The Art of Dying

2018, Claretian Pub lication

The narration is a blow-by-blow chronology of how death may transpire overwhelming the human senses with a mix of intense anguish, agony, exasperation, exhilaration, liberation and salvation. ISBN: 978-621-426-072-0

The Art of Dying ● ● ● ● Author Maria Lourdes A. de Vera Book Cover ​Szilvia Ponyiczki Photography Markus Propolos Nonfiction Reviews: Edwin Rodriguez, MD, MHPEd (Pediatrician -Pediatric Hematologist) Former Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacology Faculty of Medicine and Surgery University of Sto Tomas Manila. Philippines “Reading the book gives you a haunting feeling of how death can be experienced. Buried in words are various attempts to make death acceptable and at the very least humanizing. It presents dying as a tussle of will and skill, a tug of war between hope and surrender and a struggle between acceptance and denial. It presents a vivid description of death from someone who you will believe died and ordered to recall what transpired. It is a deep declaration of immersion that made dying both literally and figuratively lucid and crisp. It is a beautifully crafted depiction of an internally devastating condition, filled with uncertainty and painting a picture of a soul slowly leaving its body. It is a call of someone struggling to go yet clinging to the bargain of staying intact. The presentation will disturb you because the immersion of the author to an almost real dimension of death – felt, formed and filled envelopes you with an unusual sensation of the inevitable. The gamut of emotions simultaneously revealed represent the ultimate fight between mortal termination and eternal liberation. The narration is a blow-by-blow chronology of how death may transpire overwhelming the human senses with a mix of intense anguish, agony, exasperation, exhilaration, liberation and salvation. The dying moments elaborated, seemed an endless experience of self-introspection and a heightened awareness of one’s worth. It paints death as “life” changed slipping every now then between reality and fantasy. What makes this interplay very interesting in this book is the interface of medicine and metaphor. This distinct approach weaves a seamless tapestry of art and science, freely flowing from one to the other, moving back and forth in a borderless fashion, blurring the lines that seem to separate them. In the end, death and the dying process that precedes it is a toss between succumbing and surviving, a decision anchored on fear or firmness and an attempt to embrace one’s humanity with hope and happiness. The book will put you at the edge of your seat unsettled and bewildered with the thought of what will happen next and how this encounter will end.