Recent papers in Scope
It has become the norm in many projects to view the traditional trade-offs as classic problems to 'solve'. This approach often suppresses the creative exploitation of paradox within the triple constraint. The principles and practices of... more
Projects are generally undertaken because they are part of the plans to meet business needs and charter organizations to new levels of performance. Projects are however constrained by conflicting demands and competing priorities within... more
To achieve a certain degree of information systems security different techniques have been proposed and implemented. It is the aim of this paper to form a basis for their evaluation and comparison. For this purpose a general framework of... more
Social Studies seen as helping pupils acquire relevant knowledge, positive attitudes, skills and values which in effect will equip them to be competent, concerned, reflective and problem solvers by the Junior High School (JHS)... more
It has become the norm in many projects to view the traditional trade-offs as classic problems to 'solve'. This approach often suppresses the creative exploitation of paradox within the triple constraint. The principles and practices of... more
The fact that some dominant holdings have hold the power of media led various problems in terms of society and individuals who practice this profession. Media employees has been losing autonomy over against media bosses due to the fact... more
Many construction projects suffer from changes to the scope of the project during the construction phase. Because the changes ultimately lead to substantial cost overruns and major scheduling delays, scholars and practitioners worldwide... more
The prefix be-, which appears in a variety of verbal forms and constructions in Lithuanian, has not been subject to a detailed and theoretically informed synchronic description. This paper attempts to fill this gap by providing an account... more
The paper deals with a curious phenomenon of quasi-synonymy that occurs in Russian between sentences with non-negated and negated predicates in the construction with the adverb dolgo ‘for a long time’. Consider sentences like Chainik... more
Oracle's Primavera P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio Management is the most powerful, robust and easy-to-use solution for prioritizing, planning, managing and evaluating projects, programs and portfolios.
The scope order of clausal categories has been claimed to be universal. In this paper we adopt a universalist cartographic approach to clausal syntax. By discussing the categories of speech acts, evaluation, epistemic modality, scalarity,... more
En este trabajo de investigación se logró determinar la huella de carbono de la Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, sede Quito, campus sur; el valor obtenido para el año 2012 fue de 873,88 toneladas de dióxido de carbono equivalente. La... more
This paper identifies risks of scope and organizational risks in IT projects during the merger period in telecommunications companies and proposes actions for risk mitigation. It adopts an interpretive epistemology in an exploratory case... more
This article highlights the heuristic usefulness of “cultural triangulation”, a concept attempting to exceed the dominant schemata for the analysis of intercultural relations in current comparative cultural studies, which are generally... more
Because-sentences, Negative Scope and Labeling. Presentation at Syntactic Theory At Rutgers (St@r), Rutgers University, March 25th, 2011
Public Sector versus Private Sector comparisons are a debate which seems to be a never ending topic. It is very difficult to take stand for either of these two forms of administration. The reason behind that is not unknown but obvious as... more
We are grateful to the audience of the Current Advances in Caucasian Studies, Macerata, January 2010, for useful feedback to the talk this paper is based on, and to Yury Lander for critical comments on the draft version of the paper. We... more
Justifikasi Projek : Ketua Yayasan AAT meminta proyek ini dijalankan untuk mendukung yayasan dalam kegiatan donasi sosial pendidikan-nya. Aplikasi mobile untuk Yayasan Anak Anak Terang kelak akan membantu tercapainya visi misi yayasan AAT... more
We tested 3-to 5-year-old English-and Mandarin-speaking children on their interpretation of sentences like The elephant didn't eat both the carrot and the capsicum. These sentences are scopally ambiguous. Adult English speakers favour a... more
How many charged degrees of freedom are necessary to accommodate a certain amount of 't Hooft anomaly? Using the conformal bootstrap for the four-point function of flavor current multiplets, we show that in all (3+1)d superconformal field... more
Adverbs are considered to be a specific word class and lexical category that helps explain the referent of a verb or sentence. With respect to syntactic and semantic criteria, adverbs classified with different approaches in the literature... more
AMBIGUITY: LEXICAL AND STRUCTURAL. An expression with more than one normal sense or meaning is ambiguous. To demonstrate ambiguity it is sufficient to indicate two senses. In the broad sense of ‘animal’, every human is an animal; in... more
This study investigates the reason why wh phrases are illegitimate in postverbal positions in Turkish while they are free to scramble in the preverbal area. The common view in the literature is that prosodic and interpretive properties of... more
"Despite the fact that many Engineering Institutions in India are planning to start undergraduate courses in Biomedical engineering and even the number of students seeking these courses is on the rise, the existing Biomedical engineering... more
Following Klinedinst & Rothschild (2012), we argue that conjunctive readings of sentences where disjunction takes scope above an existential modal have a different explanation from that needed in the case where the modal has wide scope.... more
The scope of public reason determines which political decisions should be taken ac- cording to its standards. In this paper, I defend a broad-scope view of public reason, ac- cording to which every single political decision should be... more
Objective: Study the scope, dangers and predictors of outcome of deep neck space infections in our setting. Study Design: Retrospective cohort. Setting: Public Academic Tertiary Hospital. Method: Case files retrieved utilizing ICD-10... more
En el marco normativo nacional la educación en Colombia se encuentra regulada desde la Consti- tución Nacional el artículo 67, el cual consigna que la educación es un derecho, con una función social definida en permitir a la persona el... more
In this paper we discuss several cases of English and German negative quantifiers taking extended scope. We argue that these scope extensions are sensitive to linear and prosodic continuity, a fact that we capture in terms of a Condition... more
It has become the norm in many projects to view the traditional trade-offs as classic problems to 'solve'. This approach often suppresses the creative exploitation of paradox within the triple constraint. The principles and practices of... more
Resumen: Introducción. La especialización de las revistas se desprende de la clasificación que reciben en bases de datos y de los términos utilizados en su información pública (denominación, temática declarada y público destinatario). La... more
The object of the paper is the class of Russian sentences that have more than one probability qualifier (PQ) with intersecting scopes. As it appears, modern Russian texts abound with such phenomena. Our goal is to identify meanings and... more
This article investigates interactions between the scope of QPs and the restrictions imposed by binding theory. It presents new evidence that Condition C applies at (and only at) LF and demonstrates that this condition can serve as a... more
Dans l’Union en crise socio-économique et financière, sinon politique, des mécanismes intergouvernementaux, tel le Mécanisme européen de stabilité (MES), imposent des mesures d’austérité génératrices de situations indignes des valeurs... more
An English sentence that can be used to express propositions having different logical structures, or forms, is structurally ambiguous [1]. An example is (1). (1) Every integer precedes some integer One use of variable-enhanced English [2,... more
This paper focuses on the previously barely described restrictive use of the prefix te- in Lithuanian. This prefix, whose meaning is similar to that of the particle tik ‘only’, is peculiar in that it can take scope over almost any kind of... more