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      Martin HeideggerSanat TarihiFelsefeSanat
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      ArendtGuenther AndersHannah ArendtPaul Celan
After rethinking about the French interpretations of the relationship between Celan and Heiddegger, I wanted to (re)post this chapter of my 2003 PhD thesis ( I... more
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      German StudiesGerman LiteratureTranslation StudiesTranslation and Ideology
God in de leegte De leegte als theotopie. Uitgedaagd door het denken over God die door Friedrich Nietzsche dood is verklaard, onderzoek ik hoe een aantal filosofen, theologen en dichters hierop reageren en wat hun standpunt is in deze.... more
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      PhilosophyTheologyPoetryFriedrich Nietzsche
Due to recent events (that is, the publication of Heidegger's "Schwarze Hefte" and the revival of discussions about his Nazism and anti-Semitism) I post this 2003 PhD chapter on the Celan- Heidegger reception in France. Résumé français... more
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      German StudiesGerman LiteratureCultural Transfer StudiesMartin Heidegger
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      RomanticismPaintingPostmodernismHolocaust Studies
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      20th Century German LiteratureMartin HeideggerHeideggerFriedrich Hölderlin
a review of Emmanuel Faye's "Heidegger: The introduction of Nazism into Philosophy."
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      Martin HeideggerAnti-nazi resistanceEarly HeideggerHeidegger
Due to recent events (that is, the publication of Heidegger's "Schwarze Hefte" and the revival of discussions about his Nazism and anti-Semitism) I post this 2003 PhD chapter on the Celan- Heidegger reception in France. Résumé... more
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      German StudiesGerman LiteratureCultural Transfer StudiesMartin Heidegger
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      Discourse AnalysisCultural StudiesGerman LiteratureInternational Relations
El ensayo, a partir de «La pregunta por la técnica» como lugar central de referencia, esboza una disquisición en torno a la conceptualización de la técnica, del pensamiento y la poesía en la filosofía de Martin Heidegger. Más allá de la... more
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      Martin HeideggerHeideggerMartin HeiddegerPaul Celan Und Heidegger (Poétique Et Philosophie
Z góry uprzedzam skandaliczny charakter podjętej tu próby: zamierzam nazwać kogoś Żydem. Ten ktoś już nie żyje, nie będzie się zatem mógł bronić. Miary skandaliczności dopełnia fakt, że metryki przezwanego są znane i nie dostarczają... more
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    • Paul Celan Und Heidegger (Poétique Et Philosophie
Perché i poeti traducono poesia? Questo saggio cerca di offrire una risposta attraverso l’analisi dell’opera letteraria di Paul Celan (1920-1970), il più grande poeta in lingua tedesca del Novecento. Celan visse contemporaneamente due... more
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      Jewish StudiesTranslation StudiesNelly SachsKabbalah
Von der Freiheit muslimische Identität in Frankreich zu entwerfen: Moi, Khaled Kelkal (2012) von Salim Bachi und Un homme, ҫa ne pleure pas (2014) von Faïza Guène In grundlegend verschiedener Weise verhandeln die beiden zu betrachtenden... more
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      Edmund HusserlTranslation of PoetryContemporary PoetryHusserlian phenomenology
Qual è stato l'effetto dei Suoi studi di filologia sul Suo modo di praticare la filosofia? In che misura per Lei è stata importante l'influenza di maestri come Johannes Hoffmeister e Ernst Robert Curtius?
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      HermeneuticsPhenomenologyWilhelm DiltheyHegel
Paul Celan représente la réalisation de ce qui ne semblait pas possible : non seulement écrire de la poésie après Auschwitz, mais écrire "dans" ces cendres, parvenir à une autre poésie en fléchissant cet anéantissement tout en se... more
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      Martin HeideggerPaul CelanPaul Celan Und Heidegger (Poétique Et PhilosophiePhilosophy of Martin Heidegger
GLOSSARIO ABM Abbreviazione di Arbeitsbeschaffungsmaßnahme. Si tratta di misure (finanziate in parte dallo stato) fi nalizzate a reintegrare i disoccupati nel mercato di lavoro. Dopo la riunifi cazione le industrie della ex DDR erano in... more
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      German StudiesGerman LiteraturePaul CelanLetteratura Tedesca
Paul Celan reflexionó sobre la dificultad de la poesía para expresar algunas vivencias. Su búsqueda le emparenta con la mística y le relaciona con la crisis del lenguaje a la que se refieren tantos poetas y filósofos del siglo XX.... more
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      Translation StudiesHenri BergsonMísticaPaul Celan Und Heidegger (Poétique Et Philosophie
For Heidegger, poetics is not merely a genteel pastime, extraneous to the real work of finding shelter, food and clothing as suggested by Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Poetry has a more ‘essential’ role in human endeavour, bringing... more
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      Environmental PhilosophyEducationSociology of EducationEnvironmental Education
En enero de 2001se publicó, en Alemania y Francia, la correspondencia entre Paul Celan y Gisèle de Lestrange, su esposa. La edición, que ilumina aspectos desconocidos de la vida del poeta, incluye poemas inéditos y primeras versiones de... more
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      Comparative LiteraturePhilosophy of Literature20th Century German LiteratureContemporary French Philosophy
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      MetacognitionHermeneutic PhenomenologyPaul CelanTraduction
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      Philosophy of LiteratureGerman RomanticismHegelWalter Benjamin
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      PoetryMartin HeideggerHeideggerPaul Celan