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Resumen: Madame Bovary, publicada por entregas a lo largo de 1856, y en libro en 1857,tuvo un gran impacto en la sociedad de la época por su análisis de la institución matrimonial y de la insatisfacción femenina causada por las novelas... more
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      IntertextualityMadame BovaryLiteratura FrancesaLiteratura Comparada (Comparative Literature)
Ao longo da História da Literatura, a produção francesa permaneceu como farol para outras culturas/ literaturas, mesmo na Europa e isso se deve, por certo, a diversos autores de obras-primas da literatura universal. Tal importância está... more
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      LiteratureFlaubertSuicideMadame Bovary
Didactic presentation of the novel.
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      DidacticsMadame BovaryGustave Flaubert
There is a paradoxical difference between the grief of the romantic heroines and that of the protagonists of previous poetic and musical narratives. The latter suffer because of being abandoned or betrayed by the beloved man. The former,... more
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      Women's StudiesOperaPhilosophy of LoveGiuseppe Verdi
Una volta Flaubert scrisse a Louise Colet: « Come saremmo colti se conoscessimo bene soltanto cinque o sei libri ». A prima vista sembra l'auspicio di un lettore esigente. Un capolavoro letterario è un ecosistema talmente complesso che... more
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      Madame BovaryGustave FlaubertBouvard Et PécuchetUn coeur simple
The House of Ulloa (1886) is considered the most significant work of Emilia Pardo Bazán, who is said to have introduced Zola’s naturalism into the Spanish narrative. Although some of its characters show direct affinity with the bovarist... more
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      Spanish LiteratureNaturalismRealismMadame Bovary
Didactic presentation of the famous realistic novel by Gustave Flaubert.
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      French LiteratureThe NovelDidacticsRealism
La société depuis des siècles a été dans l'ordre de la richesse et la quête de la passion, soit dans les bons moments soit dans les mauvais moments. La richesse est adaptée dans la mode de vie et l'attitude générale des Français.... more
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      Amour-PropreHonoré de BalzacMadame BovaryGustave Flaubert
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      Film AnalysisLars von TrierMadame BovaryGustave Flaubert
dieci. Flaubert nel libro usa la poetica dell'impersonalità. Mentre i narratori dell'Ottocento di tipo romantico, come Manzoni, Stendhal e Balzac erano onnipresenti sulla scena intervenendo continuamente nell'azione con commenti e... more
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    • Madame Bovary
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      French LiteraturePhilosophyRomanticismIdealism
A partir de la pena capital en Irán, Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani, por cuyo indulto luchamos en Amnistía Internacional, me pareció interesante revisar el adulterio femenino en el siglo XIX, a partir de Effi Brist, Emma Bovary, Anna Karenina... more
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      Theodor FontaneSigmund FreudGeorg LuckácsRainer Werner Fassbinder
The nineteenth-century woman reader was irremediably ill. In his writings, the French philosopher Jules de Gaultier coined the name of the amorous pathology that afflicted them using the name of its patient zero, Emma Bovary: bovarism. In... more
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      Theodor FontaneMadame BovaryAdultery in the NovelLeopoldo Alas Clarín
Il presente contributo concerne, essenzialmente, temi che emergono dalla prima produzione di René Girard, quella definita di «critica letteraria», e che sono apparsi, in parte almeno, debitori della riflessione di un autore come Jules de... more
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      Philosophy Of ReligionMimesisPhilosophy of ArtContinental Philosophy
پرونده‌ی آنتونیو گرامشی
پرونده‌ی فلوبر و مادام بوواری
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      GramsciMadame BovaryGustave Flaubert
In the novel "Madame Bovary" by Gustave Flaubert, the pattern of Emma repeatedly growing frustrated and bored with her life, engaging in an affair or other scheme, and falling ill upon its completion or failure helps the reader deepen his... more
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      English LiteratureMadame Bovary
PRIMERA PARTE CAPÎTULO PRIMERO Estábamos en la sala de estudio cuando entró el director, Es eguido de un «novato» con atuendo pueblerino y de un celador cargado con un gran pupitre. Los que dormitaban se despertaron, y todos se fueron... more
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      FlaubertLiteraturaMadame BovaryGustave Flaubert
Kaffka Margit (1880–1918) halálának 100. évfordulójára emlékezve 2019 tavaszán közös konferenciát rendezett a Petőfi Irodalmi Múzeum és az MTA BTK Irodalomtudományi Intézet. Az eseménnyel arra igyekeztünk felhívni a figyelmet, hogy Kaffka... more
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      Museum StudiesBodies and CultureBiographyModernism
Ripercorrendo dapprima la storia e la trasmissione del romanzo, mi sono soffermata sul magistrale lavoro di Rosita Copioli che ha curato, nel 2007, l’edizione "La prima Madame Bovary", ovvero la traduzione italiana della prima stesura... more
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      French LiteratureFlaubertFrench languageFrancais Langue Etrangere
This paper aims to compare and contrast the staging of opera and theatre pieces narrated in two nineteenth-century novels, Madame Bovary and La Regenta. The analysis of the performances of Lucia de Lammermoor and Don Juan Tenorio in these... more
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      Performance StudiesNovelRealismMadame Bovary
This thesis problematizes the specific context of the decline in the teaching of French in Portuguese universities as a symptom of other phenomena, such as the redefinition of the mission of universities in a transnationalised educational... more
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      French LiteratureGlobalizationFrench StudiesPostcolonial Studies
Bu çalışmamı yapmak istememin sebebi Tanzimat Fermanı’ndan sonra Osmanlı toplumunda başlayan batılılaşma dalgasının ne boyutta olduğunu farklı bir pencereden incelemektir. Bu pencere Batı’dan aldığımız edebi akımlar çerçevesinde... more
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      PsikolojiMadame BovaryBovarysmBatılılaşma
Après la deuxième guerre mondiale, les deux concepts de ‘’l’Autrui’’ et de ‘’La Mort’’ ont été devenus les questions essentielles dans le domaine philosophique. Dans cette recherche, on traitera ces deux concepts à partir des pensées... more
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      Émmanuel LévinasMaurice BlanchotMortalityMadame Bovary
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      French Literature19th Century French LiteratureMadame BovaryLetteratura Francese
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      Cultural StudiesSpatial AnalysisJames JoyceIntertextuality And Plagiarism
Students should provide two hard copies of their work, which should be typed and double-spaced on A4 white paper, with a margin of approximately 4cm. A copy must also be submitted electronically.
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      English LiteratureIdentity (Culture)Virginia WoolfDesire
Studio sull'effetto di Parigi sulla signora Bovary e sulle sue sopravvivenze letterarie Paris: la grande prostituée. Paradis des femmes, enfer des chevaux. (Gustave Flaubert) Walter Benjamin in I «passages» di Parigi afferma che Parigi è... more
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      Comparative LiteratureJournalismShakespeareNarrative Theory
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      Madame BovaryPsychanalyseLittérature FrançaiseGustave Flaubert
Le but de cet article est de décrire le lien entre Madame Bovary, le chef d’oeuvre flaubertien, et Gemma Bovery, le roman graphique de la dessinatrice anglaise Posy Simmonds. Nous analyserons d’abord les éléments biographiques et... more
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      French LiteratureIntersemiotic TranslationMadame BovaryIntersemiotics
As the novel progresses, driven by desires and dreams Emma's decision became immoral in society. Charles is a simple person with a good and honest heart, he has faith in people's good intentions, and with all his heart he loves Emma.
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      Madame BovaryGustave FlaubertEmma Bovary
Il s'agit d'une analyse du conte "La Parure" de l'écrivain réaliste français Guy de Maupassant. Dans cette analyse on étudie les points concernant la narrativité de ce conte qui appartient au genre de la nouvelle réaliste. L'auteur, le... more
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      French LiteratureCharles BaudelaireMadame BovaryLittérature Française
In Le bovarysme et la littérature de langue anglaise. Éd. Nicole Terrien. Rouen : Publications de l’université de Rouen, 2004. 169-190.
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      IntertextualityJulian BarnesMadame BovaryGustave Flaubert
This chapter presents Gustave Flaubert’s Madame Bovary and Samuel Beckett’s Trilogy as modern fictions with ancient-skeptical ambitions. Whether in the affective domain (Flaubert) or in the cognitive (Beckett), the aim is to help the... more
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      FlaubertSamuel BeckettCatharsisSextus Empiricus
Seemingly, suicide is a conscious act of killing oneself but Émile Durkheim, in his Suicide: A study in sociology (1897), presents a groundbreaking sociological study of suicide asserting that social causes can be responsible for suicide... more
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Drawing from recent studies on authorial attachment by Dawson (2013) and Korthals Altes (2014), the article revises the notions of narrative authority and gnomic statements. I claim that authorial concerns, instead of manifesting... more
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      Thomas MannCognitive NarratologyNarratologyFlaubert
Bouvard e Pécuchet, protagonisti omonimi dell'ultimo romanzo di Gustave Flaubert, rimasto incompiuto, ad un certo punto preparano uno spettacolo teatrale 1 : Alla fine Bouvard […] propose la grande scena di Tartufo, terzo atto. Pécuchet... more
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      Italian LiteratureMadame Bovary
In this study, a comparative analysis of Honoré de BALZAC, Gustave FLAUBERT ve Émile ZOLA was created in terms of the literary style, the use of language, the symbols in the works, the literary movements they maintained and the subjects... more
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      Honoré de BalzacEmile ZolaMadame BovaryLittérature Française
Este artículo documenta la historia de las primeras traducciones al español de Madame Bovary en España y Latinoamérica a lo largo de más de medio siglo: desde 1875, cuando se publica la primera versión en castellano, hasta la guerra civil... more
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      Madame BovaryTraducción LiterariaHistoria de la traducciónRetraducción
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      French LiteratureWomen's StudiesNineteenth Century StudiesSpanish Literature (Peninsular)
English: Perfumed Letters, Fatal Correspondence This article focuses on the fragrant presence of two fictional letters, considered in the context of 19th-century social practices related to perfume and perfuming. Epistolary episodes... more
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      19th Century French LiteratureHonoré de BalzacMadame BovaryHistory of Perfumes
Palabras clave: bovarismo – bovarismo periférico – Roberto Schwarz – Dostoyevski – Machado de Assis
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      Critical TheorySocial PsychologyComparative LiteratureRussian Literature
Manche Krankheitsbilder haben sprechende Namen: das Hiob-Syndrom bezieht sich auf die alttestamentarische Gestalt und bezeichnet eine Hauterkrankung; das Undine-Syndrom verweist auf das mythologische Wasserwesen und beschreibt eine... more
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      Cultural StudiesMedia StudiesFilm StudiesLiterature
Las traducciones de Madame Bovary al castellano se han multiplicado de una manera sorprendente en los primeros años del siglo XXI. Sus frecuentes retraducciones hablan de un interés ininterrumpido por este clásico y lo convierten en un... more
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      RetranslationLiterary translationMadame BovaryPolíticas Editoriales
Servet-i Fünûn romanında Bovarizm’in etkilerini açıkça görebilmek mümkündür. Ancak, bu Bovarist etki tümüyle Gustave Flaubert’in ünlü eseri Madame Bovary ile her açıdan yüzde yüz örtüşmez. Bu bazen, büyük bir paralellik şeklinde karşımıza... more
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      FlaubertMadame BovaryGustave FlaubertHalit Ziya
Analiza relacji transtekstualnych (Genette), a w szczególności roli motta „Pani Bovary to ja” w Postrzyżynach Bohumila Hrabala, wskazuje na obecność motywów charakterystycznych dla melancholii. Cytat z Flauberta całkowicie zmienia... more
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      MelancholyBohumil HrabalMadame BovaryBovarysm
Paul Bourget (1852−1935) ha sido el maestro secreto de un amplio conjunto de intelectuales – Nietzsche, Thomas y Heinrich Mann, Hofmannsthal, Gide, Henry James, D’Annunzio, etc. – atentos a las ambigüedades y tensiones de la modernidad... more
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      Comparative LiteratureFrench LiteraturePhilosophyFrench History
Madame Bovary'nin okurla buluşmasının 150. yılı dolayısıyla Le Magazine Littéraire dergisi bu ünlü romana otuz sekiz sayfalık özel bir dosya ayırmıştı 1. Dosyada yer alan farklı incelemelerin birbirini doğrularcasına vurguladığı gibi,... more
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      FlaubertMadame BovaryÇeviri
Se pretende analizar en esta ponencia la temática "Enfermedad del ser" desde una postura filosófica y tomando como tópico principal la enfermedad en los personajes Emma Bovary, Rodion Raskolnikov, Hamlet y Werther.
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      LiteratureShakespeareJohann Wolfgang von GoetheLiteratura