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This article is a bibliographic review of the scientific production published internationally from 2010 until the middle of 2019 on the concept of School Library. The objective was to establish an updated status of the issue on the most... more
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      Reading Habits/AttitudesSchool LibrarianshipInformation Literacy: Teacher Librarians/ School Library Media Specialist/ School Library Media TeachersBibliographic Research
In this paper we present two recent information literacy and access initiatives in Uruguay and their necessary historical antecedents, and analyze them from a phenomenological perspective to provide commentary on current philosophical... more
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      Digital DivideInformation EthicsPhenomenologyEducation for Library and Information Science
Traditionally libraries of schools have been underserved by the competent institutions and underused, since they have been regarded as mere points of consulting manuals for making jobs, to solve problems and, occasionally, as a place for... more
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      Library and Information ScienceSchool librariesBibliotecas EscolaresSchool Library
Las bibliotecas escolares deben ser un medio para acceder al conocimiento, y las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación pueden facilitar que los estudiantes adolescentes se inicien en el uso de estas tecnologías para desarrollar... more
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      Redes socialesbibliotecas escolares, school libraries, PortugalBibliotecas EscolaresSchool Library
to Intervention (RtI) is a three-tiered model of instruction that increases learning for all students. RtI meets the requirements of the No Child Left Behind Act to provide research- based instruction and interventions for students as... more
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      Political ScienceInterviewsInterventionAcademic achievement
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      School librariesSchool LibraryComputational thinking unplugged
Este artículo informa una investigación exploratoria realizada en 16 bibliotecas escolares públicas y privadas en Puerto Rico aplicando metodología cualitativa. Se seleccionaron diez (10) escuelas públicas que siempre han cumplido con los... more
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      Information SkillsSchool Library
1. Važnost njegovanja kulturne baštine u odgojno-obrazovnim institucijama Kako je iz uvodnog dijela naglašena sve veća aktualnost upoznavanja, promicanja i njegovanja značaja kulturnog identiteta, u ovom će se djelu predstaviti konkretni... more
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      CreativityInformation Literacy: Teacher LibrarianInnovation and Creativity in EducationSchool Library
A pesquisa denominada “A biblioteca escolar como espaço de lazer cultural e formação do leitor” tem como ambiente social de observação a Biblioteca Escolar, o tema a Formação do Leitor, utilizando a metodologia da recensão literária,... more
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      BiblioteconomiaBiblioteca escolarSchool LibraryAção Cultural Em Biblioteca
O desenvolvimento da sociedade da informação e do conhecimento coloca novos desafios à escola, na medida em que esta deve contribuir para uma aprendizagem ao longo da vida. A aquisição das múltiplas literacias é reforçada por organizações... more
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      Teaching HistoryLiteraciesBibliotecas EscolaresEnsino de História
The organization of Primary school Libraries, issues, possible solutions and a number of class library activities with expected outcome.
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      Classification (Library Science)Information Literacy: Teacher Librarians/ School Library Media Specialist/ School Library Media TeachersPrimary SchoolPrimary Education
This conceptual paper describes authentic learning and assessment and analyzes evidence-based practice as the foundation paradigm for school library instruction. It identifies the place for authentic learning and assessment in practice... more
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      Performance Based Assessment (Education)School Library
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    • School Library
Our school libraries are incubators; a place to invent, learn, evolve and grow and coding should be part of our toolkit.
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      Learning commonsInformation Theory and codingSchool LibraryMakerspaces
This paper presents the overview of school library status in India.  How ICWN can be treat in school library.
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      Library ScienceAssistive TechnologySchool LibraryIcwn
Esta publicación es fruto del Premio Bicentenario a las Bibliotecas Escolares organizado por la BNM desde su Programa BERA, en el marco de la celebración de los 200 años de la Revolución de Mayo. Dicho certamen permitió el ejercicio de... more
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      ArgentinaEducaciónTICs aplicadas a la EducacionBibliotecas Escolares
Segala sesuatu pada dasarnya adalah sebuah pilihan begitupun dengan penggunaan TIK di perpustakaan. Akan tetapi, melihat kondisi perpustakaan yang dituntut untuk senantiasa beradaptasi dengan lingkungan global mewajibkan untuk mampu... more
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      Perpustakaanteknologi InformasiTeknologi Informasi dan KomunikasiPerpustakaan Sekolah
Menurut Kamus besar Bahasa Indonesia Daring, Perpustakaan berasal dari sebuah kata dasar Pustaka, yang berarti ruang, gedung, tempat yang disediakan untuk memelihara dan menggunakan koleksi seperti buku dan sebagainya. Sedangkan pendapat... more
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      Library SciencePerpustakaanPerpustakaan SekolahManajemen Perpustakaan
Reading has become one of the needs of modern society that must be met. By reading, the human brain will be stimulated and improve the ability to think. Reading culture must be accustomed from an early age. In addition to the family,... more
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      Information LiteracyStudent LearningSchool Library
Stock Opname di dalam sebuah perusahaan produksi merupakan salah satu aktifitas yang wajib dikerjakan pada setiap akhir tahun, salah satu fungsinya untuk melihat kembali barang yang diproduksi apakah sudah sesuai dengan laporan yang... more
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      LibrarianshipPerpustakaanPerpustakaan SekolahSchool Library
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      Teacher EducationMuseum StudiesTeacher TrainingSchool
This paper is an information base to support decision making for future focused learning in school libraries as a learning hub. The burgeon of growth of a well-managed school library or school resource centre provides a foundation for... more
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      Information Literacy: Teacher Librarians/ School Library Media Specialist/ School Library Media TeachersSchool LibraryTHE LIBRARY MEDIA CENTER: TOUCHSTONE FOR INSTRUCTIONAL DESIGN AND TECHNOLOGY IN THE SCHOOLS
Sekolah pada tingkatan dasar dan menengah merupakan pondasi bagi pembentukan karakter dan keberhasilan generasi muda di masa yang akan datang. Berbagai strategi dan fasilitas untuk meraih keberhasilan dalam proses pendidikan dan... more
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      Library ManagementSchool librariesSchool Library
High light of New National Education Policy and The role of School Librarian.
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      Digital LibrariesAcademic LibrarianshipLibrary and Information ScienceLibrary history
The study explored the ICT facilities and services at rural Non-Government Secondary (NGS) school libraries in Bangladesh. It identified the ICT literacy of NGS school library professionals known as assistant librarians. An exploratory... more
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      Information Communication TechnologySchool LibrarianshipBangladeshSecondary Education
The paper highlights the possible ways in which School Librarians can contribute in a smart way to fulfil the information needs of the teachers and students of their schools to achieve their goals and also to create a better teaching and... more
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      School LibrarianshipSchool Library
Many scholarly studies investigating school library services provided to students with special needs primarily address aspects of collaboration with special education (SPED) teachers in an immersed school environment. Scarcely studied are... more
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      AutismLeadershipCase StudiesProfessional Development
A chapter in Archives in Liquid Times, edited by Frans Smit, Arnoud Glaudemans, and Rienk Jonker
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      HistoryComputer ScienceInformation TechnologyPhilosophy
The purpose of this study is to explore the current environment of secondary school libraries and librarians in Bangladesh. To achieve this objective, an exploratory mixed method study was conducted to ensure the best possible outcomes.... more
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      Information TechnologyICT in EducationSchool LibrarianshipBangladesh
本稿は2019 年8 月21 日に開催された神奈川県教育委員会主催学校司書研修講演の記録である。同教育委員会の許可を受けて掲載する。「フェイクニュース」(偽情報)が氾濫するソーシャル・メディア時代における学校図書館と学校司書の役割について、情報リテラシーおよびメディア・リテラシーに関する最新の情報とともに解説した。なお、読みやすいように修正を加えるとともに、質疑応答および講演中に上映した動画等の解説を省いている。
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      Media and Information LiteracySchool Library
The study of children library services in Nigeria is very limited in the literature. Existing literature has only focused on the problems facing school or public library services (Ajegbomogun & Salaam, 2011) without a real emphasis on the... more
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      Public LibrariesLibrary and Information ScienceSchool LibrarianshipThird Space
La incorporación de las netbooks en las escuelas plantea nuevos desafíos a los bibliotecarios escolares. Con este cuadernillo proponemos brindar herramientas conceptuales y metodológicas para trabajar con el modelo 1 a 1 desde la... more
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      ArgentinaEducaciónTICs aplicadas a la EducacionBibliotecas Escolares
2007 1. Biblioteca escolar. 2. Discurso. 3. Imaginário. 4. Ideologia. 5. Leitura. AGRADECIMENTOS À minha irmã Lígia, pelas idéias, opiniões, incentivo e por estar presente em todos os momentos da minha vida; Ao Prof. Ms. Cláudio Marcondes... more
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      Discourse AnalysisInformation ScienceSchool Library
This paper approaches the meaning of school library through a multidisciplinary perspective including the Information Science, the French Discourse Analysis and Education. It aims to understand how the imaginary about this institution is... more
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      Discourse AnalysisInformation ScienceDiscourseSchool Library
Este cuadernillo plantea los lineamientos básicos que comprende el Programa BERA: sus ejes de acción y lo realizado por la nación y las jurisdicciones desde el año 2000 como avances hacia la consolidación de políticas federales... more
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      ArgentinaBibliotecas EscolaresSchool Library
This study is a comparison between public and private school learning resource centres (LRCs) and their services in Kuwait, exploring related job descriptions, training, qualifications, services, resources, policies, and facilities, in... more
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      EducationKuwaitLibrary Media SpecialistK-12 Education
Objective – The purpose of this study is to provide an understanding whether there is a significant influence contributed by the activity in enhancing the education resource center’s performance. The terms education resource center,... more
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      School LibraryPromotional activity
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      UnescoMedia and Information LiteracySchool Library
Many countries have documented the impact of school learning resources centers (LRCs), serving students aged 6-18 years and pre-school, on the educational process and on student learning (Lonsdale, 2003), and have found that both human... more
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      KuwaitK-12 EducationSchool librariesLearning Resource Centre
Perpustakaan sekolah bukan hanya sebagai syarat untuk dipenuhi suatu sekolah, melainkan perpustakaan sekolah merupakan organisasi di sekolah untuk membatu pelaksanaan pendidikan di sekolah tersebut. Jika perpustakaan tersebut tidak diurus... more
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      Web 2.0Library 2.0Digital LibrarySchool Library
Este ensayo aborda la importancia de desarrollar el hábito lector en la vida de los niños, y el compromiso del Bibliotecólogo escolar como un animador a la lectura que impulse esta experiencia. This essay discusses the importance of... more
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      ReadingLecturaReading HabitsBiblioteca escolar
La presentación de este 1º Informe de Resultados del Relevamiento Institucional de Bibliotecas Escolares a las distintas autoridades del sistema educativo nacional, busca movilizar, brindar información específica y dar conciencia a... more
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      ArgentinaBibliotecas EscolaresSchool Library
الفصل الأول من كتاب يتناول تأريخ وعرض لقطاعي المكتبات العامة والمدرسية في الكويت منذ إنشاء كل منهما وحتى تاريخ إصدار الكتاب عام 1994
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      Public LibrariesKuwaitالكويتSchool libraries
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      Critical TheorySemioticsPsychologyPhilosophy Of Language
Ray Oldenburg amerikai szociológus 1989-ben hozta be a köztudatba The great good place című munkájával a harmadik hely fogalmát, amely három évtizede vitathatatlanul formálja a könyvtárakról és a könyvtárak önmagukról, szolgáltatásaikról,... more
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      EducationMental HealthCommunity-Based Mental Health ServicesLibrary and Information Science
A 2010 study of the portrayal of disabilities in graphic novels selected by librarians as the -Best‖ revealed that disabilities were present in less than half of the sample, and the majority of those depictions were of negative... more
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      Publishing IndustryYoung AdultsSchool Library
Öz: Okulda verilen eğitiminin önemli bir parçası ve ders program larının ayrılmaz destekleyicisi olan kütüphaneyi oluşturan unsurlardan biri de bina ve/veya mekândır. Bilgi kaynakları artık her ne kadar elektronik ortama taşınsalar da,... more
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      School librariesLibrary BuildingsSchool Library and Media Teachers / Teachers Librarian / School Library Media SpecialistsLibrary Buildings, Library Architecture, Library Spaces
This report describes the establishment of The Visual Libraries Project,
subsequent international visits to the USA and India, outcomes, project
extensions and a vision for the future through expansion.
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      Public LibrariesIndiaSketchbooksSchool Library
Information literacy skills are indispensable skill every secondary school student must possess not only to succeed in their present academic endeavours but to become a lifelong learner. Giving every student equal right to learning... more
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      SociologyReading Habits/AttitudesSchool Library
Pada masa kini dengan melesatnya perkembangan teknologi, posisi perpustakaan mulai mengkhawatirkan apalagi di instansi sekolah. Banyak kasus bahwa ketika para siswa mendapatkan tugas mereka lebih tertarik untuk menggunakan alat bantu... more
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      Digital LibraryDigital BookSchool Library