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Günlük yaşantımızda,farklı amaçlarla, doğrudan veya dolaylı yollardan yaygın olarak kullandığımız bir gereç olan "halat", nedense, güzel Türkçemizde yeterince tanımlanmamış bir kelime. Osmanlı devletini oluşturan halkların kaynaşmasına... more
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      MaritimeSeafarersMaritime Training and EducationMaritime Studies
KUBABA -Arkeoloji -Sanat Tarihi -Tarih Dergisi - 2016 BSTRACT There are a lot of mysterious on Hittites which was the great power of Bronze Age’s Anatolia. From the perspective of maritime archaeology, one of the first mysterious is the... more
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      Maritime ArchaeologyHitite ArchaeologySeamanship
Im vierten Quartal 2021 nahm zum ersten mal eine Fregatte der neuen Klasse F125 an einem NATO-Manöver teil. Für die Besatzung ALPHA an Bord der SACHSEN-ANHALT stand nicht nur die eigene Ausbildung im Fokus, sondern auch die der... more
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      NATOSecurity StudiesPoliticsCapacity Building
The aim of this paper is to discuss the expedition of King Solomon and King Hiram of Tyre who went to Ophir and brought back gold, monkeys, and other commodities, based on the Biblical narrative (1 Kings 9:26-28 [=2 Chro. 8:17-18], 1... more
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      Ancient HistoryMaritime HistoryInternational TradeHebrew Bible
Hvalfanger-liv i Leith Harbour, dramatiske episoder, og sosiale forhold. Based on interviews and documentary sources, the author describes daily life and work at Leith Harbour, the largest of the shore-based whaling stations on South... more
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      Social SciencesSocial and Cultural AnthropologyAntarcticaWhaling
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      Marine BiologySeamanship
Abstract Due to technological progress in the field of aviation and navigational satellite systems, automated remote control systems and the success role of an Unmanned Aircraft System (AUS) in military and security applications, as well... more
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      Seafarers fatigueMaritime Training and EducationMaritime StudiesHumanities and Social Sciences
For the longest time, water has been an integral part of Philippine culture and society. Filipinos had learned to tame the archipelago’s surrounding seas and be its master. Skilled in the art of boat-building and maritime navigation,... more
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      Maritime HistoryDiaspora StudiesMaritime CulturesSeamanship
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Update and elaboration on topics discussed in 'Trojans at Totnes and Giants on the Hoe' (2016) see more
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      Medieval HistoryCrusadesPilgrimagePilgrimage Routes
This  is the story of an advanture on the vessel on Bamburi
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In our country, it grows underwater and maritime research in recentyears.Many finds and shipwrecks have been determined relating to the Byzantine seamanship in Yenikapı excavation and underwater research done in our country' scoast. A... more
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      ArchaeologyMaritime ArchaeologyArt HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine History
In past historical periods -and to a large extent presently -lighthouses were an essential navigation aid for coastal shipping. Apparently they originated through occasional fires on land which were useful for identifying coastal sites... more
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The Project " Gemes " which is the Turkish acronym for " Vocational Seamanship Training for Proving Unemployed Youth Employment " was a project partially funded by EU and successfully completed by Dokuz Eylul University in Izmir, Turkey.... more
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      Project ManagementMaritime Training and EducationSeamanship
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      Aegean Bronze Age (Bronze Age Archaeology)Mycenaean era archaeologyBronze Age iconographySeamanship
Obituary of Australian merchant mariner Bill Langlois (1923-2015) in which author/historian Rowan Cahill describes his relationship with Langlois since 1970, and the effect of this upon his development as an historian.
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesMaritime HistoryCold WarTrade unionism
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