Iconoclastic Controversy and Iconophilia
Recent papers in Iconoclastic Controversy and Iconophilia
Sin dalla fine del secolo IV, la parte orientale dell’impero romano, in seguito divenuto impero bizantino, era stato afflitto da molteplici eresie, che rischiavano seriamente di minare e di compromettere la sua stessa unità. Le più... more
film, which becomes the capstone to a self-referential Tarkovskian oeuvre, Marker combines Tarkovsky's films with footage of the great director on his death bed. The finished product is a sort of Tarkovskian death mask or, as I would... more
The anonymous author of the “Life of Michael Synkellos” in his account about the act of confession of the brothers Theodore and Theophanus Graptoi uses a genuine document, a letter of Theodore, where the confessor describes what he and... more
Με τον όρο «Εικονομαχία» αναφερόμαστε σε μία συγκεκριμένη περίοδο της Βυζαντινής Αυτοκρατορίας, που διήρκησε από το 726 ως το 842, οπόταν η απαγόρευση της απεικόνισης και της απόδοσης λατρείας σε εικόνες Ιερών Προσώπων της Χριστιανικής... more
In one of his earliest monographs, Studien zur beneventanischen Malerei (1968), Hans Belting concentrated on the arts of the Langobardia Minor, among which the painted crypt of the Abbot Epyphanius (824-42) in the monastery of San... more
Since "Iconoclash" (see the review above), iconoclasm and related terms have been taken as fundamental, general categories for the interpretation of pictures. This essay is part of a project to historicize that interest, which I think... more
ABSTRACT. The “shining face” theology as luminous metamorphosis of a visionary has experienced three great challenges: the anthropomorphic controversy, iconoclastic debate and the hesychast dispute. This study attempts to make a... more
Que sait-on du contexte géographique et historique de l’émergence d’un monothéïsme qui s’est imposé et étendu au point de créer des enjeux et d’autres monothéïsmes inspirés de cette réussite ? L’archéologie, par le biais des sites... more
Sélection de textes de Jean Damascène (en traduction française) visant à monter les nombreuses nuances de sa théologie de l'image.
One highly prominent aspect of ISIS’s program of destruction in Syria and Iraq that has come to the media attention recently is their program of cultural heritage destruction that took the form of smashing artifacts in archaeological... more
Il Cabinet d’amateur con asini iconoclasti della Società Economica di Chiavari, eseguito dal pittore anversano Frans Francken II il Giovane (1581-1642) entro il secondo decennio del Seicento, rappresenta per soggetto e autore senz’altro... more
This work was defended as a doctoral thesis at the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam in 2009 and subsequently published as The Poor in Liberation Theology: Pathway to God or Ideological Construct (Abingdon: Routledge, 2014). Keeping The... more
L a conquesta del regne visigot pels àrabs, que s'esdevingué entre el 711 i el 720, i el posterior establiment del domini carolingi a Septimània i Catalunya, que es produí entre el 750 i el 801, van comportar la migració cap a aquests dos... more
This is a preview (for copyright reasons) of the review of Iconophilia: Politics, Religion, Preaching, and the Use of Images in Rome, c.680–880, that Jeffrey F. Hamburger (Harvard) published on the January 2022 issue of the Burlington... more
A poco più di trent'anni dal convegno catanese su « Culto delle immagini e crisi iconoclasta » 1 , che segnò una tappa importante nella storia degli studi italiani sull'iconoclasmo 2 , la riflessione sull'argomento si è arricchita anche... more
(N.B. these is the first draft, NOT the published version) L’immagine testuale di Maria assunta in cielo e celebrata con l’inno del Magnificat, concepita in omelie per feste mariane da autori iconofili orientali nella prima metà... more
ΕΙΣΑΓΩΓΗ: ΤΟ ΙΣΤΟΡΙΚΟ ΠΕΡΙΒΑΛΛΟΝ ΤΗΣ ΕΙΚΟΝΟΜΑΧΙΑΣ Τὸ 717 ὁ Λέων ὁ Γ΄ ἀνεβαίνει στὸ θρόνο τῆς Βυζαντινῆς Αὐτοκρατορίας. Ἡ βασιλεία τοῦ ἔμελλε νὰ σφραγιστεῖ ἀπὸ δύο σημαντικὰ γεγονότα.. Ἀπὸ τὴ μία πλευρὰ στὸ ἐξωτερικὸ συνέβηκε ἡ συντριβὴ... more
Ch. Chotzakoglou, “Iconoclasm (726-787 and 813-843) and Art in Cyprus and its theoretical basis: a critical approach according to the Sources and to the monuments of the island”, in: Κυπριακὴ Ἁγιολογία. Πρακτικὰ Α΄ Διεθνοῦς Συνεδρίου (ed.... more
Nadat de fysieke strijd in 1918 was beslecht, volgde een intellectuele strijd over de diepere betekenis van de Groote oorlog. De oorlogsromans en essays van Ernst Jünger kunnen worden gezien als een poging om een diepere zin van de oorlog... more
Imperiul Bizantin a fost un stat tricontinental, care s-a întins în Europa, Asia şi Africa. Limitele sale teritoriale au variat de la un timp la altul, în raport de situaţia politică, de recuperări ori pierderi teritoriale.
Between the late-seventh and the mid-ninth centuries, a debate about sacred images – conventionally addressed as ‘Byzantine iconoclasm’ – engaged monks, emperors, and popes in the Mediterranean area and on the European continent. The... more
I thank my advisor, Lynn Jones, for her guidance and dedication through this paper's evolution. I extend my appreciation to John Cotsonis and his generosity in providing access to his work. I also thank Brad Hostetler and Christopher Timm... more
The Madonna from Velké Meziříčí between the Reformation and Restoration The study deals with the 'second life' of the Madonna of Velké Meziříčí, a gothic sculpture that originated in the second quarter of the 14th century and belongs to a... more
szerk.): Egyház és vallás a koraújkori Magyarországon. Presov: Vydavatelstvo Presovskej Univerzity, 2020. 13-23. Képtisztelet, képhasználat, képtilalom és képrombolás a magyarországi reformációban Csepregi Zoltán 1 Rövidítve idézett... more
Iconoclash" was an exhibition in Karlsruhe; the book is the largest compendium of writing on and around iconoclasms, idolatries, etc. Much of the interest that had begun building in the 1990s is consolidated in this book. In the ten... more
The idea that linear perspective arose only in the West due to the strength of an unusual process of rationalization is denied by the fact that IXth century Islamic scholars had yet a thorough knowledge of the optical and geometrical... more
In Medieval Rus the Legend of the icon of Maria Romaia was a popular reading for the first Sunday of the Great Lent, which is the Triumph of Orthodoxy, the feast of the victory over Byzantine iconoclasm (843). The Slavonic text which... more
Constantine V is one of the most badly treated emperors in the one thousand year history of Byzantine imperial rule. His nickname, Copronimus, means dung-name, this insult was given to him because of his supposed political inabilities and... more
This paper draws attention to the appropriation of some Aristotelian notions by the recently overlooked iconophile writer Theodore the Studite, who employed these particular notions for the defense of images. An examination of several... more
The subject of the paper is the first wave of the iconoclastic movement in Byzantium (726-787). From the many possible aspects of research that can be applied to this period, here we single out the theological view. The content of the... more
In this article we analyse the inquisitorial Spanish sources for studying the moriscos’ attitude against art and its veneration before their expulsion. We show how they understood the cult of the images and their reaction towards Catholic... more
I föreliggande PM kommer jag att studera synen på och diskussionen om kristen konst i väst under perioden för den första ikonoklasmen i öst, det vill säga under 700-talet. Särskild tonvikt kommer att läggas vid responsen på beslutet vid... more
Παρουσίαση της βυζαντινής αρχιτεκτονικής και τέχνης εν συνόλω στην Κύπρο με την παράθεση της σχετικῆς βιβλιογραφίας/Presentation of the byzantine architecture and art in Cyprus with the relevant bibliography included in the volume III. of... more
A sarcophagus inscribed with the name of archbishop John (Hic requiiscet fragelis ei inutelis Iohannis peccator harchiepiscopus), has survived in Split and features carvings by the city’s earliest medieval workshop, the Split... more
Durante los procesos de colonización en diversos territorios de América, la destrucción y el culto de imágenes sagradas fueron dos políticas estipuladas por las instituciones de poder para someter comunidades y, en algunos casos, las... more
The present study offers a general overview of Byzantine visual poetry, based on older studies including works by Paul Speck (1964; 2003), Odysseas Lampsidis (1982), Wolfram Hörandner (1990; 2009) and Ulrich Ernst (1991), focusing on a... more