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La diffusione dell’Utopia di Thomas More coincide con momenti di straordinaria tensione politica e sociale. La sua fortuna editoriale, col favorire un’ampia circolazione delle idee dell’autore anche negli ambienti vicini alla Riforma... more
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      Early Modern HistoryErasmusReformation HistoryRadical Reformation
Die Warschauer Anhänger des jüdischen Pseudomessias Jakob Frank und die Glaubensenthusiasten um die St. Petersburger Prophetin Ekaterina Tatarinova pflegten kirchliche und ausserkirchliche sowie rabbinische und nichtrabbinische religiöse... more
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      Polish HistoryEastern European and Russian Jewish HistoryRussian HistoryReligious History
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      English LiteratureRomanticismBritish RomanticismIntellectual History of Enlightenment
This essay reappraises the origins of French Quakerism based on new archival research conducted on both sides of the Channel. It identifies 34 Quaker missionaries in 17th- and early 18C France, sheds new light on the French reception of... more
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      TransnationalismFrench RevolutionTransatlantic relationsEighteenth Century History
An entry in the online German-language MennLex encyclopedia project (originally from 2012; published in 2020). The article considers how Swiss Brethren, Hutterites, and Mennonites can be analyzed in terms of the historiographical model of... more
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      Early Modern HistoryReformation HistoryReformation StudiesAnabaptism
An article on the original use of Waterstones' Bookshop, Broad Street, Reading, UK and its significance to the history of Reading.
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      English Local HistoryReligious Dissent
Публикация включает три письма, обнаруженные в архиве собрания религиозного движения Новый Израиль в г. Сан-Хавьер в Уругвае и краткую сопроводительную статью к ним. Письма были получены в 1927 г. из поселения, только что созданного... more
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      Russian StudiesDoukhoborsRussian religious dissentMigration and religious diversity
In uscita il 15 aprile 2021
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesRomani StudiesHistory of the Jews
There were times in the 19th century when disestablishment of the Church of England seemed inevitable. Dissenters had become a sizeable portion of the worshipping community, with a growing number of Roman Catholics. The privileges enjoyed... more
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      Historical Theology19th Century (History)ChartismEcclesiastical History
Masons at the time were upset about the publication of this text, since some believed that it revealed hitherto unrevealed secrets of Freemasonry.
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      FreemasonryResearch into FreemasonryFreemasonry (Literature)The spiritual foundations of Freemasonry
The article is devoted to the analysis of the circumstances under which the New Israel group of Russian Spiritual Christians repatri-ated from Uruguay to Soviet Russia in the 1920s. New Israelites were the largest of all overseas... more
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      Russian StudiesMigration and religious diversityNorthern CaucasusReligious Dissent
Harvest Thanksgiving rests at the junction of liturgy, nature and memory. From the late-nineteenth century it was a major event on Nonconformist church calendars, drawing crowds well beyond regular attendance. Yet it was the Nonconformist... more
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      ArtLiturgyCongregational StudiesRestoration (Stone-Campbell) Movement
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      ReligionCultural HistoryEarly Modern HistoryApocalypticism
Abbiamo scelto la forma 'honoris gratia' consueta nel mondo accademico, legittimati e motivati, nello spirito di volontariato del nostro Centro, dalla stima e dall’amicizia che da oltre tre decenni ci rendono familiare la singolare... more
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      Modern HistoryCultural HistoryPolitical HistoryChurch History
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      ChristianityAtheismHistory of ReligionItalian Studies
The belief that there is a moral right to opinions is widespread. The philosopher Jamie Whyte argues that no such right exists. In this essay, I defend the existence of a moral right to beliefs, but argue that this right is not, as some... more
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      ToleranceMoral rightsReligious DissentFreedom of Belief
La via dritta della salute. Tolleranza e convivenza nell'Europa dell'età moderna di michaeLa vaLente «Quanto più in questa mia ultima persecuzione m'ha scacciato il mondo, tanto più ho io sentito che Dio m'ha abraciato», così scriveva... more
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      European HistoryEarly Modern HistoryReformation HistoryReformation Studies
The attached text is the pre-publication working copy of the published article. Consult the published version before citing this text.
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      Early Modern HistoryReformation HistoryReformation StudiesRadical Reformation
A study of the means by which Italian Renaissance artists and writers managed to express criticism of the religious and political status quo in relatively safe ways.
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      Renaissance HistoryRenaissance StudiesRenaissanceRenaissance Art
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      Seventeenth CenturyEighteenth-Century British History and CultureMethodismReligious Toleration
Герман Аркадий Адольфович, докт. ист. наук, профессор (Россия, Саратов), заместитель главного редактора Ван Сяоцзюй, докт. ист. наук, профессор (Китай, Пекин) Венгер Наталия Викторовна, докт. ист. наук (Украина, Днипро) Головнёв Андрей... more
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      ProtestantismBrezhnev era Soviet historyReligious DissentEthnic Germans in the Soviet Union
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      SociologyCultural StudiesIslamic LawAnthropology
Меннониты, представители одной из старейших протестантских церквей, в период сталинизма были последовательными противниками политики советизации и секуляризации. В годы после Второй мировой войны меннониты продолжали активно выступать... more
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      History of ReligionBrezhnev era Soviet historyMennonite historyReligious Dissent
Dictionary article on the concept of "Heresy" in Christianity and Islam
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      ReligionSociology of ReligionTheologyHistory of Religion
A structured and partly annotated bibliography of religious non-conformism / dissent / heresy / heterodoxy and its repression in the history of Christianity (now around 750 standard pages) intended to update and supplement, among others,... more
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      InquisitionInquisition (Law)Witch Hunt StudiesEuropean Witch Trials
Böhme is an important figure who connects the histories of early modern religious dissidence to Continental philosophy and later countercultural movements, yet he remains understudied. Challenging prevalent views that Böhme's writings are... more
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      Philosophy Of ReligionChristian MysticismLutheranismAlchemy
Quand il est à Rome, le pape François déjeune chaque jour au milieu de bonnes soeurs dont il partage le modeste repas. Signe de la vie simple qu’il s’est choisie en référence à François d’Assise, dont il fut le premier pape à adopter le... more
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      ReligionChristianitySociology of ReligionCanon Law
Beliakova N. A. ‘“We Report about the Crimes against Justice…”: Believer’s Appeals and Complaints in the Brezhnev USSR’, Modern History of Russia, vol. 8, no. 3, 2018, pp. 640–658. Abstract:... more
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      International RelationsSoviet HistoryCold War and CultureSoviet Union (History)
In this chapter, I want to offer an account of Church and State between 1550 and 1750 that does not point inexorably towards the separation of Church and Dissent. Instead, I want to stress that the story of Dissent can only be told in... more
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      Anglicanism (Anglicanism)English PuritanismChurch and State17th century England nonconformity
Luca Addante, Tommaso Campanella. L'invention d'un philosophe (xviie-xxie siècle), trans. Guillaume Alonge and Jérémie Barthas, Paris, Classiques Garnier, 2021... more
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      Early Modern HistoryEarly Modern EuropeReligious Conversion and Converts in the Early Modern Mediterranean contextEarly Modern Intellectual History
The paper explores the ways religious grassroots actors in the borderlands contribute to the new understanding of cross border regions and religious groups in the space between the Serbian and Romanian Banat from the perspective of the... more
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      Social AnthropologyBorder StudiesBalkan HistoryRomani Studies
Heresy had social, cultural and political implications in the middle ages, and countering heresy was often a central component in the development of orthodoxy. This series publishes work on heresy, and the repression of heresy, from late... more
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      ReligionHistoryFrench HistoryMedieval History
A study of the means by which Italian Renaissance artists and writers were able to express their dissatisfaction with the religious and political status quo in relatively safe ways.
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      Renaissance StudiesHistory of FlorenceRenaissance dramaMachiavelli, Varchi
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      Gender StudiesWomen's HistoryRoman InquisitionReligious Dissent
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      ChristianityHistoryMedieval HistoryHistory of Religion
The Steri, prison of the Spanish Holy Office in Palermo (XVII-XVIII centuries), are to be investigated as a site of production of a peculiar religious culture: what kind of religiosity emerges, given the heterogeneous composition of the... more
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      InquisitionGraffiti in historyGraffitiHeresy and Inquisition
Freedom of religion generally resonates in the collective mind as a prized legacy of the European Enlightenment alongside most individual liberties and modern values. This assumption, however, is flawed as it tends to downplay centuries... more
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      ReligionEarly Modern HistoryHistory of ReligionRefugee Studies
Introduction to my edited volume: “The Riddles of Monism: An Introductory Essay,” in: Monism: Science, Philosophy, Religion, and the History of a Worldview, ed. Todd Weir. Palgrave Series in Intellectual and Cultural History (Palgrave:... more
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      Intellectual HistoryCultural HistoryGerman HistoryComparative History
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      Indian studiesReligious PluralismIndian CulturePluralism
The manuscript J II 44, held by the National Central Library of Florence (Firenze, Biblioteca nazionale centrale, Conventi soppressi, ms. J II 44, also known under the shelf mark I II 44), contains several theological treatises... more
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      Manuscript StudiesCodicologyManuscripts (Medieval Studies)Codicology of medieval manuscripts
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      DemocratizationCzech & Slovak StudiesHistory of Socialism, Contemporary History of Eastern Europe, esp. CzechoslovakiaHistory of Dissent
I saggi raccolti nel volume si confrontano con le categorie di eresia e dissenso, con la loro applicazione in diversi contesti europei, con la loro capacità di fornire chiavi di lettura di processi centrali della prima età moderna: la... more
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      Reformation HistoryJesuit historyHeresyHistory of Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
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      HistoryEarly Modern HistoryHistory of ReligionEarly Modern Europe
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      Medieval HistoryChurch HistoryReligious DissentWaldenses
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      Early Modern HistoryEarly Modern EuropeReligious Conversion and Converts in the Early Modern Mediterranean contextEarly Modern Intellectual History
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      SerbianPacifismSerbian historyAnabaptist Studies
The heavily censored Prague edition of tractate Berakhot of the Babylonian Talmud, published in Prague in 1728, was the product of collaboration between Franciscus Haselbauer, the Jesuit censor of Hebrew books in Bohemia, and Jonathan... more
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      Jewish LawPrint CultureCensorshipJewish Studies
Andrew Fuller: Model Pastor-Theologian by Paul Brewster was published in 2010. Mr. Brewster was a pastor of Ryker’s Ridge Baptist Church in Madison, Indiana and earned a Ph.D. From Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and an M.Div.... more
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      Baptist TheologyDissentHistory of Baptist and their IdentityBaptist Heritage
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      Jewish StudiesIsrael StudiesLibrary and Information ScienceReligious Experience
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      Religious PluralismEarly Modern EuropeHeresyHeresy and Inquisition