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One of the major reasons of levee failure is erosion due to overtopping. The overtopping of levees is occasionally the consequence of a flood or Hurricane. In these events, the surface layers of levees become saturated in advance of any... more
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      Soil ErosionSoil erosion and sediment yield modeling in watershed scaleRiverbank ErosionMississippi River
Puji syukur kami panjatkan kehadirat Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, yang telah memberikan kesehatan jasmani dan rohani serta petunjuk dan kekuatan kepada penulis sehingga makalah yang diberi judul "Strategi Adaptasi dan Mitigasi Terhadap Perubahan... more
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      Regional Planning/DevelopmentClimate Change Adaptation And Mitigation StrategiesRiverbank Erosion
Bangladesh is a low lying riverine country formed by a deltaic plain at the confluence of the three mighty rivers Ganges, Brahmaputra, Meghna and their tributaries. Most of the flows of these major rivers are connected to the Bay of... more
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      Coastal and Estuarine Sediment TransportRiverbank ErosionHEC-RASGeographic Information Systems (GIS)
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      Riverbank ErosionMeghna River
One of the life-changing consequences (of floods and erosion in Assam) is Displacement. This results not only in loss of livelihoods but also has wide-reaching socio-economic and cultural effects. Thus, due to such disasters not only... more
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      Discourse AnalysisNortheast IndiaInternally Displaced Persons (IDPs)Assam
Varios son los factores que definen y controlan la erosión intensa y acelerada en Bánica, en la margen izquierda del río Artibonito y del lado Dominicano de la frontera con Haití. Durante el Cuaternario, se ha desarrollado un... more
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      HaitiSoil ErosionGully ErosionErosion
Eight representative catchments were selected in the Lake Victoria basin.
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      Environmental ScienceUgandaRiverbank ErosionRiparian vegetation
This article addresses how gender norms impact the process of migration, and what this means for the use of migration as an adaptation strategy to cope with environmental stressors. Data was collected through qualitative fieldwork, taking... more
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      Climate ChangePovertyDisaster risk managementMigration
In the Crescentino-Verrua savoia area, the Po river represents the most important idrographic element, forming with the Dora Baltea river an hidraulic node of interregional importance, with an extreme mobility of the confluenze and with a... more
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      GeomorphologyFlood Risk ManagementRiver EngineeringFluvial Geomorphology
Bangladesh is one of the most vulnerable countries to climate change. Due to the geographical location and being a riverine country, it faces various natural disasters. Migration has become an adaptation and survival strategy when... more
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      Climate ChangePublic Budgeting and FinanceRiverbank ErosionGender and Migration
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      Climate Change AdaptationAdaptationIndigenous KnowledgeSustainable Water Resources Management
In Bangladesh climate change has contributed to a massive displacement of people. This study examines the effects of climate-related displacement, socioeconomic status, availability of healthcare providers and disease-related attributes... more
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      DemographyClimate ChangeChild healthClimate Change Adaptation
This paper examines the experiences of people displaced internally by climate-related factors in mainland Bangladesh, one of the world's most climate-vulnerable countries. The data derives from a representative survey of 1,200 households... more
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      EconomicsClimate ChangePovertyPublic Health Policy
Spatio-temporal analysis of Kilim River using Very High-Resolution (VHR) satellite image between the years of 2005 and 2012 are vital to assess river morphological changes and erosion detection over the specific time duration. Therefore,... more
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      GeologyRemote SensingRemote sensing and GISDigital Image Processing
Future riverbank erosion model is essential to forecast the impacts on affected areas due to riverbank erosion phenomenon. However, how close the model to the exact location depends on the historical evaluation and dynamic factor,... more
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      Multispectral ImagingRiverbank ErosionKernel Density Estimation
Settlements development on riverbank wetland degrades the performance of the ecosystem services function. The riverbank Wetland has important ecosystem services that should be conserved. However, in some cities, the development in this... more
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      Ecosystem ApproachSettlementWetlandRiverbank Erosion
Abrupt climate changes represent a constant threat for monsoon regions, and affect the survival of entire populations. It was estimated that in 2015 the African monsoon known as “El Niño” was the most intense of the last decades (Ethiopia... more
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      EngineeringEnvironmental EngineeringCivil EngineeringWater
This paper explores the environmental change monitoring on the Albanian coastline (Vlora area) by analysing optical remote sensing data. Changes along this coastline are driven by coastal erosion and abusive urban construction of mostly... more
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      AnthropologyRemote SensingRemote sensing and GIS applications in Landscape ResearchLandscape
Soil Erosion and siltation are serious environmental concerns nowadays. In tackling the problem, vegetation is the main sustainable and reliable solution. However, the type of species to be used for soil water conservation is depending on... more
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      LandslidesSmart GridGully ErosionMulticriteria Decision Analysis
This paper presents the results of a monitoring programme designed to investigate the inherent factors contributing to channel instability and riverbank erosion on the Iju River, Southwest Nigeria. Detailed reconnaissance surveys and in... more
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      Fluvial GeomorphologyWatershed HydrologyMultidisciplinaryWatershed Management
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      SocioeconomicsRiverbank ErosionPadma River
Spatio-temporal analysis of Kilim River using Very High-Resolution (VHR) satellite image between the years of 2005 and 2012 are vital to assess river morphological changes and erosion detection over the specific time duration. Therefore,... more
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      Remote sensing and GISDigital Image ProcessingRiverbank ErosionRiver Morphology
Riverbank erosion is a serious environmental issue which urges government to take appropriate action to solve this problem. Kilim River, Langkawi Geopark which is located at the northern part in Peninsular Malaysia is now under the threat... more
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      Satellite remote sensingRemote sensing and GISRiverbank ErosionRiver Morphology
Resumo Este estudo visou avaliar sazonalmente e espacialmente o silicato dissolvido nas águas superficiais de dois rios com características físicas similares, porém com diferentes níveis de interferências antropogênicas. Os resultados... more
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      Coastal ErosionCoastal and Estuarine Sediment TransportRiverbank ErosionCoastal and estuarine Processes
Bangladesh is a low lying riverine country formed by a deltaic plain at the confluence of the three mighty rivers Ganges, Brahmaputra, Meghna and their tributaries. Most of the flows of these major rivers are connected to the Bay of... more
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      Riverbank ErosionEstuary Hydrodynamics
Climate change impact like heavy rainfall in unscheduled time will likely cause significant changes in sediment and flood regimes of the river. For that reason in large rivers like the Jamuna may be disturbed and required a long time for... more
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      Riverbank ErosionRiver MorphologyCllimate Change
As Bangladesh is a land of river so she cannot but accept the river erosion. But due to many reasons the rate of river erosion is increasing day by day, so it has become a threat to many people. Riverbank erosion causes enormous and... more
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      Disaster risk managementDisaster ManagementRiverbank ErosionDisaster Resilience
Spatio-temporal analysis of Kilim River using Very High-Resolution (VHR) satellite image between the years of 2005 and 2012 are vital to assess river morphological changes and erosion detection over the specific time duration. Therefore,... more
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      GeologyRemote sensing and GISDigital Image ProcessingRiverbank Erosion
Riverbank erosion is a common natural disaster in Bangladesh. Bangladesh is located in the world’s largest active Ganges delta where GangesBrahmaputra-Meghna (G-B-M) river systems carry out enormous sediment load simultaneously extensive... more
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      HydrogeologyHydrologyEnvironmental hydrogeologyRiverbank Erosion
Degradasi atau penurunan kualitas lahan merupakan isu global utama pada abad ke-20 dan masih menjadi isu penting dalam agenda internasional pada abad ke-21. Erosi tanah, kelangkaan air, energi, dan keanekaragaman hayati menjadi... more
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      Soil ErosionRiverbank ErosionLand DegradationKonservasi Tanah Dan Air
Bangladesh frequently suffers from acute riverbank erosions and, as a result, every year a large number of people internally migrate to new places mainly in search of livelihoods. While very few studies focus on the multifaceted nature of... more
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      Climate ChangeVulnerabilityBangladeshInternal migration
Cet article, présente des résultats préliminaires concernant l'étude de l'érosion des berges de l’oued Sebou en aval de de Fès, dans la zone du Prérif. L’étude s’est concentrée sur le sapement des berges favorisé par l’activité... more
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      LandslidesHydrology, Floods, Hydrological Modelling, Hydraulics, Sediment Transport, Fish HabitatRiverbank ErosionImpact of dams on the Mekong River
The Brahmaputra basin in India, particularly its valley in Assam, represents an acutely flood-prone region and occurrence of flood has been an age-old phenomenon in the riverine areas. During the rainy season, the rivers not only become... more
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      Environmental ScienceBamboo ArchitectureRiverbank ErosionFlood Embankment
In Bangladesh climate change has contributed to a massive displacement of people. This study examines the effects of climate-related displacement, socioeconomic status, availability of healthcare providers and disease-related attributes... more
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      SociologyDemographyAnthropologyClimate Change
High-resolution ground-based light detection and ranging (lidar), also known as terrestrial laser scanning, was used to quantify the volume of mercury-contaminated sediment eroded from a stream cutbank at Stocking Flat along Deer Creek in... more
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      TLS, LidarMercuryRiverbank Erosion
This paper reports on a laboratory study in which the automatic digital photogrammetric survey was applied to derive the high-resolution Digital Surface Model (DSM) of the bed topography, used for the flow-bed interactions analysis, in a... more
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      HydrologyClose-range PhotogrammetryRiverbank ErosionMeandering Bedrock Channels
ABSTRACT This paper examines the experiences of people displaced internally by climate-related factors in mainland Bangladesh, one of the world's most climate-vulnerable countries. The data derives from a representative survey of... more
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      DemographyEconomicsClimate ChangePoverty
Sedimentation hazards pose several geoenvironmental problems in active alpine regions and fluvio-deltaic environments. Therefore, this research seeks quantitative knowledge of the mechanisms that trigger riverbank erosion which result in... more
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      Fluvial GeomorphologyWatershed HydrologyMultidisciplinaryClimate Change Impacts
The flow duration curve (FDC) of a riveris one of the important parameters for the hydrological investigation of hydroelectric plants. Computation of the hydroelectric plant capacity and power production requires the determination of... more
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      River EngineeringRiversRiver EcologyRiver
ph: (865) 576-8401 fax: (865) 576-5728 email: [email protected] Available to the public from the National Technical Information Service, U.S. Department of Commerce, 5285 Port Royal Rd., Springfield, VA 22161 ph: (800) 553-6847 fax:... more
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      LandslidesSoil ErosionRiverbank ErosionColumbia River
In Bangladesh climate change has contributed to a massive displacement of people. This study examines the effects of climate-related displacement, socioeconomic status, availability of healthcare providers and disease-related attributes... more
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      SociologyDemographyAnthropologyClimate Change
During the past decades, land use change in the Lake Victoria basin has significantly increased the sediment fluxes to the lake. These sediments as well as their associated nutrients and pollutants affect the food and water security of... more
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      Environmental ScienceUgandaMultidisciplinaryRiverbank Erosion
The objectives of this paper were to analyze the seasonal distributions of climatic and hydrological variables along the Lower São Francisco River, Northeastern Brazil, between the States of Sergipe and Alagoas, and further, to verify... more
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      Environmental ScienceMeteorologySoil ErosionRiverbank Erosion
There has been a massive impact of global climate change on the environment that is already evident in various parts of the world. Bangladesh is heavily affected by different climate change issues, and riverbank erosion is one of them.... more
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      Climate ChangeGenderVulnerabilityRiverbank Erosion
There has been a massive impact of global climate change on the environment that is already evident in various parts of the world. Bangladesh is heavily affected by different climate change issues, and riverbank erosion is one of them.... more
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      Climate ChangeGenderVulnerabilityWomen's Empowerment
A degradação dos rios federais, com acelerada erosão nas faixas marginais provocada pela destruição das matas ciliares, e a exploração predatória da extração de areia são questões fundamentais para a preservação de rios e controle da... more
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      Soil ErosionRiver RestorationGestão ParticipativaRiverbank Erosion
This paper reports on a laboratory study in which the automatic digital photogrammetric survey was applied to derive the high-resolution Digital Surface Model (DSM) of the bed topography, used for the flow-bed interactions analysis, in a... more
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      HydrologyClose Range PhotogrammetryRiverbank ErosionApplied Science
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      BangladeshRiverbank ErosionPadma RiverSurvival Strategies