I will Disconnect my Brain
A suicide note by David Rajulkahf
- Happiness has been a mystery to me since I was a kid.
- I thought it is something I would be able to find when I
grow up.
- When I become in the sixth grade—like those tall dudes.
-Eventually, I became tall but not happy.
- What actually happened in the sixth grade is that the tall
dudes attacked me.
- They threw stones, eggs, and tomatoes at me.
- My sin was being a studious nerd and the teacher’s
preferred student.
- I sought shelter in a pharmacy.
- In that messy pharmacy, I knew that I failed in finding
- It was obvious to me that whatever happiness is, it
definitely is not a mixture of blood, eggs, and tomato.
- Maybe I find happiness in a secondary school, I consoled
David Rajulkahf
- Thus, I deluded myself for a few years until I realized
that happiness has nothing to do with schooling.
- This conclusion was not surprising, honestly, for I was
not too fond of school anyway.
- So I convinced myself that twenty is a knight on a white
- Since then, I, literally,
- Searched for happiness from the equator to the Arctic
- Went to forests, jungles, mountains, deserts, and islands,
- Dug in the desert sand and the north pole snow,
- Lived in crowded capitals and rural areas,
- Affluent cities and poor neighborhoods,
- I found nothing.
- I traveled by air, land, and sea,
- Trains and airplanes,
- Boats and bikes,
- Buses and cars,
- Walks and hikes,
- Nothing!
David Rajulkahf
- It really is a challenging task to count;
- The places in which I lived since I was twenty,
- The religions with which I shared my bed,
- The nationalities with which I shared my table,
- The activities I tried,
- Yet, I found absolutely nothing.
- I concluded, after lengthy contemplation, that it is not
wise to search for happiness alone.
- I was chatting with a colleague in the office kitchen
when it came to my mind that it merely is impossible for
me to know everything in the world and to try everything
by myself.
- After all, I am just a tiny nothing lost in a colossal
- I soon realized, however, that every other tiny-trivialnothing knows nothing within the almighty nothingness.
- So, I went out of the kitchen with high hopes of joining
the human knowledge pool.
- Happiness must be somewhere in that pool; where else
could it be?
David Rajulkahf
- Trying to find a trick or a hidden code, I read thousands
of books, studies, and essays.
- I engaged myself with countless hours of discussions
with people I could never meet in person.
- This made the search way more sophisticated, costly,
and time-consuming.
- In books, however, I found knowledge.
- I learned how interesting the experience of living is.
- I came to know how enjoyable the journey of life could
- It did not take me long, though, to realize how sad it is
to realize that!
- How pathetic it is;
- To be involved in a game,
- To understand the rules of the game,
- To master the game,
- But innately incapable of playing.
- I used to believe that knowledge is intrinsically good.
- Now, I know I was very wrong.
- Reading succeeded in making me obsessively interested
David Rajulkahf
in life ... Only.
- I swear to myself that I carefully considered all the tricks
and tips of which I became aware.
- I even went beyond that, developing my own.
- Still,
- There is something not working,
- There is a rusty switch not clicking,
- There is a sensor failure somewhere,
- Or all of the above.
- I am a drowning man who has been trying to survive for
years and years.
- During which I have perceived only two things;
- The buildings of Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer on the
- And the waves all around me, underneath me, above me,
and inside me.
- I swim as hard as I can towards the beach.
- Poseidon’s horses kick me back; continuous divine kicks
on my head.
David Rajulkahf
- Damaging my brain tissues, worsening my lunacy, and
losing my fins.
- I tried for years to ride one of the horses to meet Our
Lady, Star of the Sea.
- Never succeeded.
- I desperately asked her recently, “my little girl, what, do
you think, am I doing wrong?
- “Why Poseidon’s horses never stop kicking my
- “What the hell have I done to him?”
- She replied instantly, calmly, unusually wisely, while
putting her demigod to sleep,
- “Some people just are not meant to be happy, David!”
- My little girl is damn right.
- Although she has no idea why she is right,
- Scientifically and philosophically speaking, she is right.
- However, whether I am one of those people or not is
something she did not specify.
- And to not awake the little Alexander, I did not ask.
David Rajulkahf
- Later, Magdalene revealed to me in two words.
- It took her four years of building the courage to say,
- “Your bipolarity, David!”
- That was tough to swallow.
- I became terrified.
- Genuinely terrified.
- I begged her, “Mary, you know that your hair never
touched my foot; please send me a fishing boat.”
- She replied, crying, “Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer has no
place for real people.”
- I wondered, “Myriam, you know that I am not real!”
- She sobbed, “My Lord, you are mentally ill.”
- I did not reply … I just wept.
- She did not see my tears.
- Though they were more copious than the waves in which
I was drowning.
- De facto, the waves were my tears.
- I am not mentally ill.
David Rajulkahf
- I am a DSM copy in flesh and bones;
- Three personality disorders—one of which is severe;
- Buttressed by a few stupid phobias—such as
pocrescophobia and atelophobia;
- Manage a severe bipolar disorder;
- Amalgamate with a couple of anxiety disorders;
- Supported by bulimia nervosa, chronic insomnia,
trichotillomania; and
- Cooperate with some other fine fellows in forming a
character named David Rajulkahf.
- I am the guy who binges and purges for days and water
fast for weeks.
- I am the person who does not go to bed for days and
remains there for weeks.
- I am the lecturer who jumps on some stages and makes
the audience enthusiastic for a couple of hours.
- And from other stages, runs away in panic attacks after
a couple of minutes.
simultaneously planning mine!
David Rajulkahf
- I am;
- The depressed-comic,
- The suicidal-psychologist,
- The laborer-philosopher,
- The student-teacher,
- The patient-physician,
- The retarded-genius,
- The ignorant-scientist,
- The author and the reader.
- I am;
- The deaf-musician,
- The mute-talkative.
- The blind-painter,
- The paralyzed-artist,
- The civilized-caveman.
- I am;
- Twain and Dostoevsky,
- Russell and Nietzsche,
- Darwin and Rousseau,
- Chopin and Zappa,
David Rajulkahf
- Raphael and Pollock,
- Socrates and the pig.
- I am here and there.
- And I am nowhere.
- And I am nobody.
- Not even me.
- For there is no me.
- There has never been me.
- There has been a sort of self-awareness that emerged out
of an orgasm—hopefully two orgasms.
- Which spent more than a billion seconds trying to
understand what the fuck is going on.
- No more … No less.
- Now I know what the fuck is going on.
- And I know what I should do about it.
- I should do what I always knew I must do.
- I should do what I always knew I would do.
- I should do what I always dreamed of doing.
- I should do what I should have done a long time ago.
David Rajulkahf
- I should disconnect my brain.
- It is unfixable.
- It is ridiculous to keep trying.
- As a matter of fact, I spent thirty-four years trying to
disable a built-in self-destruct mechanism.
- Technically, I did not live a life.
- I lived dying.
- I suffered living dying.
- I only experienced slow and painful enduring brain
collapses while the earth is rotating carelessly.
- I can not say it was a pleasant journey.
- No, not at all.
- The puffs of pleasure I could perceive in those years do
not worth the pain I paid for them.
- It is a losing trade, and I am a stupid losing trader should
I not shut down the business.
- It is a business I did not establish.
- It is a game I did not conduct.
- I am a terrible player, and I want to participate in this
David Rajulkahf
game no more.
I, indeed, prefer it if I did not come to know about the
existence of existence.
- Yet, I tried everything I could think of to enjoy the ride.
- I shamefully failed.
- Who can go back in time to inform that depressed kid
that he will never become a good player?
- To explain to him that nothing ever is going to make it.
- That he will remain the same miserable kid even when
he will reach his mid-thirties.
- That his pain, sickness, sadness, and loneliness are what
will grow up ... Not him.
- He must have learned that knowledge, freedom,
religions, riding, driving, marriage, fatherhood, divorce,
study, work, travel, sex, money, drugs, academic degrees,
recognition, fame, writing books, playing musical
instruments, becoming a multilingual person; living a
simple life, a luxury life, a business life, an academic life,
David Rajulkahf
and so forth are mere mirages.
- And that even Jesus can not turn mirages to water.
- I see the child sitting alone on a sofa in his grandma’s
- With an awful migraine.
- Dreaming.
- I wish I could tell him that none of the doctors he is
visiting will cure his headache.
- Neither the green magic paper that has a horrible smell
that his aunt tightened up will work for him.
- Nor the funky cyan incantation that the family wrote for
- Nor the funny meaningless sentences that he struggled
to memorize.
- Not even the book that he bought when he attempted to
get, by himself, to the bottom of what is going on inside
his skull.
- I just want to tell him that he has severe mental illnesses.
- That his brain is incapable of perceiving happiness.
- I want to warn him that a blind person only harms
David Rajulkahf
themselves should they run in the streets searching for a
- I see that adolescent unable to sleep, severely depressed,
- Dreaming.
- I wish I could tell him that his dreams are ... Dreams.
- I want to teach him that happiness is not an objective.
- That seeking happiness is like seeking yourself ... You
will never find it out there.
- I see that young man sitting in his office counting down
the days for his suicide attempt on his desk calendar.
- Dreaming.
- I wish I could sit with him and tell him that those dreams
are ... Dreams.
- Illusions.
- I want to tell him, “you do not live to be happy, young
man. You either live happily or not.
- “Your happiness exists, or not, within your skull.
- “Pretty much like all other feelings you are capable of
David Rajulkahf
- I see that sick older man sitting in his black king-size
- Sad, miserable, and lonely.
- Unable to dream.
- Thinking that he wishes he could tell me to be smart for
one time in my existence.
- He is mad at me because he knows that I know that;
- Not to be, definitely, is better than to be.
- No question about it!
- How sarcastic it is to live all my life depressed and end
it manic!
- Although I almost always had no doubts that I will end
my life by committing suicide, I have never thought it will
be this way, in those circumstances, nor at this time.
- I am massively disappointed.
- I lived my life, literally, trying to prevent myself from
ending it.
- I mentioned above that I gave it all.
- And that I did everything I thought would help in that
David Rajulkahf
- Obviously, in vain.
- I need not mention all my previous attempts nor all the
hospitalizations I enjoyed,
- But I want to make something crystal clear;
- I am by no means disconnecting my brain due to spiritual
emptiness or any sort of that nonsense.
- My atheism, utilitarianism, hedonism, veganism,
antinatalism, positive nihilism, cosmopolitanism, and all
other isms for which I am known have absolutely nothing
to do with my desire to end my life experience.
- In fact, to the contrary, it might be the case that those
who do not share my isms have an influence.
- It is all related to how the events of my life went;
- My welfare is going from bad to worse,
- My brain is collapsing severely rather than recovering,
- Which keeps destroying my well-being rather than
improving it.
- My life reached a point of devastation that it had never
David Rajulkahf
reached before.
- The chain of events does not even give me any chance
to recover between them.
- The domino effect is going too fast and still accelerating.
- In this year, I could finally see, by my naked eye, the
light at the end of the tunnel;
- It is the incandescent light bulb of the buffer stop.
- The crash is inevitable.
- The amount of damage had been done to my brain and
to my life in the last period is really, really, severe.
- There is no point at all in keep going.
- The guy who shall continue this journey is not me.
- And I am not interested in getting to know him.
- He is not someone I look up to.
- Nor even presumably like.
- I do not see him happy nor that he has much potential; I
am afraid to say.
- I fail to find any convincing reason to experience his life.
- Morally speaking, it seems to me that I am wronging if
I let this dude suffer his predestination, giving all the
David Rajulkahf
information in hand—which is in no one else’s hand.
- No one but I can see the whole picture.
- Because no one knows everything about me and my life.
- Different people know different things.
- But not a single person knows everything.
- Maybe an official comprehensive lengthy investigation
would come close.
- Until that happens, if it ever happened, I will be the only
one who knows how and why I finally put an end to my
- I will not be there to confirm such findings.
- Keep in mind, nevertheless, that obtaining information
is one thing;
- Interpreting them is yet another.
- How easy it is to grab some information and say, “if I
were David, I would have done this and that instead.”
- Well, luckily for you;
- You do not have my brain.
- You do not perceive reality the way I do.
- You are not in my shoes nor wearing my glasses.
David Rajulkahf
- You can not feel what I feel.
- You have not experienced my suffering.
- You have not been through what I have been through.
- You will never come to know what I know.
- You are not me.
- And you can not be me.
- So shut the fuck up and propose a toast!
- I am not glad that I am the toast.
- I am not sad that I am not sharing the toast.
- I am sad that;
- A lot of people love me, but I have never loved myself.
- Many people think I am intelligent, but I know how
stupid I am.
- My brain generates positive utility to others and negative
utility to me.
- My brain refuses to generate any positive utility to me.
- My brain refuses to stop generating negative utility to
David Rajulkahf
- I improved so many lives but systematically destroyed
- I made so many successful players, and I ain’t find the
- I maintained tens of families, but I could not build one
of my own.
- I helped an awful lot of people for free,
- But I failed in helping myself despite all the expenses.
- I saved lots of lives ... But not mine.
- That is sad.
- I am sad that I will not share more of my ideas,
- My thoughts and visions,
- My philosophical theories,
- The enormous amount of nerdy sophisticated hard work
for years that I did not share with others,
- Well, if the adjective sad means anything at all, that is
- I did have high hopes.
- Now, I am incredibly disappointed with how things
David Rajulkahf
- I am not sad … No. I am disappointed.
- Yes, this is the correct adjective.
- I am very disappointed.
- Which is sad.
- For all those who rudely conjecture about suicide.
- Assert that suicide is a sign of weakness.
- That it is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.
- That it is the elementary sin.
- That it is unethical, absurd, and selfish.
- Or any other discourteous, disrespectful bullshit.
- I tell you what suicide is.
- Suicide is FUCK YOU.
- If there is anything unethical, absurd, and selfish,
- That would be bringing a sentient being into existence.
- That is the elementary sin.
- Pull out, for fuck’s sake.
- Do not create permanent suffering to solve your
temporary problem, you selfish idiots!
- Then, when one attempts to fix the problem that you
David Rajulkahf
induced, you blackguard them.
- I can not think of more discourtesy.
- The very first thing I felt when my consciousness
emerged into existence was choking.
- Life chokes free spirits.
- I became a slave by being existed.
- Existence is slavery.
- This is why newborns cry.
- This is why I cried.
- This is why I spent my life crying.
- I am inherently choked up.
- I am no slave.
- But I am a slave.
- I am just an awareness of a state of slavery.
- I do not even know how I became aware of that.
- I sometimes wish I did not.
- Still, it is totally out of my hands.
- I could/can do absolutely nothing about it.
- It is the universe’s plan.
David Rajulkahf
- I am just an innocent victim.
- I am fed up with others deciding on my behalf;
- What information to perceive and how to interpret it.
- What material to read and what not to read.
- What to study and what not to study.
- What to smoke and what not to smoke.
- What to snort and what not to snort.
- What to drink and what not to drink.
- Where to stay and where to travel.
- Where I can sleep and where I can not sleep—and, of
course, with whom.
- What drugs I have to take and what drugs I am not
allowed to do.
- When to wake up and when to sleep.
- What to do with my time.
- Controlling my time.
- Managing my life.
- Owning my time.
- Owning my life.
- Owning me!
David Rajulkahf
- I am pissed off with all the absurd paternalism.
- I am disgusted with all the wily nudging.
- I am loathing with all the efforts to engineering my
attitudes and decisions.
- If you do not see the above as slavery, then you are
deluded with the meaning of slavery.
- If you think you are free, then you have to redefine the
word free.
- You are also fooled by the myth of free will.
- There is no free will, my friend.
- You are no more than a biological robot.
- What is pathetic is that you are programmed to feel the
exact opposite.
- It is science talking here.
- You are free in solely one thing, that is NOTHING!
- I mean it literally.
- I am tired of being guided by fools.
- I am fed up with being under the control of lunatics.
- I can not handle all those primitive politics, greedy
economics, and idiotic policies.
David Rajulkahf
- I am a mere consciousness that is aware of being
enslaved and spent all its existence trying to free itself.
- Because, for me, freedom is a necessary condition for
- Thus, all my life activities aimed to achieve freedom.
- Every single accomplishment in my life is a byproduct.
- The change that I made to your life is a byproduct of my
search for my own freedom.
- That is a fact.
- Along the way, I freed myself from God, religion,
government, country, family, money, fashion, libido, and
tobacco, among others.
- I also freed myself from the birth name that connects me
to other people.
- I even invented a family name that is exclusive to me.
- I stand by myself; David Rajulkahf.
- Just a human being connected equally to all homo
sapiens who have ever existed since paleolithic.
- Now, it seems to me that I reached the point of freeing
myself from the whole game.
David Rajulkahf
- My own freedom has been severely diminished in the
past period.
- The effect is irreversible and will remain for years to
- This is not a life that a free man accepts.
- I have not been fighting all my life to reach this position.
- No!
- Live free or die.
- It is as simple as that.
- Now, my freedom is massively fucked up.
- I am not even allowed to smell freedom for years to
- Therefore, I should die.
- It draws a smile to my face whenever I think of the fact
that I will never regret it.
- This, per se, for an OCPD, is a very interestingly bizarre
- To do something without regression!
- I will never regret committing suicide.
David Rajulkahf
- How fascinating is this!
- I will never miss anyone—I am sorry to say.
- There will be nothing in me to miss anyone of you guys!
- Is not that cool?!
- I have not written here for a couple of nights.
- Tonight, I have been in bed for many hours.
- My brain does not shut down.
- A high dose of sleeping pills is doing nothing.
- This is my struggle with chronic insomnia.
– I always spend many hours in bed before I finally sleep.
- My brain keeps spinning in my skull faster and faster.
- I think of everything.
- When I wake up, I do not remember any of these ideas,
thoughts, decisions, or conclusions.
- It is a shame, for they are usually essential matters.
- I am used to remaining awake for many nights in raw.
- Not ideal, nor healthy, but, hey, there is nothing ideal nor
healthy in my life anyway!
David Rajulkahf
- For more than a decade, I only sleep while hallucinating
that I am putting a pullet in my head.
- Only after I manage to pull the imaginary trigger, my
brain stops spinning, and I sleep peacefully.
- I have never held a firearm except once in school.
- Nonetheless, I made my mind on a particular gun to be
- I am in love with my pistol.
- All other aspects of shooting my head had been carefully
studied for countless hours throughout the years.
- Imagine yourself having your brain spinning inside your
skull every time you rest your head on a pillow.
- Imagine those obsessive thoughts and hallucinations
every single night for years and years.
- Sometimes, the spinning keeps accelerating.
- It only is the pullet that crosses my head is what
potentially can put an end to this ridiculous spinning.
- This is me after saying, “good night.”
- Every night!
- The good nights for me are those in which hunting my
David Rajulkahf
brain happens relatively fast.
- Anyway, I am a night person.
- I have been fascinated with nights since I was a child.
- I still remember the first time I was allowed to wait until
- I was super excited about it.
- I sat staring at the clock.
- The suspense was building.
- The hands slowly reached each other vertically upwards.
- But the day name and number took few more minutes to
- I went to bed thinking how on earth it is Wednesday right
now, but Tuesday ten minutes ago!
- I used to think that something essential happens.
- I did not know what it might be.
- Yet, it certainly can not merely be the clock hands
pointing at number 12 that is written in a beautiful
Chinese wooden box with a pendulum that rings every
hour the number of that hour!
David Rajulkahf
- That night, I found that midnight is identical to
midday—of which I am familiar—except the flipping of
the day name and number.
- Still, what the hell is Wednesday!
– A decade later, I had a similar experience at midnight
for the year 2000.
- I was already very skeptical about the intrinsic of days
and hours.
- I already came to a conclusion that we can simply
replace the weekdays without anything else ever being
- As an OCPD, I gave it a lot of thinking and studies
designing my won calendar.
- I have never liked the seven days in the weeks nor the
weeks-months relation.
- Not ideal! I always believed.
- Anyhow, at that midnight, while the entire world was
celebrating, my family was sleeping.
- I was awake alone studying mathematics.
- I looked out the window from my grandma’s living
David Rajulkahf
room, which has an astonishing view of Damascus.
- I looked up at the sky.
- It was beautifully clean black.
- My all-time favorite color!
- The stars were shining as they usually do.
- The moon seems careless about the new millennia.
- Nothing up there, as far as I could see, gives a fuck to all
the craziness down here!
- From my grandma’s window, everything seems
perfectly normal.
- This suggested to me that there is nothing called years.
- Precisely as there is nothing called days.
- And that there is no superpower cares for those things.
- The world is not ending at midnight 2000 as the rumors
- I was so skeptical about the rumors, not because I knew
specific facts at the time.
- I reasoned that we already passed the year 1000.
- So there are no convincing reasons not to pass the year
David Rajulkahf
-If the world shut down at a millennia midnight, it should
have done it in the year 1000.
- why 2000?
- why not 3000?
- Or ideally, it should be 10.000!
- I tried to convince my siblings and classmates of that.
- I do not remember my success rate.
- I still also recall the first night at which I had no sleep at
- I co-built a computer for a relative of mine and spent that
night working on the newly built device.
- Programming those days used to consume a lot of time.
- This experience taught me two things.
- The first is that I can remain energetic all night long.
- The second is that nights are fascinating.
- They have more to provide than a mere lying in bed,
staring at the roof, struggling to sleep for hours!
- Some naïfs fall in love at first sight.
- I indeed fell in love on the first night!
David Rajulkahf
- Since that night, I became a night man.
- The air is refreshing at night.
- The hideous cities are fabulously different.
- Roads are empty.
- Nibourhods are quiet.
- Listen to crickets and frogs.
- And above all, sunrise is more glorious than sunset.
- Being awake at night and sleep during the day has
advantages, I later discovered.
- One of which is minimizing the shared active hours with
all other people around.
- The less I interact with people, the better off I am.
- It follows that I am certainly better off dead!
- I must state that I have a mixed feeling about my chosen
execution method.
- I always wanted to commit suicide as ethically and less
painfully as possible.
- These two significant aspects of my consideration
limited my options.
David Rajulkahf
- Which led me to adopt methods that, unfortunately,
failed me.
- I recently was so close to achieving my dream.
- My glorious firearm.
- One day, God popped up into existence and put me face
to face with a gun dealer in a public place.
- I did not miss the chance, and we made the deal on the
- I ordered the very same gun of which I always dreamed.
- Although I am a nonsmoker, I sat with the guy smoking
a joint, celebrating that, after all those years, my lifetime
dream has finally and unexpectedly come true.
- While waiting for the order to arrive, satan came into
existence and sent us the police.
- The police arrested the guy for possessing weed.
- I went back home, cursing God and satan until they both
returned to their nonexistent natural state.
- I was the most disappointed person on the planet that
David Rajulkahf
- I failed to find any effective method to end my life
- I apologize for all the unpleasantness or trauma I may
cause to anyone.
- Still, three good things about my invented method kind
of make me less disappointed for what satan did earlier.
- One of which is its symbolism.
- The second is that I design my death uniquely as I used
to design my life uniquely.
- I invent my execution method the way invented
everything else in my life.
- That is cool.
- Furthermore, there is a possibility that my suicide will
grab more attention being done this way rather than
traditional indoors suicide.
- This, hopefully, may lead to changes that make the lives
of many individuals better-off and presumably save lots
of lives.
- Should that happens, then the potential positive utility is
expected to overcome the negative utility I initiated.
David Rajulkahf
- Yet, I sincerely apologize to anyone affected negatively.
- I have not written here for many nights.
- Tonight, I slept for ninety minutes only, then my inner
demons woke me up.
- They are conquering my brain.
- They urge me to shut it down.
- I also want to shut it down!
- But it is too late now because it is already early morning.
- I shall need to wait.
- Another fucking day of battling with my inner demons.
- You have no idea how painful is this battle.
- I indeed do have two people live permanently inside my
- They were born with me.
- Sometimes, they have others for company.
- They are all me, legally.
- But I swear I am non.
- I am a mere spectator.
David Rajulkahf
100. - One dude keeps popping up to convince me not to waste
such human capital.
- He supports his arguments with tons of comments and
messages I consistently receive.
- He insists that my investment is capable of giving me a
decent life
- He claims that, somehow, very soon, I will taste the fruit
of my labor.
- He tries to convince me that since I am ready,
- And since I have nothing further to lose,
- So chill out for a while, he says.
101. - I see where this guy is coming from.
- I am not blind yet.
- Well, this is one of the things that this mate is not
- Y.E.T.
102. - He is right that I have nothing further to lose.
- But he is not right in thinking that my life can not go any
103. - Given the bad luck I have,
David Rajulkahf
- I am terrified that something happens that prevents me
from the ability to commit suicide.
- So, yes, I am not blind yet, but what if I become blind?
- Should I risk becoming paralyzed while I am waiting for
the messiah?
- I am not afraid of death.
- I am frightened of not being able to die.
104. - Given the inverse relationship between the investment in
my human capital and my well-being,
- The future does not look promising at all.
- Though, I agree with the distressing fact of the wasted
human capital that has great potential benefits.
- Benefits that are not for me. Woefully.
105. – Unfortunately, my reality keeps weakening the position
of that pathetic good-hearted guy.
- This is why I always recall what Zorba once said to me,
- “A man gotta do what a man gotta do.”
106. - Now, my fight with my inner demons is extended one
more day.
- Will it be the last day?
David Rajulkahf
- Will I disconnect my brain next night?
- Will my substances extend the battel longer?
- I really do not know.
- No one knows.
- Not even God.
- For there is no one.
- And there is no God.
107. - Always remember:
- Hate never brings love; war never brings peace.
- Cosmopolitanism is your goal.
- Good luck!
David Rajulkahf
07 October 2020