Recent papers in PLE
and it is a condition of accessing publications that users recognise and abide by the legal requirements associated with these rights. ? Users may download and print one copy of any publication from the public portal for the purpose of... more
La emergencia de modalidades de participación política y de procesos organizativos entre las mujeres indígenas de Argentina debe situarse en el entrecruzamiento de dos procesos: por un lado, en el protagonismo que están disputando las... more
The current article derives from the first stage of the research project “Virtual communities of youth: making visible their learning and knowledges”, funded by The Reina Sofia Centre on Adolescence and Youth (Second Call for Research... more
Varias tendencias rigen los intentos por desarrollar una teoría del aprendizaje de adultos y para estudiar y educar a jóvenes, adultos y adultos mayores en los distintos niveles y modalidades educativas. Aquí se presentan y analizan estas... more
In 2023 I collaborated with Aboriginal educators Leon Hayward and Dennis Taylor to develop and teach a theological course for the First Nations Ministry Training program in Perth, Australia. We researched various active and imaginative... more
Área temática: A.9) Sujetos de la educación Línea temática: Experiencias y sentidos que elaboran los sujetos de la educación sobre sus procesos formativos (trayectorias escolares, relatos de vida de directivos y maestros de educación... more
We present interim results from a large study that tracks undergraduate students' interaction with a variety of online media designed to enhance learning in an on-campus environment. Four different courses from the disciplines of... more
Many viruses possess temporally unfolding gene expression patterns aimed at subverting host defenses, commandeering host metabolism, and ultimately producing a large number of progeny virions. High throughput -omics tools, such as... more
This study compared the effect of Virtual Laboratory Experimentation (VLE)-use of virtual apparatus and material to conduct an experiment on a computer-and Real Laboratory Experimentation (RLE)-use of real apparatus and material to... more
Historically, elearning has adopted the most common pedagogical models in Distance Education and it has been gaining increasing importance, as Higher Education Institutions are offering more and more online degrees. However there is a gap... more
Resumen: En el presente capítulo intentamos hacer una primera aproximación al actual concepto de pedagogías emergentes y hacer explícitas algunas de sus características-algunas análogas a las de las tecnologías emergentes-, así como... more
BackgroundCognitive models of adult psychosis propose that negative schematic beliefs (NSBs) mediate the established association between victimisation and psychotic symptoms. In childhood, unusual, or psychotic-like, experiences are... more
Libro de Actas | 100 XVI Symposium Internacional sobre el Prácticum y las prácticas externas: "Prácticas externas virtuales versus presenciales: transformando los retos en oportunidades para la innovación." SYMPOSIUM AUTOORGANIZADO... more
Resumen El objetivo de la investigación fue determinar la efectividad de los recursos educativos digitales para el aprendizaje en la Unidad Curricular Base de Datos, carrera Licenciatura en Educación mención Informática, Programa de... more
El objetivo de la investigacion fue determinar la efectividad de los recursos educativos digitales para el aprendizaje en la Unidad Curricular Base de Datos, carrera Licenciatura en Educacion mencion Informatica, Programa de Humanidades y... more
En esta comunicación, se explica el trabajo que se está desarrollando, en utilizar la bidimensionalidad como medio de comunicación en los foros electrónicos, con el objetivo de fomentar y fortalecer la lectura crítica de los participantes... more
La introducción de la tecnología en el ámbito de la educación, supone para las instituciones de educación superior modificaciones en el proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje con la inclusión de entornos virtuales; los cuales han tenido una... more
Neste capítulo, após apresentar algumas definições de termos linguísticos importantes para o tema da variação linguística (pluricentrismo, variedade, dialeto etc.), faz-se um breve panorama histórico da discussão do estatuto das... more
Libro de Actas | 100 XVI Symposium Internacional sobre el Prácticum y las prácticas externas: "Prácticas externas virtuales versus presenciales: transformando los retos en oportunidades para la innovación." SYMPOSIUM AUTOORGANIZADO... more
The growth of Internet has led to the development of new systems of teaching and learning, which have gone hand in hand in the field of higher education with the arrival of the new curricula demanding a new view in the university... more
Undoped self-assembled GaN quantum dots (QD) stacked in superlattices (SL) with AlN spacer layers were submitted to thermal annealing treatments. Changes in the balance between the quantum confinement, strain state of the stacked... more
In this chapter, I move from a standpoint arguing that multicultural and pluralist societies produce social conflicts because diversities seem to be unavoidable contradictions. When faced with conflicts, we almost instinctively go on the... more
Introduction: The study of motivation and its role in the process of teaching and learning foreign languages has achieved an increasing relevance in the field of Applied Linguistics and in the specialized literature. Dörnyei"s Process... more
I nuovi stimoli maturati in ambito storico-educativo, a partire dall’emergere del filone di studi relativo alla cosiddetta cultura materiale della scuola e dal diffuso interesse per i beni culturali scolastici, così come dalle... more
who throughout the research process never stopped guide and encourage her. Moreover, to all
Navegación segura, privacidad, riesgos en la red: un programa educativo para la adquisición de competencias digitales en alumnado de Secundaria.
The present project aims to introduce the use of Personal Learning Environment, PLE, in the educational practices at the PostGraduate of Educational Psychology. Currently, this PostGraduate program uses a Virtual Community as a platform... more
Μια παρο σίαση για το πως λειτούργησε ο θεσμός της Λαϊκής δικαιοσύνης στη Λέσβο το πρώτο διάστημα της Αποελευθέρωσης και ως τη Συμφωνία της Βάρκιζας
The usage of rigorous analyses based on contemporary methods to enhance psychometric properties of screening questionnaires aimed to address psychotic-like experiences (PLE) is currently being encouraged. The Brief Self-Report... more
In this paper we present advances of a case study designed to determine which student behaviors are more informative when classifying LMS's users according to their learning style. This case study represents the first step towards... more
Abstract: In these days the learning experience is no longer confined within the four walls of a classroom. Computers and primarily the Internet have broadened this horizon by creating a way of delivering education that is known as... more
The pronunciation and conjugation learning process of Portuguese verbs requires a huge effort from non-Portuguese speakers, since there are several rules and irregularities in the Portuguese grammar. Thus, this dissertation aims to... more
As stated by previous researchers, in an increasingly competitive environment, organizations need to develop successful innovations to compete and survive in the long term. Furthermore, sustainability and social issues are gaining... more
The usage of rigorous analyses based on contemporary methods to enhance psychometric properties of screening questionnaires aimed to address psychotic-like experiences (PLE) is currently being encouraged. The Brief Self-Report... more
Virtual Learning Communities (CVA) by definition, are aimed at learning and building knowledge both individually and collectively in a technology mediated environment characterized by interactions and collaborations. The profusion of... more
In the current era, the firms are not competing on the basis of products but today's competition is on the basis of services. In today's technological era, the increasing growth of service sector posed a global challenge and at the same... more
In the present study, the volatile composition of wood chips from several botanical species potentially relevant for oenological purposes, namely acacia (unknown specie), chestnut (Castanea sativa), cherry (Prunus cerasus) and oak... more
Neste estudo, 14 agrotóxicos (captan, clorotalonil, deltametrina, dicloran, fention, folpete, iprodiona, linurom, malationa, prometrina, procloraz, procimidona, triclorfom e trifluralina) foram usados no desenvolvimento de um método... more
In a remote computer-mediated collaboration, co-workers have a limited perception of each other. Virtual humans can be used to increase interaction by immersion in 3D collaborative virtual environment. We discuss solutions to immerse... more
Los ajís (Capsicum spp.) son especies de importancia para el Perú por su gran crecimiento en la agroexportación y consumo a nivel mundial. Su preferencia está basada en la existencia de especies con distintos grados de picor,del... more