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Wellness tourism is a fast-growing tourism industry segment and major wellness tourism destinations are found in the Asia–Pacific region, including India. The region of Kerala in India has an abundant natural, cultural and entrepreneurial... more
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      Conjoint AnalysisWellness TourismTourism resourcesPlace Branding and Destination Image
Obiettivo del paper: L'obiettivo principale della ricerca consiste nell'individuare gli attributi che qualificano l'immagine delle destinazioni enoturistiche ed analizzarne il ruolo nella percezione dei wine tourist. Metodologia: Facendo... more
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      Destination ManagementDestination ImageTourism Destination Image and DevelopmentWine Tourism
W niniejszym artykule została podjęta próba wskazania wybranych, odnoszących się do marketingu miejsc tendencji, które wydają się istotne z punktu widzenia promocji i rozwoju społeczno-gospodarczego jednostek terytorialnych. W tym ujęciu... more
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      ManagementMarketingEconomicsDevelopment Economics
Very few studies have investigated place image (PI) and place attachment (PA) from the perspective of the residents. Accordingly, this study aims to evaluate the effect of place image and place attachment on residents' perceived value of... more
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      Tourism StudiesPlace AttachmentSustainable Tourism DevelopmentPlace Branding and Destination Image
Douglass, William A. & Pauliina Raento (2004). The tradition of invention. Conceiving Las Vegas. Annals of Tourism Research 31: 1, 7-23. Praised as the architectural icon of the contemporary world and the emblem of postmodernism, yet... more
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      Tourism StudiesPlace promotion and marketingPlace and IdentityGambling Studies
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      Tourism Destination MarketingCity BrandingDestination BrandingDestination Marketing
The present study aimed to examine the effects of negative portrayal of a destination in Bollywood movies on viewers' attitude towards destination, intention to visit and destinations image. Experiments were conducted in which, one group... more
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      Film TourismProduct PlacementsPlace Branding and Destination Image
The aim of this research article is to examine the effectiveness of the tourism branding campaign “Oman: beauty has an address” within the destination branding context. Cross-examination and gap analysis tools were used to determine the... more
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      MarketingTourism MarketingTourism ManagementBrand and identity design
Events and festivals have become increasingly important policy tools for cities and regions. They are able to produce a wide range of externalities, including economic impacts, image change, social capital and cultural regeneration. All... more
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      Mega Events As Catalysts For RegenerationSporting EventsEvents managementFestival Tourism
Commentary on the second edition of the Anholt-GMI Nation Brands Index, with some early conclusions on what the survey suggests about how international public perceptions of countries are formed, how and why they change.
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      International RelationsPublic DiplomacyNational IdentityNation Branding
The importance of nation branding in contemporary glocalised market is arguably undeniable. In recent times, nation branding has emerged as one of the key strategies for positioning nations in the global map. As nation branding and sports... more
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      Nation BrandingSports DiplomacyPlace Branding and Destination Image
Globalisation is dramatically changing the context of urban communities and the premises for urban development policy. In the context of global intercity competition, cities' major goal is to increase their competitiveness, in which the... more
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      Urban GeographyTourism StudiesGlobalizationRegional competitiveness
Turismo e terremoto: un tema poco considerato a livello nazionale, eppure si tratta di un argomento che dovrebbe essere centrale in una nazione come l’Italia, un territorio ad alta vocazione turistica, ma geomorfologicamente ad alto... more
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      Tourism StudiesTourism ManagementTourism Planning and PolicyDestination Management
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      Destination ManagementTourism Destination Image and DevelopmentTourism Planning & DevelopmentPlace Branding and Destination Image
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      Tourism MarketingRecreation & Leisure StudiesPlace Marketing and BrandingPlace Branding and Destination Image
Durante o Ciclo Olímpico do Rio de Janeiro, diferentes grupos musicais e carnavalescos ocupavam as ruas do Centro de maneira ativista. Enquanto obras alteravam paisagens e encareciam aluguéis: blocos não oficiais e festas gratuitas... more
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      Cultural StudiesMusicMusic TechnologyUrban Studies
El dossier tiene la intención de mostrar la importancia de las marcas territoriales en periodos crisis y/o eventos extraordinarios (desastres naturales, pandemias, crisis económicas y conflictos armados), en este caso, a través del... more
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      Creative IndustriesCity MarketingPlace Management and MarketingCity Branding
This paper critically examines the potential and use of video blogs or vlogs shared on Facebook for creating a destination image. In particular, it makes an in-depth analysis of the travel vlogs about the Philippines created by popular... more
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      Destination ImagePlace Branding and Destination Imagetravel vlogs
Founding Editor's foreword to the first issue of the new journal "Place Branding and Public Diplomacy" with some observations about the emergent field of study and practice.
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      Public DiplomacyNational IdentityCountry-of-Origin EffectNation Branding
The paper aims at studying the linguostylistic and cultural peculiarities of tourism advertisements representing Armenia on social and commercial tourism websites. On the one hand the texts on tourism sites provide information about... more
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      Tourism StudiesTourism MarketingTourism ManagementStylistics
This special issue has now been published (Dec 2019). For free access (until 30 January 2020) to its editorial article, go to:... more
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      MarketingUrban GeographyTourism MarketingSocial Marketing
The monograph offers a research and a planning technology of tourism development in an emerging tourist destination, whose current image does not support, but hinders the development of tourism. Vire this monograph the path from the... more
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      Tourism StudiesTourism MarketingDestination ManagementImage Analysis
Increasing public scrutiny, intensifying consumers' demand for political correctness, and rising concerns about cultural appropriation have pressed marketers to reassess products, brand names, logos, mascots, claims, advertising, and so... more
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      Tourism StudiesTourism MarketingTourism Planning and PolicyDestination Management
Observations about the reasons why governments typically become concerned about the state of their national image; some remarks about the various image challenges which countries can face; thoughts about the central role played by... more
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      Public DiplomacyNation BrandingCity BrandingDestination Branding
Lucrare de licenţă: Brandul Turistic Al Comunei Drăgăneşti, Judeţul Bihor
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      Rural TourismPlace BrandingBranding and Rural MarketingPlace Branding and Destination Image
Tema fondamentale della presente tesi è la disciplina del place branding, che, oltre a interessare il progettista della comunicazione, interessa anche altre professioni e figure, da quella del sociologo, dell’antropologo, a quella... more
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      MarketingBrandingDestination BrandingPlace Branding
She is lecturing Marketing and Management courses and is actively researching marketing topics on branding, social media marketing and influencer marketing. Her recent studies are on travel and tourism influencers, brand personality,... more
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      CyprusDestination BrandingPlace Branding and Destination Image
Towns of Enchantment for the Island of Enchantment (Pueblos del Encanto para la Isla del Encanto) is a comprehensive program that is proposed as a strategic tool for the development of competitiveness and sustainability of Puerto Rican... more
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      Community ResilienceDestination ManagementStrategic PlanningCultures and heritage tourism
Paper presented on the 7th Advances in Tourism Marketing Conference (ATMC), Casablanca, September, 7-9th, 2017
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      Tourism MarketingThe tourist experienceDestination BrandingPlace Marketing
Similar to companies and organizations across the globe, countries as well engage in branding strategies to establish a brand identity and to be positioned as major tourist destinations. Thereupon, the destination logo as one of the most... more
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      Cultural HeritageVisual CultureLogo DesignIdentity (Culture)
Μπορεί η θετική ή αρνητική φήμη μιας πόλης να επηρεάσει τις προοπτικές της όσον αφορά την κοινωνική και οικονομική της ανάπτυξη; Αν ναι πόσο επηρεάζει ο πολιτισμός τη φήμη αυτή; Πολλές Ευρωπαϊκές πόλεις καθώς και αρκετές ελληνικές... more
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    • Place Branding and Destination Image
Medical tourism is growing in many parts of the world. As such, it should not be surprising that there is a growing body of literature focusing on the nature of scope of this tourism sector. One subset of this literature involves the... more
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      Medical TourismCustomer Relationship Management (CRM)Learning And Teaching In Higher EducationeCommerce research
This paper discusses an analysis of the impact of tourists ’ food experiences at gastronomic events on destination image and these events ’ contribution to both destination and event loyalty. Data were collected with a survey conducted... more
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      Tourism StudiesTourism MarketingTourism ManagementTourism Planning and Policy
Despite place attachment’s prominence within the environmental psychology literature, the scales and items used to measure place attachment vary significantly, hindering the ability of researchers to rally behind a standard measure.... more
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      Place promotion and marketingEnvironmental PsychologyPlace AttachmentPlace and Identity
Country branding (also known as nation branding) is actually nothing else than the technical application of branding for countries in order to improve the reputation of the country, thus attracting more tourists and investors, improving... more
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      IMC-Integrated Marketing CommunicationsPlace Branding (Economics)Nation BrandingDestination Branding
According to numerous authors, residents play a decisive role in any place branding strategy, although paradoxically, they have played little or no role in the implementation of place branding strategies in recent years. It is for this... more
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      BarcelonaResidents PerceptionsPlace Branding and Destination Image
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest analiza kompleksowych działań promocyjnych podejmowanych przez Regionalną Organizację Turystyczną Województwa Świętokrzyskiego od roku 2008, ukierunkowanych na zwiększenie ruchu turystycznego i dochodów z... more
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      Tourism MarketingDestination ImageTourism Destination Image and DevelopmentPoland
The importance of the Internet on the image formation process has been widely recognised by both academic and practitioners. Despite the increasing use of user-generated electronic content as an information source for tourists, its... more
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      BusinessMarketingBusiness AdministrationTourism Studies
Raento, Pauliina (2009). Tourism, nation, and the postage stamp. Examples from Finland. Annals of Tourism Research 36: 1, 124–148. ABSTRACT: In the expanding visual paradigm of tourism studies postage stamps remain overlooked. This... more
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      Visual StudiesTourism StudiesPlace promotion and marketingVisual Culture
This paper posits that the contemporary city should be viewed as a common space that needs the effort of many various stakeholders in order to satisfy the diverse (and changing) needs of its stakeholders. Yet, achieving this effectively... more
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      Place promotion and marketingPlace AttachmentPlace and IdentitySpace and Place
Immár két évtizede annak, hogy megjelent az országmárka, illetve az országmárkázás fogalma a nemzetközi szakirodalomban, majd vette át a magyar marketing akadémiai szféra, és 2009-ben a gyakorlat, az Országmárka Tanács létrehozásával. Az... more
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      Public DiplomacyPlace Branding (Economics)Nation BrandingDestination Branding
Raento, Pauliina & Stanley D. Brunn (2005). Visualizing Finland. Postage stamps as political messengers. Geografiska Annaler, Series B 87: 2, 145–163. Postage stamps are a very political, territorially grounded and yet overlooked part of... more
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      Cultural GeographyPolitical Geography and GeopoliticsIconographyPlace promotion and marketing
l libro affronta il tema conosciuto in ambito internazionale come place branding, un fenomeno che ha coinvolto città, regioni e paesi a livello globale, diffondendo prassi di produzione della marca territoriale. Una ricercata... more
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      Place BrandingPlace Branding and Destination Image
Au cours des 20 à 30 dernières années, le marketing des territoires a bénéficié d'une attention accrue, à la fois comme pratique et comme sujet d'études académiques, même si la littérature sur le sujet reste encore peu abondante,... more
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      Place promotion and marketingRegional Planning/DevelopmentSense of PlacePlace Marketing
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to identify the features that qualify the wine tourism destinations’ (WTDs) image and to deepen analyse the role of the image on the wine tourists’ perception, assuming that it changes from tourist to... more
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      Destination ManagementDestination ImageTourism Destination Image and DevelopmentWine Tourism
The theory and practice of place branding has been drawn on to build strong destination images and position them in the minds of consumers. The naming of a product or service is integral to the development and implementation of branding... more
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      Tourism StudiesTourism MarketingTourism ManagementTourist Behavior
Global cities are increasingly competing together in order to showcase themselves as the best destination for tourists, investors, and talented people. During the last four decades, there has been a growing interest in City branding. It... more
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      City BrandingSustainable Urban Regeneration and DevelopmentGlobal CItyPlace Marketing
This book explores theoretical concepts of strategic promotion and place branding in cities. It outlines the issues associated with strategic management of urban territories and highlights various types of development strategies that seek... more
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      Place promotion and marketingUrban PlanningCity MarketingUrban And Regional Planning
Purpose: While it seems there are very few studies on the branding process for megaprojects in entertainment, residential, tourism, and sport, branding is one of the most important factors in these types of projects. This study has... more
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      BrandingCity BrandingDestination BrandingCountry Branding
Citation, reference: Raszkowski A., The Importance of City Image in Socio-Economic Development, „Nierówności społeczne a wzrost gospodarczy”, zeszyt 29. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego 2012 r., s. 335 – 344. The article discusses... more
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      MarketingEconomicsBrand ManagementStrategic Brand Management