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Rivers are easily accessible resources of water for miscellaneous uses but the erosion and sedimentation inrivers are unique and great deal of importance. The analysis of flow and sediment in riverunder different conditions is a base... more
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      River EngineeringHEC-RASGIS
The Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna (GBM) delta is one of the most dynamic tide dominated delta in the world. The flow generated in the upper catchment of the GBM basins is passing through the estuarine systems of the GBM delta. The particular... more
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      Coastal ProcessesRiver HydraulicsHydrodynamic ModelingCoastal hydrodynamics
Vu Gia Watershed is located in the Central Vietnam where hurricanes pose a constant natural threat to human lives and physical infrastructure. Hydrological monitoring is considered as an effective tool to respond to high floods by... more
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      Flood Risk ManagementSoil and Water Assesment Tool (SWAT)HEC-RAS
Akarsular, evsel tüketim, tarımsal sulama ve endüstri için gerekli olan suyun karşılanmasında, ayrıca uygun taşıma yolları, sürdürülebilir enerji ihtiyacı ve tüm canlıların doğal yaşamları için vazgeçilmez en önemli su kaynaklarından... more
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      Flood modellingHEC-RASOpen Channel FlowUnsteady Flows
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      HEC-RASHydraulic ModelingRiver Oil SpillOil Slick
Bridges are very important and costly structures lot of birr is spending for the construction hence hydrological investigations are highly recommended for the proper design and durability of bridge. The proposed study area is located at... more
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      HEC-RASExaminationTest Preparation
In this study, water rising due to the flood which is at Akkışla Bridge located at Ova Creek was analyzed using a river analysis software program, HEC-RAS. Unsteady flow simulations were performed using different flood hydrographs and it... more
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      HydrologyFlood modellingHEC-RAS
High dams have been/are being constructed along the R.Nile for various uses thus creating a cascade arrangement in the same flow valley. It is because of this setup that the possibilities of hazards resulting from exceedingly excess... more
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      Instrumentation EngineeringHydraulic or HydropowerSustainable Water Resources ManagementSPILLWAYS
This article shows a pliable unified modeling scheme applying a materially based, distributed, integrated hydrological and water quality modeling organization. It is need to analyze the unsteady flow in open channels network is done... more
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      Flow CytometryTwo Phase FlowTurbulent FlowsMultiphase flows
Nje guide dhe nje pershkrim ne terma te pergjithshme per HEC-et. Si punojne ato dhe cilat jane pjeset perberese te tyre. Materiali nderthur pjesen teknologjike me koston ekonomike.
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      Environmental EngineeringEnvironmental EconomicsHEC-RASHidrology
Resumen: Este estudio tiene como objetivo analizar la inundación causada por la falla hipotética de la Presa Mulacorral, cuyo embalse está localizado en la cuenca alta del río Ambato en la cota 3831 msnm. La presa está ubicada a 42... more
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The fact that, in the Ozana drainage basin, most of the people have built their homes in the river valley, determines that a study focused on identifying the areas exposed to hydrological risk is vital, mostly in the development decisions... more
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      Flood modellingHEC-RAS
The present study focus on calculation of surface water elevations on downstream side of upper catchment of Dudhana River for different amount of discharges, and also includes determination of flooding area at different amount of the... more
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River flooding causes several human and financial casualties. It is necessary to perform research studies and implement subsequent actions consistent with the nature of the river. In order to reduce flood damage, floodplain zoning maps... more
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      Flood Risk ManagementMalaysiaFlood MitigationFlood Forecasting
There are different natural hazard, among these different natural hazards flood are most devastating and frequently occurring calamities taking human lives and causing economic damages. This report has been prepared to present hazard... more
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      Remote SensingHydrologyWater resourcesEnvironmental Remote Sensing
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' Hydrologic Engineering Center's River Analysis System (HEC-RAS) is a widely used software application for performing one-dimensional and two-dimensional steady and unsteady flow river hydraulics... more
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      Numerical ModelingMatlabOptimizationHEC-RAS
HEC-RAS is aplication programming which is used to river flow modelling all of river section so we can know characteristic flow and pattern. HEC-RAS modelling used several data such as in this article. So, if you want to know this... more
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      Civil EngineeringIndonesian HistoryWater qualityWater resources
Lacey’s equation is often used to find out the scour depth in rivers in India. Lacey’s regime formula (1930) was developed on the basis of limited field data from irrigation canals in Punjab Province having discharge ranges from 0.70 to... more
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      Mathematical ModellingHEC-RASBridge scourGanga River
Bangladesh is a low lying riverine country formed by a deltaic plain at the confluence of the three mighty rivers Ganges, Brahmaputra, Meghna and their tributaries. Most of the flows of these major rivers are connected to the Bay of... more
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      Coastal and Estuarine Sediment TransportRiverbank ErosionHEC-RASGeographic Information Systems (GIS)
Recent major floods that occur globally indicates the need for an integrated flood risk management, a shift from conventional structural flood mitigation. Flood modelling is an important integral of flood risk management. In this study,... more
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      Flood Risk ManagementRiver Basin ManagementFloodingRiver Basin Modelling
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Flood is one of the natural disasters which occur in Myanmar every year. Flooding of rivers has caused many humans and financial losses. Flood inundation mapping is an essential component of flood risk management because flood inundation... more
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      Rainfall-Runoff modellingHEC-RASFlood Inundation ModelingHec-Hms
Penelitian ini dilakukan pada penggal Sungai Code antara stasiun Pogung hingga Kaloran, Yogyakarta untuk melakukan pemodelan tiga dimensi terhadap debit sungai. Parameter statis meliputi data geometrik sungai dan nilai koeffisien... more
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      3D Modelling (Architecture)VrmlHEC-RASStudy of Steady and Transient fluid flow through pipes network
HEC-RAS merupakan program aplikasi yang digunakan untuk memodelkan suatu aliran sungai/saluran sehingga kita bisa mengetahui pola serta karakteristik aliran di sepanjang section sungai. Pada tulisan ini merupakan tinjauan aliran permanen... more
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      WaterSustainable Water Resources ManagementWater Resources engineeringApplication of GIS and RS for Integrated Watershed Management
O Brasil, frente aos acidentes ocorridos em Mariana – MG (2015) e em Brumadinho – MG (2019), tem vivenciado inúmeras discussões no que tange à assuntos regulatórios e à confiabilidade das barragens construídas no país. Neste trabalho,... more
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      Computational ModellingDam SafetyHEC-RASLei n. 12.334/2010; Segurança de Barragens
Sistem drainase di jalan Garuda Sakti masih belum berfungsi secara maksimal. Hal ini dapat terlihat dari ketidakmampuan saluran drainase dalam mengalirkan debit limpasan. Banjir yang terjadi menyebabkan kemacetan arus lalu lintas serta... more
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      River Basin ManagementModflowHEC-RASHEC GeoRAS
Nowadays, as extreme weather increasingly threatens human health and economy, early warning system approaches are critical for timely preparedness and response. Towards the implementation of a multi-model forecasting system for flood... more
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      HydrometeorologyFloodsHEC-RASFlood Inundation Modelling
Kejadian banjir yang terjadi di Sitiarjo memiliki debit yang besar dan melimpah dalam waktu singkat. Kejadian banjir mengindikasikan perlu adanya pengelolaan air. Pemanenan air hujan bertujuan agar air hujan tidak langsung menjadi... more
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      Rainwater HarvestingHEC-RASRunoff Curve NumberHEC-HMS Model
Water flow and water quality changes in surface water bodies due to climate change is a major problem worldwide, typically in river ecosystems. To address these issues, proper monitoring of river flow variations and water quality is... more
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      Climate ChangeClimate Change AdaptationWater qualitySri Lanka
In order to understand the hydrodynamics of a river basin, it is essential to evaluate its discharge capacity. It is a challenge though, particularly for an ungauged basin, as the discharge frequently changes due to geometric and climate... more
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      Hydrologysustainable urban drainage systems (SUDS)HEC-RAS
ÖNSÖZ Doğal afetlerin önüne geçebilmek mümkün olmasa da, yıkıcı etkilerini azaltarak can ve mal kaybını en aza indirmek günümüz bilgi ve teknolojileri ile sağlanabilmektedir. Artan nüfus ve sanayinin gelişimine bağlı yüksek sera gazı... more
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      HEC-RASOpen Channel Flow
HEC-RAS dan HEC-GeoRAS merupakan perangkat lunak yang dikembangkan oleh Hydrologic Engineering Center (HEC). Perangkat lunak ini cukup populer digunakan dalam analisis yang berkaitan dengan hidrolika aliran saluran terbuka. Komputasi... more
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      HEC-RASHEC GeoRASSteady Flow
River flow predictions are needed in many water resources management. The beginning of the modern study of unsteady flow in open channels can be traced to the latter half of the nineteenth century when the French engineer Saint-Venant... more
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      Applied MathematicsNumerical AnalysisHEC-RASSaint-Venant Equations
"En la modelación matemática de crecidas, la disponibilidad de datos topográficos o hidráulicos en una escala espacial y temporal determinada, constituyen los datos esenciales de entrada. Los datos topográficos disponibles, generalmente... more
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      Digital Elevation ModelsHidraulicaAster GdemHEC-RAS
Flooding of rivers has caused many human and financial losses. Hence, studies and research on the nature of the river is inevitable. However, the behavior of rivers has many complexities and in this respect, computer models are efficient... more
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      Flood Risk ManagementFlood MitigationFlood modellingHEC-RAS
La villa turística El Rodeo, ubicada a 38 Km de la capital de Catamarca, está atravesada por el Río Ambato, de tranquilas aguas durante el estiaje pero cuyas crecidas, más frecuentes en verano, generaron inconvenientes tanto en puentes... more
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      Flood modellingHEC-RASHidrologiaModelación hidráulica
Since the most economic-agricultural activities in areas adjacent to the river is in flood plains, including a discussion on the management of these areas is the considerable, zoning map has an important effect on flood management, The... more
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      Flood Risk ManagementFlood modellingFloodIsis
Aquatic habitat assessment and river restoration design require geospatially explicit maps of hydraulic conditions. Diverse mechanistic ecohydraulic models compute spatially explicit depth and velocity results to evaluate habitat... more
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      Fluvial ProcessesEcohydraulicsRiver HydraulicsHEC-RAS
Se permite la difusión electrónica sin cambios del original y su impresión sin omisiones. Se recomienda imprimir en color y doble cara, sobre papel de 100 gr/m 2 .
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    • HEC-RAS
Two multi-storied occupied apartment buildings and a clinic of 'Red-Cross Society' in Chandernagore-a former French colony, located very close to the banks of tidal river 'Hooghly' (the southernmost part of River Ganges-the major... more
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      Case Study ResearchSlope StabilityHydrogeology as related to slope stability and geomorphologyHEC-RAS
Floods are regular feature in rapidly urbanizing Dhaka, the capital city of Bangladesh. It is observed that about 60% of the eastern Dhaka regularly goes under water every year in monsoon due to lack of flood protection. Experience... more
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      Flood Risk ManagementFlood modellingWater Hazards and Risk Management (Flood & Water Scarcity)HEC-RAS
This research work indicates the advancement of flood modeling using Arc GIS and HEC GeoRAS software in the field of water resources engineering and flood management. The methodology is applied to Purna River, Navsari district, Gujarat,... more
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      FloodsHEC-RASArc GIS
The River Analysis System (HEC-RAS) software was used to simulate the free flow over the broad-crested single-step weir. The software was used to compute the water surface profile, determine the location of the hydraulic jump, and... more
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      Water Resources engineeringNumerical ModellingHydraulic EngineeringHEC-RAS
Bridges are very important and costly structures lot of birr is spending for the construction hence hydrological investigations are highly recommended for the proper design and durability of bridge. The proposed study area islocated at... more
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Sediment deposition in a reservoir decreases storage capacity and effects many other parameters of the reservoir adversely. It reduces benefits and useful life of a hydro power project that have huge socioeconomic impacts. Flushing is one... more
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      HydropowerReservoir SedimentationHEC-RASSediment Flushing
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      Oil SpillOil Spill ModelingHEC-RASRiver Oil Spill
This work is an effort to evaluate the hydrological functioning of the system, focusing the attention on the surface used for siltation, since downstream there are localities that could be affected by the susceptibility to flood phenomena.
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      HydrologyAncient water systemsAncient Water TechnologyHEC-RAS