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in: Ivo Štefan & Martin Wihoda (eds.), Kostel Panny Marie na Pražském hradě: Dialog nad počátky křesťanství v Čechách (Prameny české historie 3), Nakladatelství Lidové noviny, Praha 2018, s. 29–55. 978-80-7422-625-0 The paper by Jiří... more
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      Medieval Church HistoryReligious ConversionPaganismReligious Studies
Firstly, the Roman Catholic «prehistory» of contact between the Panoan groups of Bolivian Amazonia and Jesuit, Franciscan and lay clergy missionaries is described. The paper then analyses the continuity of the evangelization process by... more
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      ReligionChristianityComparative ReligionEthnohistory
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      Late Antique and Byzantine HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine StudiesEarly ChurchEarly Christianity
The conversion of Vladimir, grand prince of Kiev, to Eastem Christianity was a watershed in world history, although the exact reasons for his conversion and the precise nature of the relationship he had with the Byzantine Empire at the... more
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      Christianization of Lithuania, Conversions to christianity of European countries, relicts of ancient religionCrimeaProcesses of Conversion (Christianization)Kievan Rus
X wiek, a zwłaszcza jego druga połowa, jest czasem ożywionej i zwieńczonej sukcesami działalności chrystianizacyjnej 2 w Europie Środkowo-Wschodniej i Północnej. W tym czasie chrzest przyjmują -Harald Sinozęby w Danii (ok. 960 r.),... more
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      Medieval HistoryHagiographyMedieval StudiesMedieval
The imposition of Christianity on pagan peoples was one of the most formative events in medieval history, and engendered a broad spectrum of responses and a variety of local adaptations and appropriations of the Christian message. My... more
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      ChristianityMedieval HistoryHistory of ChristianitySaints' Cults
The paper addresses the issue of transformation of the emperor Diocletian’s mausoleum in Split into a Christian church, namely the chronology of the process itself and the circumstances under which it happened. The author tries to... more
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      Early ChurchEarly ChristianityEarly Medieval ArchaeologyMedieval Church History
The main objective of the article is to determine the territorial scope of the Great Moravian territory of Nitra based on an analysis of archaeological sources. Specific cultural manifestations identified in the focal area of the Danube... more
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      History of ChristianityOld Church SlavonicEarly Medieval ArchaeologyEarly Medieval History
Resumen Este trabajo se centra en el estudio de la realidad arqueológica de la provincia romana de la Bética durante el periodo que media entre la caída del Imperio y la desaparición del Reino Visigodo de Toledo. El marco geográfico de... more
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      Early ChristianityVisigothic SpainVisigothic ArchitectureTerritoriality
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      ChristianityHistoryMedieval HistoryHistory of Christianity
Religia chrześcijańska oraz Kościół będący instytucją odpowiedzialną za pielęgnację właściwych dla niej form kultu nie wyewoluowały z rodzimych kultów przedchrześcijańskich. Chrześcijaństwo pojawia się na ziemiach polskich nagle, jako... more
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      Early Medieval HistoryHistory of MissionsProcesses of Conversion (Christianization)
This book, the product of anthropological fieldwork over a thirty-year period, provides a deep and broad picture of the Sa'dan Toraja as a society in dynamic transition to modernity over the course of the twentieth century. The analysis,... more
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      Kinship (Anthropology)Social and Cultural AnthropologyIndigenous ReligionsSocial and Collective Memory
El artículo habla sobre los procesos de cambio en lo que respecta a la diversidad lingüística reportada en la región desde 1525, y respecto a la tradición religiosa. En términos generales, se observa un paso de la diversidad lingüística... more
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      Historical LinguisticsProcesses of Conversion (Christianization)
Like many other areas of history, our knowledge about the adoption of Christianity by Southeast Asians during the 16th and 17th centuries is still rather circumscribed, while the relatively small number of documents still extant results... more
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      Indonesian HistoryEastern IndonesiaDutch East India CompanyMalay Language
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      Medieval LiteratureMedieval HistoryMissiologyHistory of Christianity
The conversión of Vladimir, grand prince of Kiev, to Eastem Christianity was a watershed in world history, although the exact reasons for his conversión and the precise nature of the relationship he had with the Byzantine Empire at the... more
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      HistoryCrimeaProcesses of Conversion (Christianization)Kievan Rus
Chapitre 5 de la thèse de doctorat de Bruno Restif, soutenue en décembre 2004 à l'Université Rennes 2 Haute-Bretagne sous la direction d'Alain Croix : La Paroisse, cadre d'application de la Réforme catholique en Haute-Bretagne (diocèses... more
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      Catholic ReformHistory of MissionsHistory of the ClergyPredication
On February 12, 1543, in the city of Tlaxcala an indigenous governor, don Valeriano Castañeda, issued an order putting local alguaciles in charge of overseeing possible idolatrous or sinful acts in several localities. This document,... more
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      EthnohistoryIndigenous PoliticsInquisitionNahua History
This paper reconsiders the nature of Christian conversion in Viking-Age Sweden and traditional assumptions of a centre-periphery model that places Viking and medieval Scandinavia on the periphery of Christian Europe. Notions of... more
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      Early Medieval ArchaeologyEarly Medieval HistoryViking Age ArchaeologyRunestones
Dans le texte qui s’ensuit nous voulons donc examiner de plus près les phases initiales de la pénétration et de l’établissement du christianisme en région de la Danube moyen durant le haut moyen âge. L’intensité de la pression politique... more
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      Early Medieval HistoryProcesses of Conversion (Christianization)Christianization in Medieval Europe, Superstition, Germany and Eastern Europe countriesHistory of Avars
Vindplaatsen met een rituele functie zijn archeologisch moeilijk grijpbaar, zeker als dat alleen maar `plekken’ in het landschap waren, zelfs niet afgebakend. In zijn 'Germania' noemt de Romeinse historicus Tacitus die herhaaldelijk. In... more
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      History of ReligionLandscape ArchaeologyReligious ConversionArchaeology of Religion
The issue of climate change is a complex one, yet we cannot simply neglect this problem because it is a pressing reality of the twenty-first century. Neglecting it will amount to neglecting not only the present generations, but most of... more
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      Indigenous StudiesClimate ChangeGlobalisation and cultural changeHuman Rights
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      History of Christianity- Christianization and Ancient ChristianityProcesses of Conversion (Christianization)
The current volume is the first one in this Series and contains most of the papers presented at the colloquium The Creation of the Late Antique world in the Balkans, which took place in October 2018 in Sofia.
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      Late Antique and Byzantine StudiesLate Antique ArchaeologyEarly ChristianityLate Antique Art and Archaeology
This paper seeks to determine how the ceremony of the baptism of Mieszko I of Poland (ca. 960-992) could have been performed. It presents the development of the baptismal liturgy in the Carolingian times and the then emerging baptismal... more
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      LiturgyEarly Medieval ArchaeologyEarly Medieval HistoryEarly Middle Ages (History)
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      History of ChristianitySlovenian HistoryProcesses of Conversion (Christianization)Christianization in Medieval Europe, Superstition, Germany and Eastern Europe countries
RESUMEN: Teniendo en cuenta la acción misericordiosa de Dios en los hombres y la respuesta de éstos a Dios, se pasa revista tanto al don de la conversión (fruto de la misericordia divina) como a las obras de misericordia impulsadas por... more
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      Japanese StudiesHagiographyContemporary SpiritualitySpirituality
Dla historyka zajmującego się wcześniejszym średniowieczem podjęcie tematu chrystianizacji jest tyleż nieuniknione, co niełatwe, rozmaite aspekty tego zjawiska są bowiem przedmiotem rozważań mediewistyki od pokoleń. Mimo jednak tak... more
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      early Middle AgesChristianization of ScandinaviaProcesses of Conversion (Christianization)Christianization in Medieval Europe, Superstition, Germany and Eastern Europe countries
The Christianization of the Slavs is a historical event that can be studied as a long process with numerous factors to be taken into account and several recent studies about religion change may improve our understanding of such a process.... more
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      Processes of Conversion (Christianization)Pre-Christian Slavic Religion
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      CrusadesHistory of EstoniaMedieval LivoniaProcesses of Conversion (Christianization)
The paper explores the relationship between Swiss ethnographer Alfred Métraux and Scottish missionary John Arnott of the South American Missionary Society, which lasted almost a decade. The reciprocal influence between these individuals... more
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      ReligionChristianityComparative ReligionCultural History
La tradición etnológica engloba a los chacobos dentro de los "Panos sudorientales" junto a los caripunas, los caxararis y los pacaguaras. Sin embargo, un análisis etnohistórico revela que esta clasificación canónica oculta dos hechos... more
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      ReligionChristianityHistoryCultural History
author: Асен Чилингиров,
title: България и покръстването на русите,
issued: София 2011,

Агиографията на Борис и Глеб,
Покръстването на русите и България,
Бележки към илюстрациите,
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      HagiographyMedieval BulgariaProcesses of Conversion (Christianization)Kievan Rus
This project aims to incorporate urban settlement data within a framework of landscape archaeology approaches to map the effects of Christianisation on town development in Anglo-Saxon England from the 7th-11th centuries A.D. With the... more
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      Anglo-Saxon StudiesUrbanism (Archaeology)Settlement PatternsUrbanism
This contribution analyses the Confessonario en lengua cumanagota (1723) by Diego de Tapia as an instrument of conversion based on models of repression and inquisitorial techniques. In order to persecute the indigenous people of the... more
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      Colonial AmericaReligious ConversionChristian MissionsCross-cultural transfers
La stampa in formato digitale di questo volume, a cura di Alteritas, è disponibile presso ISBN e-book: 978-88-907900-4-1 Finito di stampare in formato digitale a Verona nel mese di luglio 2016.
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      ChristianityArchaeologyJewish StudiesMaltese
This book consists of two forewords, a preface, ten chapters, the catalogue, abbreviations and bibliography.
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      ChristianityLiturgyLate AntiquityPaganism
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      Archaeology of churchesProcesses of Conversion (Christianization)ChristianizationEarly Medieval Archaology and History
The Jesuits were the most effective force in the Christianization of Amerindians in North America. Although for more than a century the total number of Jesuit personnel in Canada never exceeded forty individuals, they curiously had a... more
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      History of MissionsMissionsProcesses of Conversion (Christianization)Jesuit missionaries
The aim of this paper is to analyze the Chromatius of Aquileia’s Sermo XVI to prove that the simple mention by the bishop of Iudaei and gentiles who celebrated the Easter Vigil, does not constitute, as up to now it has been asserted, an... more
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      Early ChristianityJudaismChromatius of AquileiaEarly Judaism
São Columba de Iona, monge irlandês que viveu no século VI d.C., foi um conhecido personagem no processo de cristianização dos Pictos (povo que vivia na futura Escócia). Juntamente com São Patrício e Santa Brígida, Columba é canonizado... more
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      Celtic StudiesHagiographyEarly Medieval IrelandProcesses of Conversion (Christianization)
The author undertakes an analysis of the ideological foundations of an armed evangelization of the Avars by the Franks in the end of the eighth century, characterized as missionary war. He puts the thesis that the Franks thought that they... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval TheologyMedieval Church History
The paper is a short summary about the process of the Christianization of Hungary concentrating on the development of the ecclesiastical system and on its steps. Besides the foundation of the archbishoprics and the dioceses, the question... more
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      Medieval Church HistoryMedieval HungaryProcesses of Conversion (Christianization)
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      Byzantine StudiesHunting (Human Animal Relations)Paganism and ChristianismProcesses of Conversion (Christianization)
Version préliminaire : Une lecture critique des « Lettres » entre le roi catholique du Congo (Dom Afonso 1er) et plusieurs dignitaires Portugais au XVIème siècle. L’objectif de ce travail est de distinguer le processus de... more
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    • Processes of Conversion (Christianization)
17 octobre 2018 : Conférence réalisée à deux voix, avec Catherine Peters, archéologue à l'Agence Wallonne du Patrimoine, dans le cadre de la Neuntes rhein-maasländisches Archäologen-Treffen / Neuvième rencontre rhéno-mosane d'archéologie... more
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      Early ChristianityProcesses of Conversion (Christianization)EvangelizationHistory of Liège - Middle Ages and Renaissance
Resumo: Este artigo visa analisar as transformações causadas pelo processo de conversão da Saxônia ao Cristianismo entre os séculos VIII e X através do estudo do Heliand, reformulação dos Evangelhos para a língua e cultura saxônias, e as... more
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      History of ChristianityHeliandHoly Roman EmpireProcesses of Conversion (Christianization)
The study of the architecture of the sepulchral types (window-tombs; canopied-tombs of different shapes …) and the funerary rituals (funerary banquets, arrangements for libations …) in the Maltese early christian hypogea points out some... more
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      ArchaeologyLate Antique and Byzantine StudiesArchitectureMaltese
In the Passio Olavi, an hagiographic legend about St. Óláfr from the second half of the twelfth century, the saint is referred to as an anointed king. Through comparison with other Saints’ Lives and with the baptism of king Clovis I, this... more
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      ChristianityMedieval HistoryHagiographyHistory of Religion