Random Walks
Recent papers in Random Walks
In recent years, the increase in cyber threats has raised many concerns about security and privacy in the digital world. However, new attack methods are often limited to a few core techniques. Here, in order to detect new threat patterns,... more
Einkaufen-Gehen ist etwas, was allein in der Stadt wirklich geht. lm Dorf kann man nur Besorgungen machen, und in der Kleinstadt kann man darüber hinaus höchstens zum Einkaufen fahren. lch gehe Einkaufen meint im urbanen Kontext etwas... more
In this report, the importance of random walk in web mining perspective and web applications has been discussed. Various aspects of theory on graphs are surveyed. Relation between random walk and eigenvalue problems is shown. Application... more
This study addresses the question of whether the adaptive market hypothesis provides a better description of the behaviour of emerging stock market like India. We employed linear and nonlinear methods to evaluate the hypothesis... more
The current report presents: 1) a big picture view of the index from 1950 to present; and 2) a time series analysis of the S&P 500.
Efficiency of markets has been much debated and theory evolved from the efficient market hypothesis (EMH) in its three forms to the adaptive market hypothesis (AMH). We study the US technology sector, finding that stocks traded... more
After a review of recent psychogeographical practice and publications, this talk addresses the challenges for contemporary psychogeography from a multiplicitous and invasive global Spectacle that has shifted beyond its former 'integrated'... more
We examine the proposition that the random walk without drift is more powerful in predicting exchange rates than the random walk with drift. It is demonstrated that there is no theoretical reason why the random walk without drift always... more
We present a variety of models of random walk, discrete in space and time, suitable for simulating random variables whose probability density obeys a space-time fractional di usion equation.
This study explores the weak-form efficiency of the Philippine Stock Exchange (PSE) and its different sectoral markets using modern inference techniques with robust statistical properties. The research is motivated by the lack of... more
To offer a view into the rapidly developing theory of fractional diffusion processes we describe in some detail three topics of present interest: (i) the well-scaled passage to the limit from continuous time random walk under power law... more
A fuzzy overlapping community is an important kind of overlapping community in which each node belongs to each community to different extents. It exists in many real networks but how to identify a fuzzy overlapping community is still a... more
Motivated by the mesmerizing qualities of three animated points in a computer microworld, this thesis explores the average triangular area determined three particles on a random walk on Z 2. Intermediate steps include the study of... more
En el contexto académico que nos proporciona el Máster de Gestión y Producción artística de la Universidad de Murcia –y en particular la asignatura Estéticas Migratorias en el Arte Contemporáneo impartida por la Dra. Aurora Alcaide... more
Estimating characteristics of large graphs via sampling is a vital part of the study of complex networks. Current sampling methods such as (independent) random vertex and random walks are useful but have drawbacks. Random vertex sampling... more
Ever wonder what it would be like to hike 2,174 miles from Georgia to Maine along the world’s longest continuously marked footpath? Join “Marathon” as he provides a humorous autobiographical account of a “real” walk in the woods. Anyone... more
In this paper gaze shifts are considered as a realization of a stochastic process with non-local transition probabilities in a saliency ÿeld that represents a landscape upon which a constrained random walk is performed. The search is... more
In online Recommender Systems, people tend to consume and rate items that are not necessarily similar to one another. This phenomenon is a direct consequence of the fact that human taste is influenced by many factors that cannot be... more
Peer-to-peer approaches to anonymous communication promise to eliminate the scalability concerns and central vulnerability points of current networks such as Tor. However, the P2P setting introduces many new opportunities for attack, and... more
"It is demonstrated that the conventional monetary model of exchange rates can (irrespective of the specification, estimation method or the forecasting horizon) outperform the random walk in out-of-sample forecasting if forecasting power... more
— La région des Trois-Lacs, à l'ouest du plateau suisse, est très bien documentée pour la période comprise entre 3850 et 3350 av. J.-C. environ. Deux cultures archéologiques différentes de part et d'autre du Jura sont avérées. Elles sont... more
This paper investigates whether the inherent non-stationarity of macroeconomic time series is entirely due to a random walk or also to non-linear components. Applying the numerical tools of the analysis of dynamical systems to long time... more
Competitive learning is an important machine learning approach which is widely employed in artificial neural networks. In this paper, we present a rigorous definition of a new type of competitive learning scheme realized on large-scale... more
Considering that there is very little information on the behavior habits of guigna cats, as well as investigations in which small populations are captured to place radiocollars on them and then release them in the place where they were... more
Probabilistic study in random systems based on the Rejection Method and Monte Carlo Method for a random walk and Brownian movement
Rainforests are legendary because their extreme species richness. In the richest rain forests every second tree on a hectare is a different species. As a consequence, most species are rare. Using field data from studies in different parts... more
Öz Küreselleşme ile birlikte finansal etkinlik teorisi de önemi artan bir konu haline gelmiştir. Bu durumun en önemli nedenlerinden biri hisse senedinden elde edilen getirilerin piyasadaki mevcut tüm bilgiyi tamamen yansıttığına... more
In this article, we propose a distributed scheme to compute distance-based clusters. We first present a mechanism based on the flow of distributed tokens called walkers, circulating randomly between a source and a sink to compute a... more
La collection Les Cahiers du GERAD est constituée des travaux de recherche menés par nos membres. La plupart de ces documents de travail aété soumisà des revues avec comité de révision. Lorsqu'un document est accepté et publié, le pdf... more
We show how effectively the diffusive capture processes (DCP) on complex networks can be applied to information search in the networks. Numerical simulations show that our method generates only 2% of traffic compared with the most popular... more
As increasingly large volumes of sophisticated options are traded in world financial markets, determining a "fair" price for these options has become an important and difficult computational problem. Many valuation codes use the binomial... more
We describe a system for robustly estimating synthetic depth maps in unconstrained images and videos, for semi-automatic conversion into stereoscopic 3D. Currently, this process is automatic or done manually by rotoscopers. Automatic is... more
In this paper, we compare the topological structure of lexical networks with a method based on random walks. Instead of characterising pairs of vertices according only to whether they are connected or not, we measure their structural... more
This study addresses the question of whether the adaptive market hypothesis provides a better description of the behaviour of emerging stock market like India. We employed linear and nonlinear methods to evaluate the hypothesis... more
Coordination and cooperation are among the most important issues of game theory. Recently, the attention turned to game theory on graphs and social networks. Encouraged by interesting results obtained in quantum evolutionary game... more
In a recent paper Pittet and Saloff-Coste established the lower bound p 2n ðe; eÞXc expðÀCn 1=3 Þ; n ¼ 1; 2;. .. for the large times asymptotic behaviours of the probabilities p 2n ðe; eÞ of return to the origin at even times 2n; for... more