Papers by Ekaterina Emeliantseva Koller
Ice and Snow in the Cold War
Jahrbücher für Geschichte Osteuropas
Im Zentrum des Bandes steht das Phanomen der «Wende» in Osteuropa von 1989/91. Der Zerfall der so... more Im Zentrum des Bandes steht das Phanomen der «Wende» in Osteuropa von 1989/91. Der Zerfall der sozialistischen Ordnung und die Transformationsprozesse hin zur Neuordnung der sozialen, wirtschaftlichen und politischen Systeme verliefen in den Staaten Osteuropas unterschiedlich. Nach der anfanglichen Euphorie des demokratischen Umbruchs trat schnell Ernuchterung ein. Die Einfuhrung von Demokratie und liberaler Marktwirtschaft gestaltete sich in der Praxis oft schwieriger als erwartet. Sie war in einzelnen Staaten von grossen wirtschaftlichen Problemen, gesellschaftlichen Spannungen, tiefgreifenden Identitats- und Sinnkrisen und in Einzelfallen gar von gewaltsamen Auseinandersetzungen begleitet. Entsprechend unterschiedlich wurde und wird das Phanomen der «Wende» bewertet.
Ehre und Pflichterfüllung als Codes militärischer Tugenden, 2014
... Die Slawen 51 1.3.2 Romanen: Vlachen und Rumänen 64 1.3.3 Albaner 67 1.3 ... im Zuge der mode... more ... Die Slawen 51 1.3.2 Romanen: Vlachen und Rumänen 64 1.3.3 Albaner 67 1.3 ... im Zuge der modernen Staats-und Nati-onsbildung vollzogen sich in weiten Teilen Osteuropas ... eindeutig möglich: Einerseits verlauten die histori-schen Grenzen häufig quer durch die Staaten des ...
The American Historical Review, 2012
Ice and Snow in the Cold War, 2018
Thus wrote Martyn S. Urbanovich-Piletskii (1780–1859), Councillor of State and member of Ekaterin... more Thus wrote Martyn S. Urbanovich-Piletskii (1780–1859), Councillor of State and member of Ekaterina Tatarinova’s Spiritual Brotherhood, in 1837 to the Holy Synod explaining his motivation for participating in special worships which featured ecstatic spinning and dancing accompanied by praying, singing, and prophecy. These practices were called ‘radeniia’ and adopted from the mystical tradition of Christ-faith;2 participants believed to experience the Holy Spirit descending on them.3
Journal of Sport History, 2011
Although there were some accounts of the history of sport in Russia in the early twentieth centur... more Although there were some accounts of the history of sport in Russia in the early twentieth century, it was not until the early Soviet period that scholarly research began in earnest. The first extensive works on the subject in Western languages appeared at the height of the Cold War in the early 1960s. In the U.S.S.R. the majority of publications came from higher education sports institutions and predominantly promoted Soviet physical culture and the legitimization of the system. This article focuses on three main research topics: the beginnings of sports and modernization in late Imperial Russia; sport and physical culture as an element of the Soviet way of life; and Cold War politics and Soviet sports. Although a considerable number of studies appeared both in the U.S.S.R. and in the West from the 1970s on, the most significant contributions have come in recent decades. Not only has historical research in post-Soviet Russia and in the West been freed from ideological pressure, but...
Papers by Ekaterina Emeliantseva Koller
The goal of this volume is to investigate examples of transcultural communication processes in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania as well as in the eastern territories of the Polish Crown in the late Middle Ages and early modern period. The essays focus on interconfessional contacts, trans- and supraconfessional interactions, and hybrid, heterogenous developments. In addition, fi elds of east Slavic, Ruthenian, Polish, Lithuanian, Armenian, as well as Orthodox, Uniate, Catholic, Jewish, and Frankist history, which might seem at fi rst glance isolated from interethnic or interconfessional fields of interaction, will be examined anew. The volume presents the work of international specialists on nobility, city, Church and clergy, liturgy, hymnography, as well as painting, and it offers insight into the respective research workshops.