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Edutainment may be considered a developing contemporary research field particularly as new and open source game development environments are made available to the research community. Nevertheless, most edutainment scenarios are usually... more
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      ArtPervasive GamingPerformanceEdutainment
Usability is a desired attribute as it helps in identifying how effectively user achieves product goals. In this paper TEIM Model (THE EVOLVED INTEGRATED MODEL of Software Engineering & Human Computer Interaction) designed by author 1 &... more
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      Computer ScienceHuman Computer InteractionUsabilityAffect
Reconsidering and reanalyzing a number of problems with first language acquisition and learnability within the framework of the Minimalist Program, the most recent linguistic theorizing on the part of generative grammar, the present paper... more
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      EvolutionLearnabilityGenerative SyntaxHelen Keller
This study explored the extent to which Makerere University Library Access (Makula) can be used by Makerere University Library (Mulib) users to achieve their teaching, research and information needs with effectiveness, efficiency, and... more
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Mobile-wireless gadgets are becoming increasingly important in Kenya, not just as a means of social communication, but also as a medium of learning and instruction. This shift partly exploits the learnability principle in information... more
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      Information SystemsSociology of Children and ChildhoodMobile TechnologyKenya
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      Learning SciencesLearnability
This dissertation examines the acquisition of a phenomenon that lies at the interface of logic and grammar. Polarity-sensitive items (PSIs), including negative polarity items (NPIs) such as English 'any', are often characterized by their... more
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      Developmental PsychologyLanguage AcquisitionPragmaticsSemantics
Human computer interaction (HCI) is concerned with the practice of usability, which is a measure that evaluates the simplicity of using a system, software, or interface design for performing particular tasks. Evaluation is a process by... more
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      Human Computer InteractionUsabilityHeuristicsSatisfaction
This Ph.D. dissertation addresses possible bilingualism effects on speakers’ linguistic processing and representation through a psycholinguistic methodology. Our primary focus is the analysis of how bilingualism can influence bilinguals’... more
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      Second Language AcquisitionLanguages and LinguisticsPortugueseEnglish language
This dissertation is about the synchronic analysis, typology, and formal learnability of tonal reassociation. Tonal reassociation refers to a group of phonological phenomena where a lexical tone surfaces in positions that the tone did not... more
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      Bantu LinguisticsComputational PhonologyMetrical PhonologyTone systems
In standard modern Japanese, high vowels /u,i/ alternate between full articulation and gestural reduction, depending on the consonantal context. When between two voiceless obstruents, un- accented high vowels undergo gestural reduction... more
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      Language AcquisitionComputational LinguisticsStatistical LearningLearnability
An earlier introduced characterization of nonuniform learnability that allows the sample size to depend on the hypothesis to which the learner is compared has been redefined using the measure theoretic approach. Where nonuniform... more
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    • Learnability
The purpose of this paper is to investigate student engagement in learning software engineering subject with gamification approach. Software engineering subject is offered during the early year of three years towards earning a Bachelor... more
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      Software EngineeringStudent EngagementSoftware Engineering educationGamification
The current situation that we are faced with may be one where we seem to have one very strong, extremely important and far-reaching concept/thesis that we somehow have to keep to if we really hope to at least understand even a small... more
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      Quantum MechanicsParsingLearnabilitySMT
This paper aims to bring theoretical linguistics and cognition-general theories of learning into closer contact. I argue that linguists' notions of rich UGs are well-founded, but that cognition-general learning approaches are viable as... more
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      LinguisticsTheoretical LinguisticsComputational Cognitive ScienceLearnability
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      SociologyCultural StudiesComparative PoliticsPhilosophy Of Language
We tested 3-to 5-year-old English-and Mandarin-speaking children on their interpretation of sentences like The elephant didn't eat both the carrot and the capsicum. These sentences are scopally ambiguous. Adult English speakers favour a... more
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      Language AcquisitionSemanticsNegationLearnability
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      SemanticsSyntaxCausationLexical Semantics
We develop an evaluation metric for Optimality Theory that allows a learner to induce a lexicon and a phonological grammar from unanalyzed surface forms. We wish to model aspects of knowledge such as the English-speaking child's knowledge... more
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      PhonologyLinguisticsLearnabilityMinimum description length
his study aims to add to the body of evidence regarding the linguistic structures that seem to be more challenging in L2 acquisition than in L1 acquisition (DeKeyser, 2005; Ellis, 2008; Inagaki, 2001; Slabakova, 2014; Sorace, 2011). he... more
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      LanguagesTeaching English as a Second LanguageSecond Language AcquisitionLanguages and Linguistics
Speakers' knowledge of the sound pattern of their language -- their knowledge of morpho-phonology -- goes well beyond the plain phonetic forms of words. According to a long-standing model in linguistics, morpho-phonological knowledge is... more
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      PhonologyMorphologyLearnabilityMinimum description length
(Somewhat) Fuller version of work presented at NELS 45, November 1, 2014
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      Historical LinguisticsPhonologyGermanic linguisticsMorphology
Service discoverability during the learning stage of an Application Program Interface (API) has a great affect on the productivity of developers and is of great importance to businesses. The adoption of Resource Oriented Architecture... more
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      Service Oriented ComputingService Oriented ArchitectureService-oriented architecturesUsability and user experience
This paper draws on the simple observation that young children acquire the constraints on NPIs with relative ease and speed, and, against the backdrop of existing theoretical proposals about licensing, identifies a fundamental learning... more
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      PragmaticsSemanticsFirst Language AcquisitionLanguage Acquisition and Development
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      Historical LinguisticsMachine LearningVedic SanskritMorphology (Languages And Linguistics)
For more than two decades children's use of multimedia was restricted to watching television and listening to music. Although some parents complained about children being addicted to listening to music the idea that children could be... more
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      Principles of ManagementLearnabilityApplication Software in Quantity SurveyingDiscoverability
Edutainment may be considered a developing contemporary research field particularly as new and open source game development environments are made available to the research community. Nevertheless, most edutainment scenarios are usually... more
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      ArtPervasive GamingPerformanceEdutainment
This paper develops a novel approach to learning phonological hidden structure relying on underexplored expectation driven learning strategies rooted in the machine learning literature. A novel probabilistic grammatical representation... more
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      Optimality TheoryStatistical InferenceLearnability
We explore the implications of a particular approach to learning for an architectural question in phonology. The learning approach follows the principle of Minimum Description Length (MDL), which has recently been used for learning in... more
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      PhonologyLearnabilityMinimum description lengthunderlying representations
and the audiences at MIT and NELS 48. 1 Where L stands for 'liquid'. Here and below we use phonological rules, which offer a particularly direct handle on the representation of both optionality and opacity, for our examples and our... more
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Sentences with more than one logic operator are in principle ambiguous between different interpretations, depending on the assignment of logic scope. This aspect, largely overlooked in previous studies, could provide the right distinction... more
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      Language AcquisitionSemanticsModalityAmbiguity
This article investigates the learnability filter (LF) hypothesis, according to which the set of logically possible grammars predicted by linguistic theory is reduced to a proper subset of learnable grammars by external principles of... more
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      Cognitive ScienceComputer ScienceLinguisticsOptimality Theory
Verhoeven, L., R. Schreuder, and R. H. Baayen Besides phonotactic principles, orthographies entail graphotactic rules for which the reader must convert a phonological representation on the basis of spelling adaptation rules. In the... more
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      LearnabilityLexical Decision
Finding Missing Categories in Incomplete Utterances This paper introduces an efficient algorithm (O(n 4)) for finding a missing category in an incomplete utterance by using unification technique as when learning categorial grammars, and... more
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      LearnabilityCategorial Grammars
Edutainment may be considered a developing contemporary research field particularly as new and open source game development environments are made available to the research community. Nevertheless, most edutainment scenarios are usually... more
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      ArtPervasive GamingPerformanceEdutainment
There is a tight, bidirectional connection between the formalism that defines how linguistic knowledge is stored and how this knowledge can be learned. In one direction, the formalism can be mapped onto an evaluation metric that allows... more
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      SemanticsQuantifiersLearnabilityMinimum description length
A generally held assumption about human statistical learning is that learners keep track of the global statistics of the elements of interest across the entire set of stimuli they are exposed to. In naturalistic settings, this assumption... more
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      Language AcquisitionImplicit learningCognitionArtificial Language
The paper demonstrates that falsifiability is fundamental to learning. We prove the following theorem for statistical learning and sequential prediction: If a theory is falsifiable then it is learnable -- i.e. admits a strategy that... more
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      Karl PopperInduction (Philosophy)FalsifiabilityLearnability
• The past tense in Germanic "strong" verbs (e.g., Eng. bite ∼ bit) is usually formed through ablaut (vowel alternation), but historically continues a Proto-Indo-European (PIE) verbal formation that obligatorily displayed reduplication... more
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      PhonologyGermanic linguisticsComputational LinguisticsMorphology (Languages And Linguistics)
In this paper I question the Inertial Theory of language change put forward by Longobardi (2001), which claims that syntactic change does not arise unless caused and that any such change must originate as an ‘interface phenomenon’. It is... more
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      Historical SyntaxSyntactic ChangeCausalityDiachronic Syntax
Open Government datasets have been flooding the Web recently, and Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) are key to the development of services on top of these datasets. An issue of current APIs worldwide is that their learnability is... more
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      Computer ScienceOpen DataAPI DesignLearnability
We study the learning power of iterated belief-revision methods. Successful learning is understood as convergence to correct, i.e., true, beliefs. We focus on the issue of universality: whether or not a particular belief-revision method... more
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      MathematicsComputer ScienceBelief Revision (Computer Science)Philosophy and Religious Studies
We study the learning power of iterated belief revision methods. Successful learning is understood as convergence to correct, i.e., true, beliefs. We focus on the issue of universality: whether or not a particular belief revision method... more
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      Belief Revision (Computer Science)Philosophy and Religious StudiesFormal Learning TheoryMathematical Sciences
Today we are living in the era of fourth industrial revolution demanding variety of skills set for delivering various jobs. The world is transforming in a contingent way. This transformation is not only in terms of technology but a... more
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      LearnabilitySkillsIndustry 4.0Sustenance
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      PhonologyVowel harmonyGrammar InductionLearnability
We address overgeneration in a factorial typology of metrical tone systems from previous work. We show that learnability in GLA explains the overgeneration: undesirable predicted patterns are harder to learn. The result rests crucially on... more
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      Bantu LinguisticsOptimality TheoryComputational PhonologyTone systems
We study the learning power of iterated belief-revision methods. Successful learning is understood as convergence to correct, i.e., true, beliefs. We focus on the issue of universality: whether or not a particular belief-revision method... more
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      Belief Revision (Computer Science)Formal Learning TheoryBelief RevisionDynamic Epistemic Logic
Plural definite descriptions give rise to 'homogeneity' effects: the positive "The trucks are blue" and the negative "The trucks aren't blue" are neither true nor false when some of the trucks are blue and some are not, i.e. when the... more
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      Language AcquisitionSemanticsLanguage DevelopmentFirst Language Acquisition