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Decolonial studies from Latin America is a vast and multifaceted field of research, thought, and sociopolitical praxis (Aquino Moreschi, 2013; Curiel, 2016; Moraga & Anzaldúa, 2015; Díaz Gómez, 2004; Espinosa-Miñoso, 2014; Leyva et al.,... more
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      Latin American StudiesEducationCurriculum StudiesCurriculum
At this time of revived activism on the African continent, a number of contemporary artists based in Africa are producing works that assert the need for further and more radical forms of change in society and in the art world. While the... more
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      African StudiesArt HistoryPublishingKnowledge Management
While other scholars have analysed the way that international organizations (IOs) in higher education policy may contribute to neo-colonial domination, this paper illuminates not only on how IOs’ epistemic activities promulgate one-size... more
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      International organizationsComparative & International EducationWorld BankHigher Education Policy
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      Art HistoryContemporary ArtAfricaVisual Arts
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      HistoryFeminist SociologyPolitical SociologyGender Studies
This is an edited volume of essays on philosophy as university work and as a 'pirate condition'. Taking inspiration from Gary Hall's pirate philosophy, and from raúl rodríguez freire's critique of the contemporary... more
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      Open Access PublishingGiorgio AgambenGilles Deleuze and Felix GuattariOnline Academic Publishing
Drawing from decolonizing scholarships that call for a reorientation of knowledge making that is more inclusive and reflective of oral modes of communication, this article takes the form of a performance autoethnography between two... more
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      African StudiesKnowledge ManagementHigher EducationEthiopian Studies
RESUMEN A partir de los referentes históricos y etnográficos en la Amazonía venezolana se abre la reflexión en torno a las esferas de naturalización de la división sujeto/objeto, como el sustrato epistemológico de la verticalidad... more
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      Critical TheorySocial TheoryAnthropologyEpistemology
En el presente trabajo queremos reflexionar acerca de una cuestión decisiva, a saber, las relaciones entre modernidad y colonialidad en el ámbito latinoamericano. Aquello que debe ser dirimido es si la modernidad europea es inherentemente... more
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      ModernityColonialidadLatin AmericaColoniality
Facing the question of the universality of philosophy, more specifically, about the universality of symbolic thought, we stop at the question of the diversity of human knowledge, arguing that the superiority of Western knowledge is a... more
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      Knowledge ProductionGeopolitics of knowledgeSocial structuresCognitive Capitalism
Resumen: En este ensayo crítico se presenta una serie de reflexiones basadas en la visibilización de los ejes que sostienen los supuestos básicos subyacentes de los sistemas coloniales y neocoloniales. Se parte del principio de que las... more
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The Geopolitics of Open addresses issues of difference, ideology and infrastructure across the stratified geographies of open access publishing. It examines the construction of power and inequality in our scholarly practices and... more
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      Open Access PublishingNeoliberalisms and the Transformation of the Cultural SphereAcademic PublishingGeopolitics of knowledge
This is a comment on Gustavo Lins Ribeiro's paper"Giro global a la derecha y la relevancia de la antropología", published in the digital journal Encartes (CIESAS, Guadalajara, México).
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      Latin American StudiesEthnographyPostcolonial StudiesLatin American politics
As ciências sociais têm acompanhado, desde a segunda metade do século XX, a emergência de um corpo de reflexões interessadas em denunciar as desigualdades globais inscritas na produção do conhecimento. As últimas duas décadas serviram de... more
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      Post-ColonialismSociological TheoryGlobal SouthGeopolitics of knowledge
Bien que beaucoup d'études aient été menées concernant les étudiants chinois partis étudier la philosophie à l'étranger au début du XXe siècle (tel Hu Shi aux Etats-Unis), encore trop peu de travaux se sont penchées sur les étudiants qui... more
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      Chinese StudiesHistory of Western PhilosophyGeopolitics of knowledge
This essay starts by outlining a definition for international criminology. To do so, akin, alternative criminologies are examined to carve a distinct, working concept of international criminology. Following, the global geopolitics of... more
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      CriminologyColonialismKnowledge ProductionGeopolitics of knowledge
Resumen: Este trabajo presenta una discusión en torno a los remanentes del así llamado pensamiento dogmático en el actual discurso histórico latinoamericano. Se parte del principio de que la mirada histórica requiere de una producción... more
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      HistoryAnthropologyHistorical AnthropologyEpistemology
This piece is a 'conference report' about ISA 2018 (International Studies Association 59th Annual Convention, San Francisco). The review focuses on two panels on international ethics and decolonial critique organised by Louiza Odysseos... more
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      Critical TheoryPolitical SociologyBlack Studies Or African American StudiesQueer Studies
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      African StudiesVisual StudiesArtMuseum Studies
How can I dialogue if I always project ignorance onto others and never perceive my own? How can I dialogue if I regard myself as a case apart from others—mere “its” in whom I cannot recognize other “I”s? How can I dialogue if I consider... more
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      Art HistoryContemporary ArtAfricaVisual Arts
Resumo: A sociologia brasileira tem sido influenciada, cada vez mais, por demandas de internacionalização e questionada acerca da condição periférica ocupada por essa tradição no meio internacional. Indicadores diversos são utilizados... more
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      Intellectual HistorySociologyHistory of SociologyGeopolitics of knowledge
Los ensayos reunidos en este volumen son resultado del proyecto de investigación Filosofía de la práctica editorial: acceso abierto y diversidad en perspectivas críticas (2019-2021), financiado por la Dirección de Investigación y Posgrado... more
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      Open Access PublishingGiorgio AgambenGilles Deleuze and Felix GuattariOnline Academic Publishing
Este escrito objectiva compartilhar reflexões sobre como a matriz colonial de poder alicerça a constituição da política científica no Brasil considerando, para tanto, a potência das lentes feministas contra-coloniais para marcar e... more
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      Geopolitics of knowledgeAnti-ColonialismDecolonial FeminismPolítica Científica e Tecnológica
Reading from a postcolonial perspective the historical experience of a French educational establishment for Chinese youth in the nineteen twenties (the so-called Institut franco-chinois de Lyon), this paper highlights the coincidence... more
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      Intellectual HistoryChinese StudiesPostcolonial StudiesNational Identity
Abstract This article discusses the geopolitics of knowledge in the field of sociology, with the objective of understanding changes that have been taking place recently. We examine three successive models of sociological production: the... more
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      SociologySociology of KnowledgeGeopolitics of knowledge
This article presents a critical analysis of Michael Burawoy's model of public sociology, discussing several of its epistemic and methodological limitations. First, the author focuses on the ambiguity of Burawoy's proposal, problematizing... more
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      Public SociologyDecolonial TurnCollaborative ResearchGeopolitics of knowledge
The Raw Material Company in Dakar, Senegal, hosted the Condition Report 3 symposium “Art History in Africa” in September 2018. Like the 2017 International Conference on African Cultures (ICAC) in Harare, Zimbabwe, this symposium played a... more
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      African StudiesVisual StudiesArt HistoryMuseum Studies
В предисловии к тематическому выпуску «Социологического обозрения» «Глобальный восток: политики именования и продуцирования знания» речь идет о попытках институционализации и популяризации центрального понятия — «Глобальный Восток».... more
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      Social and Professional NetworksGeopolitics of knowledgeThe Global East
Статья представляет собой развернутый отклик на текст Мартина Мюллера «Разыскивая Глобальный Восток», написанный на основе опыта ученого, специализирующегося на постсоциалистических реалиях и включенного в глобальную циркуляцию... more
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      Eastern European StudiesGeopolitics of knowledgeGlobeGlobal (North/South)
O presente artigo tem por objetivo apresentar uma análise das respostas teóricas propostas a partir tanto do Norte quanto do Sul Global à questão da desigualdade internacional colocada em evidência a partir da emergência do 'Terceiro... more
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      Development StudiesGlobal SouthThird WorldGeopolitics of knowledge
In this paper a key dialectical link between space, body, and ethnography is proposed, mainly within the context of Latin American anthropology. I emphasize the Argentine case through the analysis of my own field experience among the Qom... more
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      Area StudiesCritical GeopoliticsEthnographySpatial Practices
ABSTRACT: This article analyses the production of peripheral social theory in different geopolitical eras and stages of modernity, with a special focus on contemporary (semi)peripheral sociology. It is argued that a step forward must be... more
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      Intellectual HistorySocial TheorySocial SciencesFeminist Epistemology
O trabalho tem como objetivo, por meio da análise dos discursos alternativos de autonomização e de indigenização das ciências sociais, lançar luz sobre a problemática da generalização dentro da disciplina antropológica, dentro do contexto... more
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      AntropologíaPostcolonial studies, estudos pós-coloniaisGeopolitics of knowledgeSociologia do Conhecimento
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      AnthropologyHistorical AnthropologyColonialismPost-Colonialism
As ciências sociais têm acompanhado, desde a segunda metade do século XX, a emergência de um corpo de reflexões interessadas em denunciar as desigualdades globais inscritas na produção do conhecimento. As últimas duas décadas serviram de... more
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      Social TheoryPostcolonial StudiesSociology of KnowledgeSociological Theory
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      Colonial Latin AmericaGeopolitics of knowledge
Este artigo estuda as expressões da divisão global do trabalho intelectual em revistas internacionais de teoria social. Foram analisados os periódicos: Theory, Culture and Society; European Journal of Social Theory; Sociological Theory e... more
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      Social TheorySociologíaTeoria SocialGeopolitics of knowledge
Dynamics of economic and spatial rationalization are widely acknowledged characteristics of industrial-capitalist society, but the way in which these dynamics might shape the incorporation of so-called natural spaces into regimes of... more
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      Medical AnthropologyPolitical EcologyIndigenous EpistemologiesIndigenous Knowledge
During the early years of the 21 st Century, we have witnessed powerful reassertions of the continuing political, social, and economic relevance of decolonizing projects within the university. Working within many intellectual paradigms... more
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      Black Studies Or African American StudiesIndigenous StudiesRadical GeographyHigher Education
There is a considerable body of critical work on, in, and from Africa and with African perspectives. However, too often intersecting material, ideological, linguistic, financial, and political circumstances exclude African knowledges from... more
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      Social MovementsAfrican StudiesIndigenous StudiesDevelopment Studies
In the last decades social sciences have accompanied the proliferation of intellectual contributions interested in discussing the asymmetries in global production and circulation of knowledge. This paper dialogues with the literature that... more
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      Social TheorySociological TheorySociology of ScienceColoniality
En este artículo se presentan los resultados de un estudio que indagó por las relaciones geopolíticas de la psicología. Se examinaron 108 tesis de pregrado y postgrado, realizadas en el área de riesgos psicosociales en 7 de las... more
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      Critical PsychologyPSYCHOSOCIAL RISKS AT WORKCritical Health PsychologyGeopolitics of knowledge
Cada vez mais, as ciências sociais têm presenciado o fortalecimento de reflexões intelectuais interessadas em compreender as hierarquias de status entre conhecimentos produzidos no Sul global em relação àqueles do Norte. Em diálogo com... more
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      Postcolonial StudiesSociological TheoryGlobal SouthTeoria Social
This year’s Summer School brought Southern scholars, activists, practitioners, and farmers to Harare, Zimbabwe to learn from each other’s work and experiences to advance social justice projects for the rural global South. Our... more
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      Rural SociologySocial MovementsRural-to-urban MigrationAgrarian Studies
Recent criticism of the ‘epistemic murk’ obscuring the social worlds of oil and gas (Appel et al. 2015) emphasizes the continued need to focus on the infrastructures, structures, networks, and border making constitutive of resource... more
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      Human GeographyAnthropologyCorporate Social ResponsibilityEthnography
This paper reviews the current state of anthropological theory and practice in Argentina, and what are Argentine anthropology’s relationships to current issues of contemporary social thought. In this regard, the three topics that guide... more
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      Cultural StudiesLatin American StudiesAnthropologyEthnography