Place Marketing, city branding
Recent papers in Place Marketing, city branding
Landmarks are developed with a specific name, form, thematic references and concept. Public discourses negotiate the references of each landmark. In the process, the landmark is represented in various media, including merchandise and... more
Le présent article offre un aperçu systématique et complet de la littérature scientifique dédiée au domaine d’étude du marketing territorial et du branding territorial. 1172 contributions publiées entre 1976 et 2016 dans 98 revues... more
Marketing para la era digital. Marketing Digital
Globalisation is dramatically changing the context of urban communities and the premises for urban development policy. In the context of global intercity competition, cities' major goal is to increase their competitiveness, in which the... more
This article discusses the possibility of sustainability development through process of enhancing the image of Binjai City. The city itself is presented as an agent of change for the better as providing an environment conducive to the... more
Se trata del primer libro-manual de Audio Branding escrito en idioma español. En este caso el libro describe el estado del arte disponible a nivel mundial sobre el tema y brinda un acercamiento a la realidad sobre el mismo en el contexto... more
The paper explores the intersection between tourism, commodification and local identity which I excavate from the glorification of the French Quarter in New Orleans as the most rampant touristic zone. The glorification is continually... more
- by Dr. Ammalia Podlaszewska
- Urban Studies, Urban Tourism, Cultural Planning, Destiny, Sense of Place, Spirit of Place, Genius Loci, Cultural Mapping, Placemaking, Local Distinctiveness, Place Identity, Cultural Tourism, Literary Tourism, Gestalt, Culture-Led Regeneration, Place Marketing, city branding
W niniejszym artykule poruszona została problematyka związana z promotion mix w odniesieniu do strategii promocji miasta. Na wstępie scharakteryzowane zostały teoretyczne aspekty promotion mix oraz zaprezentowane zostało jego... more
This book explores theoretical concepts of strategic promotion and place branding in cities. It outlines the issues associated with strategic management of urban territories and highlights various types of development strategies that seek... more
Citation, reference: Raszkowski A., The Importance of City Image in Socio-Economic Development, „Nierówności społeczne a wzrost gospodarczy”, zeszyt 29. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego 2012 r., s. 335 – 344. The article discusses... more
W opracowaniu poruszona została problematyka wybranych aspektów orientacji marketingowej jednostek terytorialnych, która stanowi jeden z etapów zmiany orientacji tych jednostek w odniesieniu do rynku. W ramach wprowadzenia przedstawiono... more
This seminar examines six Wellington tourism films released from the late 1990s until 2017: Send Yourself to Wellington (1999), Have a Love Affair with Wellington (2005), Spoil Yourself in Wellington (2008), It’s Never Just a Weekend When... more
This thesis explores the case of the contemporary re- establishment of the Swedish East India Company (SOIC) and the project of building the ‘Götheborg III’, a full scale replica of a ship that was in the service of the original Company... more
"The title of European Capital of Culture brings an opportunity for physical and symbolic transformation of designated cities and it is increasingly accompanied by urban marketing strategies that exceed the duration of the events... more
"La presente comunicación responde a la pregunta de quién está detrás de la cultura desde la segunda mirada propuesta: “analizar de forma crítica las políticas institucionales en materia de cultura”, y dentro de ella se centra en la... more
Most studies of city branding are written from a marketing or management perspective. This book is different, as the micro-management issues of city branding are discussed within a broader macro-theoretical or structural context while... more
The tourist activity in the historic city involves a spatial and patrimonial selection process around a few attractive aspects for potential visitors. These elements can be material, such as hsitoric or contemporary architecture, or... more
W opracowaniu podjęto próbę wskazania na wybrane czynniki sukcesu strategii promocji miasta w rozróżnieniu na fazę tworzenia oraz implementacji strategii. Na wstępie scharakteryzowano przesłanki opracowywania strategii promocji w... more
Only in Italy there are over 1700 locations used by the cinema (examples par excellence: The Postman with Procida and Salina; The Passion with Matera; Il Ciclone shots in Tuscany; Stealing beauty shows the wonder of Sienese countryside;... more
New Urban Management discusses how the logic of economic flows poses a challenge to local governments throughout the world. The book argues that the increased fluidity in economic life must have its reflection in local economic... more
Cities have become important actors on the global scene. Metropolitan governments are ‘glocal’ players sharpening their global influence strategy and improving the management of their brand. International city branding has its undeniable... more
Zehn Jahre "Route der Industriekultur" verdeutlichen vor allem die Reduktion der Geschichte auf 200 Jahre Montangeschichte, die im Großen und Ganzen als abgeschlossen gilt-obwohl sie es nicht ist. Diese Vergangenheit wird dabei nicht... more
Today, most scientists who investigate the issues of place branding, consider the process of formation and brand management from the point of view of tourism, marketing and interaction with stakeholders (communication aspect). The article... more
O presente artigo busca apresentar a eficiência do city marketing quando adotado por meio de estratégias do webmarketing associadas a linguagem transmidia. Para isso, realizamos uma análise das ações realizadas pela Prefeitura de Curitiba... more
Citation: Raszkowski A., Culture-based creativity in relation to enterprise development strategies, [in:] Biniek K., Winnicki T., (eds), Academic Coordination Centre and Technology Transfer in Euroregion Neisse-Nisa-Nysa, Karkonosze... more