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A Quick Guide to Freemasonry was my fourth published book, and was commissioned by Lewis Masonic as part of a proposed quick guide series, aimed at mentors and new members to the fraternity. It was written in an easy-to-understand... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryEconomic HistorySocial Sciences
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      Latin American StudiesLatin American and Caribbean HistoryFreemasonryResearch into Freemasonry
Με αφορμή τον εορτασμό των 200 χρόνων από την κήρυξη της Ελληνικής Επανάστασης (1821-2021) παρουσιάζουμε το πρώτο ειδικό ντοκιμαντέρ που ερευνά τις πηγές, εξετάζει τα ιστορικά τεκμήρια και παρουσιάζει τη σχέση των Τεκτόνων και του... more
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      FreemasonryResearch into FreemasonryFreemasonry (Literature)Επανάσταση 1821
The purpose of this article is to introduce the concepts of duality and unity to the earnest esoteric reader and the studious mason. It covers the general view of these concepts, however it leaves wanting the masonic student. So that he... more
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      FreemasonryResearch into FreemasonryFreemasonry (Literature)The spiritual foundations of Freemasonry
In my book The Genesis of Freemasonry I proposed how natural philosopher and Freemason Dr Jean Theophilus Desaguliers was responsible for creating the third degree by the mid-1720s. Before this, there were two 'parts' being performed; the... more
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      HistoryIntellectual HistoryBrazilian HistoryAlchemy
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    • Freemasonry (Literature)
Il Grande Oriente d’Italia, rifondato nel 1859, ebbe fra i suoi elementi identitari un viscerale anticlericalismo. Al centro del suo impegno nella società civile vi fu la costante mobilitazione per limitare l’influenza della Chiesa... more
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesGalileo GalileiSecularization
This study investigates the transitional phases of English Freemasonry from the mid-seventeenth century into what can be described as a Masonic Enlightenment during the eighteenth century. This movement was part of a wider enterprising... more
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      HistoryIntellectual HistoryCultural HistoryHistory of Religion
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      British LiteratureHistoryBritish HistoryLiterature
Masons at the time were upset about the publication of this text, since some believed that it revealed hitherto unrevealed secrets of Freemasonry.
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      FreemasonryResearch into FreemasonryFreemasonry (Literature)The spiritual foundations of Freemasonry
A recent visit to Kosovo in the Balkans gave me a glimpse into three Islamic Sufi Orders; the Bektashi, Saadi and Halveti. It was interesting to talk to the Masters of these Orders, and to learn how they use initiation and a culture of... more
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      HistoryBalkan HistoryKosovoFreemasonry
This book will examine the deeply esoteric eighteenth century Rite of Seven Degrees, a Masonic rite that was based in London, but was led by French engraver Pierre Lambert de Lintot. The work will not only present the story of de Lintot... more
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      HistoryIntellectual HistoryFrench RevolutionEnlightenment
Este libro es un recuento historiográfico de las rutas históricas de la masonería pensada en términos plurales y de las redes de los masones insertas en los procesos de la modernización de la sociedad mexicana; ofrece una interpretación... more
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      Latin American StudiesLatin American and Caribbean HistoryFreemasonryResearch into Freemasonry
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      FreemasonryResearch into FreemasonryHistory of FreemasonryFreemasonry (Literature)
In 1728, a year after the death of Sir Isaac Newton, his protégé and ardent supporter, Dr. John Theophilus Desaguliers (1683–1744), published a poem in celebration of Newton’s mechanical Universe, titled The Newtonian System of the World,... more
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      HistoryCultural HistorySocial SciencesScience Education
Thomas De Quincey is best remembered for his work The Confessions of an Opium Eater, a nineteenth century exploration into an aspect of the Romantic movement. However, De Quincey also explored Freemasonry for one particular work, his... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryEnglish LiteratureRomanticism
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      HistoryCultural HistoryEconomic HistoryArt History
The background of this research has emerged from a lack of studies on Freemasonry in small towns or district areas in the Dutch East Indies, because research on Freemasonry in Indonesia is limited to its development in large cities or... more
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      Indonesian HistoryColonialismFreemasonryResearch into Freemasonry
This paper will be the first to comprehensively cover the little known Liverpool Masonic Rebellion of 1823, a rebellion which went on to become the Wigan Grand Lodge. This was the last Masonic rebellion - taking place after the union of... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryEconomic HistorySocial History
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      Comparative EsotericismChristian MysticismJewish MysticismMagic
The Ruby Tablet is a periodical featuring reprints of articles from esoteric magazines and journals from the past. The subjects covered in each issue are drawn from the esoteric genre such as Alchemy, Hermetic, Enochian, Kabbalah, Tarot,... more
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      GnosticismHistory of ScienceAlchemyMagic
This paper examines the Grand Lodge of All England held at York, otherwise referred to as the York Grand Lodge, which was an independent body of Freemasons that existed during the eighteenth century. The paper explores the origins of this... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryEconomic HistorySocial History
Una lucha desconocida y apasionante contra las tiranías fue la que libraron los masones Aristide Briand (liberal), iniciado en el Gran Oriente de Francia, y Gustav Stresemann (de regularidad anglosajona), iniciado en la Gran Logia Madre... more
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      FreemasonryResearch into FreemasonryHistory of FreemasonryFreemasonry (Literature)
The following paper examines the little known story of the Columbian Illuminati and has been edited from my recent publication Rediscovered Rituals of English Freemasonry. The book is an in-depth examination of the Masonic work of the... more
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      HistoryPopular Culture and Religious StudiesIntellectual History of EnlightenmentSocial History
This MS. is generally referred to under the following names: Manuscrit de Saint Domingue, 1764/1770 Manuscrit Côte Baylot FM4. 15 BnF, Department of Manuscripts, Baylot FM4 (15), f. 76 or simply as the Manuscrit de Jean Baylot, or the... more
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      FreemasonryResearch into FreemasonryMagic and the Occult (Anthropology Of Religion)History of Freemasonry
Pour une société qui cultive le secret, la Franc-maçonnerie est très présente dans les médias contemporains. Pour de bonnes comme de moins bonnes raisons… La crainte de l'exposition médiatique comme profanation La Franc-maçonnerie doit... more
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      HistoryCommunicationMedia StudiesNew Media
La massoneria ha caratterizzato la vita politica, sociale e culturale dell’Europa del Settecento, influenzando anche l’opera di intellettuali, artisti e scrittori. Questo studio analizza le modalità con le quali la letteratura europea, e... more
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      Media StudiesPerforming ArtsPerformance StudiesJohann Wolfgang von Goethe
BAŞLARKEN Mesleğimizin dili ve terminolojisi önemli bir şey değil, önemli tek şeydir! Masonluğun bir Tefekkür ve Tefsir Sanatı olduğu tanımı, bu çalışmanın ve bir önceki cümlenin özünü anlatır. Bugünün yaşamında pek de kullanılmayan bu... more
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      FreemasonryResearch into FreemasonryHistory of FreemasonryFreemasonry (Literature)
The Moderns and the Antients had finally come together in union in 1813, the rift between the two Grand Lodges being healed. One of the main problems had been the Royal Arch ritual, seen by the Antients as a fourth degree but practiced by... more
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryPhilosophySocial Sciences
The Warrington Dissenting Academy, situated in the north-west of England, existed from 1757-1786, and as an independent centre of learning, it became a paradigm of dissent against the backdrop of the British Enlightenment, a time of... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryEconomic HistoryHistory of Science
Um Rito consiste num conjunto de práticas, no seio da mesma Instituição, destinadas a agregar os seus membros numa Tradição, orientando-os para um objetivo comum. O Rito Francês deriva de uma Tradição Maçónica, que assenta em bases... more
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      FreemasonryResearch into FreemasonryHistory of FreemasonryFreemasonry (Literature)
The importance of masonic education is a subject that has been overlooked by many lodges. In the interest of forming a lodge of research and education in the Delaware jurisdiction, and hopefully help other lodges do the same. I see it... more
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      FreemasonryResearch into FreemasonryHistory of FreemasonryFreemasonry (Literature)
Resumo O presente trabalho busca demonstrar a influência da filosofia e do simbolismo maçônico presentes no conto " O homem que queria ser Rei " , de Rudyard Kipling, ressaltando as lições maçônicas que se podem extrair daquela obra.... more
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    • Freemasonry (Literature)
В англо–саксонской масонской традиции раннего периода истории цеховых братств рифмованная презентация ритуальных наставлений и лекций на исторические и символологические темы играла неизменно важную роль. Тремя главными причинами этого... more
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      FreemasonryResearch into FreemasonryHistory of FreemasonryFreemasonry (Literature)
Róbert Péter (general editor), Cécile Révauger (volume editor). Jan A. M. Snoek (volume editor), British Freemasonry, 1717-1813, 5 vols. (New York: Routledge, 2016), 2606 pages, 5967 editorial notes. volume 1: Institutions (C. Révauger)... more
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      Cultural HistoryGender StudiesTheologyTheatre History
SLAVA ZNANJU No. 1 (Ad Gloriam Scientiae, To the Glory of the Knowledge), the official printed and electronic magazine of Masonic Spiritual Academy for Balkans is out (10th of December, 2019)
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      FreemasonryResearch into FreemasonryHistory of FreemasonryFreemasonry (Literature)
The project aims to list all masonic literature by Poles, about Poles and of Polish interest from the mid-18th century beginnings of freemasonry in the Republic of Two Nations, Polish and Lithuanian, to the present day. Its methodological... more
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      Research into FreemasonryResearch into FreemasonryHistory of FreemasonryHistory of Freemasonry
The project aims to list all masonic literature by Poles, about Poles and of Polish interest from the mid-18th century beginnings of freemasonry in the Republic of Two Nations, Polish and Lithuanian, to the present day. Its methodological... more
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      Research into FreemasonryResearch into FreemasonryHistory of FreemasonryHistory of Freemasonry
This article seeks to address the complex relationships, conspiratorial theories and actual relationship between Jacobites, Hanoverians and Freemasons. This is a translation of the original article published in French.
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      Social NetworksEnglish HistoryScottish HistoryConspiracy Theories
Türkiye 'nin kuıruluş yılları, 1923'den 1935 'e kadar masonlarla ilgili her konuyu bu kitabımda, belge ve bulguları ile araştırdım ve yazdım. Kurtuluş Savaşında düşman safında kurumsal olarak yer alan mason tarikatı,Türkiye... more
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      History of FreemasonryFreemasonry (Literature)MasoneríaMason
This paper will discuss the lost rites of Freemasonry, in particular the rites created in continental Europe during the eighteenth century by such charismatic and enigmatic Freemasons as Martinez Pasqually, Count Alessandro di Cagliostro,... more
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      HistoryHistory of ScienceSpiritualityMagic
Conjunto de ensayos de historiadores españoles de la Historia de la Masonería, la educación y la cultura sobre diversos temas. El libro se publica en dos ediciones (español y en inglés).
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      Postcolonial FeminismHistory of FreemasonryFreemasonry (Literature)Contemporary History of Spain
The Romantic poet Lord Byron was known for his epic verse such as 'Childe Harold's Pilgrimage' and 'Don Juan', but he was equally famous for his scandalous lifestyle and his revolutionary activities in Italy and Greece. Byron became a... more
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      French RevolutionBritish RomanticismRomantic poetrySocial movements and revolution
Para quem acabou de ver a Luz, numa Loja Maçónica, todo este novo Universo, no qual tudo é Simbolo, apresenta-se, em geral, como complexo e misterioso.
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      FreemasonryResearch into FreemasonryHistory of FreemasonryFreemasonry (Literature)
This article is an attempt to reconcile literary criticism’s perspective with those of historical analysis. Since literary artwork desired outcome is not to mirror reality, it cannot be considered a historical source in a traditional... more
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      HistoryLiterary CriticismLiterary TheoryResearch into Freemasonry
Thomas Paine’s close associations with famous Freemasons in America, England, and France have not only frequently been taken as evidence that he was a Freemason himself, but have also been seen as explaining his sudden rise to literary... more
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      ReligionColonial AmericaFrench RevolutionAmerican Revolution
Róbert Péter (ed), British Freemasonry, 1717-1813. Vol. 4. Debates (New York: Routledge, 2016) volume 1: Institutions (C. Révauger) volume 2: Rituals I – English, Irish and Scottish Craft Rituals (J. A. M. Snoek) volume 3: Rituals II –... more
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      Gender StudiesTheologyWomen's HistoryBritish History
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      CryptographyResearch into FreemasonryFreemasonry (Literature)Steganography
Róbert Péter (general editor), Cécile Révauger (volume editor). Jan A. M. Snoek (volume editor), British Freemasonry, 1717-1813, 5 vols. (New York: Routledge, 2016), 2606 pages, 5967 editorial notes. volume 1: Institutions (C. Révauger)... more
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      AnthropologyTheologyPerformance StudiesRitual