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This article examines how 'safety case' experts working on Finland’s nuclear waste repository project at Olkiluoto summoned, conjured, or channeled memories of Seppo—a deceased colleague whose ‘specter,’ as some put it, still ‘haunts’... more
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      Nuclear EngineeringEuropean StudiesExpert SystemsNuclear Physics
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      NeurosciencePsychologyAbnormal PsychologyApplied Psychology
(An english version follows) Dans cet article, je traite de la difficulté de se savoir mortel. Je pars de la caractérisation de la mort comme « pur point d’interrogation » (Levinas) pour montrer que la position épistémique qu’elle... more
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      PhilosophyDeath StudiesPhilosophy of DeathCommentary
The concept of antinatalism is now becoming popular on the Internet. Many online newspaper articles deal with this topic, and numerous academic papers on antinatalism have been published over the past ten years in the fields of philosophy... more
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      Japanese StudiesMetaphysicsEnvironmental PhilosophyBuddhist Philosophy
Przysługujący widmom wywrotowy, niemalże rewolucyjny potencjał został odsunięty oraz zagubiony poprzez pozbycie się tej kontrowersyjnej kategorii z terytorium metafizyki i zbyt pośpieszne odesłanie jej do przestrzeni badań nad literaturą,... more
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      Critical TheoryCultural HistoryCultural StudiesFuture Studies
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      Public Health LawDeathDeath StudiesHuman Rights Law
Reading notes on Pitcher's paper. Not for publication.
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      PhilosophyEthicsDeathTheories of Meaning
All men by nature desire to know. (Aristotle, Metaphysics.) A hospital in Scotland acknowledged this morning that it had carried out limb amputations on two patients who had nothing physically wrong with them. Falkirk and District Royal... more
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      Philosophy of DeathPhilosophy of Disability
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      DeathDeath StudiesHistory of ChristianityDeath & Dying (Thanatology)
Vi har intervjuat fyra äldre informanter i kärnsamiskt område om praxis kring det att dö och döden. Intervjuerna genomfördes på samiska. I kombination med nyare forskning skisserar vi i artikeln fram några exempel på vad som kan vara... more
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      Palliative CarePhilosophy of DeathSámi StudiesSámi society
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      Mythology And FolkloreFolkloreJewish StudiesLate Antique and Byzantine History
The Theology of Death and the History of Death
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      Death StudiesPhilosophical TheologySuicideSuicidology
Exemplified especially by Heidegger and Levinas, the phenomenology of death expresses first, the impossibility of the death experience, second, the authenticity of Dasein starting from the horizon opened by the possibility of death, and... more
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      Émmanuel LévinasMartin HeideggerPhilosophy of DeathPhenomenology of death
In this Facebook-comment-turned-essay, I address some objections raised to my previous paper on the topic of Socrates' View of Death.
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      PhilosophyGreek LiteratureDeathDeath Studies
"THERE ARE CERTAIN THEMES OF WHICH THE INTEREST IS ALL-ABSORBING, but which are too entirely horrible for the purposes of legitimate fiction. These the mere romanticist must eschew, if he do not wish to offend, or to disgust. They are... more
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      DeathDeath StudiesDeath (Anthropology)Death & Dying (Thanatology)
The narration is a blow-by-blow chronology of how death may transpire overwhelming the human senses with a mix of intense anguish, agony, exasperation, exhilaration, liberation and salvation.
ISBN: 978-621-426-072-0
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      DeathDeath & Dying (Thanatology)End Of Life (Medical Law)Anthropology of Death
Life Between Life was the first publication to inquiry into the “mysteries of the bardo” through hypnotic regression.
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      BuddhismDeath StudiesTibetan StudiesDeath & Dying (Thanatology)
I argue that fear of death is what informs our attitude towards the pandemic. I distinguish three different types of fear of death, viz. vegetative, general, and prospective fear. Prospective fear of death is the fear to die soon (in the... more
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      DeathDeath & Dying (Thanatology)Philosophy of DeathFear of Death
Much of the literature on the desirability of immortality (inspired by B. Williams) has considered whether the goods of mortal life would be exhausted in an immortal life (whether, i.e., immortality would necessarily end in tedium).... more
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      Philosophy of AgencyWell-BeingPhilosophy of DeathBernard Williams
Tanulmányomban Alain Badiou egyik szemináriumi előadásának írott verziója alapján fogalmazok meg néhány gondolatot a halál, a végesség problémájáról. Először röviden megvizsgálom Heidegger, Sartre és Badiou halálfelfogásának... more
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      DeathAlain BadiouBadiouPhilosophy of Death
Available in Open Access ( Published by University of Iceland Press. 2018. "I found Death and Governmentality to be compelling from beginning to end. Well-written, clearly argued, and... more
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      Death StudiesDeath (Anthropology)Death & Dying (Thanatology)Death and Burial (Archaeology)
This paper reviews the evidence for Neolithic burial practices in SE Arabia, focusing in particular on sites in the Ja'alan region of eastern Oman. Attention is given to the nature of material buried with human remains, including... more
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      ReligionPrehistoric ArchaeologyAnthropologyDeath
This is a Sample Extract from Paul-Louis Landsberg's 'The Experience of Death', the Kerr translation revised and edited by Edouard d'Araille. Paul-Louis Landsberg's 'The Experience of Death' is an extended essay philosophical essay on the... more
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      DeathDeath StudiesDeath & Dying (Thanatology)Thanatology
Most commentators have assumed that Lucretius's symmetry argument against the fear of death is flawed. There remains, however, dispute as to what the flaw is. After establishing what I understand the target of Lucretius's argument to be... more
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    • Philosophy of Death
What happens to the soul (if there is one) after death? Since the death of my wife, Nancy, in February 2022, I have thought a lot about this question. Here are two answers I’ve concluded. One, it lives on in others, both as a result of... more
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      HistoryDeath StudiesAgingAging & the life course
My purpose in this paper is to examine the artistic trope of death depicted as a woman, departing from José Saramago’s book As Intermitências da Morte (2005, Death With Interruptions). Saramago’s novel deals with the intermittent... more
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      Philosophy of DeathJosé SaramagoDeath in ArtRepresentations of Death
In the instance of an individual committing suicide, the display of their actions carry the claim into realization that “dying is better than living”. The investigation of this concept is subject to analytical inquiry since it assists us... more
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      SuicideRational Choice TheoryPhilosophy of DeathPhysician-Assisted Suicide
Une idée reçue répandue au sujet des philosophes est qu’ils ou elles passent leur temps à écrire sur des questions auxquelles on pourrait finalement répondre en quelques mots, tellement la réponse semble évidente. La première phrase de... more
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      PhilosophyDeathEpicurusPhilosophy of Death
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      SemioticsSociologyArt HistoryDeath
My new book will be published by Bloomsbury in September 2019.
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      PhilosophyEthicsDeathMeaning of Life
ความตายและการพลีชีพ เรื่องราวอันเป็นยิ่งใหญ่ของลัทธิวีรบุรุษ (the cult of heroes) ปรากฏขึ้นตั้งแต่สมัยกรีกโบราณ ถือเป็นหนึ่งในคุณสมบัติที่โดดเด่นที่สุดของศาสนากรีกโบราณ ในภาษาฮีบรู (Homeric Greek) คำว่า “hero" หมายถึง... more
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      Death & Dying (Thanatology)Philosophy of DeathAnthropology of Death & Burial
Love and death do not rhyme. They are incompatible, but come in poetry again and again intertwined in an eternal fight, as tough each would be the counter-measure of the other. In Spanish poetry, by Manrique seems death to have the upper... more
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      Spanish LiteraturePoetryLovePhilosophy of Death
This incredible Existentialist Essay on the topic of Suicide features at the second of two essays in the volume 'The Experience of Death' by Franco-German Author Paul-Louis (also known as Paul Ludwig) Landsberg. He provides us with a deep... more
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      DeathDeath StudiesDeath & Dying (Thanatology)Suicide
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      Death StudiesMeaning of LifeAfterlife studiesPhilosophy of Death
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      Ancient PhilosophyPhilosophy of DeathEpicureanism
The author is trying to show the idea of unhygienic literature
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      Critical TheoryHistoryCultural HistoryCultural Studies
The manifold, elusive everyday uses of the notion of 'life' carry over into its under-determined, ambiguous and often ambivalent function within numerous theoretical and applied disciplines as well as within philosophical discourses.
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      Death StudiesBiosemioticsGiorgio AgambenCharles S. Peirce
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      TheologyDeathDeath StudiesPhilosophical Theology
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      PsychoanalysisEpistemologyMarxist EconomicsSchizophrenia
This is a suicide note contains a real-life story of battling with severe mental illnesses. The author is a lecturer, a researcher, a mental health advocate, an author of several books in philosophy and psychology, and has an educational... more
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      PsychologyCognitive PsychologySocial PsychologyEthics
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      Death StudiesAfterlife studiesPhilosophy of DeathConsciousness Studies
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      ChristianityPhilosophyMarxismPhilosophy of Death
The objective of this paper is to explore the possibility for authenticity as conceived by Martin Heidegger in Being and Time, given the current use of social networks for digital interaction and digital self-creation. The central... more
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      PhenomenologyAuthenticityMartin HeideggerPhilosophy of Death
Οι Κέλτες είχαν μια εκλεπτυσμένη αντίληψη για τον θάνατο. Η βασική τους πεποίθηση ήταν ότι στην ουσία δεν υπάρχει, παρά μια μετάβαση σε έναν υπέροχο, χαρούμενο τόπο όπου το πνεύμα ξαναζωντανεύει το σώμα και ο άνθρωπος ζει όπως και πριν... more
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      ArchaeologyRitualCultureCeltic Archaeology
Nietzsche’s view of suicide is a topic which in the last years has been the focus of works such as Julian Young’s and Paul S. Loeb’s. Within this context, this paper seeks to add new elements to the discussion. To this purpose,... more
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      PhilosophyHistory of IdeasMeaning of LifeContinental Philosophy
Heidegger stellt Cassirer in der Davoser Disputation die Frage nach der Angst. Cassirer hält sie für überwindbar - doch darin zeigt er eine Ignoranz vor dem Abgrund der Endlichkeit des menschlichen Daseins. Ein Dasein ist nämlich... more
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      MetaphysicsOntologyMartin HeideggerNishida Kitarō
SCHUMACHER, BERNARD N. , Muerte y mortalidad en la filosofía contemporánea, Vicente Merlo Lillo (trad.). Barcelona: Herder Editorial, 2018. "Muerte y mortalidad en la filosofía contemporánea" no sólo es una valiosa obra —en cuanto que su... more
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      DeathDeath StudiesAnthropology of DeathPhilosophy of Death
La escritura en el espejo "El signo es una fractura que nunca se abre más que sobre el rostro de otro signo." Roland Barthes. El Imperio de los Signos. 1 Según las crónicas de Wei 2-III d.C.-, en una remota isla del mar de la China, se... more
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    • Philosophy of Death
"Representations", N. 129, Winter 2015. The essay analyzes the project of maintaining the body of V. I. Lenin in the Mausoleum in Moscow for the past ninety years, focusing on the unique biological science that developed around this... more
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryHistory of Science and TechnologyModern History
All of us have some preferences about how we will die. We care about such things as what will cause our death, when and where it will happen, who will be with us, how much warning we will have, and how we will experience death. While such... more
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      Health SciencesBioethicsDeathDeath Studies