Most cited papers in Philantrophy
This article was written in order to find a model of the development of Islamic charities organized by bumiputera in the early 20th century in Yogyakarta. This socioeconomic history research using historical research methods that utilize... more
Zu enge Regulierungen und hohe Bürokratiebelastungen sind nicht nur ärgerlich für die davon betroffenen Ehrenamtlichen, sie beeinträchtigen auch die positiven gesellschaftspolitischen Effekte institutioneller Innovationen. An den... more
The present paper focuses on the Italian Freemasonry’s engagement in the educational field. From 1868 to 1925, the lodges under the Grand Orient of Italy fostered and helped many educational establishments. The article considers the... more
This paper is an study on the Rockefeller Fellowships to the developmente of the history in the University of Chile (Center of Research for American History)
What is sometimes broadly referred to as "Islamic humanitarianism" has gained considerable visibility in the landscape of humanitarian field over the last ten years, not only because the majority of aid is delivered to Muslim countries... more