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This book argues that hope is the indispensable precondition of religious practice and secular politics. Against dogmatic complacency and despairing resignation, David Newheiser argues that hope sustains commitments that remain vulnerable... more
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      Philosophy Of ReligionAtheismReligion and PoliticsContinental Philosophy
This article is concerned with thinking transformations of the secular, and does so in relation to two theoretical terrains, while empirically grounded in ethnographies of Christian and Islamic pious women in the Netherlands. A first... more
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      Saba MahmoodAgencyPost-Secular Theory
The discipline of anthropology is dominated by a secular analytical approach which requires the bounding of religion and its exclusion from anthropological ways-of-knowing. This is premised on a historical understanding of the discipline... more
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      ReligionAnthropologySocial AnthropologyTheology
Taking ideas about interfaith communication among stakeholders in the British “God Debate” as an illustrative case, I propose that the translation metaphor, widely adopted across disciplines, might productively be replaced by a different... more
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      Discourse AnalysisReligionCommunicationIntercultural Communication
About 25% of the Jewish population in Israel consists of “secular believers.” They self-identify as secular but also believe in God or some kind of higher/deeper power(s). Their identity conflicts with the conventional identification of... more
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      Sociology of ReligionJudaismSociology of religion (Religion)Israel
This paper draws on the results of ethnographic research on 'women's circles'; women-only spaces that celebrate sisterhood and the 'feminine', including the increasingly globally popular 'Red Tent'. Women's circles are... more
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      ReligionNew Religious MovementsWomen's StudiesSubjective Well-Being
This paper seeks to problematise and complexify scholarly accounts of contemporary emotional repression in Western contexts by presenting counterevidence in the form of two examples of post-secular collective affectivity and their ritual... more
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      EmotionRitualModernitySecularisms and Secularities
Your article is protected by copyright and all rights are held exclusively by Springer Science +Business Media Dordrecht. This e-offprint is for personal use only and shall not be selfarchived in electronic repositories. If you wish to... more
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      Walter BenjaminJudith ButlerJewish MessianismPost-Secular Theory
In their two hundred years of existence, the Chilean armed forces have had a close relationship with the Catholic faith, especially with a local version of the Virgin Mary (Virgen del Carmen), who is held as the patroness of the military.... more
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      Religion and PoliticsChileMilitary and PoliticsSecularism
This chapter attempted to do three things: 1) Discuss the idea of secularism in the exemplary works of three scholars having diverse onto-epistemologies 2) Distinguish between "secular" and "secularism" 3) Introduce the concept of Green... more
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      SecularizationPolitics of SecularismComparative SecularismCharles Taylor
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      Israel StudiesModernitySecularisms and SecularitiesTradition
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      Israel StudiesTraditionSecularismPost-Secular Theory
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      Social TheoryReligious EducationIsrael StudiesPolitical Theology
Somewhere in some activity or condition lies a fullness and richness. In that place (activity or condition) life is fuller, richer, deeper, more worthwhile, more admirable, more what it should be. 1 Innovation is a contemporary buzzword,... more
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      JournalismInnovation statisticsJapanFinland
This chapter contrasts the evolution of secular models in two post-Ottoman Muslim-majority countries in Europe –Turkey and Albania. Both countries, and their respective secular models, have historically developed under the dominant... more
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      ReligionSociology of ReligionReligion and PoliticsAlbanian Studies
How have anthropologists related to extraordinary or supernatural phenomena (the transcendent) in disciplinary definitions of religion and in the practice of social analysis? This text argues that the discipline's engagement with... more
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      ReligionSociology of ReligionEpistemologyPhilosophy Of Religion
Introduction to special issue on post-secularism in The European Legacy (vol 20, no. 2, 2015) - available here:
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      Post-Secular TheoryPost-SecularismReligion and Post-Secular TheoryPost Secular Critical Theory
Rooted in the postsecular turn of the study of religion and society, postsecular theology is conceptualized in this article as an umbrella term for theologies offering hybrid interpretations of religiosity and spirituality within a... more
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      Sociology of ReligionJudaismSociology of religion (Religion)Post-Secular Theory
This article offers an interpretation of late modern social imaginaries and their relationship to religion and violence. I hypothesize that the transition from the "secular age" to a so-called "post-secular constellation" calls on us to... more
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      Jurgen HabermasPaul RicoeurPolitics of SecularismSecularisms and Secularities
Under den såkalte europeiske flyktningekrisen i 2015 var Norge vitne til noen av de mest intense verbale konfrontasjonene mellom biskoper i Den norske kirke og statsråder i den norske regjering i nyere tid. Artikkelen forsøker å vise... more
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      Public TheologyHabermasChantal MouffePost-Secular Theory
Following the work of Bhargava, as well as Janet R. Jakobsen and Ann Pellegrini, in this volume, the editors take as a point of departure the fact that secularism is plural, that various secularisms have developed in various contexts and... more
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      Comparative SecularismSecularisms and SecularitiesSecular, secularism and secularizationSecularity
This essay considers the notion of private selfhood as articulated in Emerson’s and Hawthorne’s writing about beauty. Though _Nature’s_ infamous “transparent Eye-ball” is frequently cited as evidence of his secular intellectual bent, the... more
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      American LiteratureNineteenth Century United StatesSecularizationSecularisms and Secularities
Increasingly religion is recognised within public debate, as realising the post-secular according to Habermas. Furthermore for Habermas citizen participation is possible via publics that are literary which operate within the public sphere... more
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      Islamic EducationCitizenshipPost-Secular TheoryDeoband
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      Intellectual HistoryRussian StudiesRussian LiteratureReligion and Politics
From the "War on Terror" initiated during the Bush administration to the European conflict over the right to wear Islamic headscarves, the return of religion is a central challenge to international law and policy in the post-Cold War. The... more
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      International LawLegal HistoryLaw and ReligionCritical Legal Theory
Mary holds the Christ child in the traditional formula, but unexpectedly, angels appear above bearing not good news, but a cross, spear and sponge - tidings of Christ’s future torment. This is the Virgin of the Passion icon. Due to its... more
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      IconographyArt HistoryTheologyVisual Culture
PIERRE LEROUX AND THE RELIGION OF HUMANITY: A POST-SECULAR CONCEPT IN THE 19th CENTURY? The aim of the article is to show, using the example of Pierre Leroux, that the extension of the post-secular perspective to Romanticism is not only... more
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      History of IdeasRomanticism19th Century French LiteratureLiterature and Religion
This paper explores issues of contemporary sexual and religious identity and orientation through an exploration of the unexpected compatibility of post-secular and queer theories. It brings together work by theologians and queer theorists... more
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      Queer StudiesQueer TheoryPostmodernismPoststructuralist Theory
The purpose of this article is to explore how the contemporary academic discourse on religion is, on the whole, beginning to resonate with the broader vision of reli- gion provided by the Bahá’í Writings. Toward this end, I argue that the... more
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      ReligionBaha'i studiesSecularizationMethod and Theory in the Study of Religion
Dass die moderne Tendenz zur Entsakralisierung im Zuge ihrer Transformierung in universalistische Diskurse der „Rettung des Anderen“ selbst Züge eines unbedingten Anspruchs annimmt, der seine eigene Gewaltsamkeit im Zeichen der... more
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      Critical TheoryPolitical TheoryIconoclasmIconoclastic Controversy and Iconophilia
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      Political SociologySociology of ReligionJurgen HabermasPublic Reason
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      Philosophy Of ReligionPlatoRitualHegel
The geography of choirs has seldom received attention in human geography and even less so in a Swedish context. This article analyses the geography of choirs in Sweden by focusing on choir members in the Church of Sweden. Sweden offers an... more
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      ReligionHuman GeographyChoirPost-Secular Theory
While challenging the common view which sees postsecularism as a return to religion, this paper is an attempt to apply the main tenets of the postsecular thought to the literary criticism accompanying the Polish literature. After a brief... more
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      Contemporary Polish LiteratureModernist Literature (Literary Modernism)Polish LiteraturePost-Secular Theory
Na publikację składają się trzy studia literaturoznawcze nad związkami literatury z nowoczesnym dyskursem nauk o życiu: od botaniki przez biologię ewolucyjną po biochemię. Analizy i refleksje autorów dotyczą tekstów pisanych w różnych... more
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      English LiteratureAnimal StudiesHistory of ScienceAnarchism
Modernity has inaugurated a new stage in the relationship between ecclesiastical and secular power. On the one hand, the extinction of religions was thought of as an inevitable future; on the other, the emergence of religious... more
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      ReligionJurgen HabermasDeliberative DemocracySecularization
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      EmpiricismEmily DickinsonReligion and LiteratureLiterature and Religion
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      EthicsApplied EthicsTheologyReformed Theology and Ethics
The text deals with a question whether Hannah Arendt was influenced by Franz Rosenzweig’s "Der Stern der Erlösung" (1921) before writing "Der Liebesbegriff bei Augustin" (1929). Instead of building general analogies, I studied two very... more
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      TheologyHannah ArendtFranz RosenzweigBirth
Turkey's decision to reinstate Hagia Sophia as a mosque, while relating to internal Turkish political dynamics, is symptomatic of a wider dispute between conceptions of religion and secularism.
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      ReligionPoliticsTurkeyIslamic Studies
Ce texte participe du dossier "Incidents heuristiques", dossier coordonné par Florence Bouillon, Frédéric Laugrand et Olivier Servais pour le numéro 39 de la revue Abstract : How do ethnographers code ? This... more
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      Sociology of ReligionEthnographyInterdisciplinarityReligion and Politics
This article is aimed at pointing out the messianic dimension of Clarice Lispector’s writings. We intend to describe the post-secular vision of the collective redemption embedded in her work as essentially opposed to the vulgarized notion... more
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      EthicsJewish StudiesViolenceGiorgio Agamben
We explore the intersection of the poetic and the theological in Zelda Schneurson Mishkovsky’s poetry and suggest that the two join to offer a political and economic critique of secularism and the capitalistic “society of the spectacle.”... more
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      Comparative LiteratureHebrew LiteraturePovertyLiterary Theory
The article begins with arguments for the importance of popular culture studies. The author then refers to Jane Feuer's cautionary notes on precipitate conclusions about supposed correlations between observed changes in representations of... more
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      ReligionCultural StudiesTelevision StudiesSecularization
Secular and religious thinking, both, have tended to privilege acting on principle over responding to circumstances. This has allowed proponents for the separation of Church and State to argue that one can surrender matters of outward... more
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      Reformation StudiesPost-Secular TheorySixteenth Century French Literature
In der Moderne verändert sich der Umgang mit heiligen Texten und damit auch die traditionelle Praxis des Kommentars. Einerseits werden solche Texte nun auch wissenschaftlich und kritisch kommentiert, andererseits leben religiöse... more
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      ReligionGerman StudiesComparative LiteratureTheology
‘A Tale of Two Speeches: Secularism and Primacy in Contemporary Roman Catholicism and Russian Orthodoxy’ ed. John Chryssavgis, Primacy in the Church: The Office of Primate and the Authority of the Councils, Volume 2: Contemporary and... more
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      Catholic StudiesHuman RightsCatholic Social TeachingRussian Orthodox Church