Patent Law
Recent papers in Patent Law
"Περιγραφή Το παρόν σύγγραμμα εξετάζει το φαινόμενο των Νέων Μέσων και της δημοσιογραφίας των πολιτών ταυτόχρονα από τη σκοπιά της ηθικής, της επικοινωνίας, αλλά και του δικαίου της επικοινωνίας. Απευθύνεται σε όλους όσοι ασχολούνται σε... more
A Lei de Defesa da Concorrência de 2011 inseriu dentre as hipóteses de ato de concentração sujeitas ao controle de estruturas os chamados “contratos associativos”. Por se tratar de categoria que carecia de definição legal, essa previsão... more
6769 Sayılı Sınai Mülkiyet Kanunu BİLGİ NOTU (Ortak ve Diğer Hükümler).Kanun toplam 5 kitaptan oluşmakta olup, diğer kitaplar sırasıyla Marka, Coğrafi İşaret ve Geleneksel Ürün Adı, Tasarım, Patent ve Faydalı Model şeklindedir.
A new and distinct June-bearing strawberry cultivar named ‘Saint-Jean d’Orléans’ is primarily adapted to the growing conditions of Eastern Central Canada. Its high yield of medium sized, ?rm, light-red glossy fruits, resistance to... more
The fact that people are increasingly locked into their smartphones, tablets and other technological tools which put work, games and music at their fingertips has an impact not only on everyday life but also on competition issues. Indeed,... more
La bioprospection peut être définie comme l’inventaire et l’évaluation des éléments constitutifs de la diversité biologique ou biodiversité d’un écosystème particulier. Cette démarche présente un intérêt scientifique certain pour la... more
O presente artigo busca discutir os sentidos e disputas em torno do licenciamento compulsório para medicamentos no marco da política externa brasileira através de um investimento bibliográfico sobre a produção de antirretrovirais a partir... more
The hormones era from 1900 to the 1960s was a period of intensifying pharmaceutical industry internationalisation and competition within and across national boundaries. Patents and patent strategy were essential aspects of this... more
The prospect of licensing patents that are essential to standards on an industry-wide scale is a major incentive for companies to invest in standardization activities. Most standard development organizations (SDOs) have defined... more
Duties of registered medical practitioner to state
This paper investigates the role of intellectual property rights (IPRs) in the process of standardization in the telecommunications industry. We take the global system for mobile communications (GSM) case as a highly relevant example,... more
On the first anniversary of Vanda, 1) to what extent have legal arguments and claim amendments based on Vanda been effective in overcoming 35 USC 101 Mayo-based rejections?; and 2) How are applicants transforming diagnostic patent claims... more
Banyak sekali yang telah menulis teori tentang kepemilikan (property). Kepemilikan selalu dan tetap menjadi salah satu pelajaran utama dalam teori ilmu sosial. Sebagai seperangkat hak (yaitu gagasan bahwa kepemilikan adalah bundel hak),... more
L’articolo ha tentato di verificare quali conseguenze comporti per l’inventore la scelta datoriale in ordine al regime di sfruttamento del trovato originale. L’analisi svolta ha evidenziato come i diritti morali dell’inventore siano... more
This engaging and accessible study looks at the origins, evolution, purpose, and limitations of intellectual property. Detailing how intellectual property affects industry, politics, cultural expression, and medical research, Aram... more
Persona e comunità familiare" Salerno, 28 -29 settembre 2012 Relazioni 1 LA BREVETTABILITÀ DEL VIVENTE UMANO: RIFLESSIONI DI DIRITTO COMPARATO VIRGILIO D'ANTONIO SOMMARIO: 1. Premessa. -2. Il problema... more
SOMMARIO: 1. Premessa. Incidenza del principio di territorialità in tema di proprietà intellettuale sulla fase del riconoscimento delle decisioni. – 2. Il regime generale del riconoscimento delle decisioni ex Reg. n. 44/2001. Principi... more
Актуальні проблеми інтелектуального, інформаційного, ІТ та Інтернет права: матеріали П’ятої міжнародної науково – практичної конференції (Львів, 28 травня 2021 р.). – Львів: Юрид. ф–т Львів. нац. ун–ту ім. І. Франка, 2021. – 224 с. У... more
Terceiro Seminário dos "IP Topics for Engineering" ao Programa de Doutoramento em Engenharia Eletrotécnica e de Computadores da Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Monte da Caparica. Dia 16 de fevereiro de... more
Purpose – This paper applies Schumpeter’s innovation theory approach to current patent policy. The theoretical analysis examines whether the patent policy harms to innovation level in the innovation driven economy. The aim of this paper... more
The trend of continued rejection of compulsory licence applications in India goes against the local generic drug manufacturers and public health safeguards incorporated in the Indian patent law. It raises serious questions about the... more
У монографії досліджено як теоретичні, так і практичні складові правової охорони об’єктів інтелектуальної власності у сфері охорони здоров’я. Розглянуто положення національного і міжнародного законодавств та практики судів щодо обмеження... more
NOVOS DIREITOS INTELECTUAIS: Estudos Luso-Brasileiros sobre Propriedade Intelectual, Inovação e Tecnologia O livro organizado por Marcos Wachowicz, Alexandre Libório Dias Pereira e Pedro de Perdigão Lana é fruto da rede de pesquisa... more
У матеріалах Збірника представлені результати науково – практичних досліджень науковців провідних вищих навчальних закладів України та практичних працівників з основних проблем права інтелектуальної власності, інформаційного ІТ та... more
Short focus on pharma patents related issues and analisys of judicial cases.
The ability to protect and safeguard cultural heritage is of vital importance to some communities. Without the ability to maintain control over these expressions, external subjects could freely appropriate them, which could negatively... more
Information Technology Act 2000, doesn't make reference to any word about Intellectual Property assurance while breach of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) is one of the most challenging region on the internet. Just as Copyright and... more
Розглянуто систему інтелектуальної власності в Україні. Викладено основні положення законодавства України з питань інтелектуальної власності та її правової охорони; відзначено особливості авторського права і суміжних прав, а також права... more
Carl Christol in 1964 said : "Science soars like an eagle and Law drags on like a turtle". This is exactly the situation we see when it comes to the protection of intellectual property rights in outer space. This article will briefly... more
The economic value of a patent is reflected in its enforcement. If the patent owner suspects an infringement of their patent, they may react more or less aggressively. The German law distinguishes in particular between the softer notice... more
Since the mapping of the human genome and the technical innovations in the field of biotechnology, patent law has gone through great controversies. Protection is required for an investor to make an investment but how broad should the... more
La legislazione d’urgenza, adottata per fronteggiare la pandemia, è andata ad innestarsi su un complesso sistema normativo stratificatosi nel tempo e caratterizzato da una costante tensione tra due esigenze contrapposte: da un lato... more
Rapid development and use of artificial intelligence ('AI') is creating significant regulatory challenges in many domains. In the intellectual property sphere, Stephen Thaler's Artificial Inventor Project ('AIP') is challenging... more
Technical progress in media industries is usually explained by naming apparent advantages and disadvantages of certain methods, devices, or materials. Such a framework has it seem natural to use patents to denote and protect relevant... more
"Abstract. The history of something, gives the reader a wide knowledge of what happened in the past, what is currently happening and manage to anticipate the future from the past and present incidents. Tracing back the history of... more
As a biologically mega-diverse country with rich associated TK, Nigeria has had its own fair share of biopiracy. However, a unique feature of the reported instances of biopiracy in Nigeria is the fact that most of the misappropriations of... more