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Course Syllabus
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      Basic/Developmental WritingTeaching CompositionPedagogy
Course Syllabus
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      Teaching CompositionPedagogyCritical Reading (Education)
In the latter half of the 1990s the digital image became prevalent, easy to manipulate, and consequently, easy to recontextualize, meaning that now just about any image is available to any computer user for any occasion. To use Bolter's... more
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      TechnologyNew MediaComposition and RhetoricDigital Humanities
Office Location: BTEC-210 Office Hours: Monday and Wednesday 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m..; Tuesday and Thursday 1-3:30 p.m.; Friday 8-10 a.m. (online); by appointment Class Schedule: T/R 11-12:15 Class Location: BHUM-200
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      Teaching CompositionTeaching Writing
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      Teaching CompositionGenerational Conflict
In an effort to write responsively to young adult literature in a collaborative, reflective, and purposeful way, I explore here a classroom experience encouraged by Miller and Paola’s (2004) Tell It Slant, Kajder’s (2010) Adolescents and... more
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    • Teaching Composition
This paper explores the relationship between grammar and style in composition. These two genres of rhetoric are often expected to be performed well by student writers, yet grammar and style are rarely taught together. In this paper, I... more
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      Composition and RhetoricStylisticsLiterary StylisticsTeaching Composition
This pilot study investigates the current state of Latino/a students in higher education and first-year writing (FYW) programs in the United States. This project explores if and how FYW programs address the literacy skills of second... more
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      Latino studentsTeaching CompositionLinguistic diversityCultural differences in communications styles
Scholars suggest that what constitutes an effective argumentation is culturally driven and L1 specific rhetorical or argument patterns may influence written argumentation in a second language. The present study, thus, explores the... more
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      Discourse AnalysisLiteracyRhetoricComposition and Rhetoric
El presente artículo relaciona el proceso creativo musical con la Técnica del enfoque corporal o Focusing de Eugene Gendlin. El objetivo es doble, por un lado, favorecer una didáctica centrada en el alumno, desde una pedagogía... more
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      Music Theory PedagogyTeaching CompositionPhilosophy of Implicit Experience. Eugene GendlinFocusing
Among the research on the different aspects of music education, teaching of music composition has been the less addressed if critically studied at all. Most of the literature on the subject describe personal experiences or promote... more
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      Music EducationTeaching Composition
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    • Teaching Composition
Comics—both digital and print—increasingly make their way to the classroom. Scholars in the field have illustrated the pedagogical value of comics, but there remains little discussion as of yet about how comics can inform critical... more
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      Composition StudiesRhetoricComposition and RhetoricRhetorical Analysis
Transcription of Johann Pachelbel's chorale fugue and fantasia on "Vom Himmel hoch da komm ich her" for pipe organ.
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      MusicChurch MusicMusic EducationMusic History
Pre-publication pages for a chapter in _Teaching the Graphic Novel_ (MLA). Carter reflects on teaching Alan Moore's _Watchmen_ directly after the attacks on September 11, 2001, and how that event informed his pedagogy, the class's reading... more
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      British LiteratureComics StudiesTeaching CompositionPedagogy
The Modern Language Association's Division on the History and Theory of Rhetoric and Composition had invited me to contribute a paper on the topic of "Rhetoric as a New Paradigm for English Studies" for the 2014 annual meeting of the MLA... more
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      Composition StudiesRhetoric (Languages and Linguistics)English LiteratureRhetoric
This 13,500 word appendix to a doctoral thesis assembles and compares Lennon and McCartney's main comments on authorship of each co-credited song.
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      Composition StudiesMusicMusic EducationMusic History
This dissertation examines out lesbian teachers in the college composition classroom from a viewpoint of feminist teacher research and "queer geography".
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      Composition StudiesSocial MovementsComposition and RhetoricLesbian Studies
This dissertation project examines patterns of stance in essays written by high- and low-performing students in two upper-level undergraduate courses, one in political theory and the other in economics. It employs methods of linguistic... more
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      Discourse AnalysisComposition StudiesRhetoricComposition and Rhetoric
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    • Teaching Composition
Für Arnold Schönberg stand die Bedeutung des Handwerks außer Frage. Im Vorwort zu seiner Harmonielehre hofft er, "den Kompositionsschülern eine schlechte Ästhetik genommen, ihnen dafür aber eine gute Handwerkslehre gegeben" zu haben. 1 Ob... more
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      Teaching CompositionHistory of Music TheoryArts and Crafts
Outmoded "current-traditional" teaching methodologies, and the second-class status of composition faculty and programs, may be contributing to students' writing problems at CSUN, my 1988 study found. Proposed reforms include the wider... more
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      PhilosophyTeaching CompositionTheoryPedagogy
Analyse de l'Opus 19 numéro 2 de Schoenberg
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      MusicTeaching CompositionAtonal MusicMusic Composition
Morris's Arc (1988) for String Quartet flows; it flows with substance, and with purpose. By flowing, I don’t just mean in the trivial sense that all music flows because it is unfolding in time and time flows. Rather I mean that there is... more
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      Composition StudiesMathematicsApplied MathematicsSet Theory
Co-authored with Joan Ostrove. In the Fall of 2013 we team-taught a disability studies course for a small group of first-year students. The course, Minding the Body, integrated scholarship from disability studies, feminist/queer... more
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      Russian StudiesDisability StudiesCritical PedagogyTeaching Composition
Multimodal group project for first year composition
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      Composition and RhetoricTeaching CompositionPedagogyMakers and D.I.Y. technology
This essay draws lessons from implementing a new Freshman English curriculum in a Middle Eastern university. Three inter-related areas of emphasis are outlined: 1). Universities as a rite of passage; 2). Auto-ethnographies as an effective... more
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      Creative WritingCultural StudiesGender StudiesEnglish Literature
This article focuses on a national study of writing instructors regarding the inclusion of social media in their teaching. The results from this study indicate the field’s burgeoning interest in social media in the writing classroom: as... more
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      RhetoricComposition and RhetoricSocial NetworksSocial Networking
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    • Teaching Composition
Using the Writing about Writing (WaW) approach to composition, our students composed in text, images, audio, and video towards the ends of developing their metaknowledge in a variety of writing practices, including personal literacies,... more
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      Composition StudiesTeaching CompositionSyllabus Design
In 1995, William Cronon, professor of geography and environmental history at the University of Wisconsin -Madison, came out with a wonderful anthology, Uncommon Ground:
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      Composition and RhetoricEcocompositionTeaching CompositionEnvironmental Rhetoric
Office Location: BTEC-210 Office Hours: Monday and Wednesday 1-2:15 p.m., 4-4:30 p.m.; Tuesday and Thursday 8:30-9:15 a.m., 3-4:30 p.m.; Friday 8-10 a.m. (online); by appointment Class Schedule: 9:30-10:45 a.m. Class Location: BHUM-200
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      Teaching CompositionTeaching Literature
Course Syllabus
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      Teaching CompositionCulturePedagogy
We have also read Jenny McCarthy's polemical response to Deer. We have discussed the logical fallacies and polemical tone of McCarthy's article, and we have examined the roles of premature closure, confirmation bias, and the backfire... more
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      RhetoricComposition and RhetoricTeaching CompositionRogerian Psychology
This study utilizes state-mandated data collected by Arizona community colleges to analyze whether students from the Borderlands of Arizona, who enroll in a Borderlands community college during their first academic year after graduation... more
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      EducationAssessmentTeaching CompositionPlacements
" My attempts at writing in an L2 and my experiences in teaching ESL writers have given me nothing but respect for ESL writers; I am frequently amazed and humbled by their efforts and abilities" .
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      PhilosophyComposition and RhetoricTESOLTeaching Composition
Discutimos aqui os resultados de uma pesquisa de mestrado (ROCHA, 2015), que teve por objetivo investigar a aprendizagem criativa na aula de piano em grupo, por meio de uma pesquisa-ação com alunos do Curso de Licenciatura em Música da... more
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      Music EducationImprovisationTeaching CompositionPiano Pedagogy
This course is designed to provide students with structured and guided writing practice to assist them in progressing their writing abilities in Spanish from the intermediate to the advanced level, according to the ACTFL proficiency... more
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      Teaching CompositionTeaching Academic WritingTeaching Second Language WritingTeaching Spanish As a Second Language
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      Teaching CompositionTeaching English As A Foreign LanguageNoun PhraseInterlanguage
This study investigates the problems related to writing mechanics of Saudi students at the College of Languages and Translation (COLT). The researcher will examine punctuation and spelling problems by conducting a written test. The... more
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      Academic WritingTeaching CompositionCALL
Why is music significant in life and education? What shall we teach? How? To whom? Where and when? The praxial philosophy espoused in Music Matters: A Philosophy of Music Education offers an integrated sociocultural, artistic,... more
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      Teaching CompositionPraxial Philosophy of Music EducationEmbodied Music CognitionPhilosophy of Music Education
The RHIZOME Project was an experiment in instructional software to use the decision-tree environment of hypertext to model specific sequential (as in narrative and logic) and non-sequential (as in creative and associative) thought... more
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      Creative WritingDiscourse AnalysisSemioticsComposition Studies
Two approaches to writing instruction are the traditional teacher-directed approach and the process-oriented approach made popular in the late 1980s. For community college Developmental English programs faced with increased enrollment and... more
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      EducationAssessmentTeaching CompositionLanguage Assessment
O presente artigo revela parte dos resultados alcançados na pesquisa realizada sobre a Tese: Estudo Interpretativo da Técnica Composicional Melodia das Montanhas de Heitor Villa-Lobos. Em oportuno, informa que parte dos resultados... more
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      Teaching CompositionCreativity in Music Education
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      EpistemologyLogicContextualismTeaching Composition
This chapter proposes an institutional history of Reicha and his teaching practice at the Paris Conservatoire. In recent years, the Conservatoire's administrative records have attracted unprecedented scholarly scrutiny, with new projects... more
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      Teaching Composition19th century FranceHector Berlioz19th Century Music
This is just an encyclopaedia entry for "Composition" published in 2015. Composition The word " composition " typically has two meanings; the first is an individual work of music (i.e. a composition) and the second is the process of... more
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      Composition StudiesAlgorithmic CompositionComposition (Music)Teaching Composition
Office Location: BTEC-210 Office Hours: Monday and Wednesday 1-2:15 p.m., 4-4:30 p.m.; Tuesday and Thursday 8:30-9:15 a.m., 3-4:30 p.m.; Friday 8-10 a.m. (online); by appointment Class Schedule: Monday and Wednesday 8-9:15 a.m.
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    • Teaching Composition
How to write a story using the given hints.
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      Teaching CompositionStory Writing