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      Coastal MorphodynamicsCoastal and Estuarine Sediment TransportEstuary HydrodynamicsCoastal and estuarine Processes
Estuaria merupakan wilayah pesisir semi tertutup yang mempunyai hubungan bebas dengan laut terbuka dan menerima masukan air tawar dari daratan. Sebagian besar estuaria didominasi oleh substrat berlumpur yang merupakan endapan yang dibawa... more
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      Estuary HydrodynamicsEstuary
Estuaries are key areas in between land and ocean which play a major role in the spreading of continental runoff drained by large watershed. This study focused on the Loire Estuary and its adjacent bays (i.e. Bourgneuf bay and Mor-Braz... more
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      Coastal EngineeringOffshore hydrodynamicsEstuary HydrodynamicsRiver Plumes
A crevasse is a geomorphological unit that consists of channel, bar, and splay deposits that form at a breach in the natural levee of a river, extending into the flood basin. They are common features in river delta and tidal landscapes... more
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      GeomorphologySedimentologyQuaternary GeologyFluvial Geomorphology
Set in the western edge of the abandoned and eroding western Ganga–Brahmaputra delta, the Hugli is a flood dominated macrotidal estuary and a sediment sink. Comparative study of maps and images between 1851-55 and 1997 reveal that while... more
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      Estuary HydrodynamicsEstuaryIndian SundarbansHooghly River Estuary
El estuario del río Hueque se localiza en la costa nororiental del estado Falcón (11º25’40” – 11º26’29” L N y 68º57’52” – 68º59’46” L O), éste representa la parte terminal de una cuenca de 2.109,4 Km2, que desemboca en el Mar Caribe. El... more
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      SedimentologyWetlandsCoastal GeomorphologyEstuaries
Coastal gravel structures have been well documented worldwide and are formed dominantly by onshore wave transport of gravel, mainly during storm events. They are commonly observed along paraglacial coastlines where their origins are more... more
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      Coastal GeomorphologyGlacial GeomorphologyIrelandParaglacial
A large area hypoxia has been already reported respectively by two interdisciplinary surveys off the Changjiang Estuary in August 1999 and 2006. The hypoxic zone shows distinct inter-annual variability. The observed oceanographic data are... more
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      HypoxiaEstuary HydrodynamicsRiver Plumes
Abstract This paper outlines a numerical modelling study to predict the average residence time of a conservative tracer in a macro-tidal estuary, namely the Mersey Estuary, UK. An integrated hydrodynamic-dispersion model was used to... more
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      Computational Fluid DynamicsNumerical ModellingResidence Time DistributionTidal Currents
Khur-e-Musa is a predominantly tide-driven marine creek located in the northwestern part of the Persian Gulf. The port city of Mahshahr and several important industrial enterprises are located in the vicinity of this marine creek.... more
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      ChlorophyllNutrientsEstuary Hydrodynamics
En este trabajo se presentan los resultados de la caracterización geomorfológica y sedimentológica del complejo estuarino de la desembocadura de los ríos Hueque y Curarí, localizada en la costa nororiental del estado Falcón (Venezuela).... more
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      GeomorphologySedimentologyWetlandsCoastal Geomorphology
SpringerPlus 2014, 3: 643-650.
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      Hydrology/HydrographyNorth Africa StudiesRiversEstuary Hydrodynamics
Bangladesh is a low lying riverine country formed by a deltaic plain at the confluence of the three mighty rivers Ganges, Brahmaputra, Meghna and their tributaries. Most of the flows of these major rivers are connected to the Bay of... more
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      Riverbank ErosionEstuary Hydrodynamics
El propósito principal de este trabajo es establecer un modelo geomorfológico que sintetice la dinámica del sistema estuarino de la desembocadura del río Hueque. Para el desarrollo del modelo se realizaron trabajos de campo en los que se... more
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      GeomorphologySedimentologyWetlandsCoastal Geomorphology
Several different classifications to characterize estuarine systems have been proposed. In this present paper, one of the most important estuaries in North Africa, the Oued Loukkos (Morocco), forms a case-study for proposing a systematic... more
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      Hydrology/HydrographyEnvironmental ScienceNorth Africa StudiesRivers
Luis González* Resumen. En este trabajo se presentan los resultados de la caracterización geomorfológica y sedimentológica del complejo estuarino de la desembocadura de los ríos Hueque y Curarí, localizada en la costa nororiental del... more
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      Human GeographyGeomorphologySedimentologyWetlands
1] Results are presented from field measurements of the spatial and temporal variability of circulation and exchange between Narragansett Bay and Rhode Island Sound (RIS) at both tidal and seasonal timescales. Data were collected during... more
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    • Estuary Hydrodynamics
Luis González* Resumen. En este trabajo se presentan los resultados de la caracterización geomorfológica y sedimentológica del complejo estuarino de la desembocadura de los ríos Hueque y Curarí, localizada en la costa nororiental del... more
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      Human GeographyGeomorphologySedimentologyWetlands
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      Earth SciencesCoastal GeomorphologyEcology of Coastal SystemsCoastal Morphodynamics