Books by Ivan Gargano
Paolo de Vingo, La hiérarchie des établissements dans les zones ru rales du territoire ligure lor... more Paolo de Vingo, La hiérarchie des établissements dans les zones ru rales du territoire ligure lors du passage entre antiquité tardive et haut moyen âge
The current volume is the first one in this Series and contains most of the papers presented at t... more The current volume is the first one in this Series and contains most of the papers presented at the colloquium The Creation of the Late Antique world in the Balkans, which took place in October 2018 in Sofia.
Papers by Ivan Gargano
Antiquité Tardive 31/2023, 2024
Castra Martis was one of the cities located in Dacia Ripensis, known as a bishopric active betwee... more Castra Martis was one of the cities located in Dacia Ripensis, known as a bishopric active between the 4th and 5th century, as well as the spot where took place an important episode of the Gothic war dated to 378. The city is traditionally identified with the Bulgarian site of Kula where researches made it possible to discover a quadriburgium and a castellum erected between the 3rd and 4th century. At the present state of research, it can be noted that the archaeological and historical data make it possible to assume that the proposal to identify Castra Martis with Kula is incorrect as it is clearly based on a wrong interpretation of Ammianus Marcellinus’ Res Gestae. Furthermore, comparing Kula with a site discovered further east, Chomakovtsi, it can be noted that the latter appears to be the most suitable candidate for identifying the city. This site covers 13-15 ha., it is protected by a rampart with protruding towers and its position, in the topography of Dacia Ripensis, appears more suitable to the location of Castra Martis known from literary sources. Analyzing the mentions made by Sozomenus, Procopius and Iordanes it can be deduced in fact that the settlement was located in the eastern area of the province.
P. Pergola, G. Castiglia, E. E. Kas Hanna, I. Martinetto et J.-A. Segura, (éd.), Perchement et ré... more P. Pergola, G. Castiglia, E. E. Kas Hanna, I. Martinetto et J.-A. Segura, (éd.), Perchement et réalités fortifiées en Méditerranée et en Europe, Vème-Xème Siècles / Fortified Hilltop Settlements in the Mediterranean and in Europe (5th-10th centuries), Oxford, Archaeopress, 2023 (Limina/Limites. Archaeologies, histories, islands and borders in the Mediterranean (365–1556), 11), p. 392-406.
G. Castiglia et C. Dell’Osso (éd.), Topographia Christiana uniuersi mundi. Studi in onore di Phil... more G. Castiglia et C. Dell’Osso (éd.), Topographia Christiana uniuersi mundi. Studi in onore di Philippe Pergola, Vatican City, PIAC, 2023 (Studi delle Antichità cristiane, 71), p. 607-627.
Archaeology of the Mediterranean World Series, vol. 2, 2022
Congrès International Perchement et réalités fortifiées en Méditerranée et en Europe (Vème-Xème siècles) – Formes, rythmes, fonctions et acteurs, Oct 19, 2019
Dossiers d'archéologie. Hors série, 40, 2021, p. 70-73.
Creation of the Late Antique World in the Balkans, Annales Balcanici 1, 2021
I. Topalilov and Z. Gerdzhikova (eds.), Creation of the Late Antique World in the Balkans. Procee... more I. Topalilov and Z. Gerdzhikova (eds.), Creation of the Late Antique World in the Balkans. Proceedings of the Colloquium held in Sofia, November, 8-10, 2018, Sofia, Tendril Publishing House, 2021 (Annales Balcanici, 1), p. 231-244.
Dossiers d'archéologie. Hors série 40, 2021
Imprimé en Union européenne sur les presses de l'imprimerie Printall AS à Tallinn-Commission pari... more Imprimé en Union européenne sur les presses de l'imprimerie Printall AS à Tallinn-Commission paritaire 0424 K 84758-ISSN 1141-7137-Di usion MLP-Dépôt légal 6751-© 2021, Édi ons Faton S.A.S.-Eco-contribu on : papier couverture origine Maastricht (Pays-Bas), taux de fi bres recyclées 69,6%, cer fi ca on PEFC et FSC, Ptot 0,04kg/tonne papier intérieur origine Lanaken (Belgique), taux de fi bres recyclées 73,8 %, cer fi ca on PEFC et FSC, Ptot 0,01kg/tonne. La reproduc on des textes et des illustra ons publiés dans ce numéro est interdite.
Dossiers d'archéologie. Hors série, 40, 2021, p. 70-73.
The Tabula Peutingeriana is a composite document for which it is difficult to give a dating. On t... more The Tabula Peutingeriana is a composite document for which it is difficult to give a dating. On the one hand, we can find Pompeii on this map, which indicates that its origins go back before the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 BC; on the other hand, we can also find Constantinople, which proves that it was modified after its foundation in AD 330. By the way, this paper proposes to analyze the contri-bution of this map to our knowledge of the Late Roman provincial geography, by looking at the topog-raphy, settlements and roads in the territory of a peripheral and little urbanized province: Dacia Rip-ensis. This study will rely on a comparison of the information found in all other ancient Itineraria, as well as in the Notitia Dignitatum, Hierokles' Synecdemus and through archaeological finds. That com-parison with the archaeological data is fundamental for the study of the Tabula, as it makes appear most interesting questions and issues, especially on the crossing points over the Danube. In this sector, the lack of convergence between the archaeological data and the indications of the Tabula offers rel-evant room for reflection to propose hypotheses about the composition of this part of the map. This paper is part of a doctoral dissertation, conducted within the DANUBIUS international project of the University of Lille and HALMA-UMR 8164 research center (
The Roman city of Viminacium – founded in the 1st century AD along the
Danube, right in the middl... more The Roman city of Viminacium – founded in the 1st century AD along the
Danube, right in the middle of the Balkan area – went through a period of intense development
and prosperity during the second half of the 3rd century and for all the whole 4th century.
Economic wealth and political importance of Viminacium during this period are the
reasons that led to the establishment of a bishopric in the city, which is widely documented
by many sources gathered along the middle and lower reaches of the Danube. These sources
provide the name of some relevant bishops and may provide interesting information about
Viminacium’s position in the religious controversy against Arianism.
The first relevant information about Christian archaeology we can gain is the total absence
of any find indisputably related to the Bishopric Complex in the city, or to any other building
resembling urbane or rural churches. However, scholars have found some epigraphs, tombs,
paintings and sepulchral buildings that represent indisputable evidence of Christians in Viminacium.
Calls for Papers and Posters by Ivan Gargano
The Young Scholars Circle of the HAEMUS International Research Network is pleased to invite you o... more The Young Scholars Circle of the HAEMUS International Research Network is pleased to invite you on November 25, 2024 to its Second International Online Seminar for PhD students and Postdocs:
What Means Late Antiquity in the Balkans?
New Concepts, Historiographies and Case Studies for the Period between the 3rd and the 8th Century
What Means Late Antiquity in the Balkans?
The Young Scholars Circle of the HAEMUS International Research Network is pleased to invite you t... more The Young Scholars Circle of the HAEMUS International Research Network is pleased to invite you to its International Online Seminar for PhD students and Postdocs : What Means Late Antiquity in the Balkans?
It will take place online on the 7 June 2024.
Send us your application to [email protected] by the 1st of May 2024.
Find all the informations in the call below !
This first edition of the YSCH online seminar aims to stimulate a discussion that, relying on the... more This first edition of the YSCH online seminar aims to stimulate a discussion that, relying on the most recent studies, can contribute to specifying the definition of the concept of “Late Antiquity” for the Balkan Peninsula
Books by Ivan Gargano
Papers by Ivan Gargano
Danube, right in the middle of the Balkan area – went through a period of intense development
and prosperity during the second half of the 3rd century and for all the whole 4th century.
Economic wealth and political importance of Viminacium during this period are the
reasons that led to the establishment of a bishopric in the city, which is widely documented
by many sources gathered along the middle and lower reaches of the Danube. These sources
provide the name of some relevant bishops and may provide interesting information about
Viminacium’s position in the religious controversy against Arianism.
The first relevant information about Christian archaeology we can gain is the total absence
of any find indisputably related to the Bishopric Complex in the city, or to any other building
resembling urbane or rural churches. However, scholars have found some epigraphs, tombs,
paintings and sepulchral buildings that represent indisputable evidence of Christians in Viminacium.
Calls for Papers and Posters by Ivan Gargano
What Means Late Antiquity in the Balkans?
New Concepts, Historiographies and Case Studies for the Period between the 3rd and the 8th Century
It will take place online on the 7 June 2024.
Send us your application to [email protected] by the 1st of May 2024.
Find all the informations in the call below !
Danube, right in the middle of the Balkan area – went through a period of intense development
and prosperity during the second half of the 3rd century and for all the whole 4th century.
Economic wealth and political importance of Viminacium during this period are the
reasons that led to the establishment of a bishopric in the city, which is widely documented
by many sources gathered along the middle and lower reaches of the Danube. These sources
provide the name of some relevant bishops and may provide interesting information about
Viminacium’s position in the religious controversy against Arianism.
The first relevant information about Christian archaeology we can gain is the total absence
of any find indisputably related to the Bishopric Complex in the city, or to any other building
resembling urbane or rural churches. However, scholars have found some epigraphs, tombs,
paintings and sepulchral buildings that represent indisputable evidence of Christians in Viminacium.
What Means Late Antiquity in the Balkans?
New Concepts, Historiographies and Case Studies for the Period between the 3rd and the 8th Century
It will take place online on the 7 June 2024.
Send us your application to [email protected] by the 1st of May 2024.
Find all the informations in the call below !
2nd International Meeting of PhD students Rome, 1st-3rd February 2021
Rome, 1-3 février 2021
El congreso será un momento de intercambio y de reflexión entre investigadores de diferentes disciplinas y países, en línea con el enfoque internacional e interdisciplinar que han caracterizado el Pontificio Instituto de Arqueología Cristiana desde su fundación, con el objetivo de divulgar nuevos estudios así como estimular nuevos horizontes de investigación.
Las investigaciones en ámbito literario e histórico-arqueológico se concentrarán dentro del arco cronológico de los siglos III – X.
The conference will be an important moment of exchange and reflection between researchers of different branches and nationalities, in connection with the interdisciplinary and interna-tional character of the Pontificio Istituto di Archeologia Cristiana since its foundation, with the aim of disseminate new studies and stimulate researches on new topics.
The researches will concern literary, historical and archaeological issues concerning the peri-od from the 3rd to the 10th century, according to the single geographic peculiarities.
Institutional sponsors:
Pontificio Istituto di Archeologia Cristiana
Römisches Institut
Balkan Peninsula during Late Antiquity in the light of historical and archaeological evidence
On-line event 12-13 October 2023
Organisation: Institute of Archaeology in Belgrade (Ivan Gargano), École française d'Athènes (Priscilla Ralli)
Veuillez simplement vous inscrire préalablement à cette adresse : [email protected]
Huit interventions auront lieu sur des sujets divers touchant l’archéologie, l’histoire, la littérature et l’histoire de l’art, de 9h à 17h. Cette journée nous emmènera de l'Afrique du Nord à l'Ibérie du Caucase, en passant par la Grèce, la Perse et la Dacie.