or between small start-ups and larger businesses. These interactions may include interactive local learning and productive knowledge diffusion but they should also include the wider business community and governance framework. Therefore, this study investigates whether policy strategies could be geared towards the promotion of accessibility "to the development of a regional innovation system" and the "development of local comparative advantages" associated with the specific local resources, mainly in less developed business ecosystems.

Bulletin of Applied Economics , 2020
This article aims to highlight the different facets of the relative socioeconomic underdevelopmen... more This article aims to highlight the different facets of the relative socioeconomic underdevelopment of the Greek region of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace. It explores initially regional analysis data, leading to the conclusion that the region does indeed face comparative weaknesses as it exhibits multiplier results and specialization in areas with the lowest value-added and employment. It then presents the main conclusions about small and micro firms of this less developed business ecosystem. It concludes that the region has structural competitiveness problems that are primarily due to the competitiveness of the firms that can host and nurture. The strengthening of competitiveness of this regional business ecosystem requires the improvement of the innovative potential that, in a triple helix condition, is the result of the evolutionary interconnection between local-regional firms, government, and academia. To this end, the proposal to establish a Local Development and Innovation Institute constitutes a new regional policy that can be applied to the region and strengthen the innovative potential of the entire regional business ecosystem.
Perspectives of Innovations, Economics and Business, 2019
This study explores the co-evolutionary triangle of crisis, innovation, and change management in ... more This study explores the co-evolutionary triangle of crisis, innovation, and change management in less-developed local business ecosystems. It takes as a case study the region of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace-one of the least developed regional socioeconomic business ecosystems in Greece and the EUand tries to find out the correlation between the different aspects of this "global crisis-innovation-change management" triangle from the perspective of a sample of micro and small enterprises operating in this

Warsaw Forum of Economic Sociology, 2018
The EU 94/45/EC Directive on European Works Councils (EWCs) provides the establishment of a socia... more The EU 94/45/EC Directive on European Works Councils (EWCs) provides the establishment of a social partnership forum within Multinational Enterprises (MNEs). The Directive gives employees the right of information and consultation with the transnational management. This paper assesses certain of a research project on the implementation of EWC Directive in food/ beverage and oil/lubricants companies in Greece. Furthermore, this paper examines whether EWCs foster the Europeanization of employee relations at the company level and evaluates the pertinent determining factors, using interviews with social partners' representatives. The results show that EWCs strengthen social partners' supra-national coordination , promote transnational HR policies, help the emergence of a European IR System, upgrade bi-partite communication and replicate employee relations within MNEs' subsidiaries.
Papers by Theodore Koutroukis
between the Greek Trade Unions and foreign workers and specifically the migrants’ perspective to join organised labour. Moreover, it assesses union activities to defend social rights of total working population regardless race, religion and nationality. Proper evidence has been collected from a questionnaire filled in by certain union officials. Several union officials’ views are recorded and certain factors, which affect migrants’ decision to join a union and their acceptance have been examined. The results showed a mosaic of current views that exist within the Greek unions regarding foreign workers. To sum up, it has been found that the values of trade unionism (i.e. worker cooperation and solidarity) are not given in the current social and economic circumstances.
between the Greek Trade Unions and foreign workers and specifically the migrants’ perspective to join organised labour. Moreover, it assesses union activities to defend social rights of total working population regardless race, religion and nationality. Proper evidence has been collected from a questionnaire filled in by certain union officials. Several union officials’ views are recorded and certain factors, which affect migrants’ decision to join a union and their acceptance have been examined. The results showed a mosaic of current views that exist within the Greek unions regarding foreign workers. To sum up, it has been found that the values of trade unionism (i.e. worker cooperation and solidarity) are not given in the current social and economic circumstances.