Saba Mahmood
Recent papers in Saba Mahmood
For more than a decade, criticisms levied against Muslims and Islam in Western European countries such as France and the Netherlands have been shielded under the auspices of a call for increased security and a desire to protect liberal... more
Some numbers on religiosity in the U.S. We are far more religious than our narrative of secularity would suggest. Religion and politics in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), Saba Mahmood, and Pierre Bourdieu's Doxa and Habitus.... more
Saba Mahmood begins Politics of Piety with a question: [H]ow should issues of historical and cultural specificity inform both the analytics and the politics of any feminist project?' She notes that while many forms of 'difference' have... more
Talal Asad has developed his famous “idea of an anthropology of Islam” (1986) based on Alasdair MacIntyre’s understanding of tradition and virtue and on Michel Foucault’s definition of power and discourse. Through Taha Abderrahmane’s... more
This essay analyzes Saba Mahmood's intellectual career through a close reading of her key texts and signature interventions in anthropology, Religious Studies, and Critical Secularism Studies, while also engaging and responding to major... more
I am grateful to a range of people who helped me, supported me, or discussed aspects of my work in formal or informal settings. I am thankful to my supervisor, Jon Hellesnes, for his flexibility, patience, friendliness and qualified... more
What is the relationship between Mizrahi feminism and Israeli ultranationalism? What is the relevance of gender justice activism to the 2014 Gaza War and Israel’s foreign policy? Wrapped in the Flag of Israel Second Edition examines... more
The liberal influence within feminist theory has led to an emphasis on the theoretical category of agency because it has been typically understood to demonstrate freedom. Thus, the feminist theoretical concept of agency has been debated... more
The paper draws on celebrated cultural anthropologist Saba Mahmood and seeks to explore how the normative liberal understandings of agency, among other things, contribute to the discursive blackout of pious Muslim women in literature.
This article reconsiders a question, ‘Is Critique Secular?’, which ostensibly polarised Saba Mahmood and Stathis Gourgouris in the 2008 exchange forum of Public Culture. After positing that Mahmood and Gourgouris are mutually invested in... more
Fecha de aceptación definitiva: 29 de junio de 2010 Resumen: El artículo hace una perspicaz y novedosa contribución al actual debate sobre la relación entre las tradiciones occidental y no occidental de reflexión y de crítica teóricas y... more
Ce texte s’intéresse aux embarras qui touchent – ou que suscite – la parole religieuse dans nos sociétés contemporaines, dès lors qu’elle se manifeste en public et tombe dans l’oreille de tiers. Par "parole religieuse", on entend ici tant... more
In her groundbreaking study, Politics of Piety, Saba Mahmood, a professor of social anthropology, offers an alternative reading of a contemporary women’s movement in Islam, the da’wa (piety) movement in Cairo, Egypt, through an... more
This is a vivid and illuminating ethnographic account of an emerging force in contemporary Gambian social and religious life: the Tablīghī Jamā’at (TJ). Through the prism of five detailed biographical narratives, Janson evokes the... more
Abstract In this paper we juxtapose the present day Supreme Court battles over the colonial anti-sodomy provisions in the Indian Penal Code (Section 377), with everyday interpretations of carnal intercourse by kotis and jananas in order... more
Focuses on three overarching themes in three recent books – the edited volume “Rawls and Religion,” the edited volume “Habermas and Religion,” and Mahmood’s “Religious Difference in a Secular Age” – on challenges of religion: (1) an... more
Students at a yoga school in southern India learn physically demanding sequences of āsana (posture, pose) that they conceptualize as tools with which to cultivate inner qualities. In a wide range of contexts, teachers and master... more
Draft d'un article proposé à la revue Théorèmes, dans le cadre d'un dossier coordonné par Yann Schmitt et Romain Mollard sur "Pragmatisme et religion". Résumé : Cet article poursuit deux lignes de discussion : la première regarde la... more
This paper is an end semester submission for the course Theory and Methods in Religion.
It's looks into the question of 'voice' of Muslim women, problems of homogenizing and the myth of secular liberal freedom
It's looks into the question of 'voice' of Muslim women, problems of homogenizing and the myth of secular liberal freedom
The mode for nondestructive secularization is translation" -Jürgen Habermas Whereas I doubt that anyone would approach me today in this way, many years ago, a classmate asked me in casual tones if I was "religious." I had just begun my... more
Scholars of early modern toleration are divided about Hobbes's role in the development of modern secularism. Much of this debate focuses on whether we should see Hobbes as a modest defender or enemy of toleration, while often neglecting... more
At stake in the political project of feminism is the relationship of agency to power and, more specifically, the reductive account of agency that emerges when power is simply understood as a repressive force. It is to this notion of power... more
La mise en scène des formes de la masculinité se configure comme l’un des champs privilégiés pour l’observation du pouvoir des normes corporelles. Dans cette communication je souhaite décrire comment le rapport à différents modèles... more
Saba Mahmood’s work on the Muhammed cartoons and on Azazeel underscores how secularity takes form in European and Egyptian debates. I want to take up her reference to Serrano’s Piss Christ as an invitation to consider secularity in the US... more
Saba Mahmood made immensely important contributions to the critical understanding of secular power and its operations, without which the field would be significantly impoverished. Tragically cut short by her un-
Longue discussion de l’ouvrage de Florence Bergeaud-Blackler (Le Marché halal ou l’invention d’une tradition, Paris, Éditions du Seuil, 2017), pour la rubrique "Grand Résumé" de la revue SociologieS. Mon texte est accessible à l'adresse... more
À travers le cas du pentecôtisme suédois, j’interroge les modalités du dialogue entre christianisme et sécularité. La Suède est reconnue comme « l’un des pays les plus sécularisés » de la planète. Même si cette perspective comparatiste... more
Em 28 e 29 de março de 2017, acadêmicos de diversas parte do mundo se reuniram no Departamento de Antropologia da Universidade da Califórnia, Berkeley, para refletir sobre alguns conceitos-chave dos escritos de Saba Mahmood. O objetivo... more
Certains anthropologues ont critiqué la dimension eurocentrique et coloniale des concepts de religion, de symbole et de croyance. Une analyse comparée des religions comme systèmes de croyance définirait ainsi comme constante universelle... more
Notice parue dans : Juliette Rennes (coord.). 2016. Encyclopédie critique du genre. Corps, sexualité, rapports sociaux, La Découverte, pp. 559-571
La ‘agencia’ o la capacidad de decisión y acción ha constituido un tema central en el seno de los estudios y el activismo feminista. Tomando como punto de partida la propuesta de Saba Mahmood este artículo tiene como objetivo, por un... more
This contribution responds to Saba Mahmood's critique of secularism and uses it for theory development in liberal political philosophy. Building on the work of Rahel Jaeg-gi I reconstruct selected parts of Mahmood's works as an immanent... more
In this article, Blijdenstein introduces recent reflections on secular liberalism’s treatment of religion and critically discusses those genealogical approaches that centre on uncovering the hidden theological roots of the liberal... more
This article critically addresses recent anthropological and feminist efforts to theorize and analyse Muslim women's participation in and support for the Islamic revival in its various manifestations. Drawing on ethnographic material from... more
This article is concerned with thinking transformations of the secular, and does so in relation to two theoretical terrains, while empirically grounded in ethnographies of Christian and Islamic pious women in the Netherlands. A first... more
To listen for the whisper is to be welcomed into the cacophony of enunciations and the seduction of possible meanings: waswasa. Caught between hearing and mishearing, the whisper is only partially spoken, partially disclosed, and only... more