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      TheologyReligion and PoliticsTheological EthicsSecular Ideology
Rose Harris-Birtill analyses the secular reworking of Buddhist religious influences across David Mitchell’s complete fictions, including his novels, short stories, and libretti, arguing that their shared ethical perspectives draw them... more
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      BuddhismWorld LiteraturesBuddhist PhilosophyJungian psychology
This chapter explores a proposal that multicultural equality require some type of public multifaithism in a civic context where state–religion connections flourish. An establishment of religion, suitably pluralized, can offer one way... more
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      MulticulturalismPolitics of SecularismSecularisms and SecularitiesMulticulturalism (Sociology)
This paper seeks to problematise and complexify scholarly accounts of contemporary emotional repression in Western contexts by presenting counterevidence in the form of two examples of post-secular collective affectivity and their ritual... more
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      EmotionRitualModernitySecularisms and Secularities
In the book, Christianity and Gestalt Therapy: The Presence of God in Human Relationships, I wrote stories reflective of chapter content instead of technical case studies. This is one. I may share others. This one illustrates the... more
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      ChristianityDialoguePhenomenologyGestalt Therapy
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      ModernityIsraeli PoliticsTraditionPost-Secular Theory
In der Moderne verändert sich der Umgang mit heiligen Texten und damit auch die traditionelle Praxis des Kommentars. Einerseits werden solche Texte nun auch wissenschaftlich und kritisch kommentiert, andererseits leben religiöse... more
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      ReligionGerman StudiesComparative LiteratureTheology
Alex Dubilet’s essay “The Catastrophic Joy of Abandoning Salvation: Thinking the Postsecular with Georges Bataille” explores the way Bataille belies the established divisions between theological... more
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      ReligionPhilosophyPhilosophy Of ReligionTheology
The Catholic Church is experiencing seismic shifts in the national religious landscape as much younger generation Catholics have been disengaging with the church and its practices and rituals significantly. I wish to propose a new... more
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      Post-Secular TheoryReligious Disaffiliation
2014년 5월 퀴어문화축제가 신촌 광장에서 열렸다. 동시에 같은 장소에서 반동성애시위를 하는 개신교인들도 있었다. ‘종교의 공공성’이 화두인 가운데, 우리는 공적 영역에서 기독교의 공적 역할에 대한 바람과 희망을 제시하는 “광장에 선 기독교” 대신에 “광장에 선 호모포비아”를 목격할 수 있었다. 이들은 한국사회 공적 영역에서 의견을 제출하고 논쟁거리를 만듦으로써 공공성이 무엇인지를 새롭게 규정하려고 노력한다. 이들은... more
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      Sociology of ReligionQueer StudiesKorean StudiesReligion & the Public Sphere
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      EmpiricismEmily DickinsonReligion and LiteratureLiterature and Religion
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      Southeast Asian StudiesPeace and Conflict StudiesReligious ViolencePost-Secular Theory
This essay aims at conceptualizing—and naming—a certain, rather popular, stance toward tradition, that fits neither of the polar opposites of the secularist– rationalist vs. religious–conservative dichotomy. Arguing that this stance... more
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      Sociology of ReligionPolitical PhilosophySociology of KnowledgeModernity
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      Post-Secular TheorySekülerleşme
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      Reformation StudiesProtestantismPost-Secular Theory
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      Politics of SecularismIslamic Political ThoughtSecularisms and SecularitiesIslam and Secularism
This is the 1st edition of the Handbook for Theory, Research and Practice in Gestalt Therapy. It was published originally in 2008. There is now a genuine 2nd edition available at Amazon, and Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Several of... more
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      PhenomenologyGestalt TherapyHermeneutic PhenomenologyChristian Spirituality
Mary holds the Christ child in the traditional formula, but unexpectedly, angels appear above bearing not good news, but a cross, spear and sponge - tidings of Christ’s future torment. This is the Virgin of the Passion icon. Due to its... more
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      IconographyArt HistoryTheologyVisual Culture
Modernity has inaugurated a new stage in the relationship between ecclesiastical and secular power. On the one hand, the extinction of religions was thought of as an inevitable future; on the other, the emergence of religious... more
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      ReligionJurgen HabermasDeliberative DemocracySecularization
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      Intellectual HistoryRussian StudiesRussian LiteratureReligion and Politics
‘A Tale of Two Speeches: Secularism and Primacy in Contemporary Roman Catholicism and Russian Orthodoxy’ ed. John Chryssavgis, Primacy in the Church: The Office of Primate and the Authority of the Councils, Volume 2: Contemporary and... more
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      Catholic StudiesHuman RightsCatholic Social TeachingRussian Orthodox Church
In questo libro, uscito presso Queriniana all'inizio del 2019, ricostruisco il dibattito recente sulla secolarizzazione, analizzando i lavori di H. Blumenberg, D. Martin, C. Taylor, H. Joas, T. Asad, M. Gauchet, J. Habermas e G. Vattimo.... more
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      Jurgen HabermasSecularizationGianni VattimoCharles Taylor
Von Franz Marc ist der Ausspruch bekannt, daß er hoffe, die Bilder der neuen Kunst würden einmal auf den Altären der Zukunft ihren Platz haben. -Franz Marc hat selbstverständlich recht, Herr Schreyer. Aber ich bin nüchterner als Franz... more
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      Contemporary ArtPhenomenology of Space and PlaceAtmosphereSacred Space
Your article is protected by copyright and all rights are held exclusively by Springer Science +Business Media Dordrecht. This e-offprint is for personal use only and shall not be selfarchived in electronic repositories. If you wish to... more
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      Walter BenjaminJudith ButlerJewish MessianismPost-Secular Theory
The real strength of today’s protest movements is not conflict, but a reclaimed solidarity and newly rebuilt sense of community. The real “we are all in this together” of people losing their homes, jobs, life savings and those who know... more
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      ArchitecturePolitical TheoryUrban StudiesUrbanism
The present article deals with the political debates about secularism, Islam and Pancasila in Indonesian history. It argues that Pancasila—or Pancasila secularism—constitutes, as Abdurrahman Wahid (2001) has rightly put it, a “mild... more
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      Secular HumanismIndonesian CultureIndonesian HistoryIndonesian Studies
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      Israel StudiesTraditionSecularismPost-Secular Theory
Mary holds the Christ child in the traditional formula, but unexpectedly, angels appear above bearing not good news, but a cross, spear and sponge - tidings of Christ's future torment. This is the Virgin of the Passion icon. Due to... more
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      ReligionIconographyArt HistoryArt
Naukowa i filozoficzna refleksja nad sztuką dawno zakwestionowały kategorie autora, twórcy, geniuszu, czy ekspresji z tajemnych wewnętrznych głębi. Nie przetrwały one śmierci autora, intertekstualności, instytucjonalnej definicji sztuki,... more
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      Intellectual HistorySocial TheorySociology of Culture17th Century & Early Modern Philosophy
Dear Colleagues, This Special Issue of Religions aims to re-think and re-contextualise the notion of sacred space, questioning both phenomenological (Eliade) and constructivist (Knott) approaches. With this in mind, this issue hopes to... more
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      ModernitySacred (Religion)Spatial TheoryWorld Religions
The point of departure of this paper is an examination of the sociological literature on the recent occult revival in modern societies. This phenomenon, which clashes with the image of secularization, is particularly notable among the... more
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      ReligionSociologySociology of CultureSociology of Religion
Ein postsäkulares Zeitalter? Jürgen Habermas' These zwischen Religionssoziologie und politischer Philosophie Einleitung Die Charakterisierung moderner Gesellschaften als "postsäkular" hat Konjunktur. Seit Jürgen Habermas dieses Adjektiv... more
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      Sociology of ReligionPhilosophy Of ReligionJurgen HabermasPost-Secular Theory
Hans Blumenberg e Jürgen Habermas, pur condividendo l’ambizioso sforzo sistematico di definire e difendere il progetto di razionalità illuministico, assumono due paradigmi antropologici e filosofici opposti. Nelle loro riflessioni,... more
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      Philosophy Of ReligionProtestantismSecularizationAugustine of Hippo
Ce texte s’intéresse aux embarras qui touchent – ou que suscite – la parole religieuse dans nos sociétés contemporaines, dès lors qu’elle se manifeste en public et tombe dans l’oreille de tiers. Par "parole religieuse", on entend ici tant... more
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      ChristianitySociology of ReligionEmotionPragmatism
Este texto presenta el número monográfico “Proyectos morales y nuevas subjetividades religiosas en el espacio público”. En este monográfico queremos abordar la exploración de las nuevas subjetividades religiosas en el espacio público,... more
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      Sociology of ReligionSocial IdentityReligion and PoliticsReligious Pluralism
This paper draws on the results of ethnographic research on 'women's circles'; women-only spaces that celebrate sisterhood and the 'feminine', including the increasingly globally popular 'Red Tent'. Women's circles are... more
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      ReligionNew Religious MovementsWomen's StudiesSubjective Well-Being
The purpose of this article is to explore how the contemporary academic discourse on religion is, on the whole, beginning to resonate with the broader vision of reli- gion provided by the Bahá’í Writings. Toward this end, I argue that the... more
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      ReligionBaha'i studiesSecularizationMethod and Theory in the Study of Religion
This essay considers the notion of private selfhood as articulated in Emerson’s and Hawthorne’s writing about beauty. Though _Nature’s_ infamous “transparent Eye-ball” is frequently cited as evidence of his secular intellectual bent, the... more
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      American LiteratureNineteenth Century United StatesSecularizationSecularisms and Secularities
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      Political SociologySociology of ReligionJurgen HabermasPublic Reason
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      Political TheoryHistory of FundamentalismReligious PluralismPublic Reason
Artykuł jest przeglądowym omówieniem twórczości Stanisława Barańczaka w kontekście jego paradoksalnego stosunku do religii. Barańczak mówił o sobie jako agnostyku, ale równocześnie fascynowała go (wywiedziona z teologii Bonhoeffera) idea... more
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      Religion and LiteraturePost-Secular TheoryStanisław Barańczak
PIERRE LEROUX AND THE RELIGION OF HUMANITY: A POST-SECULAR CONCEPT IN THE 19th CENTURY? The aim of the article is to show, using the example of Pierre Leroux, that the extension of the post-secular perspective to Romanticism is not only... more
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      History of IdeasRomanticism19th Century French LiteratureLiterature and Religion
In the past decade the National Secular Society (NSS) have made their voice clear on the subject of whether animals should be stunned prior to being slaughtered in the UK, arguing that to slaughter an animal without first stunning it is... more
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      Secular HumanismHalal foodCritical Animal StudiesDeconstruction
This book argues that hope is the indispensable precondition of religious practice and secular politics. Against dogmatic complacency and despairing resignation, David Newheiser argues that hope sustains commitments that remain vulnerable... more
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      Philosophy Of ReligionAtheismReligion and PoliticsContinental Philosophy
Dans cet essai, j'analyse les présuppositions du récit dudit 'retour du religieux', du point de vue de la psychanalyse (Freud) et de la déconstruction (Derrida). Après avoir mis à jour l'eurocentrisme et le colonialisme inhérents aux... more
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      ReligionPsychoanalysisPhilosophyPhilosophy Of Religion
Stampato in aprile de 2016, ristampato in dicembre del 2016, seconda ristampazione in marzo de 2018. La tesi degli autori del libro –John Shelby SPONG, Maria LÓPEZ VIGIL, Roger LENAERS e José María VIGIL, tra i nomi più prestigiosi,... more
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      Contemporary SpiritualitySecularizationReligious StudiesPost-Secular Theory
Cet article souhaite documenter le caractère international et multi-sectoriel des oppositions suscitées par la reconnaissance publique des minorités sexuelles et par l'extension de leurs droits. Ici, on pense spécialement aux... more
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      Gender StudiesGay And Lesbian StudiesPublic ReasonPublic Sphere
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      Sociology of ReligionPragmatismPhilosophy Of ReligionLiberalism