Recent papers in Philantrophy
This descriptive case study discusses the evolution of TOMS, one of the world's most famous 'double bottom line' companies, in terms of narratives and corporate social responsibility practices. This paper also discusses the company's... more
Globalisation has brought about tremendous changes to the nature and structure of the market. In addition to pursuing attainment of economic gain, market participants both on the demand and supply side directly or indirectly affect and... more
Berdasarkan pengalaman menjadi pengampu mata kulah Metodologi Penelitian Komunikasi dan pembimbing skripsi didapati bahwa sebagian besar mahasiswa mengalami kesulitan dalam menggunakan metode penelitian dalam aplikasi di lapangan.... more
How does urban dialogue takes place in a neoliberal metropolis where the preeminent stakeholders have removed the conflict for the sake urban productivity? Exploring New York City’s ongoing rezoning participation processes as an example... more
The present paper focuses on the Italian Freemasonry’s engagement in the educational field. From 1868 to 1925, the lodges under the Grand Orient of Italy fostered and helped many educational establishments. The article considers the... more
Róbert Péter (general editor), Cécile Révauger (volume editor). Jan A. M. Snoek (volume editor), British Freemasonry, 1717-1813, 5 vols. (New York: Routledge, 2016), 2606 pages, 5967 editorial notes. volume 1: Institutions (C. Révauger)... more
(2014g): Bürgerstiftungen in Deutschland. Entwicklung, Funktionen, Perspektiven. In: Stiftung & Sponsoring - Rote Seiten, Heft 4 (zusammen mit Bernadette Hellmann)
Victor Heinrich Riecke (1759-1830), první pastor evangelické církve v Brně, povolené na základě Tolerančního patentu císaře Josefa II., učinil z Brna klíčové místo setkávání evangelíků dvou vyznání a dvou jazyků z celé Moravy. Rieckeho... more
Zakat : Tinjauan Historis& Perundang-undangan di Indonesia Dibuat untuk memenuhi tugas Ujian Tengah Semester I Mata kuliah : Ekonomi Islam Zakat merupakan ibadah yang wajib dikerjakan oleh setiap umat Islam, sepanjang memenuhi syarat... more
What is sometimes broadly referred to as "Islamic humanitarianism" has gained considerable visibility in the landscape of humanitarian field over the last ten years, not only because the majority of aid is delivered to Muslim countries... more
Charity activities had an important role in the starting up and the maintaining the first modern hospitals from the Romanian principalities, the process being developed in the 18-19 centuries. The most donors were from boyar's class and... more
Globalisation has brought about tremendous changes to the nature and structure of the market. In addition to pursuing attainment of economic gain, market participants both on the demand and supply side directly or indirectly affect and... more
If the powerful symbolic language related to artistic heritage can be considered the most brilliant intuition by first patrons and sponsors, during the last years the Italian scenario shows a real rush toward high-visibility cultural... more
This paper is an study on the Rockefeller Fellowships to the developmente of the history in the University of Chile (Center of Research for American History)
Zakat merupakan tradisi flantropi Islam yang dinamis dan transformatif. Konsep dan praksisnya senantiasa berkembang dan bergerak mengikuti perubahan zaman. Salah satunya konsep mustahik yang mengalami perluasan dan penyempitan sesuai... more
No es fácil para una fundación, asociación, cooperativa, mutual, veeduría, o cualquier otra forma jurídica que adopten los miembros de la sociedad civil al constituirse como nuevo sujeto de derechos y obligaciones, poder explicarse o ser... more
The traditional theological question about Providence is added to a very personal characteristic of God: philanthropy. The election of both by John Chrysostom († 407) is linked to the divine pedagogical hermeneuse derived from the... more
This short study tries to formulate an answer to the question indicated in the title: Did exist a Greek-Roman Pagan philanthropy? As the answer is positive, the study formulates concise answers to further two other questions which emerge... more
Contribution aux actes de la journée d'étude "femmes et mécénat" organisée par la SIEFAR en mars 2018, publiés en ligne par Nathalie Grande, Claudine Nédelec et Julie Piront (dir.), « Femmes et mécénat en France, du Moyen Âge à la fin de... more
The author looks at the municipal social policies of Warsaw’s local government vis-a-vis the Jewish inhabitants of the city in the interwar period. For comparison, it presents the standards of action of the city authorities during... more
Zakat (alms) as an obligation for muslim is considered as a distribution of those who has fortune to those who less fortune. The notion of such zakat referred to Al Qur’an that seems a community in Islam (ummah) as one unit so that should... more
L’a. presenta l’inventario di un piccolo nucleo di documenti appartenenti all’archivio dell’Istituto per l’infanzia abbandonata, fondato da Stefania Etzerodt Omboni a Padova nel 1895. Si tratta di materiale ritrovato nella sede storica... more
A pandemia da doença do coronavírus 2019 (coronavirus disease, Covid-19) resultou em uma onda filantrópica sem precedentes na história brasileira. Muitas empresas atuaram diretamente
There are many ways to show gratitude, aside from returning the favor directly.
Recent revelations that board members of major international arts organizations own companies that are allegedly involved in the pharmaceutical opioid crisis, produce spying software or chemical weapons—while shocking—should not come as a... more
The aim of this two-day conference is to take a closer look at the interplay between charity and foundations in the Eastern Mediterranean in a longue-durée-perspective. By choosing a broad chronological and more narrow geographical... more