The school of Chartres
Recent papers in The school of Chartres
Sottocapitolo del quinto capitolo dalla prima parte della Teologia del XII secolo di Marie Dominique Chenu, versione italiana di Paolo Vian. L'influenza del Timeo e del platonismo di Boezio nella Scuola di Chartres
A review of why the sculptures over the left door of the Royal Portal of Notre-Dame de Chartres Cathedral in France, cannot be read as the Apostles witnessing the Ascension of Christ.
Like many twelfth-century works, Bernardus Silvestris’ "Cosmographia" revolves around the problem of the restoration of the lost cosmical order, and tries to solve it by an innovative usage of the artes, or «techniques». By leaning on the... more
Book Web site: The history of Atlantis hypotheses now completely revised: * Finally all authors from Antiquity! * Finally a detailed discussion of the authors from... more
Hildegard of Bingen’s relationship with philosophy is paradoxical. On the one hand she states that she was not trained by philosophers, and does not claim to write like them. Also, she sees philosophy as a mere "humana scientia" and... more
Francesc J. Gómez L'ofici del poeta segons Orfeu: una clau hermenèutica per Lo somni de Metge?
Title: The idea of Logos and Nature in the School of Chartres. Heuristic functions of the Christian concept of the Logos in the formation of the modern notion of nature. The analysis of texts form the School of Chartres from the... more
La materia nei commenti al Timeo del secolo XII Due traduzioni latine parziali del Timeo di Platone sono disponibili nel Medioevo: quella effettuata da Cicerone (Tim. 27D-47B, con delle lacune) nel I secolo a.C. e quella di Calcidio (Tim.... more
This paper focuses on the exegetical proposal of the Tractatus de sex dierum operibus by Thierry of Chartres and it is tasked with analyzing the twofold interpretative framework adopted by the Cancelor: first, the accordance betweenthe... more
bestreiten. Man darf mit hohen Erwartungen auf die weiteren, dem hohen und späten Mittelalter gewidmeten Bände hoffen. Trier Christoph Cluse Hans-Werner Goetz, Gott und die Welt. Religiöse Vorstellungen des frühen und hohen Mittelalters... more
ATEW (Advanced Topics in East and West) series of research seminars (org. A. Bertolacci)
Medieval conceptions of creaturality may be reduced to two distinct positions. The first, by far hegemonic within medieval history, can be tracked down to Paul (1 Cor, 13, 12) and especially Augustine. It states that creatures mantain a... more
Capitolo VI dalla prima parte della Teologia nel XII secolo di Marie Dominique Chenu, versione italiana di Paolo Vian. Il fallimento del progetto di Boezio diventa la base della ricerca della filosofia scolastica
The myth of creation of the world in the Timaeus is a typical example of dianoia or dianoetic thought as Plato characterized it in the Republic. The article takes into account three Christian texts of the 12th century: Rupert of Deutz,... more
Wśród niebywale już obszernej literatury dotyczącej idei inspirujących powstanie nauki w jej nowożytnym kształcie coraz częściej mówi się o poważnej, jeśli nie zasadniczej, roli żydowskiej i chrześcijańskiej koncepcji Stworzenia.... more
Wetherbee, Winthrop, ed. and trans. Bernardus Silvestris, Poetic Works. Dumbarton Oaks Medieval Library. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2015. pp. i, 327. $29.95 (hardback). ISBN: 978-0-674-74378-6 (hardback).
Medieval conceptions of creaturality may be reduced to two distinct positions. The first, by far hegemonic within medieval history, can be tracked down to Paul (1 Cor, 13, 12) and especially Augustine. It states that creatures mantain a... more