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Both war and policing involve the use of force. While force in war is more often than not lethal, in policing it usually falls short of killing. It is not surprising therefore that there should be a vast body of work by (broadly) Western... more
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      Just War TheoryPolice and PolicingPolice EthicsEthics of War
ABSTRACT This article provides the reader with a literature review with the aim of finding out about the origin and system of police accountability in England and Wales. It is hoped that the article will help to... more
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      EnglandPolice AccountabilityPolice and PolicingWales
Dr. Kovács István Vezetői státusz, és kommunikáció a parancsuralmi rendszerben, különös tekintettel a Rendőri Hivatás Etikai Kódexére, valamint a vezetési stílusokra a Lasswell modell alapján. A személyes kapcsolatok a résztvevők... more
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      CommunicationLeadership TheoryPolice EthicsLeadership styles
Miért fontosak a rendőrök számára az erények? A rendőri hivatás feladatellátásához olyan képességek szükségesek, amelyekkel a mindennapi szolgálat a lehető legjobban végrehajtható. Ezeket a magyar közjogtudomány egyik jeles képviselője,... more
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      Virtue EthicsPolice and criminal justice ethicsPolice Ethics
In the defining scenario of the 1971 Warner Brothers film 'Dirty Harry' 'A 14-year old girl has been kidnapped and is being held captive by a psychotic killer. The killer, 'Scorpio', who has already struck twice, demands $200,000 ransom... more
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    • Police Ethics
This theme issue has the founding ambition of landscaping Data Ethics as a new branch of ethics that studies and evaluates moral problems related to data (including generation, recording, curation, processing, dissemination, sharing, and... more
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      Business EthicsEngineeringComputer ScienceAlgorithms
Ευρισκόμενοι αυτό το διάστημα οι περισσότεροι τελειόφοιτοι σπουδαστές που φοιτούν στο τέταρτο έτος της Σχολής Αξιωματικών της Ελληνικής Αστυνομίας, στην διαδικασία συγγραφής της ατομικής πτυχιακής τους εργασίας, στα πλαίσια του... more
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      Police SciencePoliceAnthropology of Police & PolicingPolice Technology
This contribution is an introduction to the conference on Police Integrity and the subsequent book. It starts by placing the subject of the conference in a wider context and introduces the concept of integrity in its many facets. It... more
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      PolicePolice ReformPolice Ethics
This chapter considers how the rights and interests of interrogators should shape interrogation ethics. What can States ask of their police and military interrogators, given that certain interrogation techniques may have lasting moral and... more
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      Professional EthicsTorturePolice and criminal justice ethicsPolice Interrogation
Although a common maxim among many practitioners argues that police departments should recruit their way out of the African American confidence race gap by hiring more minority officers, that maxim is unfounded and redirects our... more
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      DNA (Forensic Science)Police ReformPolice and criminal justice ethicsPolice Ethics
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    • Police Ethics
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      EthicsPolice and criminal justice ethicsPolice EthicsPolis Meslek Etiği
This authored book offers an institutionalist-based philosophical analysis of the use of lethal force by police officers and military combatants according to which the moral rights and duties of these institutional role holders differs... more
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      Military EthicsApplied EthicsWar StudiesWar on Terror
The purpose of this paper is to assess the impact and effectiveness of the emerging new community policing philosophy in the San Jose Police Department. It has been said that the greatest problem with formulating the community policing... more
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      Criminology, Policing, Crime Prevention and Community Safety, Terrorism, Human Rights, and the Death PenaltyPolice Ethics
Öz: Mesleki etik ilkeleri, örgütlerin varlık nedeni olan yürüttükleri hizmetlerin kalitesi için hayati derecede önemlidir. Mesleki etik kurallarına uyulmadığı sürece verilen hizmetlerin değeri ve anlamı tartışmalı bir duruma gelecektir.... more
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      EthicsPolisPolice and PolicingEtik
Την Παρασκευή 16/03/2018 είχα την τιμή και την χαρά να συμμετέχω στο 6ο Συνέδριο Security Project με θέμα: "Φορητές Κάμερες για τις Αρχές και τις Υπηρεσίες Ασφάλειας (Police Body Worn Cameras): Λογοδοσία, Ευκαιρίες & Κίνδυνοι". Το 6ο... more
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      Police SciencePolicePolice Interviews (Community Psychology)Anthropology of Police & Policing
In 1997 the NSW Police Force (NSWPF) implemented a complaints process on the recommendation of the Wood Royal Commission. Client advocates and legal practitioners who represent disadvantaged clients reported client avoidance of the... more
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      Police and PolicingPolice EthicsComplaints against Police
Codes of ethic are crucial for a profession to produce services in quality. In case of not obeying ethical principles, services would be meaningless and futile. Codes of ethic are more important for police organizations because they work... more
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      HistoryEthicsPolitical SciencePolis
Criminal trials should be searches for the truth. Over time, as science has progressed, criminal trials have admitted as substantive evidence those scientific theories and techniques that are capable of being successfully tested, that are... more
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      DNA (Forensic Science)Police ReformPolice and criminal justice ethicsPolice Ethics
In this thesis I seek to demonstrate that the legal and customary norms defining the permissible use of lethal force by police are more restrictive than those defining the permissible use of lethal force by military personnel. I argue... more
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      Military EthicsApplied EthicsIrregular WarfareUse of Force & Counter-terrorism
In 1997 the NSW Police Force (NSWPF) implemented a complaints process on the recommendation of the Wood Royal Commission. Client advocates and legal practitioners who represent disadvantaged clients reported client avoidance of the... more
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      Police and PolicingPolice EthicsComplaints against Police
This monograph consists of real life cases studies of ethical scenarios confronted by police offices and analyses of them. One of the authors (John Blackler) is a former police officers, the other two are philosophers. Issues covered... more
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      Police and criminal justice ethicsPolice EthicsPolice Ethics Training
Inappropriate use of legal authority, even misuse of them, will affect the use of citizens' rights and their life quality adversely. Therefore, behaving according to the values of professional ethics is one way of assuring the... more
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      PoliceExperimental DesignPolice TrainingPolice Ethics
In 1997 the NSW Police Force implemented a complaints process on the recommendation of the Wood Royal Commission. Client advocates and legal practitioners who represent disadvantaged clients reported client avoidance of the complaints... more
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      Police and PolicingPolice EthicsComplaints against Police
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      Police and criminal justice ethicsPolice EthicsMeslek EtiğiDemokratik Polislik
2 This is a conceptual paper on police deviance and its multi-faceted forms. It seeks to address the lack of an adequately formulated framework in the literature of the breadth and depth of police misconduct and corruption. The paper... more
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      SociologyCriminologySocial WorkKnowledge Management
The virtues of the good leader have been discussed for centuries and across cultures. In recent times, the virtues of the good manager have also received a good deal of attention. This paper frames the issue of good leadership in terms of... more
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      LeadershipStrategic ManagementPolice EthicsWaterside
Ethics in Criminal Justice – ED 705.605.91 The Johns Hopkins University Summary In the case of Far From Home, several New York City police were attending a ceremony in a hotel outside of their jurisdiction in Washington D.C. After a... more
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      Criminal JusticeProfessional EthicsMoral PhilosophyMoral Decision Making
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      Professional EthicsPolice and criminal justice ethicsPolice Ethics
This academic research has been conducted within the project on “Ethics for the Prevention of Corruption in Turkey (TYEC)” which was funded by the European Commission and implemented by the Council of Europe in co-operation with the... more
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      Turkey And EuropeCorruptionPolice and PolicingPolice Ethics
An Evaluation of an Article Entitled “Polis Efendilere Mahsus Terbiye ve Malumat-ı Meslekiye” (Police Training and Professional Knolwedge of the Police) (2002), in Police Professional Ethics , (Ed. İhsan Bal & M. Bedri Eryılmaz),... more
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      Police and criminal justice ethicsPolice and PolicingPolice EthicsDemocratic Policing
Being one of the basic human needs, security is the most important public services provided by the law enforcement agencie strategies and policing models to provide public order and security. Now more than ever, it is very necessary for... more
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    • Police Ethics
Öz Bu çalışmanın amacı, polis ve polis adaylarının gözlemlerine göre polislerin mesleki etik dışı davranışları ile ilgili görüşlerini belirlemektir. Bu amaçla bu araştırmada tarama modeli kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın çalışma grubunu... more
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    • Police Ethics
Observance of certain ethical principles is necessary in every profession. They guarantee that professional duties will be performed not only in compliance with the law but also in line with certain moral rules. Without respect of moral... more
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      PoliceRule of LawPolice Ethics
This chapter reflects on the contributions in the book ‘Building Police Integrity; A Post-Conflict Perspective’, and looks ahead to the future. After identifying a number of key issues from the contributions and the discussions,... more
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      PolicePolice EthicsPolice Reforms
In 1997 the NSW Police Force (NSWPF) implemented a complaints process on the recommendation of the Wood Royal Commission. Client advocates and legal practitioners who represent disadvantaged clients reported client avoidance of the... more
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      Police and PolicingPolice EthicsComplaints against Police
A tanulmány Magyarország történelmének rendőri hivatás szempontjából mértékadó korszakait vizsgálja röviden. A 19. és a 20. század magyar rendészet-tudományi szakirodalmából kiolvasható hivatás elemeinek feltárása a célom. A korszakban... more
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      Police HistoryPolice and criminal justice ethicsPolice EthicsCriminal Justice, Police Policy and Procedure; Police Excessive Use of Force and Corruption; Criminal Investigations, Corrections Management
A rendőri állomány erkölcsi normái és problémái.... Mit is jelent mindez a valóságban? Mindenki megfelelő hangsúlyt fektet minderre? Figyelik a rendőrök önnön magukat a munkájuk során, mely majd későbbiekben kihat egész életükre; vagy... more
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    • Police Ethics
This is a review of F Zimring's book, When Police Kill
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      Police and criminal justice ethicsPolice Ethics
This paper discusses the ethical issues raised by the use of lethal force by police officers in the context of killings by and of police in the state of Victoria in Australia.
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      ViolencePolice and criminal justice ethicsPolice Ethics
Το ζήτημα που πραγματεύεται η εργασία είναι η χρήση της τεχνολογίας των καμερών που φέρονται από αστυνομικούς κατά την εκτέλεση της υπηρεσίας τους, η οποία διαρκώς εξαπλώνεται σε ολοένα και περισσότερες αστυνομίες ανά στο κόσμο. Η... more
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      Police SciencePoliceAnthropology of Police & PolicingPolice Psychology
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      LeadershipPolicePolice EthicsErfaringslæring
Résumé Il apparaît trop souvent que la Réforme du Secteur de la Sécurité dans les pays du Sud consiste à importer des normes et des pratiques mises en place dans les pays du Nord. La nécessaire adaptation de ces normes et pratiques aux... more
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      PoliceChadSecurity sector ReformPolice Ethics
In 1997 the NSW Police Force implemented a complaints process on the recommendation of the Wood Royal Commission. Client advocates and legal practitioners who represent disadvantaged clients reported client avoidance of the complaints... more
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      Police and PolicingPolice EthicsComplaints against Police
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      Policing StudiesPolice and criminal justice ethicsPolice EthicsPolice Governance