Sexual Diversity Studies
Recent papers in Sexual Diversity Studies
Porque (dice el señor Rzykruski, y yo estoy de acuerdo con él) la ciencia se hace con la cabeza, pero también con el corazón.
It's a zine! A more accessible description of some of sexual configurations theory (van Anders, 2015). You are welcome to download, print, share, and read! It's free, and just cite us :)
""Largely based on pre-theory that ties high testosterone (T) to masculinity, and low T to femininity, high T is mainly studied in relation to aggression, mating, sexuality, and challenge, and low T with parenting. Evidence, however,... more
This article examines debates on nudity, sexism, and pornography in the Canadian gay and lesbian newspaper The Body Politic, tracing its use of images and people’s responses to them over time. In the 1970s, concerns about sexism and the... more
Testosterone (T) and other androgens are incorporated into an increasingly wide array of human sexuality research, but there are a number of issues that can affect or confound research outcomes. This review addresses various... more
The view that humans comprise only two types of beings, women and men, a framework that is sometimes referred to as the “gender binary,” played a profound role in shaping the history of psychological science. In recent years, serious... more
Sexual configurations theory (SCT) is a trans-inclusive theory, model, and measure of gender/sex and partnered sexuality that destabilizes ideas of universal gender truths and recognizes individuals’ authority to self-define. SCT makes... more
Eliciting direct feedback on theories and measures, particularly when they attempt to represent marginalized populations, is an important part of refining research methods and conducting culturally sensitive research. In this study, we... more
With co-authors: Debby Herbenick, Lori A Brotto, Emily A Harris, and Sara B Chadwick. Low sexual desire in women partnered with men is typically presumed to be a problem-one that exists in women and encourages a research agenda on... more
COMS 490 – History and Theory of Media (Special Topic: Queer Media Theory). Advanced undergraduate seminar on intersections between queer and media studies, with particular emphasis on debates on the archive and affect theory. (Department... more
Prior research has documented shifts in sexual orientation identity, attractions, and partnering behavior over time and social context, commonly referred to as sexual fluidity (Diamond, 2008). Social contextual factors may include... more
Sexual orientation typically describes people’s sexual attractions or desires based on their sex relative to that of a target. Despite its utility, it has been critiqued in part because it fails to account for non-biological... more
Gender/sex and sexual diversity are increasingly understood by the public as complex. But, scientific frameworks that address the complexity of gender/sex and sexual diversity are few and not well situated for the public. Sexual... more
In Québec and elsewhere, school climate surveys have documented since 2000 the prevalence of homophobic violence, especially in high schools, and its negative impacts of its victimswhether or not they identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual or... more
Este artículo tiene el objetivo de establecer un marco histórico de la organización social de lesbianas, gays, bisexuales, transexuales y transgéneros (LGBT) en San Salvador, El Salvador. Asimismo, procura contribuir al resguardo de la... more
Este capítulo aborda el estudio desarrollado con el objetivo de conocer las reflexiones del futuro profesorado de Educación Primaria sobre el tratamiento de la diversidad sexual dentro del ámbito de la educación musical y el papel que... more
Gender and sex diversity exist in humans, but are often seen as too complex for scientists to incorporate beyond a female/male binary or placement on single dimensions. Here, we demonstrate a novel method for assessing and visualizing... more
El presente trabajo explora las formas en que la masculinidad se hace presente en un boliche gay de Montevideo, Caín Dance. Se eligió este lugar como universo de estudio, por constituir un referente fundamental entre los homosexuales... more
Prejudice against or affirmation of gender/sex minorities is often framed in terms of beliefs about the ontology of gender/sex (i.e., what gender/sex is), or gender/sex diversity beliefs. We constructed the Gender/Sex Diversity Beliefs... more
Sailor Moon, a Japanese series grounded in manga and anime, began airing translations in the West throughout the 1990s. The series provided what could be interpreted as resistance to dichotomous conceptualizations of sexuality, sex and... more
Reflexión bioética sobre la necesidad de la educación para el respecto de la diversidad sexo-genérica
Este escrito trata acerca de la relación entre la ciencia y la pornografía, y de cómo en el centro de esta relación subyace una transformación de nuestro concepto del cuerpo orgánico que ha generado nuevas expresiones del deseo erótico, y... more
Research on the associations between hormones and human partnering represents an exciting advance in understanding human behavior, relationships, and sexuality. We review empirical literature on circulating hormones and human partnering... more
"La declaración de una famosa actriz de que su hija “quiere ser un niño” –acompañada de las fotos de la pequeña con el pelo corto, luciendo un pantalón militar y corbata o portando una espada de juguete en la cintura– corrió como la... more
Notwithstanding Gore Vidal’s praise of the story as one of the best ever written by Tennessee Williams, ‘The Knightly Quest’ (1966), a dystopian fable with a spacefaring ending, has received sparse critical attention. Largely sketched... more
Durante la última década, México ha destacado internacionalmente por su gradual inclusión de la diversidad sexual en leyes, políticas públicas y planes gubernamentales; la Constitución Política de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos y cinco... more
L'étymologie même du terme homosexualité évoque si fortement les sciences médicales que la sociologie a longtemps fait fi du « phénomène » homosexuel. De plus, la prégnance des discours homophobes n'a pas épargné la discipline... more
This essay approaches the persistence of certain forms of conservatism against recent processes of social change in Brazil, related to the increasing visibility of sexual minorities in public sphere. Although many collective controversies... more
Por más de un milenio -después de la caída del Imperio Romano y con la instauración de la Iglesia Católica en el poder durante la Edad Media-en casi todo el mundo, los sectores dominantes de la religión, la ciencia y el Estado... more
El presente texto trata sobre un área de estudio no explorada en El Salvador, tiene como objetivo analizar el proceso de organización de identidades gays, lesbiana, bisexual, travesti, transexual, transgénero e intersexuales (LGBTI) en... more
creació de nous serveis residencials que permetin un major control que els actuals per part de les persones usuàries.
En una sociedad que reprime la sexualidad, castiga la diversidad sexual y menosprecia a la infancia, ser niño y homosexual –ya sin agregar otras condiciones- es todavía menos que ubicarse en una situación de doble discriminación, es... more
Resumen El presente texto es parte de mi trabajo de tesis de maestría en Educación Física de la Universidad Federal de Santa Catarina, Brasil (2015). En el mismo me propongo cuestionar si el juego puede huir de los determinismos de... more
Aunque a fines del siglo pasado el término gay se resignificó para contrarrestar el carácter patológico del concepto homosexual, también adquirió un sentido excluyente al enaltecer rasgos y prácticas no compartidas por toda la diversidad... more