Rural Society
Recent papers in Rural Society
Le pays normand. Paysages et peuplement (IX e-XIII e siècles) The Norman region. Landscapes and Population (9 th-13 th centuries
The wine industry in southern Australia faces potential threats from climate change. This article examines how grape growers in this region perceive and prioritise climate change adaptation as an issue for their industry. Analysis of a... more
The regional catchment area of an Australian regional university city provided the basis for an exploratory research project generating an index of wellbeing of rural towns. The project used the residential locations of fi rst-year... more
... Les Gavarres a l'edat mitjana: poblament i societat d'un massís del nord-est català. Información General. Autores: Elvis Mallorquí; Editores: Girona : CCG, 2000; Año de publicación: 2000; País: España; Idioma: Catalán; ISBN :... more
The purpose of this study is to find the linkage between the social, political and cultural life of rural Bengal (in between 16-19th Century) with the terracotta panels and sculptural motifs of Bengal temples. To establish the relation... more
Předkládaná disertační práce je věnována životním perspektivám bratrů a sester nových vlastníků selských gruntů ve třechjihočeskýchvesnicích na přelomu 18. a 19. století. Jádrem vlastní analýzy bylo poznání osudů jednotlivých sourozenců... more
The hereby presented dissertation thesis pursues the life prospects of brothers and sisters related to new owners of rural grounds located in three South Bohemian villages at the turn of the 18th and 19th Century. The very core of this... more
A publication by the Draiflessen Collection 37
Recull de 191 pergamins i notícies relatives als Cartellà, nissaga de cavallers establerta des del segle XII a Maçanet de la Selva, en concret a la torre de Cartellà documentada des del 1201.
This essay reflects on the changing aesthetic criteria and local interpretation of folk theatre in Zuberoa; in particular it focuses on the Maskarada performances. Attention is paid to how locals interpret their carnival performances as... more
Sociologie românească modernă, ediţia a doua revizuită şi adăugită Această carte expune dezvoltarea sociologiei de către autori români reprezentativi. Argumentul central al lucrării este că sociologia românească modernă trebuie plasată... more
Aquesta publicació no pot ser reproduïda, ni totalment ni parcialment, ni enregistrada en, o transmesa per, un sistema de recuperació d'informació, en cap forma ni per cap mitjà, sia fotomecànic, fotoquímic, electrònic, per fotocòpia o... more
"This study refutes both the Western dominant paradigm of modernity and the Eurocentric stereotype of traditional Muslim culture, and demonstrates that rural Egyptians have their own paradigm of secular modernism that does not negate... more
From the late Middle Ages onwards, many regions of Western Europe experienced heightened levels of inequality in the distribution of land, caused in many cases by the consolidation of property in the hands of various interest groups.What... more
El clima en Extremadura se ajusta en el periodo estudiado a las pautas conocidas para el periodo previo al enfriamiento de la segunda mitad del siglo XVI. Desde la última década del siglo XV, las sequías se hacen frecuentes, con al menos... more
Mainland China is home to 56 official minority groups, but of these the Chinese Muslims have been largely ignored by scholars. Chinese Muslims are becoming important economic actors in the society, judged by the kinds of mosques and... more
Invitado por la Universidad de La Habana. Financiación Proyecto intramural del CSIC: “El colonato azucarero y la transformación de la sociedad cubana, 1880-1940” (PIE- 200810I008. 2008-09)
The accuracy of the Content should not be relied upon and should be independently verified with primary sources of information. Taylor and Francis shall not be liable for any losses, actions, claims, proceedings, demands, costs, expenses,... more
Analysis of how taxation had been carried out, and who had been involved in them, are indispensable for studies of local governance and rural society in the Mamlūk period (1250–1517) and under the subsequent rule of the Ottomans in... more
La sociedad rural de Medellín entre 1450 y 1550 se caracteriza por una importante estratificación económica. Un grupo enriquecido cuenta con una importante propiedad ganadera y participa en la explotación de las dehesas locales. Los... more
Resumen: En este artículo se da cuenta de la universalidad de los apodos y de la pervivencia de los mismos en las sociedades rurales, así como de su uso cotidiano como elementos identificadores y de nexo convivencial. Constituyen un rico... more
Há séculos que as obras de hidráulica agrícola são apresentadas como a solução para todos os problemas do interior de Portugal. As Leis das Sesmarias já revelavam que a autossuficiência alimentar era um objetivo a alcançar, fixando as... more
This paper offers a survey of local leadership in rural Thailand, drawing on the results of ethnographic and several sociological studies from different parts of Thailand. I distinguish local leadership roles according to whether they are... more
En este artículo se pretende analizar la gestión de los espacios de pastura en la región fronteriza entre Cataluña, Aragón y Valencia durante los siglos XII-XIV. Desde la conquista cristiana de los siglos XII y XIII, la sociedad rural... more
Estudio y edición de las ordenanzas de Galisteo. Se completa con un texto del siglo XVIII la parte perdida del códice del XVI, aproximadamente la mitad. Gran interés para el mundo rural.
Resum de la tesi doctoral, del mateix títol, presentada el 2007 a la Universitat de Girona i editada el 2011, amb el mateix títol, dintre la col·lecció Estudis per la Fundació Noguera.
Apresentam-se neste artigo alguns aspetos que configuram o fenómeno da violência na época moderna
Les matrices cadastrales publiques, médiévales et modernes, forment, dans un grand Sud-Est de la France actuelle et plus largement, dans une Europe méridionale qui va de l’Italie à la Catalogne, une immense masse documentaire emblématique... more
Las ordenanzas de Mengabril, aldea de Medellín, encontraron la oposición de la villa y los campesinos más acomodados del lugar. Se caracterizan por su limitación temática pero nos suministran una información de gran interés para conocer... more
El objetivo de este artículo es profundizar en el conocimiento de la estructura corporativa que el Estado Novo (1933 – 1974) implantó en el mundo rural portugués. El centro de la investigación será un organismo corporativo de escala... more
Background and Aim: Hygiene is one of the most important issues in new social history. The level of health influenced by subjects like food, clothing and housing and per capita income and in other side, affects standards of living. So,... more
Mining activities in Australia tend to be cyclical, with boom and bust times impacting upon associated communities. However, little information exists to classify key impacts or to identify how they vary across mining service towns. In... more
This paper aims to highlight that daily and weekly rhythms, being a part of the social organization of time, mediate people’s responses to social change in rural Pakistan. Indigenous ways of measuring different stages of the day have... more
The analysis of professional strategies of rural youth is presented in article. Problems of formation of professional strategies of rural youth are considered. The researchers pay attention to the necessity of its study and search for... more
A key question for rural regions concerns the extent to which they can shape their own future. Addressing this issue in any given location inevitably involves defining regional aspirations in the face of global pressures. To navigate this... more
Social workfield education is expanding in rural areas at a time when rural social work is under great strain. This paper discusses a new modelJor ruralfield education. In this 'satellite' model, the untversity employs local senior social... more
Este artículo analiza la identidad de los árbitros que median en los conflictos suscitados en el campo valenciano en la Baja Edad Media. Tras la conquista del siglo XIII, la implantación de la nueva sociedad rural provoca el surgimiento... more