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Honey bees (Apis mellifera) are responsible for pollinating nearly 80% of all food-producing plants, therefore, the success or failure of a colony is vital to global food production. However, Vector-borne diseases account for... more
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      Dynamical SystemsComplex SystemsEcologyMathematical Ecology
"""Lyapunov functions for some mathematical models of ecological commensalism between two species are introduced. Global stability of the unique positive equilibrium is thereby established. Keyword: Models of ecological commensalism;... more
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      Mathematical BiologyBiomathematicsMathematical EcologyMathematical biology (Mathematics)
This paper addresses the global stability of a two-species Lotka-Volterra cooperative system with four discrete delays via the method of Lyapunov functionals. We apply our Lyapunov functional techniques to prove stability of... more
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      Mathematical BiologyMathematical EcologyMathematical biology (Mathematics)Time-Delay Systems
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      Mathematical BiologyMovement EcologyMathematical EcologyRandom Walks
Plant species vary greatly in their responsiveness to nutritional soil mutualists, such as my- corrhizal fungi and rhizobia, and this responsiveness is associated with a trade-off in alloca- tion to root structures for resource uptake. As... more
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      Plant EcologySpatial EcologyTheoretical EcologyEcology
In this paper an eco-epidemiological model incorporating a prey refuge and prey harvesting with disease in the prey-population is considered. Predators are assumed to consume both the susceptible and infected prey at different rates. The... more
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      Mathematical BiologyMathematical EpidemiologyMathematical Ecology
This article concerns a systemic manifestation of small scale interfacial heterogeneities in large scale quantities of interest to a variety of diverse applications spanning the earth, biological and ecological sciences. Beginning with... more
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      StatisticsMathematical EcologyInterfaceStatistical Science
Honey bees (Apis mellifera) are responsible for pollinating nearly 80% of all food-producing plants, therefore, the success or failure of a colony is vital to global food production. However, Vector-borne diseases account for... more
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      Dynamical SystemsComplex SystemsEcologyMathematical Ecology
Modern day agriculture is dependent on the use of chemical agents for maximizing crop yield. This practice has perilous effects on the ecosystem if used in an unchecked manner. The present paper develops a mathematical model of an... more
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      Mathematical BiologyMathematical Ecology
We develop a stochastic spatial model for Aedes aegypti populations based on the life cycle of the mosquito and its dispersal. Our validation corresponds to a monitoring study performed in Buenos Aires. Lacking information with regard to... more
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      AlgorithmsArgentinaPopulation DynamicsMathematical Ecology
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      Climate ChangeEcologyMathematical EcologyHuman Behaviour
As we know from theory of evolution in ecology that the generalist predators feed on a variety of prey species may tend to persist in an ecosystem even if one particular prey species is absent in that environment. Predation by generalist... more
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    • Mathematical Ecology
We propose and analyze a mathematical model in ordinary differential equations to describe the dynamics of mosquitoes infested by bacteria. The introduction of some bacteria in mosquitoes population aims to diminish gradually the... more
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      Dynamical SystemsMathematical Ecology
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      Theoretical EcologyEcologyMathematical EcologyEcological Processes
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      Movement EcologyMathematical EcologyRandom WalksLevy Flights
Species coexistence involving trophic interactions has been investigated under two theoretical frameworks—partitioning shared resources and accessing exclusive resources. The influence of body size on coexistence is well studied under the... more
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      Ecosystems EcologyMathematical BiologyCommunity EcologyTheoretical Ecology
We propose and analyze a mathematical model in ordinary differential equations to describe the dynamics of mosquitoes infested by bacteria. The introduction of some bacteria in mosquitoes population aims to diminish gradually the... more
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      Dynamical SystemsMathematical Ecology
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      Science EducationBiologyEcologyMathematical Ecology
A three-species ecological model is proposed that comprises one prey and two predators (low predator and top predator) to understand the persistence and/or extinction of prey and predators under a suitable environment. The realistic... more
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    • Mathematical Ecology
The study analyzed sustainable agricultural resource use in Nigeria using the Ecological Footprint Approach. The results showed that the emergy density of the earth and the country were 3.10E+10 sej/m 2 /year and 1.33E+11 sej/m 2 /year... more
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      Mathematical EconomicsEnvironmental EconomicsSustainable agricultureEcological Economics
We develop a stochastic spatial model for Aedes aegypti populations based on the life cycle of the mosquito and its dispersal. Our validation corresponds to a monitoring study performed in Buenos Aires. Lacking information with regard to... more
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      AlgorithmsArgentinaPopulation DynamicsMathematical Ecology
In a recent paper, critique the use of Le´vy walks to describe animal movement, arguing that non-Le´vy walk processes could be misidentified as Le´vy patterns and, conversely, movement patterns actually generated by Le´vy processes may be... more
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      Research DesignAnimal BehaviorMovement EcologyEcology
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    • Mathematical Ecology
"""Lyapunov functions for two-species mutualism models subject to proportional harvesting are introduced. Global stability of the unique coexisting equilibrium is thereby established. Keywords: Models of facultative mutualism;... more
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      Mathematical BiologyBiomathematicsMathematical EcologyMathematical biology (Mathematics)
The broad objective of this study was to analyse sustainable agricultural resource use in Nigeria using the Ecological Footprint Approach. The specific objectives included to; estimate the global emergy and emergy density, determine the... more
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      Environmental ScienceMathematical EconomicsEnvironmental EconomicsEnvironmental Studies
We investigate the dynamical behaviors of two-prey one-predator model with general Holling type functional responses. The effect of seasonal perturbation on the model has been discussed analytically as well as numerically. The periodic... more
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      Applied MathematicsMathematical Ecology
Random walks are used to model movement in a wide variety of contexts: from the movement of cells undergoing chemotaxis to the migration of animals. In a twodimensional biased random walk, the diffusion about the mean drift position is... more
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      DemographyMathematical BiologyMovement EcologyEcology
Species coexistence involving trophic interactions has been investigated under two theoretical frameworks-partitioning shared resources and accessing exclusive resources. The influence of body size on coexistence is well studied under the... more
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      Ecosystems EcologyMathematical BiologyCommunity EcologyCoevolution
Honey bees (Apis mellifera) are responsible for pollinating nearly 80% of all food-producing plants, therefore, the success or failure of a colony is vital to global food production. However, not all insects are beneficial to humankind... more
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      Dynamical SystemsComplex SystemsEcologyMathematical Ecology
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      Climate ChangeEcologyMathematical EcologyHuman Behaviour
Certain major topics on the subject of interregional and international migration of population stocks, as well as of the interregional and international flows of the two central input factors in the economic production process – namely... more
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      GeographyMathematicsEconomicsMathematical Economics
We develop a stochastic spatial model for Aedes aegypti populations based on the life cycle of the mosquito and its dispersal. Our validation corresponds to a monitoring study performed in Buenos Aires. Lacking information with regard to... more
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      AlgorithmsArgentinaPopulation DynamicsMathematical Ecology
We propose two models of one hyper-connected mutualistic-species described by delay differential equations of Lotka-Volterra type. An hyper-connected model comprises a central species interacting with a number of peripheral species... more
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      Mathematical BiologyMathematical EcologyLyapunov Stability TheoryLyapunov Stability
Necessary conditions for coexistence of competitive species described by a simple model of population growth and resource exploitation are derived using controllability and observability conditions for time-varying linear systems. The... more
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      Mathematical EcologyEcological Modelling
The main objective of this work is to determine the conditions for coexistence and competitive exclusion in a discrete model for a community of three species: a stage-structured host and two competing parasitoids sharing the same host... more
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      Mathematical EcologySpecies Coexistence